Saturday, September 10, 2022

Community Service


Community Service

As a Community, we will be able to work together, on various Eco-Logical, and Social Projects, and in all different ways, to integrate our lives into Eden. We will have a Doctor on the Premises. Those with Children might want to share, in an Advanced Child Care Network.

We will want to build a few other things as well, like a Schoolhouse, a Seniors Care Facility, a Mentorship Building, the Berry Lanes, a Community Garden, a Seniors Center, a Tiny Home Village, and a Dormitory.  

We will have people, of all ages, who will donate some of the many things that we may need, to support our many causes, so we can continue on, with our many projects. 

In our Local Economy, we will need to have a combination, of many different kinds of money, ordinary money, Mendo-Greens, Eden-Hours, Crypto, along with Gifting, Gathering Acorns, as well as Barter and Trade. 

We will need to build the New Road. We will need to build the Community Water and Power System, using Solar, Wind, and Hydropower. We will need to lay out and plant the Community Farm, in Wild Black Cap Raspberrys. We will need to plant the Berry Lanes, in 2 Rows of Blackberries, Ten Feet apart, with a path down the middle, in between each of the Farm Sites. 

These Projects, are all part of a Larger Project, which is like a Work of Art that we are completing, but which is never done. And we can only do this much together, because we have a well Integrated Plan that works, because the money part has mostly all been worked out in advance. 

Who is going to pick up the cost for it? Everybody.  

We are a Class Harmonist Community. That means we have begun the Reunification, of the Two Main Classes, which are the Land Ownership Class, or the Families of People, who can save money, and so do have the means of Production, and Survival, which comes from having Land, with good water, and the other Class is the Non-Landed Class, or those Families, who cannot save any money, and so they do not have the means of Production, and Survival, which is Land, with good water, because they cannot afford to buy Land, with good water. And in Scotland, the Landed People have long been called Lords and Ladies.  

But we are not going to be back in Scotland. We are going to be up in Indian Country, and so there are some harsh realities to consider. 

When you give things to the Average Joe Consumers, like Free Housing, they might not fully appreciate everything that went into it, which might be the most important thing, to be mindful and grateful. 

They might even hate us for it, for reasons, which the Average Joe Consumers might not understand, and so that would introduce the Tragedy of the Commons, which only gets used, and abused, and trashed and bashed, like a public restroom, in the parks, and on the streets, in our cities, when their first responsibility would be to take good care, of such places, which have been built, and planted, and paid for by others.

Our work will only wasted, when it is given away for Free, which is not only a loss, and a waste, but it leaves a Toxic Residue, in the Internal EcoSystem, of the Earth, and the rest of the Universe. Right. That could make everything sick. And every child knows what that is like. 

It might be True that it is not the things that are actually needed, for those, who have No Love, as they will need to be Re-Trained, and Re-Saned, because we are creating a Healthy Way of Life, Living within the Balance, not an Unhealthy Way of Life, which is going ever more way out of balance.    

The Average Joe Consumers just might not appreciate anything, which they have not really Earned. And so we will need to Build a Bridge, to Equalize the System to System Relationship, with Consequences for Unhealthy Practices. 

We have come up with the Equitable Contribution Pledges, which we call the Buy-Ins, not the Freebies, for good reason. 

Our thinking is that everyone, who comes here, into Eden Country, should be happy to Buy-In, to our New Country, to more than account, for the work that has been done so far, and the rights, of the Native Builders, to be reimbursed, for their good work, and productivity, in this Germinating Seed, of the New Meritocracy. 

We can save a lot of money, on the cost of the Land, and the Built Up Environment, and the Governing Structure, and the Homestead System. 

But we will all have to come to Terms of Account, for the cost of the Land, which had to be bought, and the People, who will have to be paid, and cost of the Governing System, which all had to be built, and the cost of the Local Economy, which had to be Created, along with the Built Up Environment, which is all the Roads, Dams, Bridges and Buildings, like the Ranch House, in Eden, and the Barns, and Reservoirs, as well as a little extra, to cover the cost of paying it all forwards, since we should all be coming here, as Supporters, not Extractors, and as Builders, not as Consumers. 

But most people might think to pay their own way would mean just to pay the rent, and just to buy the food they are going to eat, and this kind of thing. But No. It is not enough, just to pay the rent, and just to buy our own food. None of that would ever be considered, to be sufficient, to over the cost, of all of the many things that are all covered in the Buy-In.

And some people might think it would be fair, to do a little bit of extra work, to cover the cost of a Home, on some Land, with a Farm, and with Water, and Power. But that would be about 10,000 Hours, which would take about 10 years. 

We should all be happy to work for the Cause, and so we don't think we should have to pay people to do that. 

And so the Needy People, who want Free Housing, and the Social Benefits of the Community, to be provided for them, will first have to provide these kinds of things for others. 

We suggest people should save half of their money, over a period of 10 Years, and then they will have saved $100,000. But it may well be that they cannot manage to Save their own Money, because of a Spending Addiction. 

And so they would have to learn how to overcome the bad side, of their own Bad Self, and all that Spending, which might be the cause, of all of that Poverty. And for those, who got a rotten deal, then we expect them to take responsibility, for their own part, of that ongoing warfare against reality. 

Don't make us out to be the Bad Guy. Learn to build a completely Positive Relationship, with the Builders. 

Don't Make Excuses, and Don't Blame the more Productive People. This might have to be the first thing that would need, to be dealt with. But these things cannot be dealt with, by the Average Joe Consumers, who cannot deal, with anything real, because they haven't been given the Tools for Free, in a world where those Tools will come at a certain cost.   

The New People, who are ready and worthy, really should have a desire, to make a real Contribution, in any Relationship, the way we might choose to see it. And it really is our choice, how we might want to see it, because we are not trying to replace their Parents. 

In a Perfect World, no one would be Hired, just because they are Needy. No. You would be Hired, because we really do want you on the Team, because of all the good qualities that you bring to the table, and all of the tough lessons that you have learned. And so this is what the New Native Localism might really look like. 

It is a Tougher Kind of Love, that will be applied, where there will be consequences, for betraying us, or for trying to scam us, by Making Excuses, just to see if we are Susceptible. That is the very definition, of a User, and an Abuser, neither one of which would be wanted in the Community.  

Natural Capitalism comes, from the simple thinking, of Barter and Trade, which predates Karl Marx, and goes back thousands of years. And it works. Why does that work? Because when People have to pick up the expenses, for all the work that has been done, then they will be much more Grateful and Protective, of its Value. Right. When they get things for Free, they don't care about it. Look at the Garbage along our City Streets. That is because it was Provided for Free. 

When we Build a House, in a Community, we Love it, and we will take good care of it. When we don't build it, and we just rent it, then we don't Love it, and we don't really take care of it, because we have been brought up, to resent the Builders. 

Who improves a Rental House? No one. Most Renters wouldn't bother, to put a new roof on a Tiny House, because they are not Committed, to making the world a better place. But in Eden, we would expect the Tenants to be happy to put a new roof on it. And so, in a Sane World, which is what we are creating here, the Tenants would be expected, to leave the place better than they found it. 

Another thing we might want people to build, is a Tiny House Village, within the larger Community. Maybe we could have 18 Units all the same size, about 12 Feet Wide, and about 20 Feet Long. And they could all be backed up, on the 12 Foot Side, around a 140 Foot Circle, enclosing a Tiny Commons, with a 6 Foot Wire Gate, in between each one. These could be made, from Tilted Up Slabs of Concrete. We would get the engineers to sign off on one unit, for a free. And then we would use that plan, over and over again. 

All of Eden has been planned, on a very large scale, just like the Ark, as compared with most other Communities, and this is because, of the New Thinking.

Eden Valley is to be seen as being just one whole big place, that has been identified, as being one of the best places, in Northern California, for this kind of Community, and that should not ever be broken up, into little pieces, because it has a Natural Integrity. 

And sure, we could have various Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. But none of them should ever make it possible, for complete strangers, to dictate our future, or for anyone, to sell off parts of the Land. 

The Pledges

The Contribution Pledges are just our way, of paying for the land, and everything else we will need to get started.  

The Pledges will start at $28,800. with the Seniors Discount, for just a 3 Acre Homestead, with No Farm Site, and the Full Pledges will be One Quarter more, to account or the 2 Acre Farm Site, and so the Full Homesteads will start at $36,000. And they will be the same 3 Acre size, 200' wide in the Center, and 653.4' long, but will come with a 2 Acre Farm Site, which will be the equivalent of 180' wide, and 484' deep. 

Most people will be expected to put down at least $4,800. with the Seniors Discount, or $6,000, for the Full Homestead, which is only One Quarter more money, which is very low, when you think about it, because we are getting Two Thirds more Land, for only One Quarter more money. 

And the relatively low Monthly Payments will reflect that same difference, being One Quarter More, per month, for those, who want the Farm Sites.

This is more than fair enough, for what amounts to a total of 5 acres of land, for each family to use, and to protect, and to take good care of. 

And this does compare very well, with what we would have to pay, to buy a comparable sized piece of land out in the country, and the cost of building a house on it, and setting up a water system, and a solar power system. And so the Full Buy-ins are considered to be well Below the Real Market Value. How can we afford that? By Buying in Bulk. 

