Monday, December 23, 2019

No Roots No Rights

Our New Homesteaders Rights will be covered, in the Homesteaders Agreements. The Good Native People, in the Community will all be covered, by the same written agreements, which may change from time to time, but we will be expecting Full Reciprocity, not the usual one way deal, and Backwards Compatibility. 

We are all here, to Pay the Universe Back, including the Natives, and to Pay it All Forwards, and to Honor the Native Leadership Carriers, and not just to Abuse the Community, for one-way benefits. 

If we hope to take One Little Thing, then we must first give Three Big Things, as the Universe has done. And we should all be Grateful, for everything that has been done, for the Earth, by the Honorable Local Native Leadership Carriers. Right. This is not for the Consumers. Right. I have a Dream. I work for the Earth, and you will too. 

But there are some People, who might feel like they were Victimized, for things like Income In-Equality, which is only normal, but for that reason, they might not think they should have to pay the Universe back, or the bearers of the Creative Force behind our Great Success, who came up with the Worlds First Reserve Currency, because they may feel like they were left out, when we were supposed to be taking turns, driving the Universe into the ground. But No. 

We were not Taking Turns, screwing up the Universe. 

Some of us are Closer to the Universe. And some of us are Not. And those people, who are not Truly Close, to the Universe, and have not been paying heed, will need to be kept away, from the Controls, until after they have Died. 

We are trying to Help to Heal the Universe, not Gut the Place, while so many others might be trying to Gut Our Native Lands, and to Gut the Earth, and even to Gut the Entire Universe, just as if we Native Stewards of the Earth, and the Universe, were not going to take Notice, because we were not paying attention, because we were too busy Partying, and enjoying this time of excess. 

We might choose to see every Misfortune as being part, of a Universal Debt Cycle, which becomes like Glycation, when there is No Gratitude. 

And when you don't take any responsibility, for your own needs, and your own Unpaid Debts, to the Universe, and you have No Gratitude, they can only keep expanding, when nothing is being put back into that Account. And we will all have our own personal and family Accounts. But that is why we may use Powerful Medicine, to Prevent Glycation. 

And that is why we have to be careful about what Extra Rights we may wish to hand out, like Candy, which have not been Earned, and are really very bad for you, and your Debt Cycle, when they have been spent, but they have not been Earned. Right. 

You are not helping the Children out, by feeding them Candy. You are not doing them a favor, or Giving them a Healthy Reward. That is more like a stab in the back. 

And other Undue Rewards, can be like Candy, as well, to make people feel better, in the short term, but they might only put your True and Deeper Self Deeper in Debt, in the longer term. Right. 

Candy is Bad for You, in the long term. And it is Bribery, and so is Flattery, and so this is not the way Children should be treated in the Community, where Discipline is needed, not permissiveness, which is very harmful, since we are heading into a completely different Cycle, which is not based, on amazingly undue levels of prosperity, which is the main source, of all that permissiveness. Right. People think we have enough water, to flush it down the toilet. 

The Bubble of Prosperity may soon have to be Deflated, to Save the Earth. And we don't want the Good Native People, to feel they are forced to leave the Community, as soon as the Money Runs Out. Can we get an Honest Commitment on that? Right. We don't quit working, just because the Money Runs Out. Since When? 1991. We simply hold steady the course, and the Money will come back. Right. But that is not a High Priority. But the People do need to see some kind of Rewards, for good work done.

We should have Rewards, but only for good things, which have been done for the Earth. Rewards are mainly for Accomplishments. Right. Anything else would be a very Self Destructive Thing. Since When? 1991. Right. And that is why a lot of people might have had to Die, in the past, because they had been living on borrowed time, just like drug addicts, who are living on borrowed time. 

The Overly Permissive Wrongful Reward Cycle might have been leading us directly, into the Swamps of Deep Misfortune. 

There is no Reason to Reward anyone, not even one of the High and Mighty Consumers, for nothing but Sloth, Greed, and Excess, and for doing absolutely nothing, for the Earth, but to scream and fight, for their Consumer Rights, and for Cheap Gas, of all things, as can be seen around the world.   

