Saturday, November 27, 2010

Community Changes

There is much that the various Communities can do for each other, once we get past these empty places.

If one community goes down hard, we do not want to see the lean and green proven members go down even harder. That is the problem.

The Solution:

There needs to be a back up plan for the few people who are the true people, to send some of those designated and well known hard working proven people, who have some integrity, to other supportive communities, who are in good trusting relationship, in a network of all the new communities that could begin to sprout up all around the globe, called the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities.

Everyone should have a back up survival housing plan, which means a place to go, which is something that these communities could offer as a paid for service like a survival insurance plan, which includes some visitation rights as well, so they are in good dialogue with the community, and are welcome to come on up, because they had already arranged for that.

Divorces and breakups, cold weather, allergies, peace of mind, and health considerations, sometimes require that a person, who is still in good standing, might want to get a smooth transfer to another community, in such a manner that their proven honor standing then goes along with them, so they don't have to start scratching around from scratch like a chicken on the road.

When people are known as good workers, or whatever it might be, and have been certified, in one community, then it would seem, that they could be welcomed immediately into another, as certified members of the Global Community. We can begin with this now.

I have more than just a few acres in the middle of a forest paradise, with lots of tall trees and a great deal of freedom that could serve a few peoples humble needs in this manner, since I got this land back into tribal hands, for our very own Tribal Community to begin to form on, and to add to our growing Network of Tribal Lands, which we can use until we move on to a bigger place, just to get some of our land back into the hands of the native peoples, who may need a place to stay, and cannot pay the high price of rent on the mean streets of doom city.

I am just one of the Humble Vision Carriers of the Hack it Back to Nature Tribe, as well as being native to a whole lot of other things, like being native to the forests, and native to the rivers, and I am native to the sea, and I am fully indigenous to this planet.

We have to fight hard for the peoples land to be returned to them, if they are willing to earn that, so I am planning on turning this small offering of good green land over to the spirit of the greater good, and it is to be given to a non-profit organization for the people to use in the most sustainable manner possible, and it is never to be sold.

This is the new community supported Way of life that could be called Sustainable Permaculture. But not to put the social blinders on, and walk in lock step like the Sheeple of doom, who are probably on their way straight to the slaughter, even as they shop until they drop, right this minute.

Honor is the missing link with Truth. It is not a spoof.

All I am asking for people who would like to join in, as supportive members of our survival community land sharing plan, which some people may even need to start making use of right now, because many are now struggling, is only thirty five dollars a week, which all goes towards the Main Land Maintenance Fund, so you do have to become one of us, before you can join the Truth Tribe, which will be laid down in direct support, of the creation of a whole new basis for a new Tribal Council, and that will help us to span some of these discrepancies , and that will help us to build some bridges, between the great disparities, between the great wealth of those humble workers, who have earned it, meaning their honorable places, within the Earth, and the Ecosystem, and those who have not, and will not, in full accordance with the newly minted expression, will not, want not, which can be the basis for no economy. - T

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Earthm and Truth

I know it can be difficult, to bring people together into a sustainable community, and I don't have all the answers. But the Honor system is just one way that I have come up with to handle some of that clap trap that some people like to throw on the table, without due cause.

Native peoples used it and we can too.

Unfortunately, it is like a whole new thing, and it can be very imposing, for most modern people just because respect for native peoples is something that just wasn't taught in school.

So this is about re-prioritizing our natural order of priorities, because the whole basis of the current system we are using now is entirely theological in nature, with a little bit of materialism, all mixed together with a little need and greed, and that needs to change over into becoming an Eco-Logically based system.

The Earth comes first, as Earthm, in the Natural Order of Priorities, and not the needs of the people. And that goes against the grain of everything we have been told to believe in, by the leaders of business, commerce, media, politics, and industry, who have been
shaping our world to death, in a very destructive manner, and with no consideration for the Honor System, and the importance of service towards the Greater Good.

We know we must make a break from all that need and greed, but we haven't known how to do that. Now we do have something we can all gather together around, in unity, around Earthm, and in service, to the Greater Good.

Earthm is to be the marriage of the male and the female principles usually referred to as the Father God, or the Great Spirit, as the male, and Gaia, or the Earth Mother, if you prefer the Female Version, both of which are considered to be benign and caring.