We will have the Warm Water Swimming Lakes out in Ancient Valley, and the hundreds of acres in the surrounding mountains, that we will collectively care for, without disturbing any Native Burial Grounds. And we will have the Village Commons area, which is going to be about 64 acres, of Open Space, which will not be built on, but Trees will be planted, and it will be Restored.

We will have the Village Farm, which is 200 to 300 Acres of choice Farmland, out in the heart of the valley, only that will be used, for Growing Wild Black Cap Raspberries. That will be operated, by a Worker Run Collective, which might be a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

And the money we make, off of the Village Farm, will go towards paying off the workers, who would all start off, at ten dollars an hour, to begin with, and the rest will go into the General Fund, to support the general operations, of the Community. 

We are a Non-Profit Community, with a Non-Profit Bank Account, so that means the money left over, will then all be distributed, to do more good things. But the Jobs come first. Getting the Jobs Done.  

We have created the Village Farm, to be our biggest Employer, as a Worker Run Collective, and then, in addition to that, we will have the produce, from all the Farm Sites, all around it, which will be funnelled, into the Village Foods Produce Store in Willits, which will also be a Worker Run Collective.

In this way, we can keep on making more than enough money, both for the community itself, and to keep doing well enough, for ourselves, as well, as looking out for the Homesteaders, who will benefit, from having more options. And so our Plan is to keep the Cost of Living in Eden, as low as possible, so the barrier to entry is not too high, because we want to have people here, from All Walks of Life. And that is why there is a Big Fat Zero Down Payment Option. 

We will try to have at least 3 Shared Meals a week, to build Cohesion. And that might start happening, in the Main Ranch House, which is a large, and fully equipped modern home, with all the amenities.  

A certain amount of Personal Self Reliance will be needed, but here money is only used as a tool, to get some good things done. That is not the whole journey to the center of the Earth. 

But all Capitalism is not all the same. Natural Capitalism has evolved, out of Barter and Trade. It is just simple Mathematics. It is not a bad thing. At one point, a few of us began, to apply Mathematics, to solve real problems. 

Maybe we had to discover the power of Mathematics, before we could move on into Space. Maybe we could see that the Plants and the Animals weren't going to make it that far, unless we stepped in, to bridge the gap. 

What Gap? The one between here, and the next good planet. And so we are Building an Ark, and then we will be able to bring all the Plants and Animals with us onto a Thousand New Planets. 

Why do we need to Bridge that Gap to the Next World? There is a very dangerous natural hazard up ahead. Yes. A Natural Disaster waiting to happen. And our Politicians should be ashamed, because they have not been very passionate about Saving the Earth, and all life on the Earth, from being Hit, and Destroyed, by an Asteroid. 

Yes. Our Planet could be hit, with an Asteroid, just like we saw on Jupiter. And so Saving the Earthlife, from time to time, even if we have to lose the Earth itself, or whatever planet might come next, might become a very big part, of what Saving All Life is really all about, once we have become Unversally Integrated, around the idea of Saving the Earth and all Earth Life. But it is the Life that really matters. 

We have been given the Ball, by T, and so, it is now up to us, to run with it, or Die. And no other Plant or Animal can be counted on, to come to our rescue. And so Natural Capitalism may have been just what was needed, to get us well established, in Outer Space.

And so it might be just a bit too soon, to just throw that little Bundle of Mathematical Evidence, of a Future Life on other Planets, right out the window, in a fit of anger and self hatred. 

The Further Refinement of Capitalism is just the price of admission, if you want to be with us, when you die, which might be one of the best ways to Die, an Honorable Death, not like a bug who got stepped on by a Giant. 

But the best land does have to be attained and restored, at all cost, so we can begin to Build the Ark, and that does take some serious money, and that is why we have come up, with a more than Equitable Plan, for both the Property Ownership Class, and the Non-Property Owning Class, and that’s why we will need a few Angels, who will Back us, like a Rock Star, and then we will pay them all back, but that will be, with No Interest, because we don't want that to be Self Serving, like we had to pay people, to care about the project, for nothing. 

And so all these Arrogant Self Serving Haters will simply not be welcome to join us, who will not work for the Cause, and who will not Contribute, because we don't really have any room for people, who are not True Believers. 

We are offering the Zero Down Payment Option, but that is only to make it more affordable, to good hardworking people. 

Eden Valley is unceded Yuki Indian Land. We are an Assets Driven Community, and we are all going to be making a series of great contributions here. I myself am going to start the ball rolling, by contributing my own place, on Four Acres, in unceded Wappo Indian Country, where I have lived, that is all surrounded by Trees, and it runs on all Solar Power, and everything is composted, and that land that is my heart and my home is something that I would like to see put to a very worthy cause, if at all possible, with little regard, for the currently inflated true market value. But we do need to see some inputs of new money, to Build on that, and to put in a Water and Power System. 

Yes. I plan to get this party started, by Contributing my own 4 Acres of Land, which will Transition, over a period of 10 Years, into new hands, which will start when the Meeting House has been completed, and when the People, have begun to work on it, as an EcoSystem Restoration Camp. In this way, Free Land for Free People really is possible, if they are willing to work for it. 

But we will all have to do our own part. That over abundance of mutual support, and contributions of time, money and energy, is what makes jobs possible, and new life possible, and for many other good things, to be made to happen, like Natural Healing, and Universal Integration. 

Eden Hours are what we will use, to keep track of some of these contributions, and that really will need to be accounted for, in some way, like on the computer, for greater workability.

Because we do plan to credit the people, who may not have a lot of money, or property, but who do tend to rack up the Service Credits, so others can be counted on, to return the favor, when a little help is needed. 

What we are creating replaces the small town mentality, with the vision, of a Sustainable EcoVillage Community, that is beyond the reach, of the destructive market forces, of need and greed. 

And that is why we are not just going straight to the realtors, like stooges, instead of dealing directly, with the Owners, as the Visionary Organizers, which would be the only way to go, in a Sane World, and that is why we are not going to the Bank, getting a loan, and buying the land outright, like stooges, once again, instead of dealing directly, with the Owners, as the Visionary Organizers, by insisting upon Owner Financing, because we have simply come up, with an all New Formula, which would be a much more Sane way of doing things. 

We are just the Humble Creators, of this new vision, of how to build an EcoVillage Community, using the Power of Spirit, not money power. And it does not need to remain dependent that much, upon the old ways, of funding, by way of the banks, and the realtors. And that would be pointless, to bring them into the game, when we have done all of the legwork. 

There is no need, to remain susceptible, to being tied up, in Probate, every time someone dies. And that is why everything stays as one. And that will save us a lot of money. 

We have tried to reach out, to the Authorities, in our Governments, to get the very necessary Changes made, in Food, Water, Energy, Media, Schooling, Farming, Building, Mentoring, and Land Tenure. And we are tired of waiting, while these Politicians have only dragged their feet, and done nothing. And so we are taking matters, into our own Good Native Hands. 

We have shown, with this Project, just how an entire EcoVillage can be built, and paid for, with the money that we would normally be spending, on buying some Land, and Building our own Homes, out in the Country. 

We want to have our own world, to begin to take responsibility for now, which will operate like a Tribe. 

We can take what we want and leave the rest. And we will provide all the provisions, and put the people together, who do fit, using the principle of Selective Inclusivity, and we will then delineate, using Consensus Council, what all the laws of sharing, and caring will be, concerning this new world, that has finally fallen into the hands, of those, who would at least hear the Truth, before executing it, on the spot.

I think we will all want to be able to share, in the credit, for what we have done. But we do have to earn our places in Eden, before we can burn it. And for that we may need to have a Mind, and not just a Heart. 

Coming Into Our Own

Not everyone is on the same page yet, but we are now beginning, to come into a new world, of our own. We are disengaging from the system. But we will still want to maintain communication, with many other fine people, in the Cities, in the Bay Area, and within our Larger Service Area, as well as various other fine folks from all over the world. 

We may have quite a few new solutions, to old problems that may even be, in some great demand, like Permaculture. Right. I thought we could publish our own West Coast Permaculture Magazine. 

A Sustainable EcoVillage Community is, in and of itself, just such a fine thing, with so many possibilities. It is Permaculture in Action. And that is going to be badly wanted and needed, and they are already out there looking around right now, for this new EcoVillage thing, that they may have heard so much about, and that may be why we have attracted so much attention, already, even during these dark times, of inhumanity, and despair, which can be seen, among the Homeless People, on our City Streets. But most of that is caused by Drug Addiction, which is now causing Mental Health problems. 

People want EcoVillage right now. And they will do almost anything to get it. Interesting situation, that we will find ourselves sitting on, in just a few short years, if we don't mess things up. 

In Eden we will all be living, without Burning any Fossil Fuels, to heat or cool our Homes, and that is just one of the many things we are going to be doing, to help to Save the Earth. And we invite all the other Good People, of the Earth to join us, in doing that. This is something we can all do. And we don't need government approval. 

No more Heating, and no more Air Conditioning, when that is run, by the burning of Fossil Fuels, or by using Nuclear Energy. 