The One Thing we should have Learned, from the Universal Justice Process, is that almost all Rights, to go first, or to jump the gun, and to Invade our Native Lands, against our wishes, in hopes of becoming our Slaves, or whatever it might be, are Loaded, and they can all be used against us, like a loaded weapon, that we had turned them into our Slaves, and will now need to make them our Kings, for example. 

Those New Rights will all need to be Earned, and Paid For, in advance, and that should involve some Training, and being willing to Change. Why? Because their Old World Rights must all come to an end, where Our Native Rights Begin. Right. We are not accepting any more Slaves. 

No one is born, with any right, to impose their needs upon anyone else, as a Slave, who has been Victimized, and especially when that was something they had bargained for, when they broke in, to these Native Lands, to do wrong, and to get away with it. 

If you are Drowning, because you jumped into our Water, you have no right to get any help. 

And we work for the Universe, as the Stewards of the Universe, and the Waters, so we think it is likely that the Universe would like us, to hold the New People Fully Accountable, on the spot, because this is all about a Growing and Learning Experience. Right. But we have to know what we are doing. The Streets are not Paved with Gold. And so we need to be prepared for that. But we didn't start that rumor. Right. That was not one of our claims.

And if we will not take responsibility, as the Land Stewards, on the spot, to let them know the basics, which is the best time, for that kind of action, then the Universe may have to find other means, at other times, which may come, with additional considerations. Right. The End of the Universe.

When you have raised up your Children, and you want a do-over, or a New Universe, it might be too late, and so that might be out of the question. 

Good Parenting has got to be done right on time, without a moments hesistation, to be fully effective. There is no Do-Over. And so we need to be prepared, to control what the Children can eat. Just to say, No Candy, is not enough, if we cannot enforce that. And so we might have to appoint someone, to Control the Candy Supply.

But it may be high time, for the New People, to consider a little more deeply, what they might think are the Basic Rights, of the New People themselves. To do as they please, and to eat all the Candy they want? No. Do they even have the right, to become Our Slaves? No. I don't think so. That would be an Imposition. Every Relationship has Two Choices, theirs and ours. 

If they choose us, or our country, and we do not choose them, and their Poverty, then it is No Deal. 

It might be just a bit too Self Serving, for them to be given the Green Badge of Honor, for that Train Wreck, of Need and Greed, and the perniciousness of Poverty, which can be seen mushrooming out of control, on the world scene, under the protection of the Blind, where people are rioting, and getting killed, because of a 25 cent hike, in the unduly low price, of long term continuously subsidized gasoline, which may well need, to be adjusted upwards very quickly, to meet the True Market Price. And if they cannot afford the true market price of gas, then they will have to walk. 

Gas is not being made, for everybody to burn, until it all runs out. No. And we had a higher purpose in mind for that.  

But in some countries, where the People have No Restraint, and are like a pack of wild dogs, with no long term perspective, the Consumers will Destroy the Capital. And that is why we have to Beware, of this kind of Corruption of the Spirit of Truth. And so we all must accept it when the Gas Runs Out. 

And so it should come as no surprise that we might be heading straight into a Train Wreck, of a situation, as represented, by the specter, of Global Warming Riots, and the tearing down of our Cities. Right. This is the way the New Consumers will respond, with No Restraint. 

Global Warming is going to bring about a lot of Social Injustice, which could be worse than Death. And they are going to be held to blame for that, throughout the Universe, but we are going to be here, to relieve some of that back pressure. Right. Not to fill their Tanks. But to show them the way to Gratitude and Grace.  

We will be able, to Save a Few People, from the Social Unrest, who can afford to pay for it, or are worthy of being Adopted, when the Bubble of Entitlement has finally popped, but we will not be able, to prop them all up, at our own expense, when they have not been any part of the Solution, and have only been a part of the Problem.

We will be creating the Beginnings of a whole New World in the Newly Forming Deeper Lands of Freedom Beyond the Sidewalks. 

We will be building some of the better places, for the new beginnings of a better world Beyond the Sidewalks. But you wouldn't want to be there, if you were not one of the Native People of Grace, and Courtesy.  

Here, it is just like it might be, on an Indian Reservation, which is land that has been reserved, for the Indians. Why. They might be trying to preserve the roots of their own Cultural and Racial Heritage. 