Earthm has not been defined, by its humble creator, as another personalized characterization, of a man made God doll, that was made in our own image, as a parental figure, who can fix things, and who we can appeal to, for mercy, or to clean up the Oil spill, and fix the economy, but Earthm, which conjures up things like rhythm, and drumming, and humming, and buzzing, and breathing, and the sound of waves arriving on the shore, and the awful silence of powerful waves passing through the deep ocean, has been defined as being beyond all such things, as being anybodies father or mother surrogate figure, since the Earth belongs to itself.

Earthm, as it has been defined, is only to be considered to be aligned with Truth, and it has no specific alliances with humans above all other species, that we know anything about, to begin with, so let us try to keep Earthm Pure and simple, as we begin, so please no dress up games with Earthm as Elvis or anything.

She/He, does not care about us. But on the contrary, we do care about the Earth, even though it might well devour us, and precisely the part that breathes, or is alive in any other way, and is very dangerous and unpredictable.

That is the whole new basis, for a whole new understanding, and this is the way how we can proceed from here, with a whole new creation of our own spiritual basis for a common system of belief that is all to be based in Truth.

Towards that end, I am now proposing the creation of a Tribal Council, to be made up of a few of the others, who are willing to join in with some of the real leadership actors, within this movement, but not any of the usual voices for the status quo, if you don't mind, since this a revolutionary new concept, and so only other like minded revolutionaries are the only ones who are really being sought here.

But all can accept Earthm, who can live in peace. - T

Pass this around intact.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

World Peace Now

In answer to the many questions, about why I am doing what I am doing, that would be, to help Save the Earth, which has been the stated purpose of this community. That is why I have been working very hard, for the Greater Good, on the Unified Field Theory of Universal Integration.

World Peace is something a lot of people may think is supposed to come easy, as a guaranteed right, without having to do any work.

In Truth, World peace can only be expected to follow, a more complete understanding of the Unified Field Theory of Universal Integration.

This Community is just a localized workspace, as far as I am concerned, where a few good people can be brought together, so we can get some good work done, on some of these very important issues, having to do with Saving the Earth, instead of just feeding into more poverty, so mere consumers will not be welcome to clog up the airwaves, as we are opposed to these demanding consumer culture intruders, who might like to invade our paradise planet.

People have to have a right to at least try to earn some honor in this Community, unlike the way it is elsewhere, where you cannot.

This is about how the Honor System could become a whole new basis for making sound judgment, which could work for the common good, by supporting a greater degree of justice in the Tribal Community, and it is not to destroy the mafia like web of dominator culture, and to take down that wall of injustice, one brick at a time, that dropped the soviet union in 1991, which is one of our most important accomplishments, since that will fall on its own, once we have begun to erect something better.

But that is why we celebrate 1991.

And as far as some people not being into it, or up to it, we have not expressed any interest in such people to begin with, so why should anyone think we should waste time and energy on the pursuit of some of these quite undesirable elements, who might like to exploit our stronghold of beneficent grace.

What we are building here, is an ongoing work of art, like an Ark, that has already begun, and is now in the process, of being built, and it is not just some big dog fight, but a lot of people may still have missed their chance, to shine during the early years, and that really is something they will just have to take full responsibility for, because we cannot turn back.

We do not want to attract a lot of empty headed wannabees, or a lot of mindless followers, who have not brought us anything we can use, but who may still want to use what others have built, which is the way they may live, off of others, playing the needy dependent game, but we don't need any needy dependents.

Real Leaders are real people, who have developed their own real new ideas, and they may even have to introduce some New Concepts, and create some New Terms, as we have seen here, such as the Honor System, or the Natural Order of Priorities, or the Unified Field Theory of Universal Integration, or Wrongful Enrichment, Lateral Movements of Resources, Rightful Places of Correspondence, the Natural Exchange of Resources and Nutrients, Premature Entitlement, the Injustice of an artificially imposed Equality, and many others, which are not always very popular to hear about, by the all too many, and so they do need to be explained in some depth, and these email groups are very good for that, whereas emotional outbursts of raging disregard, are generally not very good here, because of the limitations of email.