Put on a few layers, or use Passive Solar Heating. That is our Gift to the world, and that is just one answer, to the question, of what can we all do, without relying on Governments and Politics, which is always such a great disappointment. We can all put on a few more layers, in the winter months.

But are all the other people of Earth going to join us in that? Maybe. But the Earth is in their own Hands. No Government can stand in the way of that. But the others might not be willing, to make a Sacrifice, of some little bit of comfort, to Save the Earth. And so they will Vote for anything, but a Real Solution. 

But where does that idea come from? We need to keep our bodies warm enough, or we will die. And so that might mean for some, to wear 5 thick baggy layers of clothing, in the wintertime, to Save the Earth. And we will do that. But we will also use lots of windows on the Southern sides, to get Passive Solar Heating, to allow the Sun, to heat our Homes. And that is why we suggest having a Long and Narrow Greenhouse, built right onto the south side, of the Home, and a Woodstove could be used, as a backup. 

In a Sane World, the Energy Crisis and the Global Warming Crisis could very easily be combined, and then the problem would very easily be solved by Democracy. Right. If that worked, they could make a law, and those who break the law could be sent to jail. Brillliant. But it never has been done, because the Average Joe Consumers are just not smart enough, to be able to use the system properly, and so we are giving the Average Joe Consumers just way too much decision making power, with no accountability, and so they keep electing tricksters, who can not possibly take care of the Earth, because they have to take care, of these dumbells, who have put their own needs first and foremost. 

Real Decision Making is just way too far over the heads, of these Average Joe Consumers, to even be a consideration, until they have all been well enough trained. And so Democracy has failed us, on Global Warming, and the Energy Crisis, because it just does not work, without having trained operators, in the House and the Senate, and the Oval Office.  

But if we all take action, on the Grass Roots level, we can do this, without Democracy, which will need to be bypassed, because of being the wrong tool for the job, and so can everyone else, all around the world. Don't depend on your Leaders. They will be Failing to Save the Planet, while Destroying the Economy. Do it for your own Self. 

All the other Communities can do this as well, simply by establishing the Rules of the Game, as the Organizers, which will save us, a ton of time and energy. And this will make us all into the real World Leaders, because we will be showing the entire world how to do it.       

The Friends of Eden

We do have some rules. But you don't even have to believe, in every part of the vision, as long as you are not Knocking the Project. We don't need that. But we do have to come into some very strong alignments, in various ways. 

Voluntary Compatibility means we will have to give up some of our own hard held positions, that have come down to us, from the Dictatorship of the Status Quo, as a lifetime of illegitimate co-dependency is not being offered here. But True Freedom will still have to be Earned, since Freedom might have to be reserved, for the Few, who are known, and Can be Trusted. But it is not for the Many, who are not known, and Cannot be Trusted. Why should a total stranger, be given the Keys to the City? 

We do have a right, to expect everyone, to be real big on Eden, if nothing else, as being a Good Follower would be the Minimum Expectation, and that should not have to be paid for, with benefits. And we do like to see signs of that, in a very real way. 

We do have to all believe, very deeply, in what it is that we are doing together, or something equally interesting, and that is because we don't need to bring a lot of empty stragglers along, who would only bring us down, because they have no real contribution to make, and are not Real Followers, whose Hearts are True, and are only here, to take what they can get and shake the rest loose, until there is nothing left.

This is not just another Green Housing Development to help the Average Joe Consumers, to get a leg up, who haven't done anything. It does have to mean something very real, to each one of us. And we will insist upon having, the very best of the Good Native People, who have the True Spirit of Eden, as well as a few Non-Natives, who may have something very real to share, in their own right. 

I do think that we will have the unique advantage, of not having our lives tied down, to the whipping poles of mass mediocrity. It would be a crime, to have to live completely dependent, on the mother of all wars, as it is, for most people, who have not been able, to better themselves, because they are only hoping to become high level consumers. And that is a Dead End. 

Some of those, who have failed to become High Level Consumers, might want to Tear Down the System. But we will not support that, because we are not interested, in tearing down the system, which we all depend upon. That would be too much like sinking our own ship. We need New Thinkers, who will try new things, so we don't just fall right back, into the same old ruts. The New Organizers will need to be brave enough, to create New Solutions. But not all of the people can do that. 

And that may be why some of the New People may want to be able, to continue to judge all things, from a narrow minded consumers point of view, that this new system has got to be faster, and better, and easier to get in, and out of, which is the only game some of them may ever know. 

But that is not a real scenario that will be respected here, in Eden, since we expect all people to be in this for Life, who want the full benefits, of Universal Integration.

We are not just shopping around, for a lot of new members, at all cost, who have not got what we need to see, standing strong, and ready to Survive, in Eden, for the next 50,000 Years, which could be a very important Transitional Period, which we will need to Traverse. 

Our Plan is to Survive, by doing all these things, while the others might not plan to do anything. And what will we get for that? What will be waiting for us, after 50,000 Years? The Earth. Right. And then it can be Re-Terraformed, and if we take good care of it, it could last another One Billion or more years. And that is the Prize. 

We are building a much more fully Integrated Community, of well trained People, who will all have something very real to bring to the table, and not just a long list of needs and demands, so that we can Survive and thrive through the next 50,000 Years. 

There is a new thing that some of the Consumers might be Expecting, and Demanding, to be Guaranteed Survival, and to be Guaranteed Free Food and Housing, and Free Medicine, without having to drop any of their media generated attitudes, and bad habits, which they might have learned, from TV and the Movies. And that is the Tragedy, of the Commons.    

Most of the People have been Screwed, by their own Choices and Actions. We are only looking, for real people, who don't just need a new place to live, but who have something real they want to give, and just need a little help finding a way to do that. 

There are going to be some very real Changes, and we will all begin to realize the differences, between night and day, when we start making some of the Changes, that have been called for, and that are going to be required, for any kind of real membership, in any Community, or even as just one of the Friends of Eden, which is a very inclusive group, since almost anyone can become a True Friend of Eden, who really does have something real to Contribute, in terms of good will, and who just wants to do their part, as we all should, since it would be considered to be a Rude Affront, or even a Betrayal, to walk away, from the vision that stands before us, which is that of a worthy cause, which will bring about Lasting Change. And who could ask for more than that?


The Rules of Disengagement

We are just going to become a lot less dependent, on the politics of big money, just so we can exert a little more power, and independence, right from home, that really comes largely, from having a lot more freedom, as one of the People True, who are True to the Cause. 

The People True are those, who are Free to disengage, from the mad masquerade, and can do so much more, with us here, in the Community, than they can, in an entire lifetime, of the kind of slavery they had become quite convicted of.

We might even start a new language based on a new sixteen digit alpha numeric alphabet, where each letter is also a number, as well as creating a whole new way of representing music, and understanding our rightful places, within the Eco-Logical world, that works through the Honor System. 

We must begin to take full responsibility, for the Entire Earth, to begin with, and to work together, in a very collaborative manner, and we also need to learn how to interact in a positive way, and to serve the local communities, with Fresh Locally Grown Foods, which will be Free, of Herbicides, and Pesticides. 

We are not all the same. We all have different skills and resources. It may well be that we are all in a Healthy Competition, and our very Survival might be at Stake. 

But there may be those among us, who might be among the Last Teams to Arrive, when the rest had already moved on, into the Paradise Lands, which they had built. And so who would be to blame? 

We will still have to learn, how to take care, of most all of our own needs, and to manage our own money here, just like every Tree does, and that would be just as you would normally expect to find, anywhere else in the world, even though the Deep Green Forest of Tall Trees all around it, does help each Tree out tremendously, as it does anywhere that life has put down roots, and begun to understand the significance of this important time and place, which is a Time of Transition. Right. We can help each other, in the same way, like the Trees do, just by being there.  

We need to start thinking like the Trees, who have all around skills, and to become as working parts, of the whole Forest. This is about becoming One, with the Whole Community, and then we will serve, as a part of the larger local EcoRegion. 

We will become One, with the entire Web of Life, as that is what makes a healthy forest feel like a healthy forest. And EcoSystem Restoration Camps are going to be a big part of what we do, for the Earth.  


Community does make many things so much easier. And it's a lot nicer, when it's well enough understood, in advance, like when we sent a probe out, to take a look at Titan, and the rings of Saturn. That's why we are putting this much forward right now, just so we can all start off on the same page, as we begin to disengage, from the Everyday Rat Race. 

We do want the People to be able, to get some kind of a grip on it. But to be overly grasping is not going to be highly respected here, just as it is in any of the other Native Cultures. A lot of Resentment and Revenge, does not always add up to much more than a little bit of further damage, to the local Environment, and to the EcoSystem, and to our Community, which thing can be magnified, by the power of numbers, into becoming a very serious weapon, of mass self destruction, that could take us all down very fast. 

Most of the People in the Cities are not Self-Stabilizing. Why? That never pays off. But will all have to all become Self-Stabilizing, and Anti-Fragile, so that we can stand up, against what the Average Joe Consumers might think would be normal. 

What they Want. What they Need. And what they think they Deserve, when most of that will still need to be Earned. No. Everyone hs to be willing to take some responsibility, for their own choices and actions. The Message has been put out there, what the people would be expected to do, if they want to be Free, to start earning, and saving half of their money, starting in childhood. 

