Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Avatar and the Earth

In Avatar, on Pandora, the Na’vi Peoples feed into, support, and depend on Eywa, to help to regulate the Flows of life sustaining energy, and to get access to resources, and a place in the after life, which have rightfully been come by, through the Honor System, allowing some to move forwards, as a result of their choices and actions, and forcing others to learn how to Live, Within the Balance, or Die, and they create a bond, with the Plants, and some of the Animals that act, as their companions, in collaboration. 

The Na’vi’s minds, along with the Native Plants and Animals, think as one, with the whole Web of Life, through the Mind of Eywa, which Speaks the Universal Language of Truth, for the Whole Web of Life. But even a Tiny Share, of the Collectively Held Resources must be Earned. It is not a Free Give Away. No. Everyone Contributes.  

And that is why we might want, to make a place, for the fully committed engagement, in sustained dialogue, between the Minds, of those, who all have something very real to lose, which has to do, with what they have to commit, not just what they want to get, for the next Fifty Thousand Years, as conjoined minds, from all walks of life, who all Love Each Other, and are totally Committed, to the Support of the Tribal Community, and to the Process, of Life and Death, and New Creation, Birth and Renewal, and being more than willing to be Phased Out, while at the same time, Supporting a Healthy Competition, so that we will not be Unduly Diminished, and Disempowered, by the Needy Greedy Grabby People.

We do not want to become a Denatured People, who can not Compete, by Caving in, to the Demands, of the Non-Contributors, who have no right, to barge in on us. Right. 

The Real Web of Life in Balance has a lot to do, with what the various Peoples, Plants and Animals, may have to Contribute. The Deer can only give up so many, of their own kind up, for us to Eat, without being Diminished. 

Dependency will not be Supported. Why? Replentishment is the New Order of the Day. Since When? 1991. And we see Healthy Competition, as being very necessary, to keep our Mental Clarity Sharp. And that Healthy Competition exists between Tribes on Pandora, as well, just as it does here on Earth, and throughout the Universe. 

And we see this, in most All Relationships, like between the Parent and Child, where there is Advancement, and the Child makes Demands, to have complete Freedom, and then there is some Pushback, where the Parent Draws the Line, on those Advances, which are Predatory, even though they may be dressed up in the style, of the completely Poor and Pitiful Victims. 

But we want our Children to learn that being a Victim just will not pay. And that is why we may need to support a Healthy Spirit of Pushback, as the Natives, Against Unrestricted Immigration. 

But Dead Babies may not get to advance to the next level, when they die very young. What then? Truth. We expect them to be Grateful, for what they had received, and not to complain about the short lives they had been given. And the same thing is True, about the New People, and the Immigrants. 

They are not Entitled, to a long and Prosperous Life, or to be a Glamorous Movie Star, or anything like that. No. That was a long time coming. 

They may have to go all the way back, and start all over again. And we have to assume that they may have chosen that uncooperative life, so there is no reason, for anyone, to cry about how their lives might have been cut short, by their own choices and actions, when they alone have been to blame. 

And this might help, to shed some light, on the Victims, of the School Shootings. Right. They don't get to go right to the Head of the Class, just for being a Victim. And so there needs to be some Native Push Back against that kind of thing, which is an Attempted Theft, of the Moral Highground, which is now Rampant, in our Society. And so that will have to be paid for. 

Playing the big Victim is not an Accomplishment. And it only reflects upon incompetence, and the Inability to Survive, a School Shooting, which is a very bad thing, to be unaware, of your environment. And so we cannot let the Immigrants Cash In on that, when it was not a good thing, for the Natives, or a Creatively Productive thing, of any interest to the Natives. 

We should not be raising our Children up, to act like Babies, who are not ready, to face right into the Eyes of Death. Right. We are to be the Heroes. 

Eywa might be with us on that. She may feel that it falls, into their own End of the Court, as well. 

She may even be offended, when some of the Worst Among us, are not willing, to give their own lives up, for the Cause, when they would gladly waste it all away, feeding into some Addiction, which is Entirely Self Centric Short Term Thinking, at its worst. 