But one of those two things are disappearing fast, and a lot of the reservations have been all but abandoned, because of Racial Dependency, but it may well be that we have found just one small part of the Solution, the New Nativism, which is more inclusive, and that might be something we have to offer, to the Indians. Right. A System. We are the Philosophers, who have created, or invented, or discovered the New Concepts, which have now become the beginnings of a whole New System, of New Thought Integration. 

New Thought Leadership is needed all over the world, not more Consumers, or a bloated Middle Class. And so if you want to get into the Middle Class you may have to be willing to be the last one in, even if that means there is no room for you. Right. 

The Old Leadership may have grown stale. And you can see that our New Leadership Carrier has definitely got a lot of Vitality. 

But some of the Old World New People might think that the Communities are not supposed to have any Vitality. But there is a change going on, at the very Heart of the Communities Movement. And we may be entering, into the very Heart of that Change. And so we have to become prepared to do so willingly. 

New Leadership, might be wanted and needed, but we cannot take upon the whole world, using the Amazing Power, of the Non-Consenting Voice, because of the Political Limitations, of the Average Joe Consumers, who are just not ready, to spread their wings and fly. 

We can only build within the Shadows of the Trees. And so in that way, we are not seeking Fame and Fortune, or Domination, on the World Scene. And so if anyone wants our help, they will have to pay for that. And many will be left out of Universal Integration. And this is like a Compost Pile. Sometimes after the Compost Pile has done its thing, and the Heart of the Pile is all fine compost, the sticks and stalks around the edges and the corners have remained as they were, and they did not complete the process, which might be called Universal Integration. 

But what are Native Rights? And where do they really come from? Those have been Created, out of a deep place, in the Heart of the Earth, which is not Misplaced Love for Self-Pity, which is pretentious at best, and rotten at worst, like these Pretentions of Poverty Based Righteousness, when they really had no other choice, because that place in the Old world, on the land, living the simple life, really was their proper place. Since When? 1991. 

Remember Back. Did the Drug Slaves have any Native Rights? No. They did not. And that might have been a big part of the problem. And we Creative Producers, and our many associates, are going to be, a big part of the Solution, but our role is not as Conquering Heroes, who are here, to Save the Slaves from Poverty. No. We support that kind of Simple Living. 

No. We have No Pretensions, to the Privileges of Poverty Exploitation, or anything like that, because we are all going to be here, to Save Our Own Collective Asses, not to Buy Friends, with Other Peoples Money, which is what the politicians have been doing, since we intend to Survive through the next 50,000 Years, on our own merit, which could be considered, to be a fairly self-centric undertaking, in the eyes of the Average Joe Consumers, which makes it suspect, that some life is stirring anywhere, knowing that almost no one else is planning, to do anything like that, which they think is the safe and good condition. 

And so maybe we are going to turn out to be among the Long Term Survivors, but not as Individuals. Right. Good Point. We are here to Survive, as a Community, firstly, and only secondly, as Individuals. And so if we have to choose, because either you are going to Die, or the Community is going to Die, then we will choose, to Save the Community, not the Individual. That is one of the Changes. 

And so we want People to Die, when it is Time for them to Die, of the Natural Causes, of Global Warming. And who will decide, who is to Live, and who is to Die? Eywa, or the Earth Goddess. She will Decide. 

All the New Middle Class Consumers are going to want more and more Consumer Rights, which most people still thing are good, just as if they were trying to Kill the Earth Goddess, when what she really needs might be some consideration. And the Violent Uprisings could become extremely dangerous. And that is all over Self Importance. These People think their Needs, for Gas and Heating Oil are Extremely Important. These are the New Dysfunctional Consumers, who have not taken any responsibility, for their own Needs. 

But Real Rights could be understood as being things that are based on what you have Earned, or have Bargained for, that some other People did not Earn, or did not Bargain for, and so there is no expectation of a false sense of mis-placed equality, when some people, like the Early Settlers have worked very hard, and were effective, while some other people did not work very hard, and were not effective. 

Get Real. Why should they fare the same? In a Sane World, this would not even be an Issue. And we must all be generous enough to presume that the Universe is just such a Sane World. And so the World is not in keeping, with the Spirit of the Universe, which is a very competitive place. 