And so many have completely dropped the ball on that. But it is not what some people might think that a lot of people simply come together, without a plan, and then somehow, a beautifully workable community just springs up right out of the peoples desires, to continue having a great good time, because they will all just fall, into their proper places, just like they do, on the Job. But that is not how it works on the Job. 

But the New People will need to live, by our New Way of Life, firstly in Eden, and then throughout Turtle Island, and then around the World, or they are not going to make it through the Next 50,000 Years, as one of the People True. And that is going to be rough, and that is going to be tough. No one said it was going to be easy. No. The Average Joe Consumers very often will make some very Bad Decisions. And we need More People, who have some control over their Desires. 

Even our own Children might ask us, why should they have to work? And what will happen if they refuse to work? Our Answer is that they will Die of Starvation, like a Squirrel, who will not gather acorns, or will not sock them away, for the winter. 

If you don’t work, to stay alive, you will Die. That makes sense, Right? 

Imagine a Squirrel in the Forest, who will not bother to climb the Trees, to gather the Acorns, and will not bother, to bury them in the ground, for the winter. Has that ever happened? Yes. 

Most of the Squirrels, who would not work have Died off, with no offspring. And the same thing is True of Humans, only more so, that if we do not work, and will not save money, or at least enough food and water, then we will Die, and if we will not Preserve the Forest, we will Die, because the Trees around us are the Source of our Fertility. 

The corrosion of all that is good and right must be prevented. We must retain all of the hard won Energy from the Distant Past. This is the New Story. But everything remains wide open, and moving, and open ended, and like the rest of the Universe, it is all largely destined to remain completely unknown, which is something that we have to learn, to immerse ourselves into willingly.

It is very important, for the Entire Universe, to be able to feel good about itself, which may appear to be just here, for us to explore, and to learn from, as long as we don't try to bust everything up, but that is actually a living thing that we need to enter into, like Eden, with great deal of Care, and much Love. 

New Elements

We will have much more than just one Water System to draw from. That all stays in place, complete with everything else, which we must learn to embrace, because none of that is going to change, until it is time, for things to change. 

The Yuki Indians used to live here.  

All of the Indian Burial Grounds are to be left intact. And that is why some of the High Places, and the Roughs, which appear to have been carved by the Ancient Glaciers, will be left untouched. 

And we don't want anyone to think they are going to Build a Home, way up on a High Place, just to express their uniquely quirky individuality, when these high places are going to have to be regarded, as being Places of Spirit. 

We are not going to Walmart. We are entering into a New World. This is a whole new beginning, which is going to give birth to endless worlds throughout this one little corner of the Universe. But what do we believe in? We believe in Regeneration, and in Regenerative Thinking. 

One Example: When I find my self stuck in between being asleep and being awake, early in the morning, I may find my self Identifying Problems, in a very direct way, without having to think it all through, and then I find myself putting solutions into place, to make a connection, which would solve that problem, also in a very direct way, which is without having to think it all through. 

And then when I am done doing that, and have fixed what needed to be fixed, it feels good, but I have no idea, what the problem was that got fixed. And I have no idea what I did, to fix the problem, or to improve the situation. But it feels satisfying, like I got the job done. 

What I think might be happening, when we do that, is that we are Building New Neural Pathways, and making new connections, which were needed to improve the efficiency of the Flow, and to Revitalize, and to Regenerate the Energetic Vitality of the System. 

And what would be the opposite of that kind of constructive self improvement, which does take some effort? That would be the natural tendency to seek comfort, and to forget about it, which leads to complacency.    

All we are doing is adding a few new elements, with great care and knowledge, about what we are doing.

This is not always going to be something anybody can just pay for, and then be done with, like it would be at a garage sale. Eden is not a commodity. This is an Ancient Place, which might have been highly regarded by the Indians, who might have considered this Valley to be a very special place. 

This is about beginning to learn. We don't care that much about the opinions of those, who have nothing to repeat back, but what has been put in there, by the Schools, and the Government, because we own that stuff, and are only loaning it out to others, for a fee, and so that will not count, as a Contribution, or a New Idea.  

Premature Opinions are part of the Problem. It is not going to be just like Down Town, where the loudest voices get the most attention. 

No Fast Decisions

Don't worry what people think about your lack of incendiary explosiveness. We hear everything, and know that all things must be allowed to ripen, even people. And their Rights would then have to be Upgraded. 

Everything is in Transition. But how can those Rights be Upraded, after those Upgrades have been Earned, when they have already been set at the maximum setting? Right. 

That would be unworkable. And so it might be better for the various people to be allowed, to progress, in social status rewards, from zero to hero, or whatever it may be, throughout their lifetimes. 

What the Real People are saying is why should anyone be born, as one of the imaginary Consumer Kings of Entitlement, without even having to do anything, from that point on, but to chug, and to glug. 

The modern people, will continue to think what they have been told to think, by the artificial news media, which is not that different, because it is usually driven by a very narrow little focus, that is designed to garner votes, and that means lots of eyeballs, and so they will try to make themselves look good, which is why they can not be trusted, to actually be any good, when it comes to the delivery, of a Truly Universal Perspective. And that is why we are building an All New Society. 

We do have to learn to work largely, with whatever we have, and we will have to use some our own natural energy, as much as possible. 

Way too many of us may have very few Basic Survival Skills. And a lot of people may have been raised up, to be almost completely, with very low levels of Humanity. That cannot very easily be Fixed. 

We would be well over 1000 Times Wiser, to Adopt Small Children, from Far Away Lands, who need a new home, and are not too badly broken, and who can very easily be Fixed, because they are still Wide Open, and that is because they have not yet Closed Off, and they have not yet become All Sealed Up, Shut Down, Slammed Shut, Zeroed Out, or Turned Off. 

Intermittent Fasting might be a good way, to get some control, over those Runaway Desires, which can be very difficult, for most Animals, who are prone to every kind of Addiction, which is why they might have to be Disqualified, from being anything that we could Save, in an Effective way, as part of our new Positive Futurism, which states that we should Prioritize the Adoption of Small Children, from Far Away Lands, in order to be Most Effective, in Saving the Best People. 

You don't have to be a strong personality, and a big winner, in every way, who could tear the world apart, but you do need to be a bit of a Shining Star, in your own right, who really can Shine like a Star, for Eden, and not just twinkle for a little bit, and then go out.

You do have to be healthy and happy and capable, of managing your own finances, and with a positive outlook on life and death, and to be able to accept some of the breeding pairs, around you. 

Some of the Seniors might be happy, to take good care, of the Little Children, of the Young Breeders, from time to time, while these Young Breeders get a chance, to do some healthy frolicking, in the Warm Water Lakes, to Rejuvenate their Baby Making Energies. 

Keep the Peace

Eden should not be attacked. We don't need too much flack. We are a Beneficial Community, which is like a Tree. 

Any attack on T could be seen as being an attack on Eden, as T was the one, who had written every issue, of the Eden Journal, and who is still building and rebuilding the website, and who has written and rewritten all this material many times over, and who has managed to put this all up before the people, at the many events, and all at his own personal expense, of time and energy, which is worth a lot more than money, since you can see that it is a very Deeply Inspired piece of work. 

T has put himself before the public, at the events, and up on the stage, and has tried to answer every kind of question tossed at him, that you could possibly imagine. 

Who has hosted all the Lodge Meetings? Who has organized all of the Hikes, and who has organized other cross cultural events that we have combined, with other organizations, for the purposes of cross pollination? That would be T.

It is just too easy, for a thoughtless person, to take a pot shot at someone, who has generously volunteered to put themselves before the public, as much as possible, just in order to build some Living Bridges, that will serve the Greater Good, and that will help us, to Save some Good People, who might want to get through the Next 50,000 Years, at which point we may find that we are alone on the Earth, as the Lone Survivors, or up in Space, except for the much more highly advanced Extra-Terrestrials, who may have been watching our Planet Die, for Millions of Years. 

And if the Planet is Dying, and it is too late to save it, as may well be the case, then we are still right on track, with a brilliant end game. Right. If the Game is over, then what will be our End Game? How are we going to wrap up this Beautiful Game, which we have enjoyed immensely? That is what we are doing. We are going to build this community, and we are going to Celebrate our Relationships, in joy and laughter, even though this may be our last move. 

What Eternal Optimist, has poured the better part of his own personal energy, into this project, and who has used his own personal magic, and made the all important connections, that were needed, to bring about the beginnings of Truth, and who has made the Honor System, and the Natural Exchange of Nutrients, Energies and Resources, known, to all who have a mind that they can call their own. That would be T.

It might be time to infuse the Vision of Eden, as T has done, within the Spirit of Creative Integrity, and with Grace, in order to take the place, of empty space, and to give some life, to this whole thing, or we may Die, in a world full of strife, which could very easily have been prevented, unless something really good could be done with it.

It is just way too easy, to fire off an angry bullet, of an email, from the comfort of ones own personal position, of Anonymous Isolation, in some little cubby hole somewhere, where there will be no immediate accountability, for our actions.

