Friday, May 6, 2016

The New Society

The New Society is to take place within an Order. It is a Native Order. 

There is the Local Watershed Order, and there is the Family Order, and there is the Tribal Order. Even Personal Relationships might require some kind of Order or at least a Membership in a Circle, like an Affinity Group.

There is a Natural Correlation, to how we all fit together, but that is within Committed Relationships. And that is why the different communities, of interrelated peoples, might want to be put together, on the same Homestead, with each other. And so the EcoVillage Community really is like a Big Community, which is filled up, with Little Communities, each on their own Homesteads, where they can share living, and financial responsibilities together. And so they will have to create their own Council, where they can decide things like a Community, within a Community. And then they can bring their Decisions, to the Larger Community Council.  

The People living, in a Watershed, might work very much the same way. They Share that Watershed, and may need to create a new way, to decide things, as a Community, by the Creation of a Native Watershed Council. 

The People living, in an EcoRegion, might work very much the same way. They Share that EcoRegion, and may need to create a new way, to decide things, as a Community, by the Creation of a Native EcoRegional Council. 

The People of a Nation, or an Area, like these Native Lands, are simply the Native People, who were born here, and those who have been Fully Naturalized, as well as those, who have been accepted into the Tribe, even though they are not yet Natives.  

Indian Peoples of many Tribes might want to create a Decision-Making Council, of First Nations Peoples.  

But the Tribal Relationship is much more Personal, and that is the one that is indispensable, and so that is what now needs to be Restored and Secured. That's Right. 

We are talking about a Native Spirit Revival and the formation of New Tribes, which is all about a Deeper Commitment, to the Tribe, which would be expected from all New Members.  

There are Circles that the Other People in our lives belong to, in our Natural Circles of interrelation, on various levels of Committed Relationship. It helps to keep those Circles clear and intact. That is why we have to be able to talk about these things. And so that is a Deal Maker, not a Deal Breaker. 

What are the Circles of Committed Relationship?

The Natal Circle is a very personal Circle of close Relationship, between the Mother and Child. 

The Native Circle is a Natural Relationship among Tribal Members, who all know each other, and so that is a Personal Relationship Circle, or a Circle of Friends, who are Committed.  

The Natal Relationship is well respected, recognized and fully supported, as is the Family Member Relationship, and the Personal Committed Relationship. That is for Life. Our Mother is our Mother for Life. 

And then there is the Native Tribal Relationship, which is the Natural Relationship we should have, with the others, who have long lived, in these Native Lands, or in our Native Tribes, and on our Tribal Lands, for at least Three Generations of True Nativity, and One Hundred Years, of Real Naturalization. That is for Life, and then some. 

But the Tribe has been discredited, and so it has been thought to be a backwards way of life, and it is still thought to be a backwards way of life, which is obsolete, because the National system of organization was better, and soon the Global one will be too, and so it has been hounded into oblivion, and it has almost been completely extinguished, as an Organizational Principle. But we need all these different levels of Integration, to be Restored.

That Tribal Circle of Relationships has been discredited, and discarded, in favor, of the Machine World, of the Big Cities, where you don't even know the other people around you. 

Look what happened to the Indians. 

Many Tribes were forcefully Dismantled. The rest were Marginalized. As a result, their Populations have Dwindled. Many Tribes have been Lost. They are here no more. 

But then no new Tribes were ever created. Wow. And that is like a slow death. That should tell us something. Yes. That is what I mean. 

The Indians were tagged, and bagged, as being Bad People. And so it should be no surprise that their Native Tribal Way of Life was also trashed and bashed, and so it was not adopted, by the Settlers, and in fact, it was rejected. Sound Familiar? Yes.   

And then a Glass Ceiling was put up, so that No New Natives would ever be able to Cross-Over, and to claim their own hard-earned Native Rights, even long after the 100 year time period, of Real Naturalization, and the Three Generations of True Nativity, had already been fulfilled, so in this way, No New Native Rights would ever need to be recognized. And because of the Glass Ceiling, the Tribal Way of Life would be kept limited, until it was no more.  

Nativity still goes on, because that comes through the Birth Canal. You go through that 3 times. And then we can assume that you have become very deeply embedded. It has just not yet been recognized. And that might sound like a long time. But any less would be an Insult to the Indians. And many of us have already completed that. And so it is time we began to Claim our Native Rights. 

In this way, the Native Tribal Peoples would not need to be accommodated, by the Corporate World, and by the National Government, which is a move towards the complete disintegration, of the systems of Committed Relationships among Traditional Peoples, which were always Tribal, without exception, turning us all down the way towards powerlessness and deeper dependency upon the National Government, in Anonymous Isolation. 

We have our Families and Friends, at the one extreme. And then we have the National Government at the other. Nothing in between that might be a little more Human Scale, like a Tribal Community where you know almost everybody else who is living there in that Community. And that is the area that needs to be filled in.  

This is why the whole idea of the EcoVillage Community is not supported, by the Media, by the Church, by the Schools, or by the Corporate Government, or even by the Academic Elite. 

