Saturday, December 17, 2011

Re-Occupying The Home Zone

I am honored to have you all as my readers, and my friends.

Keep the Faith, and please don't take my words too seriously. Let us collaborate. I come in peace, and with the best of intentions. I think we all have had a chance to have been the first to realize the true potential here, of having a willingness to work with the Leadership Carriers. And there are thousands of us on the planet now.

I will let you all decide for your self, how you would like to regard me. But I would be content to be treated as one of your equals.

You do not all have to agree with me, or to accept my humble words of Truth, as being the last word, which cannot ever be questioned, but that does have to be done, in the right way.

You are all welcome to respond, but only in an honorable attempt to try to get more clear about things, and what was meant by even the little things, since there is nothing too small for us to see very deeply into around here.

I will say that I do consider myself to be Indigenous to this planet, meaning that both of my Grandmothers were born here, and so I am deeply rooted here, on this continent, and in this nation, and on this world.

Aside from blaming the rich, why have a lot of the people lost their homes, and their lands, and their jobs, and their web of relationships?

Some of it may have been the fault, of those who came before you, and who left you with nothing but money, which is no good, since it might well be that many of us have let go of that place of belonging, and honor, within the community, which was once there, or your own people did have that, and then lost that job, or that house, or that land, or those people, by not valuing it, and by not hanging on, to what they had been given, or had inherited, back in the old country, or whatever it was, and what your people had earned, or maybe you just cashed in on it, before you came here.

Maybe you sold the farm, to divvy up the money, and now it is worth nothing, or your people may have lost all their tribal lands, through neglect, and disregard, one way or the other, quite foolishly, selling your own selves out, thinking that you did not need to bother, as a people, to hang onto that land, or to retain that deep sense of total integration, into the community spirit, of oneness, in the Tribal Unity, with the others, who are your people.

You may have even discarded the very spirit of your tribe, or who should have been honored, but was disregarded, which might have been crucial, in order to be able to do our part to sustain our share, of a natural and healthy food and water supply, which is all based on sound Eco-Logical Principles, and a Healthy Planet, with natural flows, and real working relationships, to be protected, not things to grab, and old people to betray, just because we do not need them anymore, or to cash in on it all, and to cut off all ones ties, and to spend it all while you can, or to gut, and run, and to cash out, just to keep up appearances.

It might have been important to have a sense of belonging, as a member of a Tribe, who has a particular place in that Tribal Community, with all the rights and privileges that rightly would correspond to ones actual place in the tribe, as a result of good works, as a contributing member, and with a certain degree of honor, or as a newborn, with no honor, and then with a corresponding amount of power, and with changing responsibilities, as we grow, as no one is born with everything, which is the whole basis for growth, and then you die.

Our Supporters, and our Followers, these are the people we need to feed first. Our Own People, who will be, but are not yet, but will need to be brought into unity, under the stars. And you do not become one of Our Own People, just by coming around looking for an easy answer, for why you may have lost all that should have been there for every one of us.

It is more like the recreation of a Tribe.

You do have to do something really big, just to get into any real Tribe, because Tribal Rights go along with that, and some of us may have done something, to earn some honor, such as to do some time in jail, for the Occupy Movement, getting arrested, for the cause, or to perform some other kind of service, or to make some other kind of sacrifice.

Some of us will be cashing out, on the old world values, from the Old Reality, which is what will be happening, when we begin to buy back into the Community Way of Life, which will begin, only when the time is right for that, and the peoples money is there for that.

Not all good people have that much in the way of money.

Some of you may have sold out cheap, on your Home Land, and on your Home People, because you don't need the community support structure anymore, now that you have something better that even works, in anonymous isolation, which is what most of the people have chosen over the Home Community.

That is what this work is about, making these little distinctions, as the Truth Carriers of the World, to reach out to those who would like to collaborate, and to enter into World Service.

We need to Re-Occupy the Home Planet again, as Tribal Eco-Villagers, who can then have a tremendous influence, from our places of relative freedom, once we have given up a lot of our personal rights.

We need to Disengage from the Feed Lot System, which should be foreign and alien to us, without having to feel guilty, about the many disqualifications, and all the upsets it will take to re-engage with the Home Community, and to become a contributing member.