We Meet Next Month. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. Bringing Sanity to Humanity. - T

Friday, February 15, 2019

Unfettered Capitalism

Think about it. 

If the projected 2 acre Farm site Contribution Pledge starts at just $7,200. as it does, then at that rate, the cost per acre is only $3,600. That would be 36,000 Dimes. 

There are 43,560 Square Feet in an Acre. And that is way less than a dime per square foot for flat useable farmland with deep soil, and a high groundwater table, that will be in close proximity to the Homestead, like right across the road.

And on that one acre you can make $21,800 a year. 

But that can easily be Doubled to $43,560.

How? Double Spacing can Double the Yield, if you have good enough Soil. Instead of just One Clove, per square foot, you can plant 2.

Here is how to Plant Double Rows, for twice the yield:

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Plant 2 rows 6 inches apart, with a spacing of 6 inches per Clove. In between the Double Rows you will still want to leave an 18 inch gap, in between each pair of Double Rows, throughout the whole field, just to be able to walk through your Rows, without doing too much damage.

And that will then be 2 Plants per square foot. And that will require a Full Ton of Seed Garlic, or 2,000 pounds. Out of that, you will want to pick out the best 87,120 Cloves and then you may want to give the rest away, for the Children to play with, in their own plantings.

What will that cost you? Maybe about $4,356.

And that might be a bit much, for some people, so it might be wise, to keep it simple, and to go with just One Clove per square foot, the first year, just to see how the first year goes.

And then the Second Year, when you do not have to buy them, you can easily jack that up to 2 Cloves, per square foot, because then you will not have to borrow the money to buy the Full One Ton of Seed Garlic, since you will have about 3 Tons of Garlic, on hand, or about 6,000 lbs. worth about $21,780, after setting some aside for seed, just as a result of your own hard work. And then next year that will double. You will have 6 tons of Garlic, or about 12,000 lbs. worth about $43,560. per acre or more. And our prices might even be set at $4.35/lb or more. 

But if you can get a square foot of land, for about a dime, and you can plant a square foot of Garlic, for about a dime, then ask yourself this question:

Why is a couple of Cloves of Garlic worth as much as a square foot of land? And the answer here is that we are making this Farmland very easily affordable, to those who really would like to become farmers, on purpose. And this is an easy plan to start with. Right. The fair market price for an acre of land, within the ideal community, in this climate zone, which is 8, would be much much higher than $3,600.

And then how much would a cubic foot of decent soil cost? A lot more than Ten Cents. And then you would have to have a place to put it. You would have to pick it up and drive it home, or have it delivered.

Here it is already in place, and the space to put it on is another huge part of the deal, because we need the Space, to capture the Sun, and to Catch the Rain, and those are included, along with the Good Soil that is in that space, but you also get Free Sunshine, Free Air, and Free Water, in a world, with a shrinking water supply. Right. 

In the very Near Future, Wars will be fought over the last remaining Clean Water Supplies left to be Destroyed on Earth, which may become a completely Barren Planet, just as it is on Mars, not Freedom or Justice. 

A good place in the Sun, with deep soil and clean untreated natural mountain creek water, which is constantly refilling the Ground Water Table below is the whole basis of Production, within the newly forming Green Economy, which is what we will be giving birth to here, in many different ways, on a Dying Planet. 

And that is what we are all going to be getting for about a dime, and that is not even counting the Space Value, and the Rain Value, and the Sunshine Value, which might be worth a lot more than the Soil Value. 

Here what we will get for Ten Cents will be One Square Foot Solar Energy Collection area, and Rainwater Collection area, which is Space Plus Sunshine, plus Water, not just Space Alone, plus the One Cubic Foot of Deep Soil, and then some, for the root systems, which is alive with all of those healthy micro-organisms, and the fungi, and with Free Water and the High Ground Water Table, along with the help of some of the other fine people in the Community, who are not just there to game the system. Why? Because it is a lot like Getting Married. 

Good People will only want to get Married, to other Good People, with Honor and Integrity. 

Plant Production is the real basis of the Native Born Self Sustainable Economy. And we plan to live off of what our Land produces, not by selling the Land itself. 