That can only be seen, as being a thoughtless and cowardly excuse, and it is just a cover up, for not being good enough, for Eden, where we do have Free Land, for Free People, who are willing to work hard, and Contribute Resources. 

But there will be No Free Houses, and No Guarantee of the Survival, of the most unfit, which is the latest demand from the All Too Many, to keep them alive, at all cost, out of guilt, and blame, but why should we keep them alive, when they might be better off dead, because they are still burning fossil fuels, just to heat the entire house, with Natural Gas, for nothing, when that would need to be conserved, for more important things, one might have thought. 

And just Rent Alone is just not Enough, to be counted among the People True. That Rent might be all well and good, but that doesn't cover the cost, of getting an equal share, of the Land Stewardship Responsibilities, which is an Honor, not a punishment. 

Things are the way they are, for good reason. 

We do have to start out on good terms, with T, and we will need to be able, to maintain that, and not just to falsify it, like we usually do, with so many other things in life, where we have to do something, and so we just phone that in, as an empty formality. 

I do want to apologize to all of the Great People out there, for thrusting myself forwards, of my own volition, which normally would be a crime, if I was not standing on solid ground. 

But that is just the way we must begin, with Truth, and then eventually, as it is said, everything in Eden will become much more Group Decision Oriented, and our economy will become much less like a Gaming Casino, and much more like a Worker Run Collective, or a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and much more Stewards Council Oriented, as we progress, into the management, of our own economy, which will become the beginnings, of a New Turtle Island. But we never discard anything. 

There is a vicious dog eat dog cycle that a lot of people might still be trapped up in, and there is a natural process of self elimination going on here, that must be respected, and there is going to be some competition, to be the best, so please do not interfere, with any of the magical workings that you may see going on here. This is not Woodstock.

We will make no deals, with the Twin Towers of Need and Greed, which is no place, to plant your seed. Give me a Break. I didn’t do all this work for nothing. And that is how you can tell that this whole thing really is for real, because I would not waste my time on it if it were not the very best opportunity we have, to Save the Earth. 

We would be wise, to continue to work, with the Ego Rewards Program, which has been perfected, over millions of years. 

The Young People in Eden, should be given the chance to play around, with jobs and responsibilities, and to help out, just like the so called adults, with safe things like the general maintenance work, on the Uncompromised Lands of Eden, where no power tools would be allowed, on the Job Site, to satisy the needs of the Law, and to Assure their safety, because we want them to have All Around Skills, instead of being Helpless Consumers, who need to be taken care of, by the Community. We like people who can work with their hands, and who can cooperate with others. 

That would give them at least some experience, within the real world, that would normally be denied access to them.

They may have to learn, to do many different things in Eden, and while they are here on Earth, just so they don't grow up as completely out of balance, and as grossly incompetent, and sedentary as the Average Joe Consumers, who very soon may have no place in this world, which is changing rapidly.

And there is going to be a deeply disturbing lessening, of any Sense of Humanity, after 1991, because of the Last Man Principle, which is that the worst thing we can do is to seek Consumer Comfort, and to remain safe, and protected, from danger, heat, cold, hunger, fear, fire, water, steel, stone, wood, wind, rain, ice, rope, snow, death and darkness. These are all part of Life in the Community. And so everyone will have to be Resilient. 

I think the reason we have seen so many problems, with basic communications, of Truth Signals, in this highly concentrated focal point of the most recently emerging movement is because of this gray area of gross incompetence, that is like a dead zone, of student fragility, which is killing our Peoples Back Bone. 

That Fragility from Death has become so deeply engrained, in these defenders, of the status quo, who would have been all too content, to remain totally untrained, and unskilled, in the most basic instincts, to survive and to thrive, and not just to take a nose dive.

We would like to see all good people become able to gain at least some of the skills that will be needed, for Basic Survival, and for respectful Native Inter-action, which is now needed, if we are going to be able, to Save this Dying Planet, before the Ancients return, to have this place evacuated. - T  

The Vision of Eden


Eden is the Earth

Eden is the Earth as it once was. Eden is the Earth as it could be. Eden is the Earth as it should be. Eden is about the Trees. Eden is about the Wind. Eden is about the Woods and the Waters, and the Natural Exchange of Nutrients and Resources.

Eden is about the Land. And Eden is about the People, and the Plants, and the Animals. Eden is about the Continuation of the Entire Web of Life.

We are a New People. We are a True people. We may even be the Adams and Eves of this world, and that may soon need to be integrated very quickly. That's why it really does matter how we approach this thing right from the start. And so we have to ask people to expect the best, and to forget the rest. 

How it Works

The Community works, by having every ones Complete Support and Perfect Trust. And that really does have to come first. Our lives are not going to be just about living our own lives anymore, not like it used to be. But now it could be about something much more real than anything we have ever had the chance to experience before.

This is just the Beginning. And we aren't making any Promises. But it could be about something much more engaging than we have ever been able to conceive of. 

It could be about having our own people, and a real community of friends to share the rest of our lives with. It could be about the People, and the Plants, and the Animals in Eden. 

It could be about the Children. And I mean all the Children, both our Birth Children, and those who have been Adopted, from Far Away Lands. 

We have a tremendous potential, for growth and change, and now we are going to actualize some of that in Eden. We are creating a Whole New Story right here, in the middle of the Universe, one that makes sense.


It could be about the Watershed we live in, and not just our own, but all of the North Coast Eco Region we live within, and we will be playing a very Key Role, in the Protection, and the Propagation, of all that is good and right, and all that has turned out well, in this Region, as well as those who have been attracted to Eden from Far Away Lands. 

And it could be about the Earth, and all the People, who would like to represent the Earths Best Interests. 

This is about working with what we've got. Even if some people might not think they have anything much to offer, that is what we are all going to have to learn to work with, one way or another. 

We don't want to be the people, who have everything. We don't even like most of the unnecessary junk the media might try to sell us. We are just volunteering, to become the Stewards of the Earth. And the People need to know, where they might fit in. 

We have called the People to Action, from all over the world. And now they have begun to show up, and some are still wet from the green wet jungles they have just climbed out of. That is what the Magic of Eden is all about. Life. It is just dripping wet, with the Magic that life is made out of, only now we have decided to become part of the Magic, so let's try to keep it as pure, and clean as we can.

Its only Natural

It is our job to take care of the Land, and the People, and the Eco-Logical Integrity, of the local environment that surrounds us. That is the assignment we have been given by T. 

We have a vision to share, and we have a Larger Service Area, which extends from Santa Cruz, to the Foothills of the Sierras, and then up to Mount Shasta, and then over to Arcata, and then back down to Santa Cruz. 

We are not here just to cover our own backsides, for a lifetime of wasted time trying to fit in with the Crowd that goes nowhere and means nothing. And it doesn't work, after a certain point, when the levels of Humanity, and Common Decency, are falling dramatically, which can be seen, among the Homeless Encampments, on the streets, in our Cities.  

We should not be at all surprised that when things are given away for Free, they are never going to be appreciated. And so we expect to see lots of Reciprocation. 

Who Knows?

You should be willing to go, where this thing is going. It may even be a whole lot better than any other place you've ever been. We don't make a lot of empty Promises. 

There are No Guarantees, but a lot of the focus is on what is possible for us to do right now, and within the next few years, within the process, of the creation, of this Magical New Community. 

We have to become very pragmatic people here, who can use very ordinary amounts of money, to do some very good things. 

Disengaging from the System

In this way, we are disengaging from the old world, but not without taking full responsibility, for the creation of another whole new world that is more sustainable, and that we would like to be able to share, with a whole lot of other folks, who are agreeable, courteous, and generous, right here, on Turtle Island, firstly, and then we plan to spread the magic all around the world, and throughout the Universe. And so in that way the good energy does come back again, like the Dove in the Myth, only with a Green Olive Branch, in its mouth, both of which would be excellent symbols, for what it is that we are doing here. 

Why? Because that meant that the Roots of some of the Trees had Survived, and were putting up new growth, which does hold the promise of renewal. And so the New People should be coming here, offering us, the Olive Branch of Peace, not a long list of Consumer Demands. The New Organizers will all have to be Trusted, and treated, as perfectly Honorable People, with Grace, and Loving Kindness at all times.  

The Community is to be Supported, by the People True, because that is a Great Cause. But the People True are not going to be Supported by the Community, because they are not a Great Cause. Does that make sense? 

Our Oneness and Unity comes from Serving the Cause, and staying True to the Vision, and not from being accosted, by the many peoples consumer needs, to live like a Queen, or whatever it might be. And the group would never be able to say anything like this. But the New Organizers do need to be properly empowered enough, to be able to speak up about these matters, with the full force of Truth 

The Dawn of Peace

Yes. We do plan to carry the Olive Branch of Peace, into a whole new world, of our own creation that works through the Honor System, and respect for the Natural Order of Priorities. And it all starts right here, with Truth. But there is a Danger. No wrong thing can be done, without Full Accountability. 

But Freedom is not a Commodity, to be distributed equally, and so it is not to be taken for Granted, at Birth, but as something that will still need to be Earned. 

In a Sane World, Real Freedom would have to be Earned, and a certain amount of Time might be involved, like 3 Generations, because that is something that would have to be Transitioned into. 

