Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Tamerlan Problem

The new people are always going to have personal problems when dealing with authority, just like it would be, when someone joins the Marines with a big old chip on their shoulder, as the entitled one, who is full of resentment, or self righteousness, as being the one who should be the superior one, because they have always been very dominant in the past which is very much like Tamerlan, the Boston Marathon disruptor, who took revenge, just because of immigrant pathology.

He may have been a big shot back in High School, or out on the mean streets, or as a tough guy, who may have been nurturing a highly refined sense of pathological negativity against the System, simply because it all came too easily, in this permissive society, and nothing was ever asked in return for it, which may seem generous on our part, but that would be like asking nothing of our children, and just letting them run wild, which could be considered to be a form of neglect, as we have abnegated responsibility for America, as if we were all new people, when some of us have been here, in a responsible role, for more than 100 years, and more than 3 Generations of Nativity.

They are not all like Tamerlan.

But we have to remember that a quite a large portion of the immigrants may be out of control, because that is how they got here, as people who were not trained, in what their responsibilities, and duties would be, here in America, and they were not plugged in, to the Community, with a clear indication, of who they would have to respond to, as it is here, where you have to respond to T, because they were not trained, to become Good Marines, immediately, upon arrival, when they got here, in this new country, and signed up to join us.

This is partly because most of them have tried to evade authority, as the new people have done in this group. They have tried to dismiss authority, or negate authority, instead of responding to it, fully, and honestly, and with a willingness to take No for an answer.

But it is also partly because, they were not trained, to respect our authority, like new recruits would be trained, to regard their new hosts, with respect, and to work very closely with our authority.

This all lines right up, with the permissive society that we have today, which does not require the new people to be trained, and directed to take their places at the end of the line, of authority, as Americans, not like it would be if you joined the Marines, whee you would know who you are to report to, and who you are to respond to. And with the community, that may start out with one person, who is your contact person, but it very soon becomes a wider circle of people, as we begin to earn the respect and the trust of others, beyond just the original contact person.

These immigrants, like Tamerlan, are like the new people, in the community, who will all need to be trained, on what it means to be accountable, to one or more people, for their actions, and to accept some oversight, by one or more people, by the community council, and to accept some guidance and direction, from the appropriate people, within the Community structures of orderly conduct, which is the missing part of our society, the Community, which comes between the Government, at the top, and the Police, at the bottom. That is why I have said that we are the Missing Ones.

They may even have to turn in their old identity, as fully matured Chechens, of the highest order, or whatever it is, at least to some degree, one might think, in return for nothing but a chance to begin the formation of a new identity, with a new account, as a beginner American, who may have a social and political status that is only one step above Slavery, which is like someone, who is out on probation, who  can be slapped right back in prison, just for associating with gang members, which might violate the terms of their probation. And this is true of the new recruits as well, as they can very quickly be drummed right out of the core, as we should know who we can work with, and who we cannot work with, during the first 10 days.

But normally nobody is paying any attention, to who enters in, and what they are really all about, but we here in the community really will have to be paying much better attention, and demanding full accountability, and a positive can do attitude, and a willing to work with the authority of the Community, no matter who that might turn out to be, right from the start, not like we did with Tamerlan, who was only here for the benefits, and then everything else was neglected, so even with that sweet deal, his own low position, in terms of social status, might have been what pissed him off, like a free education, welfare benefits, and food stamps, were not enough, to buy his appreciation and his gratitude. And that is because we did not make him earn it. Otherwise all we have done is to extend a one way deal, and that can be fatal, as we have seen, because it is so wrong.

It if isn't earned, and fully paid for, and then some, then it isn't appreciated, and it is not going to be passed on down, or paid forwards. The same thing is true about these New Recruits, who might approach the Community. And we need someone here who can say these things. That is why we have to support our Leadership.

We are going to be meeting up with a lot of these Extroverts, like Tamerlan, who have always gotten rewarded for nothing, but their negative values, physical strength, and like exuding an attitude, of resentment and revenge, and that may be why they never stop to think first, before they talk, because they have always gotten paid for nothing, and that is why they never stop to think, before they act, because they have learned from our permissive society, through long experience, that they will always win, and they will get paid the same, whether they work of just sit there, either way, and they will always get a free ride, whether they are in the right, or whether they are in the wrong, and that reflects a lack of training, proper socialization, and self control, which then becomes a huge problem in our society, when so many millions, of these pampered peoples act up, and go completely out of control, just like we saw with Tamerlan.

Often these people may have had no fathers, and so they are not used to having to accept any kind of male authority, and a lot of Women have broken away from that kind of authority entirely, in a quest for independence. But there is no independence without the Community.