There is a lot of work involved in getting ones newly created ideas down into a linear stream of words, and a lot of these people who think with their emotions, which is fine in itself, are just not willing to use their heads, and they are not ever going to be willing to do the work involved. But that does not mean they have any right to go on a destructive rampage. And that is why we should not allow certain words like the B word into this group, or tagging people in any other way, with a preset judgment, which is only a way of insulting the persons character, instead of actually grappling with the issues, or staying out of the conversation.

One thing that some of the New Community Organizers get a lot is the way that if you correct someones thinking like this, then they will take it too personally, and they will fly into a rage, and try to get vengeance, like you dropped a big bad one on them, and so now they are going to have to get revenge.

This is because they are living in a Zero Sum Game against the Community, and against the World, and this is why they will quickly go directly against the Organizer, or anybody who gets in their way, because if they allow someone elses words to stand, unchallenged, then they lose, and that means their all important online image of being the best in the west, may have to be readjusted down a few pegs, and they might even be sent back out to the wood pile to stack wood, while the others get rich, with the ongoing creation, and the further refinement, of all these enriching new ideas, for the same or even greater pay, after having to apologize, because yes, the good brain work, as a designer, and a refiner, or as deeply intertwined collaborators, is a lot harder work than back breaking, and butt busting work, out in the wood pile.

There will be some of these victims, of their own disgrace, who will want to push for a hostile takeover, or to enforce a false doctrine, or to build a group of anti-power over on us, using the mass mind politics, of Premature Equality, which has not yet been earned, and is the same thing, in some instances, as a grave injustice, when it has been demanded first, at the expense of others, who are not guilty of anything, and when it has been forced upon us, as a community, in all of our innocence, and it might even be stolen, by the use of force, and even violence, which can be done, with votes, as well as clubs, when they are often used to destroy, from a consumerized amalgamation of personal likes and dislikes.

We are all responsible for having nothing but mock leaders in all of the higher places of power, who do not lead, and who can not lead, because we have selected for weak leadership, throughout the world.

These people have no real ideas of their own. You would think they had been spending their lives developing their own real new ideas, but no, they have just been trying to get ahead in politics, which is an entirely different racket. They are not thinkers, and they are certainly not philosophers. They are usually just good Promo and Sales People, and they have the right look to be a good company rep.

The dispossessed new people who often may feel they have been wrongfully offended, or rebuffed, will try to take what has not yet been earned, meaning that they will not follow, and they will not listen, and they will not cooperate, and they will not take their rightful places, within the natural order of priorities, within the community, starting with nothing in the way of honor on the books that we know of, and to proceed from there, in an equitable manner, is what would be expected, so as not to take too much, while giving more than their fair share back, which is the righteous ideal that we all had in mind, and it is not supposed to be a negotiated settlement, that they will not cooperate, unless they get something for it, and this does rub a lot of people the wrong way.

Take less. Give more. Be Peace. These are the words we live by.

They may think they should be able to get their way, by the blind dead forces, of ignorance multiplied, or by the wild power of numbers gone berserk, as we have seen around the world, where the people won't give up a thing for their own country. And the US may be in the same boat very soon, so we must be able to work through these little problems, of all these shipwrecks of personal self importance. For instance, we should all be willing to give up our own precious home mortgage interest tax deductions.

We call this kind of an onslaught of new material, in-depth positive, even though it is a little hard to take, because it is all about real things that should be central to our work together, which is to save the Earth, or Earthm, as it is now being called, and not just to camp out on some national forest lands, and not just to relocate some runaways, or some homeless people, who are just trying to escape the mean streets, of the global city mono culture, before the whole thing comes crashing down, on their homeless heads, which could be considered to be a big cop out, when you come to us, with nothing to bring, but a long list of complaints, and when they have not been working for the cause of Truth, or in the service of others, but have only been looking out for themselves, or for their own childrens needs, which is the same thing, without the Bling.

They are just working the system. KaChing, KaChing, KaChing. and they will see the community as a new way to milk the system.

You have to make it yours.

To express nothing but ones own likes and dislikes, would be fine in a paint store, but the community is about relationships, and we are not just buying some paint.