And so we might have to become Fully Competitive People, as there may be no other choice that is open to us. Right. Most people don't know that some Choices are just Not Open to us. And so we have to work, within our Rightful Range, living simply on the Land. 

And so it is not just that you have a Right to burn up all the Fossil Fuels you might want to, because you have the Money, and it is no one else's business, what you might want to do, with your own money. Right. You could leave tvhe Heat on 24/7. No Way. 

There is No Burning of Fossil Fuels, or any Consumer Rights, for the Immigrants, to Heat Their Own Homes. Right. That Right is not Open to them. And that is just too self centric. 

Even if they have the money, to pay for it, they are still not worthy of that Honor, to Sacrifice the Earth Goddess, when they have not yet Made a Sacrifice, of their own. 

Get Real. All we really know is that the Spirit of Truth Runs Deep, Among the People True. 

And the same thing is True, of Native Rights. There are some Distinctions to be made. Some of us have Earned them, and some of us have not. Most Everyone Knows about our long and illustrious time, in these Native Lands, and the many things we have accomplished, which have been distinctive, and of great interest to the world, like putting a Man on the Moon. 

Those of us, who have been here, as an Extension of the Early Settlers, for more than 100 Years, and 3 Generations can now be very easily distinguished, from the Immigrants, but it is no longer a matter, of Racial Appearance. Right. Now, anyone can become one of the Natives, with 3 Generations, 2 Grandparents Born here, and 100 Years of Good Time Served. Since When? 1991. 

But it did not used to be that way. If you wanted to join an Indian Tribe, you simply could not do that. There was no Pathway to Native Rights. Why? There were Racial Barriers in place. We are talking those down. But you still have to walk the Pathway to Native Rights in Peace and Service. What Pathway? The Sacred Pathway of 1991, which is the Path of Honor, and Service, not Freebies and Handouts.  

But this is all Universal Thinking. After you have earned the Credits necessary, for a College Degree, then you have a Right, to put in, for that Degree. 

The Universe might not care, if you put in for it or not. But until you have completed so many units, of good work done, in the appropriate categories, then you cannot put in, for that Degree. And so don't come begging to us. And if Our People have built a fine House, over 100 Years Ago, which is still good, and your own people have not, then don't come begging to us, to get into our House.  

It is the same with Native Rights. If we do not put in for those Native Rights, to be Recognized, we will not be Granted any Recognition, of our own Native Rights. Right. Not by the Indians, and Not by the Immigrants. And we will be swept away, by the Floods of Ignorance. 

No Rights - No Roots. 

No Roots - No Rights.

Rights are like Cards that can be played against other people, or even against the Entire Community, when they are Recognized, because they represent Credits, which have been Earned, and should be recognized, only for good work done, for the Community, not for having run your bad self, right into the ground, trying to gamble, with borrowed money, and then having to turn to the Community, when it comes time, to pay the price. Right. 

And that would be the Abuse of the Community, or the Abuse of these Native Lands, or the Abuse of our Country. And we Native Land Stewards will have to take a stand against that, because we are the Rightful Lands Stewards, and that would be our responsibility, as it is a part of our job, to Preserve and to Restore the Earth, starting Right here at Home.  

Imagine this:

20 applicants were not qualified. But they were put on the waiting list. And then you showed up, with that College Degree, and for that reason alone, you were moved right to the Front of the Line. And then you were the first person, to be Interviewed. That is how Rights work. 

They have to be Earned, like a College Degree, and then they can be Played. And the same thing is True, about the person, who wrote up, the Homesteaders Agreements. Right. The Organizers. 

You can claim the rights, which may flow, from your own work, and form the work, of the Early Settlers, who didn't build this Country just so that we could give it all away. No. That would be an Illegal Betrayal, and a Sell Out. There is a very clear understanding, that we are to carry on, with the Long Term Project, not just to give it up, for short term benefits, or just to make friends, or to fit in with the Crowd, which is only Short Term Thinking, or worse. It is even Backwards Thinking.    

We want the Immigrants, and the New People, to start making plans, to Earn some Rights, within the Community, because it is not a place, to get paid, because of Old World Rights. 

The Community is a good place, to Earn some New Rights, with 100 Years, of Good Time Served, not to demand the benefits, of another persons work. 

