Saturday, December 17, 2011

Re-Occupying The Home Zone

I am honored to have you all as my readers, and my friends.

Keep the Faith, and please don't take my words too seriously. Let us collaborate. I come in peace, and with the best of intentions. I think we all have had a chance to have been the first to realize the true potential here, of having a willingness to work with the Leadership Carriers. And there are thousands of us on the planet now.

I will let you all decide for your self, how you would like to regard me. But I would be content to be treated as one of your equals.

You do not all have to agree with me, or to accept my humble words of Truth, as being the last word, which cannot ever be questioned, but that does have to be done, in the right way.

You are all welcome to respond, but only in an honorable attempt to try to get more clear about things, and what was meant by even the little things, since there is nothing too small for us to see very deeply into around here.

I will say that I do consider myself to be Indigenous to this planet, meaning that both of my Grandmothers were born here, and so I am deeply rooted here, on this continent, and in this nation, and on this world.

Aside from blaming the rich, why have a lot of the people lost their homes, and their lands, and their jobs, and their web of relationships?

Some of it may have been the fault, of those who came before you, and who left you with nothing but money, which is no good, since it might well be that many of us have let go of that place of belonging, and honor, within the community, which was once there, or your own people did have that, and then lost that job, or that house, or that land, or those people, by not valuing it, and by not hanging on, to what they had been given, or had inherited, back in the old country, or whatever it was, and what your people had earned, or maybe you just cashed in on it, before you came here.

Maybe you sold the farm, to divvy up the money, and now it is worth nothing, or your people may have lost all their tribal lands, through neglect, and disregard, one way or the other, quite foolishly, selling your own selves out, thinking that you did not need to bother, as a people, to hang onto that land, or to retain that deep sense of total integration, into the community spirit, of oneness, in the Tribal Unity, with the others, who are your people.

You may have even discarded the very spirit of your tribe, or who should have been honored, but was disregarded, which might have been crucial, in order to be able to do our part to sustain our share, of a natural and healthy food and water supply, which is all based on sound Eco-Logical Principles, and a Healthy Planet, with natural flows, and real working relationships, to be protected, not things to grab, and old people to betray, just because we do not need them anymore, or to cash in on it all, and to cut off all ones ties, and to spend it all while you can, or to gut, and run, and to cash out, just to keep up appearances.

It might have been important to have a sense of belonging, as a member of a Tribe, who has a particular place in that Tribal Community, with all the rights and privileges that rightly would correspond to ones actual place in the tribe, as a result of good works, as a contributing member, and with a certain degree of honor, or as a newborn, with no honor, and then with a corresponding amount of power, and with changing responsibilities, as we grow, as no one is born with everything, which is the whole basis for growth, and then you die.

Our Supporters, and our Followers, these are the people we need to feed first. Our Own People, who will be, but are not yet, but will need to be brought into unity, under the stars. And you do not become one of Our Own People, just by coming around looking for an easy answer, for why you may have lost all that should have been there for every one of us.

It is more like the recreation of a Tribe.

You do have to do something really big, just to get into any real Tribe, because Tribal Rights go along with that, and some of us may have done something, to earn some honor, such as to do some time in jail, for the Occupy Movement, getting arrested, for the cause, or to perform some other kind of service, or to make some other kind of sacrifice.

Some of us will be cashing out, on the old world values, from the Old Reality, which is what will be happening, when we begin to buy back into the Community Way of Life, which will begin, only when the time is right for that, and the peoples money is there for that.

Not all good people have that much in the way of money.

Some of you may have sold out cheap, on your Home Land, and on your Home People, because you don't need the community support structure anymore, now that you have something better that even works, in anonymous isolation, which is what most of the people have chosen over the Home Community.

That is what this work is about, making these little distinctions, as the Truth Carriers of the World, to reach out to those who would like to collaborate, and to enter into World Service.

We need to Re-Occupy the Home Planet again, as Tribal Eco-Villagers, who can then have a tremendous influence, from our places of relative freedom, once we have given up a lot of our personal rights.

We need to Disengage from the Feed Lot System, which should be foreign and alien to us, without having to feel guilty, about the many disqualifications, and all the upsets it will take to re-engage with the Home Community, and to become a contributing member.

And only from that place of Unity, and Peace in Solidarity, with our peers, and with deep roots down in place, as a married people, can we then go forth boldly, and with power, to change the world by example, and by succeeding, on the deep level, on which the work really does need to be done, for a lot of these self centric people are not going to be first any longer, once the Truth begins to emerge, since their needs have been sidelined, to make way for something better.

We support the kids, on the street, who are getting arrested for the cause, and we should all be glad to join them, or even just to support some of those, who are without any real good ideas to speak of. But only when their hearts are true and good.

We do not allow the newbees to dishonor the Honored Members of the Tribal Leadership Council, with mediocrity in thought and spirit, which is contaminated and has been corrupted, and so this must be purged and not fed into, or we will get more of the same.

We cannot give the power to the many tongues to tear the world apart, at their own discretion, not when that is just another form of bullying.

We do not support these bullies, or these wannabee gang members, who think they can gang up on people, and bully them around.

And so we have to have a way to distinguish, when everything they have to say is just about completely without standing, for the most part, even though they do want to be credited for that, when they should be discredited for that.

It is not for the last and the least among us to speak as if they were the first, or that their needs must come first, when all they have been saying is that they might agree, or would agree, if they got paid, which is an invalid offer, and is no idea, and so they will have to be disqualified, or we can put that on the shelf for later on.

So you can see that a real idea has to have real meaning, and it could even be said that there needs to be a unique quality to it, or it would have to be disqualified as a mere thought, or even just another carbon copy, which has just been posing as a real idea, which any dog can do, because any dog has thoughts, which you can see going on, even while they are asleep, and you can see that their eyes are moving.

Thoughts are not much different from dreams, which is a fine start, even those of a dog, but then they must then be digested. And that means to take disorderly material, and then you begin to organize it, not just to throw it all into a big pile. What can fall into a big pile is refuse. What is Life really all about?