And Finally, there is no such thing as a Needs Based Economy. And there is no consumer spending based economy, either, even though we all buy things, but only when the money is there for that.

What is left? The positive flow of the exchange of nutrients and resources. As an example, I will give you all membership in my group, if you really have earned your membership in this group. What will you each give us all back in advance? Tough logic to follow, but it does work.

I have never said anybody needed anything, but you still have to give them something, in accordance with the most ancient law, right here in the Americas, or you will take that debt with you, to your grave. That is the curse of Truth, and that is the curse of T, so don't think you are playing with some safe little toy here.

Some of these new people may even have to be buried alive in the volcanic debris of their own ignorance, because the Earth is not a safe place to play around on, in some reckless manner.

The Ancients had respect. And we will too. That will have to be learned, and the power to go blundering around in dominator mode will have to be earned.

A Whole New Basis

Our whole Economy will be based on the Sun, and the Rain, and the Wind, and the Land, which all comes first, before any of the people, in the Natural Order of Priorities. Does any of that ring a bell? All the native peoples knew this stuff. But the modern consumers seem to have forgotten, where they get there cotton. The people do not own the Earth. The Earth owns the people.

The Eco-Logical exchange of resources and nutrients, is the only real basis, of our whole Earth, and whole life based economy, to live in full accordance, with the Honor system, which stands within the Natural Order of Priorities, which are all just stepping stones to Universal Integration.

Truth is the only way to Peace.

Truth comes First, and then Justice becomes possible. Peace follows only after Justice has been attained, so Peace does not come first.
When the land is healthy, the people will eat. But the land eats first, because the Earth comes first. We eat only the fruit that falls from the Trees, that grow because of the Sunshine that comes from the Sun, which is collected by all the plants that grow on the land, and we will drink only from the Rain Water that comes mostly from the Ocean, which must be returned back to the Ocean, in fairly good clean workable condition.

The Whole Earth, and the Sun, and the Land which collects the Sunshine, along with the Waters that flow down into the Valley from the mountains above, is the only basis for any truly fine natural Economy.

This is all still very Gift related, even though it is not needs related.

It is not always going to be about finally achieving some negotiated settlement. We don't make any big deals, with these invasive intruders, who bring us nothing, but the seeds of a hostile takeover.

We must each be willing to show that we are safe, and that we come in peace.

Much of what has been given to us, really is a gift that we have been given. And so now we must now begin to try to find a way, to return the favor, before we can be granted, our little bit of freedom. But freedom is not equally spread out, all over the place, like some pandering politicians, would have you believe. And it cannot be given away, since everything has to be earned, and there is an order to the way things must unfold.

Our own personal sense of freedom is going to have to be considered, to be very different, from one person to another, and that is because we can only be granted the limited freedoms, to exercise some of our very limited but specific rights, within the community, once we have become real members of the community, or so the whole gory story goes.

And those would only be those very specific rights, which can be enumerated, and that have each been earned, or otherwise have rightly or legally been come by, which is the only basis for a real sense of ownership.

Each individual who does have a knack for individual sovereignty, must earn his or her own big old sack full of rights, and powers and the privileges that go along with all that, because a meaningless kind of sovereignty, is just not enough stuff, even to survive, much less to prosper, because they are all tied in, with good deeds done, and good planets that have already been saved, sometimes from the people, who may have to be stopped at times, from their destructive activities, and all debts being paid, so we do need to have a systematic method, of applying good sound judgment processes, to ensure a higher level of justice, that can be shared, so that no one person is dragged down by all the other brothers, who haven't got any respect, for their mothers. So yes, there is a new breeze blowing through the gorge, and some people like the feel of the cool fresh air. Those who are looking for problems will create the problems they need to find.

See you all at the Next Meeting. Everyone should be dressed to the hilt, without any guilt, like you were going out on a date, not to unload some hate, if you want to make a big hit, otherwise you can expect to be completely ignored, but if you remain silent, you will not be gored. Too much Poetry?

We should all come in the spirit of gracious abundance, and not needy dependency, or the mindless spirit, of thoughtless disregard, will multiply right out of control, and we will have a dangerous meltdown on our hands, so this is not for the greedy consumers, but it is only for those who can build good relationships. - T