And we may give some of our produce away, but we should never give our lands away. We should not be putting the blinders, on while the Politicials give it all away, out of stupidity, just to prove that they are the ones, who really care, about the People, of all things, not about the Earth. Why? 

Land is not to be seen as being a Disposable Commodity, which is simply there to be Consumed, and then to be Destroyed, and then to be Discarded, and Disposed of, by the Needy Colonizers, who are always content, to leave a wasteland behind them, like we can see, in some of the Old World countries like Greece, and Syria, where the Natural Environment has been radically degraded, to the point where it is beyond recognition. 

The soil is bare. That is why we do not ever need to make any deals, with the Needy Colonizers, who just want to get off, on our success. No. 

Our Success is not Their Success. 

This is about Regenerative Agriculture. Right. We need to Regenerate Good Soil Health, not Need and Greed. And if someone were to leave their Native Homelands behind, that would be wrong, but then they would have to leave it, in perfectly good condition, not as a barren wasteland. 

And the same thing is True, about Movement, within the Communities. You cannot leave your Old Community in Shambles, when you still owe them money, or community service hours, without that being fulfilled, one way or the other. 

Land is a Sacred Trust, which is not to be regarded as being our own Personal Property, here in Eden, as all that soil is alive and kicking with the billions of the all important micro-organisms that make the whole plant-based ecosystem work. 

We are the Soil Builders and the Land Stewards, not the Land Owners. Right. It belongs to the Community. But that doesn't mean it is a Free Country, or a No Mans Land, or an Any Mans Land. No. It is in good hands. 

These are Our Native Lands. We support Shared Local Tribal Community Controlled Lands. Unfettered Capitalism might not be able to handle Land Use Issues. And that is why we need to Restore our Native Rights. 

In Restorative Agriculture, everything is to be left, to the Tribal Community, and to the Next Generation, of Natives.

We might say, this is the Farm Site that I use, and this is the place where I live, and this is the Land that I take care of not that this is my house, and that these are my lands. 

That change in the way we have to say things, or get out, will suggest a different kind of relationship to the Land, and with the Earth.

Good Farmland has to be Respected. They aren't making any more of that, and so we need to take care of that. Why? We Make a Living off of that. That is why we cannot allow people, to build anything upon the Farm Sites. 

Why? We just cannot set it up that the Lettuce now Owns the Earth. Why? That would be Backwards. Right. We Belong to the Earth. 

The Long Term Thing might be able to Own the Short Term Thing. But the Short Term Things cannot be allowed to Own the Long Term Things. 

And that is what the New People, the Children, and the Immigrants are like, Short Term Things, or New Things, which are alive, like that Head of Lettuce, but they have No Roots, because they have been Cut Off, from their Tribal Roots, and have become Denatured Consumers, on a Dying Planet. Right. These are very needy people. 

They are not to be Entrusted, in the Drivers Seat. And that is why there is no need, for Immigrants to Drive.

None of these old world people are ready, to take full responsibility, for what has been provided, by the Early Settlers, who have now become the New Natives, while these others have remained the same or gone the other way entirely, which is the wrong way to go. Right. They have gone from being Natives, who once had a home, to being Uprooted Consumers, who do not.

They have been cut off, and Turned into a Commodity, which can be bought and sold, with promises of Freebies and Benefits. And their Votes are for Sale. 

But in the real world, the Short Term Thing cannot own the Long Term Thing. No. That doesn't work. And that is why the Tribe is designed, to be a Long Term Thing, which can Outlive the New People, who are the Short Lived Thing. 

The People. They will Come and they will Go, which is fine. But the Lands must remain in the hands, of the Tribe, when they do. 

And that is why the Community is not ever going to be owned, by the Greedy Grabby New People, or the Immigrants, or the Children, or the Roomers. Why? They are like the Water that flows through the Waterfall. Right. These are like People, who need a room in a house. 

We are the Builders of the House.  

But their needs really are for sale, to the highest bidders, on the open market. And maybe that is why they might expect us, to want them, to become our New Owners, because they just do not get the True Significance, of their own Dependency.  