And so Freedom might better signify an accomplishment, and that one has changed. It is not to be given away, as a Consumer Entitlement, and most certainly it must never be promised, before it has been Earned, and that might take some Time. 

Bruce Lee, the Karate Kid, was a well known Child Movie Star, in Hong Kong, and he had made around 20 Movies. But he had to come here, to the US, before the age of 18, and so he did so, at the last minute, to obtain US Citizenship, which might have been worth something like $100,000. Why? His Movie Career, which had to be abandoned, for the Citizenship, must have been worth at least $50,000. And he wasn't going to miss out, on a great Opportunity, to trade something of some great value, like his Movie Career, for something of even greater value, which was US Citizenship. His First Job was Bussing Tables. And then he became a Karate Teacher. 

One becomes Emancipated, at the age of 18. And then we can sign a Contract. No one is born with that. No. We all Transition into that. And so it is not a Natural Right to staert functining as an Adult, just as soon as you get here, because there is Transitional Period to go through. A very high price might need to be paid for that. It is not just about getting here, and then you are a Movie Star. No. There is another Great Big Long Bridge that must be Crossed. 

Why are Children not Born Free, to do as they please? There are plenty of good reasons. And so we are correcting this falsification, which has come from Thoughtless Thinking.  

We may only have a Right, to Freedom, when that has been Earned, and when we have Transitioned over into that. Since When? 1991, when this project was conceived. 

We should be working towards more Freedom. But no one can be prematurely allowed to have Absolute Freedom, from all Responsibility, because that would obviate the need to work for anything. And the same thing is True about Rights. 

In a Sane World, Freedom would have to be Earned. Why? Because if some very few people really were considered, to be worthy of being given total Freedom, as it might be, in a relationship, for instance, then we would want that complete Freedom in a Relationship, to be something, which that person can be Entrusted with, and which has been Earned, and would be their Due. 

But Eden is just a new starting point, for the Creation of an even larger vision, of an Earth Restored, and a World at Peace that is actually, a fairly accurate assessment, of what this project is really all about, which goes way beyond just the dream, of Premature Freedom, or some Imaginary Paradise, that so many people might be waiting around for. 

But these are just the early stages of something imaginary that could become something very real, and that is much better than just a dream. And so we all have to begin to treat the Vision, with Full Faith, as if it was Real, because it is Real. Since When? 1991, when this Project was Conceived.

The Project is not being created, for just any of the Average Joe Consumers. Welcome Home. We are Building a Bridge, into a whole New World. 

Most everything that needs to be understood in Eden will be, at long last, by those who are Faithful and True to the Vision, once that understanding has all been Earned, and at just the right time, one fine day, which may even have been chosen, for just that purpose, long before the Beginning of the Universe, which might have taken a very long time to get rolling, because Big Things Take Time. 

Everything has to Ripen up first. But to get pushy or to reach out and grab anything before its time had come would be an abrupt interruption, of the natural Magic of Eden that is to be listened to, and not prematurely misunderstood, as part of an attempt, to try to leverage that innocent act, of ignorance, to get over on us, with lies and deceptions, which is the way a Child manipulates their Parents. 

Nothing is to be forced upon us, out of fear, and the need for domination and control, while not having much of anything to bring to the table. We don't respond to coercion. We are Joining a Community. We are not Buying a Community. 

Judgmental and Domineering People might not be welcomed. All of the Homesteders, will need to sign off, on the Homesteaders Agreements, to signify that they have understood the terms, of the Agreement. 

Push and Pull

There is often a push, and a pull involved, in some relationships. Those who want to help us, to create this Community will have to find a new way, to do so, in a very big way, while asking for very little back.

But we don't mind a few people getting involved, for all the wrong reasons, to begin with, like just for their own personal advantage, largely because, this might be their last ticket, to Survive the Downfall, which various Indigenous Peoples may have long ago seen very similar visions about, and have passed on down, in the form of Native Prophecies. 

And we do welcome the input of any Amerind Visionaries of today, who might be able to let us know what they might see coming up ahead. 

We do need to see some very real levels, of high quality collaboration, to start coming through, in a very big way. 

We should be able to demonstrate our natural ability, to self integrate, into this extremely well conceived project, which is bound for the Stars, without needing too much personal attention. Right. 

From the Stars we may have come, and to the Stars we may be forced to return, since we may have no other choice, once the home planet has been burned out, because of Improper Population Balance. 

The government is not going to be there, to take care of us. If we need it to be the way it is not, we might find that it is not going to work out that way. If we are willing to enter into it, just the way it is, then everything may just open up, for the right people just like it is in the real world, which is the World of Nature. 

We must be willing, to join T, in agreement, and support, in order, to be counted, among the very first ones, to move, and to get in the gate, before it is too Late, to get in the Gate. 

We cannot expect to be Saved, by the Government. They are not our Saviors. They may think they own us. But then we would still have to Earn a place within the Community, by being active, in the give and take. And in Eden, we all give more than we take. 

For All the Children

My Name is T of Kenwood. I am the Organizer, of the Eden Project. We try to Think of T as being a Friend, and a Trail Guide, who is only here, to help the others along the trails that lead up into Eden. 

But even that offer of Friendship is only going to be there, if the People are worthy, of that Friendship, and have Earned it, and are willing to help out, in our EcoSystem Restoration Camps. Just Buying-In, and building a Home, and starting a Farm, would be only half the price, of Survival.  

But let it be known throughout the Universe, that our Friendship will have to be Earned, before it can be Burned. And so we don't want to enter into Total Dependency, right from the beginning, as if we were latching on to some lonely robots, who wanted to adopt a bunch of people, to be our children, for some emotional reason, like for comfort, or because we want them to play house with us, just to make our family of robots appear to be more complete.  

And it is not always going to be just one big happy Family. I will have my Family, and you will have your Family, or you may have no Family. But maybe you can build a New Family, simply by posting a notice on a bulletin board.   

What I am looking for primarily, at this time is other self competent and cooperatively minded people like myself, who are willing to make a very real and significant contribution toward this fine and elegant new project, with a Contribution of $1,500. which is one of the best ways, to announce ones intentions to become one of the Edenites, and to prove ones commitment, to stand among the People True, and the Village People, as someone, who can be counted on, to be there until the End. 

But in Eden, we can make things work better, for the Good Native Workers, in various ways, like a Workers Run Collective, with a Profit Sharing Plan. Yes. 

We could use Regenerative Economics, to set up an Annual Profit Sharing Bonus, to Incentivize the Workers, to do a better job, and to continue to Innovate, and not just to stagnate, so we have decided, to give them a Share, of the Profits, to motivate the workers, to work more efficiently, because they have a personal stake in the outcome. 

And so here is the Deal: 

Those, who will work on the Common Farm, and have done so, for 5 Years, on the job, and have always been there, when we needed them, working at the going rate, and have excelled, will get up to an extra One Thousand Dollars in Cash, as a Profit Sharing Bonus, at the end of that fifth year, if we have done well, and have had a Good Year. And so for the first 4 years, you do not get the Profit Sharing Bonus. 

That Profit Sharing Bonus would be based, on the assumption that they had earned $10,000. or more, then they would get a One Thousand Dollar Profit Sharing Bonus, for keeps, on a good year. But if they had Earned only $7,000, then they would only get a $700. Profit Sharing Bonus, on a Good Year. 

But if we had a Bad Year, as a Collective, and that is in partnership, with the Community, of course, which is the Land Owner, the Business Model Creator, and the Plants, and the Water, and the Labor Provider, then it would be only $500. 

But if we had done really well, and had a Great Year, then the Profit Sharing Bonus, would be $1,500. for those, who had made $10,000. or more, during that Great Year. But if they only made $5,000. It would be only half as much. And the same thing would be True for those who work, at the Village Foods Store, in Town. 

About One Third of the Net Intake, of both the Village Foods Store, and the Common Farm, would go, to replenish the Community General Fund, which is well deserved, because the Community, as a Not for Profit Organization, would not only be the Owner of the Land, and the Provider of the Water, on the Farm, but it would also be the Owners, of the Store, in town, and the providers of the inventory, and the labor, and the originators
, and the Creators of both of the Business Models, which has to do with where the products would come from, and where they would go to, and how they would be sold. And the rest of the money would be kept safe, and secure, in the Great Big Warm and Fuzzy Farm Fund.  

But the Community is a Not-for-Profit Association, so the share of the money that goes down on the table, to replenish the Community Fund, would all have to be distributed, by law, in the form of services, and goods, and benefits, as you may well know, and they will be distributed properly, for two reasons, to stay out of trouble, with the Law, and to support the various projects, like the Homeless Village, or the EcoSystem Restoration Camps. What Homeless Village? 


The Withywood Homeless Village might be good, for those who might want to help, in the building of their own future homes, which is only Natural, for the people to have a generous hand in the building of their own homes. 

And that might be something like 18 separate Free Standing Tiny Homes, each maybe 12’ Wide, by 24’ Long, set all around a Big Round Garden Area, leaving a Big Circle, in the Center, where we might want to Build a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse, of about 100 Feet in Diameter, and may 30 feet tall, and with maybe an 8 or 12 foot wide space, in between each Home, and with Metal Gates in between the Tiny Homes, to keep in the Chickens, and a 25 foot space around the dome, where the Children can chase the Chickens around.    