The Life Principle is the organizing principle.

No one is asking people to agree, for a fee.

We don't need people to agree, not when they do not even understand. And so we must all be willing to show that we have understood the question, or we have to be willing to ask for some clarity, or just stand aside.

You cannot just guess anymore, and be credited, like it was in school, when you could easily get by, on your act.

Almost all the people are implicated here, for the most part, and that is one more thing we will have to be able to deal with, so that is why we need to get ready to disqualify a lot of them as well, for faulty thinking, and sometimes for making a negative contribution, which is like trying to pass off a bad check on us, with a joke and a smile, which is often accepted, by the careless, when it really should not be payable, since there is nothing behind it, but a demand for resources, and so that is how we are losing our Home Planet, by letting our resources be extracted down to zero, or even below zero, by sloppy thinking. And now we are going underwater fast. That is why we need to put the Truth First.

For these reasons, we are all going to be hated and despised, in the short term, for not marching in lock step, with the unoccupied levels of Occupy, meaning the mindless parts, which come from SMCG, the Schools, and the Media, and the Churches, and the Government, but then I can almost promise you, that we will all be loved much later on, after the people have made their way upstream, and joined in, with the dream. But we can no longer afford to remain unable to do our job, as the Truth Carriers.

This is what I was Born to Do. And I hope you all feel the same way, which is that we aspire to serve, not that we grab power.

We do not need to convince people to do anything. But we do expect to be loved and honored for this work we are doing for the Greater Good, even it does run right up against all that is dishonorable and unjust about the world.

That is why I think we have to put the Truth God First, and forget about all those who will remain loyal until the end, to the Twin Gods of Need, and Greed.

Maybe there is a reason why T was sent here, as an act of birth, to put an end to the injustice, which results from a deep disregard for the deeply working roots of our very workable system, which is the Eco-System.

Eco means Home.

And that Eco-System is our Home System, which is the Whole Web of Life, which must come first, and it is not some temporary job which must be protected, as the Integrity of this Planet is of the Highest Priority, and not the endless needs of the people, who will not fit into their rightful places within the Eco-System, and who seek only to gain every advantage, out of any kind of disruption, which is not the reason why we protest, which is to Save the Earth, and all that is good and right, and must come first, and foremost, even if the peoples needs will have to be sidelined.

It is not about the political manipulation of those many personal little wants and needs, which have not been proven to be that important, not to the Whole Web of Life, which alone must be the first consideration, and not all these old world concerns, about what we the people might think we want to believe, and have a right to believe, which is not an option anymore, not without some basis for that to be foisted, on the public domain, or the domain of the community.

This is about taking the Earth Back, not giving it away. And so we will need to give over some of our power, to some kind of Leadership Carriers, and if not T, then some others, who can take this job upon themselves, so the Clear Vision of True Leadership, is from now on, to be valued and honored here, and it is not to be scoffed at, in disdain, or held in disregard, just because of the political implications, which are still stuck back in the Old Reality, when the people had to worry about themselves first, as separate individuals, with needs that all come, before the community, and before the Earth, as they are going to have to live and die alone, in a meaningless Universe, with or without the Earth, ever even entering in to the equation, since they have lost all sense of the Home Zone, which is where the problem begins here.

The Home Planet is calling us Home.

And so the real True Leadership, which we have been given here, is to be Loved, Valued, Honored, and Supported, by all those, who would be members, until the end, since we are not looking for temporary replacements for bit part players to serve as a background audience anymore, for all the bad actors on the world scene.

This is about entering into a deep commitment to the land, and the waters, and the wildlife, and the people. - T

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Community Centric Way of Life

Notice that even long established Farming Families, who have inherited the family farm, will often choose to sell that land, as individuals or even as a family, who are through with that land, simply to service need, and greed, and they will exchange that land, which is something of real value, and was meant to be taken care of and passed on down to future generations, where they would have some place to live, for what little that money can buy, and for nothing but "temporary" money spending satisfaction, which is about serving an addiction, which has no real value, in the long run, and that leaves nothing for future generations, but to become as dependents, on big city short term values, of burning everything up now, with no regard for a long term vision, of having anything left over, which is to embrace total dependency.

That is what happens when we give the decision making power over the care and management of the Earth, to the People, who do not have any of the core competencies, and so should not be allowed to simply decide to treat it all, as a mere possession, as the end consumers of everything that ever was, without any good reason, for that to be the case. How did we all become as Gods? Well now that must be shed. And that is going to be painful.

They Will Sell It All, these self appointed Gods, for that short term money spending power satisfaction addiction. They think you can buy honor. They think Money is Honor. That will all need to be corrected.

Land is Money. But Money is not Land.

The Undesirable Traits of the people are the main source of the corruption, and our inability to deal with those undesirable traits, and to take action, decisively and effectively, which does require some power, of some leadership, which we will not accept, which is what the real problem is, because of low self esteem, not brilliance.

That is why we need to get out of the way, of our inspired leadership, so that they can take decisive action, with our power, not flower power. We must not allow the people to continue to cling to power, like an African dictator, who will not step down from the throne of power.

As Humans, we are not supposed to have stolen the power of the ultimate end consumers, according to T, who is capable, and competent, and very decisive, and creative, but we are ultimately responsible in the end, for being at odds with anything, which is a glaring sign of our being not in very good alignment, with the Universal Order of Truth, which is that great body of work, which has been envisioned and begun by T, with the peoples God given money, like a Tree with many branches, which does all add up, without exception, and that is a place, where nothing is wasted, and nothing is left out, even that which is false, bad or imaginary will have its place, as such.

In Conclusion:

The People cannot be entrusted, with the ownership of the Land any longer, and certainly not as individual people, who may love the community one day, and hate the whole thing the next, which is the worst kind of people, the ones who are not part of the Family, or the Tribe, and are not part of the Community, and so why should they be entrusted, with the power to decide the fate of the Earth, as if they were Gods? Well that good farmland, which is to be held by the community, needs to be protected, from the peoples endless needs, for more gluttonous over-consumption.