And that is why they just cannot be expected, to see the whole thing, in any other way, usually, but as a product, like the Earth, which has been killed, beheaded, and re-packaged, for their Consumption, just to get their Money.

Or it might be as a Worthy Project that needs their Support, in the form of Money, both of which puts them, on the Throne, as the End Consumers, of the Earth, as if they had every right, to Control the Universe, because they have the Money, as members of the professional classes, and everybody out there needs their Money, the way they may see it. And so we do have to find a way to deal with this. 

But the Farm Site is really only being put out there, for those, who are going to use it, and are going to have a Homestead. And so if we need to build anything, that is only going to be done, on the Homesteads, not on the Farm Sites.

And that is where we will keep all of our Animals. But the Peoples Needs, and those of the Machines, on Earth, and on quite a few other Planets, really will need to be Controlled, if we are going to Survive long enough to make it, to the Final Three. And the best time to start doing that is right now. Right. Baby Steps. The Willingness to Accept some Guidance and Direction. 

We may have to Allow the Rightful Native Leadership Carriers, to show us a little something, about the Nature of these Addictions, and how that is destroying everything that we have been building up to, since everyone else dropped the ball, and we picked it up. 

But we should always put the Universe First, not the Needs of the People, for things like just to get their Fair Share of the Kill, just so they can feel adequately competitive, which would not even have occurred to them, prior to Globalization, where their sense of Adequacy, would be controlled, by the Tribe, just like a Childs sense of adequacy, would be controlled, by the Community, and would not be measured, by how many toys they have, or by how much money they have, in comparison, with some of the most successful people, in the world. No. 

The Children are not to get a healthy Sense of Good Self-Esteem, from being Thrown in Prison, with the Other Children. No. That is what leads to Suicide. 

And this is the time, for us to start cranking that Runaway Expansionism right back down again, to begin returning, to a more simple way of living, so that our places in the Casinos can be vacated, and left empty, as we do not want them to be replaced, by Immigrants at every gaming table, who are Gambling, with the Earths Last Remaining Resources, just because they need a Big Win, for personal reasons, of low self esteem, which we can understand, but in a Sane World that Place of Honor, which they need so badly, to make up for what they lost, would still have to be Earned, with Service to the Natives, and Service to the Earth, which will need to be Learned, before the Earth has been Burned. And that will need to be Paid For. Right. 

When They Learn, We Earn. And so what they have thrown away lightly, will now have to be Earned Back hardly, with Many Years of Service. 

My Name is T. Glad to be of Service. Bringing Sanity to Humanity. Since When? 1991. - T

Monday, February 11, 2019

Growers Cooperative

We could even have a Garlic Growers Cooperative to support mutual cooperation, once we have all gotten clear about what real membership in the Community could really mean for the Earth, and not just our own Personal Benefit.

But what about having to sell all that Garlic really fast before it all begins to spoil? Unlike most other crops, Garlic will keep for up to 9 months.

Finding Our Way Home

You pull them up when there are still 3 green leaves on the plants, and then you hang them up to slow dry, in a shady place, to allow the curing process to begin very slowly.

Not only can you pay off the entire cost of your one acre, five times over, each and every year, but you might even eventually pay off your entire Homestead Contribution Share, 3 times over, and even the cost of your All Solar Home itself, in just ten years.

On top of all that, you are going to be a hero, with all the other Women, and you are going to look like a real big success story, as you explain, quite modestly, to the entire world, how you became self-sufficient, and financially self-sustaining, on just one acre of good land, using Restorative Agriculture.

Everything we do, for so many other good people, who we really do know, and love, comes back to us at least 3 times over.

But the Native Homelands we carelessly give away to total strangers, where there is no relationship, and where there is no training, might not ever come back to you, because that might be a wrongdoing. And so don't be a Sellout, as that might incur a Debt to the Universe.

But in this and many other ways we can all help each other, to be able to make a good living off of our collective land holdings, in the spirit of community, with more than enough, and some to share, for the people we know and Love.