And only from that place of Unity, and Peace in Solidarity, with our peers, and with deep roots down in place, as a married people, can we then go forth boldly, and with power, to change the world by example, and by succeeding, on the deep level, on which the work really does need to be done, for a lot of these self centric people are not going to be first any longer, once the Truth begins to emerge, since their needs have been sidelined, to make way for something better.

We support the kids, on the street, who are getting arrested for the cause, and we should all be glad to join them, or even just to support some of those, who are without any real good ideas to speak of. But only when their hearts are true and good.

We do not allow the newbees to dishonor the Honored Members of the Tribal Leadership Council, with mediocrity in thought and spirit, which is contaminated and has been corrupted, and so this must be purged and not fed into, or we will get more of the same.

We cannot give the power to the many tongues to tear the world apart, at their own discretion, not when that is just another form of bullying.

We do not support these bullies, or these wannabee gang members, who think they can gang up on people, and bully them around.

And so we have to have a way to distinguish, when everything they have to say is just about completely without standing, for the most part, even though they do want to be credited for that, when they should be discredited for that.

It is not for the last and the least among us to speak as if they were the first, or that their needs must come first, when all they have been saying is that they might agree, or would agree, if they got paid, which is an invalid offer, and is no idea, and so they will have to be disqualified, or we can put that on the shelf for later on.

So you can see that a real idea has to have real meaning, and it could even be said that there needs to be a unique quality to it, or it would have to be disqualified as a mere thought, or even just another carbon copy, which has just been posing as a real idea, which any dog can do, because any dog has thoughts, which you can see going on, even while they are asleep, and you can see that their eyes are moving.

Thoughts are not much different from dreams, which is a fine start, even those of a dog, but then they must then be digested. And that means to take disorderly material, and then you begin to organize it, not just to throw it all into a big pile. What can fall into a big pile is refuse. What is Life really all about?

The Life Principle is the organizing principle.

No one is asking people to agree, for a fee.

We don't need people to agree, not when they do not even understand. And so we must all be willing to show that we have understood the question, or we have to be willing to ask for some clarity, or just stand aside.

You cannot just guess anymore, and be credited, like it was in school, when you could easily get by, on your act.

Almost all the people are implicated here, for the most part, and that is one more thing we will have to be able to deal with, so that is why we need to get ready to disqualify a lot of them as well, for faulty thinking, and sometimes for making a negative contribution, which is like trying to pass off a bad check on us, with a joke and a smile, which is often accepted, by the careless, when it really should not be payable, since there is nothing behind it, but a demand for resources, and so that is how we are losing our Home Planet, by letting our resources be extracted down to zero, or even below zero, by sloppy thinking. And now we are going underwater fast. That is why we need to put the Truth First.

For these reasons, we are all going to be hated and despised, in the short term, for not marching in lock step, with the unoccupied levels of Occupy, meaning the mindless parts, which come from SMCG, the Schools, and the Media, and the Churches, and the Government, but then I can almost promise you, that we will all be loved much later on, after the people have made their way upstream, and joined in, with the dream. But we can no longer afford to remain unable to do our job, as the Truth Carriers.

This is what I was Born to Do. And I hope you all feel the same way, which is that we aspire to serve, not that we grab power.

We do not need to convince people to do anything. But we do expect to be loved and honored for this work we are doing for the Greater Good, even it does run right up against all that is dishonorable and unjust about the world.

That is why I think we have to put the Truth God First, and forget about all those who will remain loyal until the end, to the Twin Gods of Need, and Greed.

Maybe there is a reason why T was sent here, as an act of birth, to put an end to the injustice, which results from a deep disregard for the deeply working roots of our very workable system, which is the Eco-System.

Eco means Home.

And that Eco-System is our Home System, which is the Whole Web of Life, which must come first, and it is not some temporary job which must be protected, as the Integrity of this Planet is of the Highest Priority, and not the endless needs of the people, who will not fit into their rightful places within the Eco-System, and who seek only to gain every advantage, out of any kind of disruption, which is not the reason why we protest, which is to Save the Earth, and all that is good and right, and must come first, and foremost, even if the peoples needs will have to be sidelined.

It is not about the political manipulation of those many personal little wants and needs, which have not been proven to be that important, not to the Whole Web of Life, which alone must be the first consideration, and not all these old world concerns, about what we the people might think we want to believe, and have a right to believe, which is not an option anymore, not without some basis for that to be foisted, on the public domain, or the domain of the community.