That is why the first part of the Big Change over, into the New Reality, as we cross over that bridge, is to transition over, from personal self-centric ownership of our lands, and resources, over into the good Community Held, and Protected Lands, and Resources, as well as the monies, which are just a small part of the life blood of the community, and so should go right along with that, and not just as a safety precaution, for emergencies, but because that really is the rightful place, to hold the bulk of the collective resources, as well, in the trustworthy hands, of the community council, which will share in the decision making powers, which is to be charged, with the responsibility, until death, to hang on to our resources, and not to spend that money lightly, as if it were there, and so should be spent, which is they way these mystery shoppers have been thinking, which is like insects.

The powers involved in the control and protection, of our natural resources, like the community land, and the community money, are to be shared only among those, who remain in good standing, within the community, who can collaborate with others, in a rational manner, and in all respect, for the Honor System, and the ways of our people. - T

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Building a Resilient Community

Real Leaders are real people who have developed their own real new ideas, and they may even have to introduce some New Concepts, and create some New Terms, as we have seen here, which are not always popular to hear about, and so they do need to be explained in some depth, and these groups are very good for that, whereas emotional outbursts of raging disregard are generally not very good here, because of the limitations of email.

There is a lot of work involved in getting ones newly created ideas down into a stream of words, and a lot of these people who can only react from their emotions, are going to have to sit this one out, if they are just not willing to use their heads and to do the work involved. Much will not ever be explained. But that does not mean they have any right to go on a destructive rampage, because that is your responsibility, to ask, and to accept no for an answer, is part of that.

Character Assassination is way out of line, in an email group, and especially when that is used for nothing but to save ones own sorry backside. Bring Peace. Be Grace.

One thing that some of the New Community Organizers get a lot is the way that if you correct someones thinking like this, or lay out some of the parameters, then they will go into the vengeance at all cost mode, like you dropped a big bad one on them, and so now they are going to have to get revenge.

This is not because they are dirty rotten people, who have just been identified as such, for the whole world to see, and to know, of their worthlessness, as dishonest deceivers of the first order, but it may well be received as such, because of their almost endless ego pride, and their unspoiled arrogance.

They are going to have to get revenge, because they are living in a Zero Sum Game, against the Community, and against the World, and against the Organizer, and this is how they deal with their enemies out there in the dog eat dog world, that if they allow someone elses words to stand, unchallenged, that there will be no freebies, then they lose, on two counts, because they had to back down, and didn't get to win the argument, on nothing but entitlements, and then they didn't get the freebies that were expected.

These peoples levels of self entitlement, for nothing, may have to be readjusted down a few pegs, and they might even be sent back out to the wood pile to stack some wood, until they have cooled off, while the others may get to engage further, with the creation and the refinement of all these richly rewarding new ideas, that all add up to something, which they could not have accomplished, after having to apologize, of course, because yes, the thoroughly progressive mind work, as a designer and a refiner, or as deeply intertwined collaborators, and as a hard working determinator, if not as a judge, who may even have the honor of serving on the Tribal Council, is a lot harder work than they could ever afford to even begin to have to pay for, so why not accept this work as my gift.

I do all this work for the peoples Love, believe it or not, instead of a lot of empty flatteries, so don't offer me anything less. Expect the Best, and Forget the Rest.

There will be some of these self made victims of their own disgrace, for the most part, who will want to push for a hostile takeover, or to enforce a false doctrine, or to build a group of anti-power over on us, using the mass mind politics of premature war pathing, which is the same thing, in some instances, as a grave injustice, to reverse the order of the connections, on the wiring diagram, which is a way of hacking into, and sabotaging the system, which is the EcoSystem, to get what they want first, by forcing the issue, at the expense of all the others, who are not guilty of anything, and it is a violation, when it has been forced upon us, prematurely, as a community, in all of our innocence, and so there is an order here, and it might even be stolen, or broken up, by the use of force, and even violence, which can be done, with votes as well as clubs, which they will often use, to destroy, from a consumerized amalgamation, of personal likes and dislikes, which can be exploited among the short term thinkers, who are quite content to extract resources, in their search for freebies, which have not yet been earned, and that is why all these empty promises must be dealt with, as empty promises, not because they never meant it, as sometimes they really do intend to come through for us big time, but because they are as yet unfulfilled, and so they cannot be cashed in on, just yet, very much like when you have just deposited a check in your account, and then they have to tell you that that money is still not yet available for you to use just yet, and so if you want to gut your account all the way down as far as it will go, which is why so many people are underwater right now, then you will have to wait a couple of days, for that check to go through the system, because as yet it is just a nice little promise, but they have not yet fully actualized that money yet.

This is how careful we have to be when dealing, with all these promises, and requests that are based on those promises, which we must be able to deny the premature pay-ability of, even while at the same time we are sometimes hoping for the best, and for them to come through on these promises, many of which are well enough intentioned, and most of which should come through, which is when they will become payable, but we cannot pay off on that until they have become completed promises, which alone can be "Put on the table", as only good food, which has been blessed, and which is truly fit to eat, can be "put on the table", long after it has been produced, harvested, and prepared, and has been blessed.

We are expecting all the new people to make some kind of an effort to show some kind of preliminary respect for this community, as a non-judgmental community, except for T, who is the Organizer, who is the only full time worker we have, unless we should choose to select some other judges, as it may be that T is not always available.

We can only hope we can choose a few good people to be judges, who can explain their judgments, intellectually, through the use of ideas, without resorting to emotional outbursts, or lashing out, in raging contempt for authority, which is one of the first things we must all be willing to look at, as a psychological defect, which will require a diagnosis, and treatment, just to see, if that person is deemed to be a desirable new member of this community, and that has to do with good things offered, to the leadership, and to the community, first, with some showing of at least a nominal levels of respectful gratitude, meaning that they are keeping the faith and assuming the best, even if some bad things come out, from some other people, like some groundless accusations, which they could latch onto, and join into, and they could even hope to cash in on that problem, by magnifying that problem, instead of being part of the solution, just in order to form personal alliances, which can be used against their enemies, in this premature struggle for power, but we expect them not to latch on to anything, but the Truth, and then you hang on to that for dear life.