For some people, who we call Slippers, the High Cost of the Middle Class Way of Life may be slipping farther and farther out of reach, by design. 

Even the lucky few, among the Homeless, who might even be getting a Disability Check might still not be able to find a decent place, in the City, where they can afford to live, and where they can expect to have a Good Life, and Friends, and not just a TV Set. 

And we want the Formerly Homeless, in Eden, to have a place, where they really do fit in, once they have Earned it, where they can do some Good Work, and earn some credit, without needing to be paid, and that is why we ask them, to help out, and to take part, in the Building of their own Homes, and the Homes of their Neighbors, without getting paid, so they can Earn some Honor. 

And in recognition, of all that good work done, the rent can be lowered, to something like $600./Month, for those who have done the most, down from $750./Month, for the first 3 Years, which will be a lot easier, to afford, for people, who might be getting a Disability Check, or something, and might want to give that back, and to pay it forwards, so that it is not all just wasted, for nothing, which is what we all try to do in Eden. We try to put all of our money to good use. 

During those first 3 Years, of saving $150./Month on Rent, for doing the building of their own Homes, that will save them each $5,400. And how long will it take to build it all? Maybe 3 Months. And if so, then for working those first 3 Months, that would be like saving $1,800./Month. 

Our Society has a low cost Housing Shortage. And so we have Created some Solutions, for a few of the Homeless, in our Greater Service Area, who might be Disabled, and might like an affordable alternative new way of life that matters, for some of the Positive Spirits, from out of our larger Shasta Service Area, who will help out, and we do this, because we are a Class Harmonist Community. 

But where does all that Wild and Crazy Money come from? It comes from the General Fund. And much of that money in the General Fund will have come mostly, from the Buy-Ins, we will have received, from the Homesteaders, who represent the Home and Land Ownership Class, in our way of thinking, which means the People, who can afford to Buy Land, with Good Water, and to build a Home on it, which is the means, of Production, and Survival, and to Build a Passive Solar Home, on that Land makes it both liveable, and economically feasible.  

That is just one Niche that will be served. And in the Withywood Homeless Village. All the Land, and the Materials, and the Engineering, will all be paid for, by the Community, so they will not have to Buy the Land, and they will not have to pay, for the Materials, which will all be delivered. 

But the Building, of the Homeless Village, will be done, by its future Residents, as with many other Projects, in the Community, which will be very Decentralized, which means that it will not be Top Down, where one person is giving orders, to 10 People, and then each of those 10 People are giving orders, to 10 other People, but it will be much more Decentralized, where everyone who is there working on the job will help to decide what needs to be done, and when, and how it should be done, using Agreeable Cooperation. We work things out right there, on the spot. 

And if it seems like we are Shamelessly funneling some of our best Marketing Strategies, and money making ideas, into the General Plan, to Serve the Cause, as the Organizers, with lots of other Peoples Time, Money, and Labor, and Good Will, then Yes, it is Completely True, that we are guilty as charged. And so if anyone wants to quit, then now is the time. 

But that is because we Organizers know that it is very important, for the Whole Community, to be Solvent, and Healthy, Stable, and Financially Well Balanced, with outside money coming in, and with local money moving around, so that we can Serve the Cause, and with mostly the outside money going back out, whenever we have a choice, which will often be because the local money simply cannot be spent outside of Eden, for a good reason. And that is to keep that local currency circulating around, to support our own local projects, and the needs of our own people, who may need, to have jobs, and a roof over their heads. 

We have said that we had a Plan, which would begin to unfold, when the time was right, even if some of the rest of us, are living on borrowed time, and might not be thinking very much about how important it is, to secure our place in the future, by preserving the Economic Integrity, of the Community. 

The Community has to be able, to float freely, in the Clear, with no worries. Why? It has to be able to interface with other Self Sustainable Communities around the world. 

And we Organizers really do have some very good ground to stand on, as Native Land Owners, who are not Untrustworthy, or Irresponsible, so every Honor would be expected, to be freely given. All towards the One.  

When we Organizers have had to set up the Original Complex of Business Models, like the Village Foods Store, in Town, or the Common Farm, on around 200 Acres, of our Best Farmland, devoted to Raspberries, and the Circle of Homesteads, and the Farm Sites, and the Withywood Homeless Village, and have had to explain how all that would work, and what they would be planted with, like Wild Black Cap Raspberries, then we should have the right, to take One Third, of the net intake, for the Community.

We are a Not for Profit, and so any excessive intake of funding would be, not to make a profit, but to replenish the Big Warm and Fuzzy Community General Fund, so that we can continue on, with our many Projects. 

What we are creating is a uniquely New People, with a whole New Story to tell. But what will we call our bad selves? 

The Eden Project - Eco-Village Institute, or TEPEVI.  

Meet the People

I will be glad to meet, and talk with all the Good People, at the Lodge Meetings, and on the Hikes, and in the groups, and on the road, at the many events, where I can be found feeding the growing need, for Sustainable Community, in this world.

A Dark Cloud of ignorance and violence may have descended upon our Land. And it is our job to heroically fight back, against the EcoSystem Destroying Forces, to Save the Earth, and the Natural World, which is already way too overdeveloped, and that is because of OverPopulation. But we are the Water People. We take care of the Water, which is Life, and that is all going to be Clean Water that we can Drink.  

But we do intend to integrate many of the best new ideas into Eden. And so some of that might be useful. We do need more People, who can help to create what needs to be created, without being told what to do, at every turn. 

We do need people, who can help to push this project way beyond the mere beginnings, which I have begun to put before the people, out of a sense of Urgency, in the light of Global Warming, the Deforestation of the Amazon, the Melting Ice Caps, and Glaciers, and the Falling Water Tables, and the Dying of the Animals, Overpopulation,and the Burning of our Forests, which have all been indicated, by many of the Indigenous Prophecies, along with many other climate disasters, having to do with Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Fires, Floods, Famine, Pestilence, Drought, Wasting Winds, and the Societal Breakdown that could give rise, to Marauding Gangs. 

We could even start a whole new thing, which could be called, Eco-Logical Integrationism. 

But if it does begin this way, with T, on a very personal level then that is coming straight out of a principle we use in Permaculture all the time, which is called using what you've got. And that ties in with our idea that Eden is an Assets Driven Community. 

But those Assets do have to be Real and Existing, in the present moment, when we might want to get Levelled up, and become Onboarded, as one of the Land Stewards. And towards that end, we do have to ask, for a $1,500. Contribution, or more. 

There really is a very personal element that has rightfully been put right in place here. We do have to have something we can begin with, which we call the Original Vision. 

Even the Organizers might need some financial support, in time of need, in order to Rebuild, after a Natural Disaster. And so I came up with the idea, of offering up some of my own Original Works of New Art by T, in the form of NFT's, to restore my own financial security, and to be able to rebuild back better than what has been destroyed. 

I need to put in a Deep Well, and a Pump, and a Wind Power System, a Tiny House, and lots of other things on the land, near Sonoma, which I am giving away, over a period of 10 or 12 Years. 

And so each NFT should be sufficient, to pay for one of these Big Projects, which will then all be Donated in turn, along with the Land itself, to the New Land Stewards, and the Children of the Future.  

Eden is a Living Thing

It is not just another public institution, you can enter, with anonymity, and with no regard for anyone or anything, as it might be, on the Internet. No. Eden is more of a whole life changing experience. But the cost has been minimized, just to enter into a deal, to cover the cost of the land. And that can very easily be Financed, by the Community. 

We have to become creative in just bringing money in, and moving it around, in a way which makes sense. 

We ask the very simple questions: Why are we doing this? Is it just to take care of our own needs? No. Who was it, who Built this Country? The Builders. And who are those Builders? We are the very People, who will have to decide, the fate of Our Tribe, and how we will Survive, in the face of a Nuclear Threat, or the chance of being Enslaved, by an Oppressive One World Government, which might be coming up, and so we will be splitting off, from the pack, who might be heading right out there, into one of the many possible Catastrophes, which have been talked about, in the many Native Amerind Prophecies.

We are doing this to Save the Earth, but not because we are afraid to Die. The way we see it is that those who can make it through the next Fifty Thousand Years will be home free. And that is something that can be passed on down, from One Generation to the Next. 

But if the Project, of our New Beginnings, here in Eden, to Save the Earth, was going to have to be Abandoned, and a lot of people had already Bought into it, out of despair, or in hopes of gaining their Freedom, then Our Policy would be, to return as much of the Contribution Pledges, which had been contributed, but that had not yet been spent, on the Purple Mountains Majesty, after all expenses had been paid, as would be reasonable. Why? Because we are a Non-Profit Association. That is our Policy. 

This Community does not get to make a profit, by law. And so our policy would be to return any excess funds, to those kind people, who had made the donations, if we were not able to proceed, with this land, or if we could not find another one like it.  

Here we will all be choosing to be as directly hooked up, with the Universe, as possible. And so we won't need the Obsolete Doctrines, which can be found, on the City Streets, of Anonymous Isolation. And so there is a Distinction to be made here. 