The projected cost of some of the early Farm sites in Eden Valley really is going to be actually less than ten cents a square foot. 

And that is an amazing realization, when you think about it, that you could get yourself set up, with a square foot of good farmland with deep soil and free water for less than a dime in Eden. How is that even possible? I know. 

It may sound too good to be true, but this really is the Crazy Deal that we are putting out there, for some of our biggest supporters, who will be the Homesteaders. Why? We Like the Homesteaders. Right. 

And the Entire Universe likes the Homesteaders. 

But you have to be a Homesteader, to get the Farmsite. And that does require a Buy-In, to a Contribution Share Plan, where One Out of Three Homesteaders might be lucky enough, to get the Zero Down Payment Plan, for Life.

Why? These are all Deeply Committed People. And those who have done so much good work for the Cause, should have a chance, to become Self Sustainable.

Why so Cheap? To help Small Farmers to get affordable access to land. And the Community can afford to do that. You can see here how clear we are with the numbers.

If the projected 2 acre Farm site Contribution Pledge starts at just $7,200. as it does, then at that rate, the cost per acre is only $3,600. 

That would be 36,000 Dimes. And there are 43,560 Square Feet in an Acre. And that is way less than a dime per square foot for flat useable farmland with deep soil, and a high groundwater table, that will be in close proximity to the Homestead, like right across the road.

And on that one acre you can make $21,800 a year. - T

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Growing Garlic

How to become a Self-Sustainable Mountain Woman 

Growing Garlic

All you need, to get Started is about One Acre of Land, which is going to be, quite incidentally, exactly 43,560 square feet, and 1000 lbs of Organic Untreated Seed Garlic Bulbs, to be planted about One Clove per square foot in Early November.

Finding Our Way Home

Cost: To plant One Acre in Garlic you should be prepared to set aside about $2,178. for 1,000 lbs of Garlic/acre at $2.17/lb. which you should be able to buy at that price, by the pickup truck load.

And at that price, your cost per bulb is about 30 Cents a Bulb, and if you pick the 6 biggest Cloves per bulb, you will be getting 6 big Cloves for about 30 cents, or about Five Cents a Clove. 

That half ton of Garlic is going to render about 43,560 big Cloves, for planting, and a lot of little tiny ones may be left over, and that you can give away to your friends, or the Soup Kitchen, but that magic number of big Cloves, is quite coincidentally, just about enough for One Clove per square foot.

What you get Eight Months later is about 6,000 lbs/acre, or more, but then you will want to set aside about 1,000 lbs of that for your next years crop, since now it makes brilliantly good sense to become your own provider of Seed Garlic, since you are now just as easily in the Seed Garlic business, as well as the Food Garlic business.

That leaves you with about 5,000 lbs. of Garlic which you can begin to sell right after harvest time is over, which is in August, and that 5,000 lbs of Garlic, can then be sold in ten pound sacks, which might go for at least $43.60 a sack, which is $4.36/lb or about 60 Cents a Bulb. 

And that is more like Ten Cents a Clove, which will bring you about $21,780. per acre, each and every year thereafter, on just one acre, which is just about 50 Cents a Square Foot, in net returns, over and above what you will need, to reseed next years crop, which pays for your land.  

If one Good Hard Working Mountain Woman can sell about 200 pounds a week, she will have it all sold, within 6 Months, and that could easily be done, out of the trunk of a car, at a farmers market, one day a week. - T 

Friday, February 1, 2019

What Does It Mean

Finding Our Way Home

What does it mean, to Live Within the Balance? 

When somebody Dies, and Leaves this World, then a New Life can be Born. When somebody Dies, or Leaves this Country, then a New Baby can be Born, or a Child, from Far Away Lands can be Adopted, who has not yet Closed Off.   

When someone Dies, or Leaves Our Community, then a New Member can be brought in, Born, or Adopted, who has not yet become Shut Down. 

And when a Homestead, within the EcoVillage Community opens up, then a New Family can be considered, for Settlement, who has not yet become all Locked-Up on us. And these would be people, who we can work with.

That is what it means, to Live Within the Balance. 
Since When? 1991. - T              edenvillage.net