We are all here to learn, that we had it wrong.

The question is not whether a persons diagnosis can be tolerated by the community, according to Karen Winter, but whether they really are a good fit.

We insist upon asking the new people to talk only about ideas here, and not to dump their reactionary thoughts and opinions, and they are certainly not to pronounce judgment here.

New ideas, from others, are always welcome, but not to cash in on that, by robbing someone else.

New people always want the situation to be that we are starting from scratch, and don't have any ideas, which leaves a big opening for them, to take a freebie, without giving a lifetimes work.

We want all the others to help us to build, with new ideas, but they must connect up in a compatible manner, so it is a good idea to build on what has already been built.

What the average american quite often thinks, quite erroneously, is that "they", whoever that is, always want you to be good, in school, in the church, in obeying the law, and in the importance of getting a good education, and in short, to conform to "their" drug program. But the real secret is that we will all have to be willing to join in as one of "us", before we can all begin to join the Tribe.

What we are doing is actually Beyond All Comprehension, for some of these new people, that what we are building is Beyond Society.  

What I have initiated here, is not about dragging a lot of strange new  people, into a beautifully well designed community, where they do not yet belong, and who may not even speak the language, which is the Universal Language of Truth, and what is True, and interesting, is one thing we really should be talking about here, and not what people need to feel good about it.

Making people feel good, by being nice to them all the time, could even be considered by some to be a way of servicing an old addiction to an old reality.

I do expect to be Loved and Honored, for this Bold New Initiative, which I have launched, called the Unified Field Theory of Universal Integration, which should come as some relief, to those who are hungry for the Truth, about the New Reality, and putting Truth First, above all else, is a whole new approach.

I think I have been very clear about all that.

But let us deal, with one little question here:

"you are ... scaring the crap out of me"

What that means is that the Restoration of Truth, Scares the Crap out of some of the new people, who have not yet been trained, and who do not want to have to bother to do anything to qualify.

They expect us to be nice to them, and to service their addictions, but they are not willing to be nice to us first. That is a double offense.

Let us argue, here in this group, about real ideas, of our own, hand hewn material, which we have created, but let us use honest arguments, which we are to use, for learning, and not burning.

Let us work towards the creation of a mutual understanding, but let us leave the personal politics of manipulating peoples needs, out of it, including all manner of Character Assassination, which is particularly offensive, on the first post of one of the newbies, which is punishable by fines, but no one will be hung for just one minor indiscretion, but we do have to have recognize the natural unit of order her, where you do have to have standing, before you can become demanding, in order that we might have some small measure of justice, which can only follow from falling into the Universal Order, like the Natural Order of Priorities, and the Honor System, which have been laid out, for starters, and Domain Theory, which is still yet to come.

And then maybe peace will follow, after all this hard work has been done, which has been given on my part, as one of the Truth Carriers, to expose it all, and on the part of others, it is to accept it all, as a valid form of thought, or at least to come to terms with it, as being within my rights, to shape the Universe, as I may choose, even if you don't all yet agree with it, and then to work with it, in collaboration, and to support, and to protect the leadership, from all manner of personal attacks, as we have seen demonstrated by D+P, who have earned a significant place of honor here, as such, for being faithful, and true, and who have remained loyal to the cause, at some great personal expense, in time and trouble, which we should all be grateful for, even if we do not agree with them both, so thanks to those two, who have shown us that we really do have the full support of our peers, and those in the other communities, and I think we can expect many more, from the other communities, to cross over the bridge, into the New Reality, which has been called for, since ancient times, when T was young, and has now been laid out for all to see, and now that time has come, for the people to express their deepest something or other if not their heartfelt thanks, so we will expect all others to follow the way that has been laid out for the whole world to follow, and not just to spit and spew, in their self satisfied wallow, of niceness addiction.

Those old school social niceties really are what some people really do think are the core values of this community, when we have gone Beyond the Old School Niceties.

For them that old stuff is what they came here for, where everyone else would have to play nice, with them, while they rob us blind, since they are not to be obligated, not as the customers, who are expected to have no responsibilities, not in any way, and certainly not to have to play nicey nicey with us first, which would be humiliating for them to have to show a desire to display deep faithfulness, and courage, which would be required, to get into any kind of relationship, that you do have to cross over that painful bridge, of shame and humiliation, and to ask humbly, if you can have something, like inclusion, which you haven't earned, like to be loved and included, among strangers, who have never met you.

Don't you think that would take some doing on your part?

It usually does, unless you are one of the privileged few, who doesn't ever have to try, and doesn't ever have to make the first move, to show that they really care, and to show how much they are willing to do, just to help to make this project a reality, while asking nothing in return.

Many Blessings. I really do love all you fine folks.  - T

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Truth First

Free Speech actually is the disorganized condition, and is of the least value, for that very reason, because it is not to the point, and so it is ineffective, for the most part, and so even if that is a good place to begin, the focusing work has to amount to something new and effective, like a Tribal Council.

All rights in fact, are a very dangerous consideration, even though most people would never even think about that, because they are usually about how some underhanded people pleasing politician has conferred the imaginary right, to a particular voting block, which was invented right there and made up on the spot, to allow them to exert me first power over someone else, or some other class, or group.

This is where a certain class of people, have been given a right to come first, for political reasons, having to do with getting people elected, not because they are better, and have proven themselves to be worthy, or are in line for that, or by any other reasonable thing, meaning stemming from doing the math, about what people deserve first, because of what they have done, like doing the work, or who they are, like being the mother, or the father, or being the son, or the daughter, or being the one who has been raising the child, or running the business, or doing the work, or whatever it is, which would normally be about having respect for the natural order first, of how things should work, so as to minimize injustice, but only because they have been given the blanket right to do so, in blindness, which is regardless of what doing the math would tell us about their value and position in the scale of things.