Why? It is seen as being no longer useful.  

That is why they are Tearing the Tribes into pieces, which is just like tearing the Forests into pieces. And that is just like tearing the Families into pieces, by destroying the Family Unit, and sending the Committed Members, of that Relationship, off in all different directions. 

And it is just like tearing Mother from Child apart, ruining that Committed Relationship, by disconnecting them, physically, and by forcing a separation, by dissolving the Committed Relationships, on every level. 

But it may well be that we actually need to Restore, and to Secure, all these other levels of Committed Relationship, which have been Traditional, and which are Local. Here we will know almost everybody, who is living in our Watershed. And we will put roots down, and become a part of the Land. 
 - T  


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Living in the Balance

  • We may need to Return to Living in the Balance, if we hope to survive long enough to Save the Earth, which may need our help, not just now, but deep into the Future. 

    Too many of the larger animals can be very hard on the land. Smaller animals are often much better in many ways, like Chickens and Sheep, and Goats. 

    700 pounds of Animals per Homestead should suffice. Same with Plants. They need Soil, Sun, and Water and Room to Grow. We have to live within the Balance. Same with Homes. 

    How many Homes can we have, how big, and how close do we want them to be together? Is there a balance, between Homes and Lands? Yes.

    We want the Homes to fall into the background. 3 acres of land should suffice. And they should be quiet and reserved, and spaced generously at every 200 feet, and well back from the road, for sound privacy, and visual privacy. 

    No one else does that. Normally all the New Homes are vying for attention. They are Yelling at you when you drive by. Look at Me. Look at Me. But we are not like that. 

    Our Homes should all be Tan Colored, with Green Roofs, and facing the Sun, and not the street. No more than 12 people per homestead.

    Who does that? That is Crazy Talk. Yes. We are the Crazy Talkers. Sorry about that. 

    How many People do we really need living here, on these Native Lands? Not that many. 500 should suffice, or less, year around. No More than 700, during the peak season.

    How many people can we keep ourselves limited down to? That is the real question. Everybody works. And all the Homesteads should be in One Big Circle. 

    That is a big part of the Eco-Logical Design Process. 

    We are the Builders, with Real Proposals to be made, and the Resources, or the ability to get those Resources, as it is in my case, to follow through, not the Huddled Masses, with never-ending needs, which can never be met, and which should not be undertaken, or adopted, when they are not worthy and ready, and when they are not even grateful, or worthy of our support, and then they slam the door when they leave. 

    The first generation is sometimes grateful enough. But the Second Generation is often the one that goes bad.  

    We do have every right to expect to see Honor and Grace first, and some Gratitude, for what has been given.

    The People could become a lot like the Homes. Not Demanding to have all the Attention. Not saying look at me, and put my needs first, or by Making Demands upon the EcoSystem or the Community.

    We have to consider the difficult questions.

    What Lands should not be built on? The High Points. The Roughs. The Badlands. The Backlands. The Wetlands. The Forest Preserves. Ancient Valley. The Protected Wilderness Lands. 

    What Lands should be set aside as Open Space? 

    Ancient Valley is a given thing, many thanks to T, which has 2 large Lakes in it. That is not to be touched. The Surrounding Mountains. That's a No-Brainer. 

    Free Water for all. That is an act of Grace. But that precious Water is not unlimited. And that is not a No-Brainer. 

    That does require the kind of Deep Forest Thinking that is just not found crawling around out there, among the Political Ruling Class, of people who can only hang onto office, but they cannot say No, to the constant spending of Money, to buy the votes of the poor. 

    Why? Because Water cannot Vote. But the Poor can Vote. And their Votes can now be bought, much more cheaply, than those of the Natives, who should be entrusted with the care and the management and the protection, of those Native Water Resources.

    But what is a No-Brainer might be setting aside a large Creekside park-like area, as Open Space, which we could call Creekside Park, and that would be something like 64 acres. 

    Another one that is not a No-Brainer at all, would be the Berry Lanes. A 10-foot gap between each of the many dozens of Farm Sites, which will be used by the Children, who will have the first shot at harvesting the low hanging Blackberries. In that way, they will learn that work is both fun and rewarding. And then the Adults can have at the remaining Berries up high, which were beyond the reach of the Children.

    Free Food. But you have to pick it yourself. 

    How much personal land, do people really need, to build a Family Home on, along with a Cabin, and to have some Animals on? 

    Wow. 3 Personal or Family Acres? Yes. This is a Work of Art, not a series of short-term provisions for the poor, and the ungrateful, who have always put their own selves first, Before the Earth. And that has never paid off, because they don't bother, to take up the cause. 

    How much Farmland do they need, to be able, to go into business as a small Garlic Farmer, to make a living off of, or just to feed themselves on? 2 more Acres should be sufficient. That is a lot of land for one Family. 

    3,000 People is not a Family. Give me a Break. A Family is about 12 People. Only a Politician would say otherwise. We have to find other words, for larger groups, who are all in love, with each other, like Tribes. 