And so we do not recognize the Old World Rights, while at the same time, we are Creating the Basis, for New World Rights. Right. This is the New Story. Since When? 1991. 

And this seemingly unimportant little series of changes in the New World Story is Capable of Changing the World, in a way which could get us through the next 50,000 Years. And so I hope that many of you have been writing these Changes all down, in a List of Changes, which have been laid down, and made public, for all to see, since 1991, with Dates, and Sources. Thank You. That would be Great. 

But the first thing that the New People must begin to understand, or the Deal is Off, is that the Deal is Off, and the World is not here, for the Consumers to Consume. Right. The Consumer is what is wrong, with Consumerism. 

Consumerism is Dead. And so Consumer Rights must be taken down off the board. And the Consumers themselves will have to be Retrained, for the Job of their Dreams. But not for a high paying job. Right. The Indians didn't have Consumer Rights, or High Paying Jobs. 

And now we must Secure, what we have Built. 

But our plan is to make a return, to Living Within the Balance. And that means we do not have a right, to become dependent upon Cheap Old World Immigrant Labor, which will not work for Free, and that is for an Entire Lifetime, not just for one day. 

And that is for 3 Generations, not just one. Right. They may have to make an Incredible Sacrifice, for what they want, which should extend through the entire 50,000 Year stretch. Starting When? 1991. 

But there will be No Honor, for those, like most of the Illegal Immigrants, who have Done Nothing, for the Earth, or for our Country, or for Our Community. No. And there will be No Thugs, in our Communities, or out on our Highways, in these Native Lands. They have come here on foot. They will leave here on foot. 

I think we have been very clear, about these very simple understandings. 

Everyone has to have the Spirit of Grace, Openness, and Oneness, Sharing, and Generosity, and a desire to help out, and to listen and learn, and to be of Good Service. We are not to be Exploited.  

But Next Year, we are planning many more new things, which are Far Beyond the Imagination, of the Average Joe Consumers. 

Let us know what you think about some Crazy Video Conferencing. Is anybody ready for that?  

We might want to get involved, in The EcoSystem Restoration of our Native Lands, which have been Consecrated, to be given over, to be part of the Tribe, and remain as such, and never to be sold again. Right. 

The Restoration of our own Tribal Lands, in the Sonoma Wine Country. Right. The Madrone Lands. But our involvement in these Native Lands will have to be Earned. 

What Lands? The Madrone Lands are Our Own Tribal Lands, which had been hit by the Sonoma WildFires, are now being prepared to be turned over, to the Community, as My Contribution. 

The Madrone Lands were once Beautifully Forested Lands. But now they do need some Work. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. 

I am Always Glad to be of Service, and to make a Contribution. 

But we are looking for Reciprocity, from others, who can Contribute the use, of their own Homes and Lands, within the North Coast Eco-Region. - T

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Truth Works

Truth Works. 

In a Sane World, it could be said, that it was an Injustice, for the Church, and the State, and the Schools, and the Corporate Media, to have Erased our Native Rights, which have been Earned, and should not have been Erased. Right. 

We Created the Worlds First Reserve Currency. Right. And we put a Man on the Moon. These are things that were not just found, that some others had made. No. We really did build this Country. 

To Disregard our Native Rights would be like someone coming into your Fully Planted Garden, which was doing just fine, and wiping everything out, and ripping it up, and trampling it all down. Why? Because in our Sane World, Rights are like Plants. They Grow, here in this Country, and here in this Community, just as they do on the Job, or in any Real and Sane Relationship. 

We didn't Steal our Native Rights. Those have been Earned. They started out small, and they grew bigger. We planted the Seeds.  

And we didn't Steal our Fortunate Lives, either, which are now being denied to us. Right. We are being made to feel to blame, and even shame, for having what we have Created, like we don't deserve that, and so it is now as if the Immigrants were the ones, who should deserve, to have complete control over the worlds first Reserve Currency, just as if they had Built it, when that is not the case. 

Those Fortunate Lives might be widely resented, but they have been Earned. And so it was not just a freak accident that we were given these Fortunate Lives. No. Look at the Early Settlers. They did not have Fortunate Lives. Most of them were Starving to Death. Get Real.  