That is just an example of how we have been allowing the politicians to dispose of the Truth First, and then we are then all forced, to try to proceed from there, as if there were any way forwards, after all that had been gained, over the many thousands of years of the development of Human Society had all just been erased, just to please some segment of the population, with some special dispensation of special rights, outside of the law, which are not warranted, just to please some special interest group, which is often not even the one that is going to benefit, from the illegal changes, which will throw everything else way out of whack, and that is why anything that is out of order, is an assertion of an illegal thought, and an imposition of the false, which well should be against the law, so if you want to believe that 2 plus 2 is 5, then that is not within your rights, so to assert that kind of blatant falsehood, which would be illegal, and should be illegal, universally speaking, and so you will be quickly fired, for such illegal calculations, if ytou weere holding any kinde of a responsible position, like a 3rd generation US citizen, who has responsibilities, now that you are indigenous to this country, because both of your grandmothers were born here.

It would be crazy to allow you to decide what you want to be the result of the work that was never done, as as foregone conclusion, and then you get to fudge the math, by reverse engineering the arguments, and by cooking the imaginary evidence, that had supposedly led up to it, to make it look like you had done the work, and you had concluded honestly, and correctly, as a judge, which would be fraudulent, if you were a judge, to decide what you want to believe first, and then to look for evidence of that later, as the police often do, and so you would all have to be fired, even for accepting such a set of falsified calculations, which have no basis in real Truth, from someone elose, since you are responslble for what yo have accepted from the others as well, as being valid, and checked out for accuracy, as being good and right, just because it is popular, when you did not do the work, and so you cannot conclude any such thing, even though you may want to, just in order to please the others, who are going to be judging you, as one of us, or one of them, based on whether you believe this nonsense or not. A lot of popular ideas are bogus.

Imagine there is no country. That is not a valid idea. That is actually just a command. Do the Math. Where is the substance? What can be built on that? Where does it lead? That is all empty calories. Those of us who would like to serve on the Tribal Council, or as it is sometimes called, The Death Panel, must all be capable, of making such clear cut distinctions, between what is good food, and what is all non-nutritive fantasy.

We are all to be held accountable to the community, as if we were all responsible, to all the others, almost as if we were all being paid as judges, who would have to be able to explain our reasons, and to make sound judgments, and to speak truth, or to keep quiet, becaue there will be consequences for all errors, just like when the space shuttle blew up, the consequences can be fairly extreme, and so we have to be able to speak up, when something is wrong, even the slightest little thing, and we have to keep quiet, when we don't really have any real work that we have at least partly completed, and that is ready to be brought forth before the others, just to see what kind of an impact it might make. It is not social. The Truth extends far Beyond Society.

It is better to say that you do not know what 2 and 2 is, at all, if you cannot do the math, and are not capable of showing us all by graphic representation, how that could possibly be true, and how it could be no other way, meaning a rigorous examination, which is subject to the criticism of others, as in a peer review.

My Real Work, in combination with all the Real Work of some of the others, really could be part of the solution, and not just all these little self centric little opinions, which are just too safe, because there is just no commitment to Truth yet as the Highest God, which I have proposed, with the blessings of Gandhi, no less, who first said that the Truth was the Highest God.  - T

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blame Game Corruption

What is missing is the understanding about preserving the integrity of the relationship structure, behind or within every transaction on Earth, which is part of the Traditional Culture Collapse, which most people are afraid of entering into again, but it does need to be revisited, if only in a Sweat Lodge, or its Pagan equivalent.

It is never about the food being dropped from the sky, as it always has been dropped, because that is all based on a false premise.

When food is dropped from the sky, there is no relationship established. No debt is incurred. No pay back will be expected. Nothing has Changed. That is why it is wrong. It is not wrong because the Tribal Chief has said it was wrong. It is wrong for a real reason. This is the new perspective.

We do have to have someone who is able to judge these things, and to make determinations. These are going to have to be correct determinations.

They are not going to have to be popular determinations anymore, because nothing is subject to the approval of the choosers and abusers, who have always abused their power to decide, ever since they were wrongfully given the wild and crazy power to reject anything and everything they do not want.

And why is it so wild and crazy? Because it was all unearned. Power must be earned. Why? because power is dangerous, in the hands of the wrong people, who do not care, and who do not qualify, to serve, as a good judge, who can make good judgments, or as a determiner, who can make good determinations.

And that is why it must be taken back away from those who have not earned it, because allowing them to continue to abuse it would be one of the main sources of corruption, which must be rooted out of our systems, before we can say we have re-harmonized back, as a well working part, within the Eco-System, as anything, but a damaging contagion, which cannot be contained.

All these premature privileged, and overly entitled power wielding giants of over-consumption, will now have to give back the magic ring of power, long after they have become deeply addicted to all that power, to stop any good thing from ever happening.

They cannot create any new thing. But they can block everything. And that is where the real problem lies in giving away all this power, which is partly about the power of Freedom, to extract resources from the Earth, until it is dead.

What will happen if we do not change this terrible non-traditional mistake, of turning away from the wisdom of the Ancestral Elders, of almost all native peoples, is something which can be seen in Haiti today, where the people may look fairly traditional, as if they were natives, but they are not natives.

They have become corrupted. Assigning blame is part of the problem. That is an enabler. That is a part of the corruption, which is taught in our schools, and is reinforced by our media giants, who operate exactly like the politicians do, which is to manipulate the ignorance to their own advantage. Both need constant approval.

The one needs short term votes, while the other needs short term viewers, on a short term planet, because none of them plan to live that long. This is what is meant by the power of the air.

How can Truth ever stand up against that kind of power? Well we have to find a way. - T

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The World Peace Plan

The Eden EcoVillage Project, which I propose, would consist of over 2,300 acres, with a maximum population of 700 people, which would be a model of sustainable design practices.