This is about taking the Earth Back, not giving it away. And so we will need to give over some of our power, to some kind of Leadership Carriers, and if not T, then some others, who can take this job upon themselves, so the Clear Vision of True Leadership, is from now on, to be valued and honored here, and it is not to be scoffed at, in disdain, or held in disregard, just because of the political implications, which are still stuck back in the Old Reality, when the people had to worry about themselves first, as separate individuals, with needs that all come, before the community, and before the Earth, as they are going to have to live and die alone, in a meaningless Universe, with or without the Earth, ever even entering in to the equation, since they have lost all sense of the Home Zone, which is where the problem begins here.

The Home Planet is calling us Home.

And so the real True Leadership, which we have been given here, is to be Loved, Valued, Honored, and Supported, by all those, who would be members, until the end, since we are not looking for temporary replacements for bit part players to serve as a background audience anymore, for all the bad actors on the world scene.

This is about entering into a deep commitment to the land, and the waters, and the wildlife, and the people. - T

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Community Centric Way of Life

Notice that even long established Farming Families, who have inherited the family farm, will often choose to sell that land, as individuals or even as a family, who are through with that land, simply to service need, and greed, and they will exchange that land, which is something of real value, and was meant to be taken care of and passed on down to future generations, where they would have some place to live, for what little that money can buy, and for nothing but "temporary" money spending satisfaction, which is about serving an addiction, which has no real value, in the long run, and that leaves nothing for future generations, but to become as dependents, on big city short term values, of burning everything up now, with no regard for a long term vision, of having anything left over, which is to embrace total dependency.

That is what happens when we give the decision making power over the care and management of the Earth, to the People, who do not have any of the core competencies, and so should not be allowed to simply decide to treat it all, as a mere possession, as the end consumers of everything that ever was, without any good reason, for that to be the case. How did we all become as Gods? Well now that must be shed. And that is going to be painful.

They Will Sell It All, these self appointed Gods, for that short term money spending power satisfaction addiction. They think you can buy honor. They think Money is Honor. That will all need to be corrected.

Land is Money. But Money is not Land.

The Undesirable Traits of the people are the main source of the corruption, and our inability to deal with those undesirable traits, and to take action, decisively and effectively, which does require some power, of some leadership, which we will not accept, which is what the real problem is, because of low self esteem, not brilliance.

That is why we need to get out of the way, of our inspired leadership, so that they can take decisive action, with our power, not flower power. We must not allow the people to continue to cling to power, like an African dictator, who will not step down from the throne of power.

As Humans, we are not supposed to have stolen the power of the ultimate end consumers, according to T, who is capable, and competent, and very decisive, and creative, but we are ultimately responsible in the end, for being at odds with anything, which is a glaring sign of our being not in very good alignment, with the Universal Order of Truth, which is that great body of work, which has been envisioned and begun by T, with the peoples God given money, like a Tree with many branches, which does all add up, without exception, and that is a place, where nothing is wasted, and nothing is left out, even that which is false, bad or imaginary will have its place, as such.

In Conclusion:

The People cannot be entrusted, with the ownership of the Land any longer, and certainly not as individual people, who may love the community one day, and hate the whole thing the next, which is the worst kind of people, the ones who are not part of the Family, or the Tribe, and are not part of the Community, and so why should they be entrusted, with the power to decide the fate of the Earth, as if they were Gods? Well that good farmland, which is to be held by the community, needs to be protected, from the peoples endless needs, for more gluttonous over-consumption.

That is why the first part of the Big Change over, into the New Reality, as we cross over that bridge, is to transition over, from personal self-centric ownership of our lands, and resources, over into the good Community Held, and Protected Lands, and Resources, as well as the monies, which are just a small part of the life blood of the community, and so should go right along with that, and not just as a safety precaution, for emergencies, but because that really is the rightful place, to hold the bulk of the collective resources, as well, in the trustworthy hands, of the community council, which will share in the decision making powers, which is to be charged, with the responsibility, until death, to hang on to our resources, and not to spend that money lightly, as if it were there, and so should be spent, which is they way these mystery shoppers have been thinking, which is like insects.

The powers involved in the control and protection, of our natural resources, like the community land, and the community money, are to be shared only among those, who remain in good standing, within the community, who can collaborate with others, in a rational manner, and in all respect, for the Honor System, and the ways of our people. - T