Even the males, got nothing, in terms of training, except what they learned on the street, which was all about what it takes to fit in with the boys, in the hood, and that is to accept a corrupted version of manhood, just to fit in, and to be accepted, which is the prison gang version, of our society, and that is the ugly underside of our culture, and that is the part that has come straight down to us, from some of these Old World Cultures, which makes most of these people unfit for inclusion in the Community, without intensive socialization re-training which is something that they will not be able to endure, because of inner conflicts, with authority, and this is something that we are not always that interested in fooling around with, because it is their responsibility, as the new people, to come here ready to go, and so it is not our responsibility, to train them, or to fix them, and certainly not by a series of negotiated settlements.

To make matters worse, our permissive society, has always fed into their feeling of self supremacy, through the practice of dominion, and coercion, and bullying, by never correcting them.

This attitude of Dominion, is inappropriate for them, and their rightful standing in the world, as being among the last and the least among us, since they are the new arrivals, and so they should have to lose what they had at the top, someplace else, to start with nothing, at the bottom here.

They have not been prepared for life in an orderly world, with consequences, both honorable, and dishonorable consequences, like to be stripped of your account, and to be dropped by your network, which has a lot to do with social status, and political status, as well as economic status metrics going up or down, as well as rights and responsibilities going up and down, and new privileges being granted, like to come to America, and to join the Community, or old privileges being removed, or rescinded, like to go back to Chechnya, where ones former standing, at the top, may have to be forfeited, and so privilege management is a good thing, which does have to be by some authority, by definition, which we can use, and so that is only to be accorded to those, who have earned them, one by one, like the way a doctor earns the privilege of sending his daughter to an all girls school, which thing is not to be resented, because that right to spend his own money, and so to extend this privilege to his daughter, was either earned, on his part, or rightfully come by.

It is a privilege for her to be given money. But our society did not give her that privilege. That was given to her by her father, and so this is something that we have to stop being resentful of, because we can be sure that it was all earned at some point.

Privilege, is like being allowed to drive the family car, or the community car, which would be a privilege, for those who have shown some responsibility, and a willingness to be held fully accountable, to parental authority, or community authority, about any alcohol, cell phone, or drug use in the car, by any of their friends, or enemies, so we have to separate that from the concept of general privilege guilt, and especially when we have looked the other way, about mistakenly doled out privileges, like freebies, and benefits, bail outs, and payoffs, and even this kind of premature levels of social acceptance, giving away the farm to people who do not deserve it, like we have given to Tamerlan, for nothing, when those things would not be forthcoming in a just society, which was not exploding with guilt poisoning, out both ends at the same time.

Some extroversion does reflect a healthy well socialized person, and that is the rightful extroversion, of a happy person, who has been well liked, but this other kind is all based on nothing but empty appearances, and so that will need to be readjusted down a few notches, where the new people will have to work for someone else, for starters, as it would be in the Community, or on the job site, unless they can create their own jobs, and so the proper chain of authority is set in place, because that is the missing piece of our society, the Community control factor. And we are to step in and to take that up, with a vengeance, because everything now depends upon our success.

These new People of Today, like Tamerlan, only know how to demand the institution of total and complete dependency, and they are not prepared for post-societal duties and responsibilities, which must come first, in this New Ordering of the Universe, along the lines of the Natural Order of Priorities, which we do envision, as a major part of the solution, the establishment of a Natural Order of Priorities, to make it possible for us to get things done right, as we set our selves up as the fully responsible Natives of the Universe, as all Native Peoples have done, and this is what the New Spirit of Nativity is really all about, full naturalization happens only after 100 years, and 3 Generations of Nativity.

Our work is to heal the world, and so each new person needs to be taken under some kind of control, on a very deep level, instead of being given the full run of the place, and so we have to stop making concessions, to buy friends, with all these bail outs, and hand outs, and pay offs, and to hopefully gain the cooperation, of those who we should have been able to retain a certain amount of control over, such as these new people, on the ob site, are under the control of the other workers, even if they do not have the authority to do that, but they will and they do. they make sure the new guy knows who to follow, and so that happens, and that works, to some extent, for the younger brother to follow behind the older brother, and not to fight for dominion, on his first day, which would be ludicrous.

We are dealing with people like Tamerlan, who will need to be kept under some control, so they will have to know where they fit in, at the bottom, if they are going to be accepted at all, because is the only deal we have to offer them, since they are not all in line to be treated like a Pretty Princess.

We have to stop trying to solve the problems on the surface level, which is like weaving the branches, of the Tree of Truth together, on a level on which they do not need to be attached, and which serves no purpose, but to create tangles, which could be the weakness that leads to our downfall, when the whole thing goes down, because we had not insisted on putting it together right, for itself, which is with internal integrity, not just to maintain an external appearance of generosity.

Thus far, we have only considered putting it right for the new comers, meaning to give them everything that is to their liking, which is like treating them like a guest, when they are not here as guests, and to be overly generous with their freedoms, to live free of any kind of accountability to the community, just so they would not be disappointed with America, or the Community, or the Human Family, which has reflected a wrong attitude on our part, that we put the wrong thing first, in the Natural Order of Priorities, in which we have to Earn It, before we can Burn It. - T