Eden will act as a demonstation of balanced human settlement that is capable of going Beyond Permaculture. That is the basis of Real Self Sustainability, that we will have a healthy ratio of land to people, of 3 to 1, or 3 acres of land for each one person.

And that can be followed throughout Mendocino County, and around the world, to great effect, which we will call the Mendocino Ripple Effect.

Around the outside rim of the valley will be a circle of Homesteads, and along the inside of the rim, will be a circle of Farmsites. We will be capable of becoming completely self sufficient in food production.

Having a large land based and food producing community like that will give Mendocino County a greater degree of resilience, because our food production will not be dependent upon outside inputs, of fertilizers, or pesticides.

Our main source of income will be to sell the surplus of our hand grown produce throughout Mendocino County, adding to the supply of healthy foods available.

Some of this food will be available for trade, or exchange, or using Mendo Greens, our  Local currency, which will support our local green economy, and the re-localization of our food supply.

What that will do is reduce dependency on foreign oil, and the many miles that most food has to travel just to get here.

It will also help us to stop the downward slide into total dependency, on these multinational food manufacturing industries, who do not have our best interests at heart, when we can do a much better job producing our own wholesome and healthy food supplies, and that is done by the radical relocalization of our food producing systems.

We will be using a whole new way of understanding it all, and that was built by T, because food is not a thing, according to T, as much as it is a flow, which can only continue to flow, out of a whole and healthy system, which is the one ecosystem, whose main job is to feed itself, and our main job is to help it to do that, and for doing that, we will be entering back into the process, as a part of the whole ecosystem, which deserves to be fed first, and then the people can eat only later, as it might be said, only after the Earth has been Fed.

We can all help to save the Earth by reversing the Carbon Imbalance, just by using a simple process invented by T.

When you have a fire in your wood stove, you shut it off before it is fully burned out, leaving you with a black bed of charcoal in the morning. That is then scooped out with a screen, and is then spread upon your lands, or buried in the garden, or on your farmsites.

That is a supremely easy low tech way, of not only sequestering Carbon, because charcoal does not break down for a very long time, so it remains in your soil as a soil amendment for a very long time, like over 50 years, unlike ordinary compost, which will greatly help to improve the soil, as well, because these charcoal chunks are like little apartment houses for micro-organisms, and not only that but they also trap nutrients and minerals, which makes them like apartments that are well stocked with food.

That is a 3 way win,and that is what makes this a supremely sustainable system to die for.

By taking care of the whole system first, we will have a fair share of the abundance which will follow, and that begins with local action, and by intentionally putting carbon into our soils, and by teaching others, how to do it, we will have a chance to Save Mendocino County Farmlands.
Re-Localization is about gaining control of the power to protect our local Life Flow Relationships, and by gaining control of our own Resources, and our own economies, we do not have to become part of the next wave of casualties, of the global economy.

Re-Localization will help us, to become much more resilient, to economic changes in the near future.

For that we will have to set things up now, so that we will all be able to sustain ourselves in Eden First, as an example, for the rest of the Country to follow, even when the monetary manipulation money stops flowing, which is something that most people are going to choose to remain totally dependent upon, to get their food, while we will be moving on into a whole new world.

Well that is what we plan to be able to disengage from, at a moments notice, in Eden, which will be completely Off-The-Grid, to begin with, and beyond the power lines, and we will be getting almost all of our power from the Sun, the Wind, and the Water, and we will have our own money, which will make us mucn more resilient, to any ups and downs.

But we are not planning on becoming completely isolated from the world, which still needs our help, since we are the leaders, even though we will be able to become completely self sustainable, if need be, at a moments notice, which is a result of competence.

But we will normally be staying fully connected up, with the rest of Mendocino County, and the rest of the world, through our work in Local Watershed Restoration Activism, through the North Coast Watershed Council, and by providing good locally grown food, and we will remain fully involved, and even deeply involved in our whole world, as world change makers, as we will connect up with other communities, around the world, through the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities, because the very fragile economic systems of the world may well crash and burn very fast, from time to time, just like a forest fire, which will necessitate a rapid disengagement, once in a while, so while the others run for cover, we will just stay home, which may be necessary, from time to time, just for our own survival.

When that happens we will still have our own money, and our own economy, with jobs, housing, food, and other hand made products for sale and for trade among each other, within a village sized economy which is to be Human Scale.

But this village will have enough land to be able to support the right sized economy, which is the village sized economy. But a village without enough land, and too many people, just does not have the basis for any kind of an economy.

Each Family or Communal Living Group, will have a 3 acre Homestead, overlooking the valley, on which to build their own Solar Homes on, and most will have a 2 acre Farmsite, on which to feed themselves, and to use as a source of income. But only if they use it. We don't want any of the good farmland to go to waste, as it is not there to act as a possession.

We have a vision of becoming capable of being almost totally self sustainable, in food production, which means that almost no one in the community will ever need to eat any Manufactured Foods, or any Imported Foods, or any foods from outside our local area, except for the grains, which will all come from Northern California, if at all possible.

We will probably be among the first on Earth to have redefined sustainability, as something that is only possible, as a part of a sustainable land based Tribal Community.

We can take the next step, from being all about trying to be more sustainable, by buying all the green products, which is not really fully self sustainable, to actually becoming a part of a Real Self Sustainable Way of Life in Community, which is like that System we talked about, which alone can be sustainable, that the Community is what needs to be supported, as a System, which like the Ecosystem, needs to be put into good working order first, before we can begin to extract a lot of benefits from it, and so there is an order to becoming sustainable, because the Earth comes First, before the people, and the Community comes first, before the people, and then the people will only begin to benefit, when the Ecological System of the Community, is put into good working order.

So the Community is our Project, it is like a work of Art that we all are to be working on Collectively, and yet we have created a lot of places for the people, who are the Earth Stewards, and their families, to live, on their own Homesteads, and all living on their own Farmsites, in deep self sufficiency.

For things to really change, we need to embrace a whole new kind of Ecological Design process, as a group of committed people, who will gladly pay for it all, accepting both the good and the bad, and not to be too choosey, so there really is an all in aspect of this project.