We are the People, who Built this Country, which then went on, to become the basis, for the Entire Global Economy. And that is how we have Earned, those Creative Rights Many Times Over, which is the Right, to Control, what we have Created, and to keep it Secure, just so that it does not fly, into a million pieces. And all the Waters are under our Protection.  

And the New Organizers should know that there will be many people out there, who will deny our Rights. They will say that Native Rights should be reserved, for the Indians. But Native Rights belong to all peoples, who are worthy of being given Credit, where Credit is Due, once they have realized what it means, and have begun to create it for their own self. And then Credit will be Given, where Credit is Due, for Creativity, Productivity, and Good Time Served, not Poverty, or being part of a Failed State. 

But even when you put a hundred people to work, within the Community, and set them up, with a good place to live, which they can in no other way afford, in many cases, and a way of life that works, which they cannot afford, in many cases, that still requires a lot of Planning, and Supervision, and Resources, on our parts, which the New People may tend to overlook. Right. The Creative Leadership, who is responsible, for imagining all of these Solutions will need to be Honored.  

And they may tend to think they are worthy of any expense, on our part, and on the part of the Universe. But No. It may well be that the Universe, or Eywa, the Earth Goddess, will not stick their necks out for those, who are simply not worthy of that.    

And so it is important, for the New Organizers to let the Other People know that we are not their Mothers and Fathers, who care only about their safety and happiness. No. The relationship is actually quite different. 

The New People should rightly expect, to be treated like Employees, who may, or may not work out. 

When one of them Dies, because their Heart Gives Out, they will simply be replaced, with a fully committed new worker, on almost any job. They will not be given a Heart Transplant. Why Not? The EcoSystem just cannot afford that kind of excessive spending, which some people may have grown accustomed to wasting. 

But those Old School Entitlements to spend and to waste may need to be dialed back down some. Right. The Drawdown. This is about Living Within the Balance, under the Trees, not protruding above the Trees. 

We may have every right, to expect the New People, and the Immigrants, to become ever more deeply Committed, to Serving the Cause. 

The Immigrants and the New People may choose to see the Community as being their best chance, to survive the Next 50,000 Years, which may be crucial, and which they might otherwise not be able to do, without our help. How much is that worth? And why don't they Care? Are they Suicidal?  

Not everyone has to Survive. But for us, there really is a Moral Imperative, to stay alive long enough, to be effective. Why? 

We are to become the Stewards of the Earth. Our job is not only EcoSystem Restoration, but to Create the Earth Stewardship Council. And that is not meant to be exclusive, of anyone else. But when a lot of people are Dead, it is very difficult, to count them in, on the Stewards Council. 

And so we will be looking for those, who have managed to Survive, and to Thrive, at the very least, by using Creative means, not just making a fuss. 

And so this goes directly against almost all, of the popular thinking. Right. It is not the kind of thinking that is designed, to provide them with a short term fix. It is something that needs to be Learned, for long term applications. 

And the People, who Die are Heroes too, when they have Died, for the Cause, of Universal Integration. And so we really do have a life of meaning, within a world of injustice, to share.    - T


Monday, December 2, 2019

The Spirit of the Wilds

Many of us may have been Raised Up, to bury our heads in the sand, to avoid having to deal, with any of the Truly Difficult Issues, which might work to kep us out of trouble, in the short term, but then in the long term that could lead to a Collapse. 

And now we might have to dig our way out, or die, in which case we might have to join the ranks, of those, on the side lines, who could not Survive, and are now Dead, and are out of the Game. Right. 

There may well be such thing as people, who are unable to Survive. And so we might have to stay on our toes. It may be that we cannot afford, to slack off, for even One Century, of easy living, and depending, on the work of others, because that might be expected, to lead to our Collapse. 

But do we have the Power? Yes.

The Immigrants are only here, with Our Permission, and so we have the Power, and a Responsibility, to intervene. And so, in a Sane World, they would not be free to come and go, as they please. 

But in a Sane World, we should not really even have to Earn their Friendship Credits, in advance, before we can insist, on being given the respect that we would deserve, if we really were anything real, like Good Responsible Native People, who might all have good things to Contribute, not just the School Teachers, the Church, the Schools, and the Politicians, and the Police, who are really all just out to collect a paycheck, while Covering their own Asses, while we would be working for the Greater Good. 