These Ideas have been brought down to us, by T, from the Outskirts of the Universe. But the Universe can be Deadly, so only our most heavily skilled people can ever be trusted to mess around with the inner workings of the Universe. 

Very few have begun, to even consider these very real serious dangers, to the very fabric of the Web of Life that wrong livelihood, atomization, and no community has brought about, because these unwitting captives, of the ethics of mass mediocrity, have remained merely self centric, in their perspectives, which makes them very Dangerously Self Destructive People, who cannot be trusted, to keep the Peace, under all conditions, which is what will be expected in Eden, not to use Anger, to get what we want, because we are to become Universal, while many of the Consumers might be on a Dead End Path, which does not become Universal, because of their own Choices and Actions. 

If you don't have a Startling New Vision, like the Original Vision we do have ready for The Eden Project, which was not designed by Committee, how can you have Self Governance, which is partly about upholding that Original Vision. 

And if you did have Self Governance, prematurely, or before the time had come for that, then it would simply be all about the New Prospects defending themselves from the Original Vision, by taking it down, bit by bit, out of their own convenience, willfullness, and lack of respect, for the Original Visionary Organizers. Most of the other Communities which had gone before us, just did not have this much good stuff to start with. 

A lot of Communities have Failed. In one case, they paid their Original Organizer Ten Thousand Dollars to leave, and then the Whole Community just fell apart. And that is because the unwilling followers made Collective Excuses, why they should not have to do it right, which would be to uphold the Honor of the Original Organizers.  

And so for that reason, it might be good if we could rely on someone of Recognized Authority, to say No, when some of the New Prospects try to make plans together, to Corrupt the Original Vision, just to serve their own convenience.

The Old Competitive Way of Thinking, as part of a Crowd might be what needs to change first, before we may allow any one person, to proceed into Eden, with the power of True Love Magic that is given, to all True Edenites, once they have earned their Freedom, as one of the Village People, and have become recognized, as Honorable Natives, who have made a very real Sacrifice, which will never be forgotten. 

This is just the Beginning. We are still in the promotional stages. Few have really appreciated the fine opportunities that stand before us all right here that are well worth giving up all need for control, and this Old World Idea that the Consumer is Always Right may have to be the first thing to go.

Community is about relationship, not grasping for power, and so some of these things that we may have been taught in school, and through the media, to leverage the power of quitting, may have to be dropped, before we can enter into Eden as one of the True Edenites, or the Village People, who are the People True.

Eden is to Save the Earth

If some of you might want to help, to define this project, as we do progress, you will have to show that you have some very real contribution to make, and that you can work, in cooperation with the existing leadership, and that would be, in New World Thought, not Old World Needs. 

T is not always going to be able, to grant every whim or make every concession, and he cannot be expected, to reverse every decision, to make everybody happy. And so the need for Happiness, will have to be given up. Everyone has a right to be Happy, with nothing. But no one has a right to get everything provided for them, just to make them Happy. And a lot of people were left out, but it is not our job to make up for that, unless we want to. 

We do not feel the need to compensate the others, who did not Formulate a Plan, as well as this one has been. After they have completed something, then they might experience this kind of completion, which is an honor, but it has been well earned. 

We do need someone like T, who is on the job, and can quickly respond, to an offer that someone might make, who would like to give us a million dollars, and just needs one acre, in a fairly central location, to build a temple, as one person actually demanded, or they would quit, right off the bat, if I did not jump on that kind of an offer, right then and there, and this was all on behalf of some really important Woman in the Bay Area, whose name he would not mention, who alone could make this project work, because he was a true believer, that She had the Magic Touch, and that no one else, like T, could do anything, because he is not Famous, and that She would say how much she would pay, for that One Acre in the Center, which I think is Audacious. But No. We have Agency. We can Change the World. 

The Average Organizer may feel that it is not for them, to decide, on some things, which is fine, so there is much that will have to be left, to be integrated later on, as people launch one idea after another, and run things by the whole community through the Consensus Building Process. 

But some things have to be decided on the spot. And so we have to be willing to Trust the Organizers, to have the Projects Best Interests at heart, because we do need some Angels, who will back us like a Rock Star.  But no one gets a place in the Center, and no one gets a place, on a High Spot, or a place, in the Old Ranch House, not for any amount of money. 

All others are now invited, to begin to share in the responsibilities, of the creation of the ongoing emerging vision, of Eden, as an EcoVillage Community, and the Emerald Forest, which is a Network of Sustainable Communities, which should be springing up, in Turtle Island, and then maybe all over the world. 


There is the great danger that I have already faced many times before that we as a larger group may not be ready to carry on, with the full set of responsibilities that should not be placed, in our collective hands too soon, because there should be plenty of overlap, as the New People are brought up to speed. 

But many hands are just not yet ready to assume complete responsibility, with full integrity, because they have just not been raised up for that. No. They were raised up, to look for the best deals out there. And we need to know we have the support, of all of the other progressive groups, in our Larger Service Area, and the World. 

The New Community Organizers should plan to learn a few things from us, like that a more gradual change, into having a more responsible role, in the community, might be a better idea, just as it is in the Tribe, where we might need some time to find out what some of the New Prospects can do. 

But that way of thinking may have to be balanced, with the Peoples Needs, to know, where they will fit in, and to know where they will live, and to know how they will live, and to know where their Food and Water will come from, and to know what part they will be allowed to play, in the Collective Decision Making Process, and play is a good word for it. 

But how that will all be accounted for? The New Organizers, of the New Communities will have to Answer some of those Questions, with a Plan, which we have done, and can now Share with the World, which will show, and the next step is the Build this Community, just to show exactly how that can be done. 

In any community, a full 3 to 5 years might be a good period of time to consider before we can get to know them, as most people are still carrying a lot of foreign material that really has no application, and could even be a great detriment to us all, like Misfolded Proteins, and Glycations, and downright Pollutants, in the Body, like Glyphosates. The Removal of these Poisons in the Body is called Natural Healing. 

We will have indoor Maker Spaces, in large white metal buildings, the size of warehouses, where people with ideas can work on things.  

We do need to set up a system, of the orderly transfer of power, from where it has rightfully originated, over to the Consensus Council of Land Stewards, but that council needs to be put together, with people, who have actually become True Edenites, instead of being just a bunch of people, who did respond to the call, because there is a very real difference. Right. And we don't need that many voices on the Council. Most of that is trying to take something away from the game. But we don't allow that. And that is why our Crypto Tokens could be paid for with Dollars, or they could simply be earned, which would become the preferred Token of Exchange, but no amount of Dollars would be accepted, to pay for our Crypto Tokens, because we do not want them to become inflationary.

There is a very real Transitional Period, during which, we might have to go, from being one thing, like not being a real person, to becoming another thing, which is more like being a much more Real Person, even though we cannot guarantee that Reality is even Real. 

The Artificial World that we have come tumbling out of may have infected a lot of Peoples Minds, with Artificial Constructs, and so there could be many people out there, who may have been turned, into Artificial People. And they do not want to change. And so they will fight to defend themselves, keeping all True Things Out. And they have been taught to fight for their own Sovereignty above all else, which is not the best way to go.  

An Integrated Council of experienced, and committed people, could be given much more decision making power, to carry the weight of this beautiful project, and to care for it, as if it were a newborn child, and then they can carry the vision on into the future, of All Life on Earth. And that leaves a healthy amount of growing room, for some of the New Prospects to Progress. See you all in Eden. We Carry the Vision, for Saving the Plants, and the Animals. 

Those who have been true, to the vision of Eden, and who really do come in good faith, and bring good will, and with some Great Love, and with some willingness to trust, and to cooperate, will have to reach out first, and build a bridge, and then we can all begin to reach out to each other, after that, and together we will move towards the Integration, of this Community, with some guidance and direction, from the High and Mighty Organizer at first, who must think he is a God, one might think, but not quite, because this really is a Work of Art, and that is what is on the Receiving End, which will outlast us all, and then less and less of that Guidance and Direction from the Organizer will be needed, as we become launched, over a 3-5 year period of time, one might think, after the Move-On, when the People can begin, to move on to the Land, as the first groups of Homesteaders. And they will be pitching tents, on their Homesteads, or putting up Yurts, or Domes, on their Cabin Sites, as they begin to learn what the land is like, which they will be living on, before they might begin to Build.   

Jobs are important. We want every child, who grows up in Eden, to be able to get a job, when they are ready for it. And that is why we will create some Worker Run Collectives, for things like the 300 Acre Community Farm, which could be set up, as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. 

But another thing we might want to do is to create a Community Garden, which will provide Fresh Foods, for the Kitchen, so we can begin to sit down and eat together, for at least 3 Shared Meals a week. This could be happening, in the Old Ranch House, to start with, which is a Modern Home, with all the conveniences, like a Swimming Pool. But no one will be Living There, not even T, because that will be set aside for Community Use. 

And we might want to have a Mentoring Building, where some of the younger people can go, to interact freely, with those Elders, who have Experience and Knowlege, about many things, which they would like to learn. And we might want to have a well designed Seniors Care Center, and a Dormitory. And it would be good, to get all these things done, within the first 10 or 15 Years. - T