That is why we will have to define it so clearly that the new people, or the other people, who eventually will want to join, much later, after we have gotten started, will know why they just have to accept the new terms of change, of a whole new  way of life, which they will just have to accept, as a whole thing, and so the purpose of the Trees, in the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities is not just about satisfying peoples needs, which are not being met by consumer culture, but it is about passing our own lifeways on down, as the Stewards of the Earth.

We need to embrace the changes, and get out ahead of them, instead of playing the blame game, which is all that will be left for those who have chosen, to remain behind, and to remain as dependents upon that which is not sustainable.

To live as a part of a Community, is right at the very heart of the change that is needed now, not more bailouts, and payoffs, because the Community is what represents the whole system of life, for the people of the Earth, who historically have all been tribally oriented, if we go back far enough, and so that is the natural way for us to live, while all these bailouts and payoffs are all just short term cover ups that are used by the politicians, to manipulate the issues, for their own personal advantage.

We have been tribal. And we have not ever been individualized down, as we are today, into anonymous isolation, as separated people, who do not even know the people around us, each to be in direct competition, with all the others, with only short term alliances, most of which are based on the stronger members, using the weaker members, and taking advantage of them.

And that signifies an artificial breaking down of the structure of life to the point where it almost cannot now be put back together again, except by someone like T.

That means human society has degraded, and is beginning to decompose, and some of it has even liquified, out of neglect for its integrity, and its proper care and use, so it has dropped down to a lower level of value, and is now only fit for composting, when it once had been good food.

It is getting to the point where our people are not even going to be any good anymore, if we keep this up, as they will not be any good for anything but at serving themselves, and fighting for a greater share of the government controlled resources of the states, which are going bankrupt as we speak, just like Greece right now.

One good thing that will come out of that anonymous isolation, and everyone being only out for their own self interests, will be that these self centric people will not want to take care of children, when that money can go to buy crack, unless they get something out of it, except for the very rich, who can pay other people to do that, but that will be a violently explosive population, like we see in Greece, with no staying power, and all based on universal world dependency.

This is the most important world problem that needs to be solved first, in my opinion, having to do with the premature disintegration of all of humankind, which is going down fast right now, even before the clingons have arrived.

Universal Integration is what is now needed. But the people will not accept any leadership that could help them to move in that direction, since they already think they should have the last word on everything, and that is a trap.

That the people will not accept any leadership, just because they should know as well as any, because they all got the same education, which is now worthless for that reason, and so they will choose to blame the rich, instead of accepting any guidance and direction, from some of those who could help them out tremendously, but only if they are willing to serve the creation process, but they will not follow and they will not serve, and so they are stuck, and the world is stuck, simply because of the lack of any willingness within, to follow the appropriate guidance, even voluntarily, and to accept the directions of those, like T, with a certain amount of voluntary commitment, who could lead us right out of this disaster.

This lack of integrity, could be our downfall, here on Earth, where such people, who are not self sufficient, are in great abundance, because they are totally dependent upon their governments, to support them, with bailouts, and payoffs, which is where the problem lies, when it is time now to start disengaging, from these overly burdened down world governments, with all this need and greed, who simply cannot keep up the pace any longer, of having to provide for all these peoples needs, as if that was the highest priority, when that is not the highest priority. So the key is to decommission Need, as being anything of value in the Natural Order of Priorities.

What would happen if need was to be properly valued, for the first time, in a very long time, at an absolute zero value?  Only T really knows.

We are glad to see some of the dictatorships in the arab countries go down into complete chaos, but unfortunately that will not be a very pretty sight to see, when it happens right here, in America, which already has enough, and maybe too much of that self centric consumerism power, which has been slipping in the direction of Greece, for a long time now, so it is time for us to make a change, but this time, not as lone individuals, and this time, not as lone nuclear families, like it was in the wild wild west, but this time it is to be done, on the level of the Tribal Community, which does have to be big enough, to be self sustainable, as well as being small enough so that everyone in the community knows everyone else in the community, so the naturally high level of the explosiveness of the individuals, in deep isolation, to go off, into a chain reaction, because of that isolation, anytime they have reached the critical mass, can be controlled by the Tribal Elders, who are the peace keepers in the community, and so in this way we will not be a threat, to any of the other independent world powers, like the Church, or the European Union, because the very last thing we want to do, is to sit idly by, and just watch the self destruction, of this whole planet, all in the name of providing an unearned sense of personal Freedom, for all the people, who have been prematurely absolved, from any sense of responsibility, or having to earn it before you can burn it, which would only be suicidal, and so we will need to create a whole new system, which will not be suicidal, like the Honor System, just in order to save the Earth. - T

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Communal Integration

We have to have enough integrity, as would be members of a community, to accept our obligation to work honestly, within a responsible leadership, and training model, such as it was with good old mom and dad, who were our first leaders, and our first trainers.

We need someone, who may not have been elected, once again, just like mom and dad, but who just got saddled with the job, and so must be respected, because you don't really get to choose any of your real leaders, as it might be, in the real world, just like it was with good old mom and dad, who were not trained or experts at parenting, and they were certainly not elected.

They did not have to qualify, or get elected, in any way, even though it is a great pleasure, not to serve you, but to practice ones Art and Craft of Living, which is the true joy of parenting.

But we do need to become willing to relate honestly with someone, who has some of the basic skills, and who should have the deepest respect of the group, whether anybody even likes them or not, for their unwillingness to waver, if you can believe that, because we all know that a lot of children hate their parents, so we cannot allow the children to dismiss the parents at will, the way we do with presidents who may have multiple sexual partners, even if they are completely unconventional wildcats who do not conform to the very strict guidelines set by society in the distant past.

We need somebody who is empowered by the others, without having to beg them for it, who can throw some goodies and freebies around, as part of the training and leadership process, and that does require some of the groups power of the purse, and even worse, to have the support of the group, because they are the ones who will be happily paying for it all, as the world burns. And this is what irks them terribly. This causes a lot of deep shame and humiliation, but that needs to be dealt with and not covered up or resisted. We should probably try to use Non Violent Communication for that.