But we have been given the message that, We are Nobody, and that We are Nothing. And in that way our hands have been tied, so that the Police can sock up all the abandoned territory, in between the Individual and the State, which is now a Dead Zone, because the Police will very often spread only Death and Destruction on everything they touch, and they will not put in the time and energy, to get things right, and to make sure things are fully resolved, which is what we might have to begin doing. 

And so if there is a dispute between a land owner and an invader, or someone who is there without our permission, we must side primarily, with the Land Owner. And for the same reason, when there is an issue between one of the Natives, and one of the Immigrants, the expectation is that the Immigrant is in Violation, of the Natives Rights. 

The Natives might Rightfully be Presumed, to be Innocent, until proven guilty, but the Immigrants would not. And the Illegal Immigrants might even have to be considered, to be Presumed to be Guilty, until Proven Innocent. Why? Because they are here, only with Our Permission, almost without exception, because they have No Right, to Impose upon us.  

We are just doing the work that needs to be done. Right. Telling the Truth, in a world in which that Branch of Thought and Communication has been systematically cut off. A Newborn Baby needs to Build a Relationship. And the same thing might be true, of an Illegal Immigrant, who has snuck into this Country. 

They cannot remain here as Outlaws. 

They might need to Build a Relationship, with the Natives. And the same thing is True, of a New Employee. They cannot even be on the Yard, if they are not Registered, as Employees, or Trainees. They don't know the ropes, and they need to get Registered, and Build a Relationship, under Native Supervision, not as our Equals. 

And the same thing is True, of a New Member, of a Shared Household. They don't know the House Culture, and they need to Build a Relationship. It is not enough, just to wall the other members, of the Shared Household out. And the same thing is True, in the Community. And that has to be done at their own expense. Right. It's on them. And this appears to be a Universal Truth. 

- The First Thing is to be One of the Natives, which is like being an Established Family Member.  

- The Second Thing is to be one, of our Good Neighbors, from one of the Other Countries, all around the world, who we plan to get into alliance with, in defense of this planet.  

- The Third Thing is to be one of the Invaders, who are here against our will. And that is a very dangerous thing. We have some Killers on the Road, who should not even be allowed, to Drive a Car.  

But in a Sane World, Real Immigration would begin, in their own Old World Countries, where they are expected, to learn the Global Language, and to become prepared, to honor, and to serve the Natives, in our own Native Language, English, which is the Global Language. 

And then we will send for them. But then they would have to surrender up, their Old World Rights, like the Old World Right, to dump garbage anywhere they want. 

They will have to get prepared, to serve, as a Fully Green Functionary, because we don't need a lot more dead weight, holding us down, as we make our move, to Save the Earth. Right. The New Employees might need to get some Training in Advance, which their brothers and sisters might not have. 

But every other worker on that job already has some Training, and a lot more Experience. And so how are they Catching up? Immediately? No. A Few Months? No. Maybe Never. Why? Because the Tree that is behind will often be the one that does not make it.  

Why should they think they should have Equal Status, when they have come late to the Party, and have not done their Service Work? That is what the Voice of Truth might say. 

When are these New People going to hit the Beaches of Normandy? Right. But did the Early Settlers ever do anything like that? Yes. And so where is the Equality? It is not real. 

But an Unreal Equality has been imposed, by the Media. And you will be called names, if you do not conform. That is how they plan to control their Slaves. And the Truth is that the Unreal Equality, which has been imposed, gets in the way, of any sense of Real Equality. 

And that Real Equality should be based only on the Differences, such as the way that Red Light and Blue Light are Unequal, but they are Unequal, in very specific ways, which can be measured.    

We might even have to create a place, for the Voice of Sanity. And the Community, of course, would be a good place to start, but the Whole Country really would be a Perfect Place, for the Voice of Sanity, to be heard, without being trimmed off, of the Root System, of the Tree of Truth. 

And that is when there is a sign posted, not to go into that area, as we saw in the Hunger Games, where they look out into the Green and Beautiful Forests. 

But they are not allowed to even consider going out into that direction and to decide things, for their own self, instead of going after the Bait. And that is where this New Thinking might be Coming From. The Spirit of the Wilds, where the Real Freedom can be found. - T