    But even then, the names of all the Tribal Members might need to go down on the rolls, in order to be recognized as such, by the Community. And so there is a sense of responsibility, and there is a commitment involved, in a relationship.

    How much Air and Water do the Survivors really need, for breathing and drinking and all other household uses, and for those all important small-scale farming uses, which we have just touched upon? Yes. Lots.

    And do most people really want to get real tight, with a Good Supply of Clean Fresh Untreated Water? No. 

    It would seem that an Endless Supply of Water is only to be taken for granted. 

    But how much of that Bad Stuff do we really think we have, and where does it go, when we have used it up with no consideration, for what goes on downstream? Thousands of Gallons? 

    Millions of Gallons. But that is highly variable. 

    We should have enough Water to support about 700 People continuously the way things are going, which is going to be increasingly downhill, for most of the Native Peoples all around the world, who have not Secured their Native Water Rights, and the power, to protect their own Native Lands, and Waters, and other Resources. 

    Who has considered Energy? Wher does that come from? And Where does that go? What about Jobs? Where do they come from? And how do people plan, to replenish the source, when all the Jobs have been all used up? How about the Gutting of Native Resources?  

    Paying it Forwards, is not to fritter that away, or to let them wash it all away, for nothing but votes, but that is to be put very carefully back, into The very Center of the Whole Circle of Life, as it is not to be given to the spenders and the benders. 

    Passing on, a share of what we have earned, is only possible after it has been Secured.  

    We like to think we could expect some of the New People, to be glad to live under some real constraints, and not to act like every day is a holiday. 

    Living in the Balance means Living on only what our Native Lands can produce, quite easily, without ever running it, into the ground. 

    In that way, we could expect to see an Increase, in soil fertility, and an increase in productivity, not like the ongoing cycle of decrease, we see in place today.  

    Self-Sufficiency can be taken away from us, just like Candy from a Baby, and so it will all be lost, because of the Recklessness and Carelessness, of those who would continue Pandering to the People, whose votes can be bought the Cheapest. 

    When the Votes are counted as Equal, then you buy the ones that are Cheaper, and most Ignorant. And you can then build an entire Empire on the Cheapest kinds of Ignorance. Why even bother with the Natives? That is why we think it is High Time we began, to Restore all Native Rights.

    All of Our Native Rights will still have to be Secured after they have been Restored, so the Earth can then be Restored. And not just those of the Indians.

    Mother India has just announced plans, to Double the burning of Coal in India, next year. At that rate, we will all be dead, within a very short time. 

    Why is that? Because the Poor can Vote. And they will Vote recklessly, with no consideration for anything, but their own Pocketbook. That is the Danger of Catering to the Poor, and especially when it is just to cover our own asses. 

    Passing on of the Gift, is to the many Generations to follow us in this important work. We do intend to Give it all away, to complete Strangers, but only to leave the Comunity in the hands, of those, who are well Trained, and Qualified. 

    Let us not forget that everything we do is a kind gift, for the Earth, not a selfish or political move, to win the approval of the People, by offering them Freebies and Benefits, and all at the expense, of the Earth, which must come First, just to provide some resistance, to those who would boost the economy, as we see happening in India, which is something that needs to be controlled. 

    The Economy is not the Source of Life. That is not the Mother of all Good Things. Better it would be, for all the poor people, to learn to Live Within the Balance, which is their rightful due, after all this overpopulation drama has gone down unpunished, by Native Authority, which has been lacking, because it has not been recognized. And we can't blame the Indians, because they haven't been given the honor, to Decide. 

    That is why we will have to be the first of the Native Tribes on Earth, to Establish Native Rights, so that we can Decide things, and not just for our own selves, and our own Tribes, but for the Indians, and for all Native Tribes, and for all Native Peoples. 

    And that is why we need, to Build Our Own New Communities up Right, in the same way, as you would raise a Child up Right, with Order and Self Restraint. 

    And that will require some Self Discipline, Hardship, Contribution, Service, Energy, Hard Work, Love, and Self-Sacrifice. 

    And we do need to work firstly with the people, who either have the resources, or maybe they can earn them, or get at them, one way or another. 

    We should all be able to pull together $10,000 from Friends and Family, and so that should be enough, to make a start, on the land, unless we have already Burned all of our Bridges. 

    We should all be able, to save that much up, and so it is affordable, even if we are living, on a fixed income, or are getting disability, or other forms of assistance. Maybe some of that can be financed, by the Community, with Nothing Down.

    We will have to head for Higher Ground and to Make a Chain, to prepare for the Coming Changes, because the Party is Over, and the Jobs have all Gone Overseas, where the Workers still have Self Discipline. 

    What did you think was going to happen? When we get Invaded, and Plundered, we Collapse, because the Entire Universe has no special place of honor, for that kind of Failure, to Secure what we have Built. 

    And it will run over on us, like a big old BullDozer. And we will be Crushed under the Weight of our own Failures to deal with the Real World, in an effective manner. - T

    We meet soon. Come to the Meet. Stay Attuned.