Saturday, August 25, 2012

A New God is Born

We are all sorry, for those struggling peoples, who have none of the normal land based environmental values left, as they have all sold out for money, in their part of the world, or in their cultures, which, have all gone the way of the forests, which they did not protect, and the fish, which have all been caught, through over fishing, and where there are no longer any fields of grass, since that has all been overgrazed down to nothing, and everything has been over harvested to the point of death, and where there are no longer any good water sources, because they have all been polluted, due to the irresponsibility, of excessive overpopulation, and dysfunctional cultures, which is a very real wrongdoing against the Earth, and against all peoples.

It hurts Earthm, as well as Gaia, which is just a little bit different, because this Earthm, is meant to signify that part of the living Earth, which is Beyond the Male and the Female, or the opposites, and that is humming, and buzzing, and drumming with Life Spirit, in rhythmic pulsation, of which the Goddess Gaia, or the Heart, is included as a part of Earthm, as the Heart is included, as a part of the Whole Human Being, but it is not the entirety of all that we have to work with, which now needs to be integrated.

Earthm is Real.

Earthm contains both the male principle, as well as the female principle, without excluding either, as well as some extra material.

Gaia alone is just not powerful enough, or complete enough, like the Heart, which is not powerful enough, because it is not completely independent, as that would be like a person, who is all Heart, and ends up getting taken advantage of, by giving away everything, until there is nothing left of the Earth.

A lot of people may choose to think that Love can be represented as being not only part of the Answer, but they may think they can get off easy, by representing that as being the entire Answer, and the only Answer, they will ever need to memorize, which is a bit too easy, to give any of them credit for that, which does not reflect any real work. We will need to discard these cheap and erroneous assumptions, which were not hard won victories, but were simply cheap and empty platitudes, where were put there to take the place of the yawning gap of the Universe.

We may have to dig down a little deeper, than just to stop with the Heart, to find something a little bit more Truth Based, and inclusive, of the rest of the Universe, and so Earthm, in this way, is offered up, quite humbly, by the Last Man, and the Worst Man, to be a more complete representation, of the whole God, behind all life on Earth, as well as the womanly qualities associated with Gaia, who was once a little girl, like these People of Today, but has grown up to become someone, who is not demanding of being the very highest, and does not need to come first, or to have the very best, or to even find True Love, but is still honored, as the mainly feminine spirit of the Earth, regardless of these Human Qualities, as just one of the Gods, among many others, and not needing to have the last word on everything, as if this was her time to rule, when that time may have already passed, and it may well be that it is not coming back.

Gaia is often associated with the Heart and Love. But Love is not the Ultimate Answer, anymore than urination is the ultimate answer. It is really only part of the Answer, and to only part of the Problem, but only if you really have to go.

Like a Heart which has become corrupted, it is not the Ultimate Truth, which would be Completely Independent, and so in this way Gaia can be likened to a Child, because of the Dependency, and that is why we have to take care of the Earth, as if we were the Responsible Parents, and we are, to become worthy, of taking care of the Earth, which is like a Child, with more than just Love, and Peace, because Love and Peace, Alone will not Save the Earth.

The Earth is an EcoSystem, which does not need Love and Peace. There are people who need to be Loved. But the Earth is not like these People of Today. When we speak of the Earth, we speak of an EcoSystem, not a Woman, which needs to be protected, not Loved.  - T

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crossing the Bridge of Truth

Crossing the Bridge of Truth

We may be the ones who may one day have to Save the Earth, where our children, may one day live in Peace,

and where they may still be allowed, to speak truthfully, with Grace and Dignity, and as the only survivors,

of what little remains of Life on Earth, that ever made it out to the rest of the Universe and then made it back in one piece. Maybe

we just did this to celebrate what can be done, by a small group of committed people, who have cared

enough to spend their lives on something worthwhile.

It may seem inconceivable now, but we may be the only ones, who will make it all the way across the Bridge

Across into the Future, but that may be just because we happened to have been the ones, who will have built

the whole thing, which we may now have to do at our own great expense, while the others will be fighting it

out until the bitter end, over the last remaining resources, and that is another reason why we need to

disengage, just so that we can survive, long enough to be effective.

The time is now to begin, building bridges across to the future, off of our own core vision, which could

just keep on growing like a Tree, which for us represents, some aspect of the real meaning of the Tree of

Life. It is all related, but it is only related in a very specific manner. That is the eye opening detail

that has been overlooked by all these fallen branches. There is a structure and an order to it that seems to

have been forgotten by all these people, who were willing to believe just any old thing and thought they

were doing a good thing, by following the Crowd, instead of the Leadership.

These are the People Centric ethics of self deception, and dependency, which we have casually fallen into

bed with, without even thinking through all of the interminable consequences, that have been the result, and

that may now be just one small part, of what it once was that, we must now begin to disengage from, if we

are ever going to be able to pull ourselves out, from under these collapsing twin towers of need and greed,

and all of the resentment and revenge comes pouring out of that, which will cancel out all of our efforts to

save the Earth if we don’t wise up. If we can not disengage from it, then all this other debris will only

come raining down upon our heads, and if we do not start making other plans, then all of our plans will

already have been made for us, and the future of our own children, and the future of all of humankind, is

going to be most gravely at risk. We may even have to stop empowering all the needy people of the Earth to

believe that they deserve everything, even though they have not earned anything, as that is

one of the ethics that will cause them to feel justified in devouring the Earth, in the name of Equality, just to get in as much

damage as they can, and to stick it to the man, which turns out to be the Earth, out of resentment and

revenge until it all runs out, and there is nothing left. – T

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beyond the Limitations of Democracy

How will some of the best decisions be made on the Tribal Council?

We may be called upon, to create, and then further develop, and refine, an organic new way of making decisions, and taking actions, which resembles how native growth and cultures form, and how the universe works, in the Natural World, and that will help us to Bridge the Gap between Consensus Blocking, and Democracy Stalking.

Why not call this crazy process of holding Tribal Council, and getting things done, which has to do, with the actual movement of nutrients and resources, Organic Integration? All Rights Reserved.

In Organic Self Integration, we would have something that would support Positive Action, and Natural Integration, of the Individual, or Family, into the Tribal Community, where a person does not block, sock, or otherwise exert unearned or undue control, over the flow, of the life giving energy, beyond ones own Domain, just by saying no, to anything and everything, one might not want, or that one might not even understand, which is the same thing, or that one might not like, or that one might not agree with, or consider to be something that would be good for self, or would support ones long held beliefs, or which feed into ones addictions, or are seen as being identical, to ones fixed set, of preset expectations.

This list of Presets, is like a shopping list, one might be using, as a score card, to judge all other things by, which would be a mistake, if we were to allow these honorable members of the Tribal Council, to check the list, of their own personal accepted, and unaccepted things, and to see what checks out, and what does not check out, with that list, of fixed opinions, and to disempower that which does not check out, with that list of fixed opinions.

But that is what a lot of the New People will be doing, on their first day, using this list of Presets, as their crib sheet, which is a kind of cheating actually, which is done, to make it easy, to get by, with these impostors, which are used, in lieu of thinking, by using a static system, of memorized material, instead of an active system, which could be used to solve problems.

And they will defend this, as being their own work, even when it is not, or anything to subvert the process, and to avoid having to do any actual work of being real.

Another way that can go would be to wrongfully give thumbs up power, which is wrong when they carry on like a consumeristic dictator, who had the God Given Right, to exert absolute power, and to decide, over anything, and everything, which would be an overly simplistic understanding, of ones actual role in the Universe.

All the writings, and the newly coined terms used, in this Blog, are All Rights Reserved. - T