This is just in order to have the resources and support available to one, or ones, who are for whatever reason going to have to be saddled with these kinds of dirty rotten jobs, much like the parents of small children, usually just because they are the ones who have been foolish enough to have taken these responsibilities onto themselves, because of their passion, and their love, just like it is with some of these younger parents, who are the ones who made the babies to begin with, and so the rest of the people will actually have to use some slightly brutal mob control power over the individual, when necessary, just to enforce the idea that those who have created the children, should be the ones who have to do all the dirty work, and to feed them, and train them, to get them prepared to join in with community life, as responsible members of the community, who can be counted on, so the rest of us don't have to go chasing after them, because they have sponsorship, whether the parents like that or not.

It does take power and that means the empowerment of the Trainers, or the Leaders, or the Parents, or the Teachers, or the Accountants, or the Guardians of Doom, or whatever it is, just in order be able to force the development of honor and dignity, in some of those, who may have none to speak of just yet, sometimes due to no fault of their own, but that is not to their credit, either, and so that cannot be drawn upon, which may come as a big surprise, to some of the all too many, that there will be any kind of precise accounting, who may have never thought through many of these things, but they do not want to admit that yet, so we will all have to support our leadership, to make these distinctions clear, and we can start by enforcing honorable behavior, as it should be right here in this group.

There would have to be real consequences, in any normal Tribe. Why the People out there on main street might have thought there would be no consequences in the community is something that needs to be looked at, by the Tribal Council.

- It is not about Popularity. And it is not all just a matter of Opinion. And it is not just about Posing, as a Man of the People. It doesn't matter if the people don't like you, or if you would lead them precisely where they want to go, or if you would take them to an entirely different location, because they have to take responsibility for your input being substantial. All this other stuff is about Evasion of Truth, and Escape from Reality.

- The Need Card must be disabled as well. That is not a valid card. You cannot buy anything with that. We will not give you credit for that. This is where we must begin, with all these New People, who have a long way to go, most of them, and especially when they will not follow eagerly, and with great enthusiasm.

And if they will follow, then Yes, they can go there. But if they will not follow, then No, they cannot go there, because Every Tribe is a Private Tribe. But the rest of us can go there, both those who have gone through the process, and those who have set up the process.

This is the kind of material we get off on in the Tribe. We do not try to evade and resist.  - T

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tribal Council

Everybody got the same education, which brings down the value of that education, tremendously. We might as well all know nothing.

Another thing is that unique skill sets disappear, when they all have the same skills, which brings down the value of those skills tremendously, as we become fragmented peoples without any unity.

And that is why it might seem like nobody wants to learn, and will not follow, because they are used to competing, for attention, and status, with peers, like we see in this group, and the way children do in school, who do not have any unique attributes, or perspectives, skills or experience, and just compete for attention, usually by picking at those who do not conform, to form alliances, with those who do. We all do this.

They may even prefer the company of other children, who cannot help them to learn anything, because they all know the same things, over that of adults, who really could help them learn new things, because they do not want to be put to shame, and so they are only interested in other dumb people, who they can take advantage of, or ally themselves with, and so they would rather fight among each other, for standing, among the dregs, if nothing else, just to avoid having to feel the shame of having to accept any real leadership, all because of the need to hide their feelings of shame and low self esteem, which isn't really working for the community or anybody else.

We might as well all be completely incompetent, and then to add arrogance to that as well, any time any new material is ever brought up by the natural leadership, because that is the way we respond to those natural leaders who have sprung up among us, who are simply knowledgeable people, with contempt, instead of taking our places as people who are trying to learn how to work with each other, in cooperation, and trying to learn from them, in particular, as it is important to ally ourselves with our leadership, but that would be an insult to our sense of Self Centric Entitlement to not have to acknowledge, any of our leadership carriers as we hide among our Peers, and this group has mistakenly been taken by so many people as a group of peers, which would preclude a great deal of valuable leadership, which could be coming from those among us, who can see the need for an orderly development of ideas, and have all the tools necessary, to begin to do that for the good of all, but do not want to force anything upon the people, who are not yet ready for it.

The leaders are even being systematically dis-empowered because of the low self esteem epidemic in america.

We all have the same beliefs, and if no one has any faith in your thinking acuity, that may be why, because they know that they can safely assume that you know nothing more than they do, since they can access the same information as fast as anyone else, and so it is just a matter of fighting it out over whose opinion is going to be allowed to stand, and who can hold sway, even with lies, or intentional misunderstandings, which has a lot to do with a long standing sense of Entitlement, never to be offended by any leadership.

We might as well believe nothing, as if we had learned nothing, from our own lives, where there have been no hard won conclusions, since these people have been using the avoidance of all real Leadership, to keep from having to acknowledge the Word of Truth, as having any weight at all, which has stunted the growth of both the women and the men, who may think they can just choose to believe in choice instead, which is an ordinary main stream off the shelf solution, which we can just choose to believe, any old thing, if it suits our needs, like a politician, when the real living ideas, like these, are the ones that alone may apply, to some of these real world problems, and which have not yet been given their proper due.

The sameness of mass equality is part of the problem. That may come largely, from the industrial revolution, and the importance of replaceable parts, and even replaceable workers, with replaceable beliefs and skills.

These zombies have all been trained to look towards the one big media voice of doctrine, and the government, for all the answers, making us all dependents, which is dangerously insane.

We do not see that kind of dependency, among native peoples, who had no concept of the need for improving mass production using identical workers, who all had the same skills, and were all going to be totally dependent, upon the government, since they knew better, and so now it might be time for the rest of us to break away, and to catch up.

It is time for us to branch out again, like a Tree, in unification, not as a crowd of people wandering in all different directions, and that does require the acceptance and the digestion of our local creative leadership energies.

Towards that end I would like to suggest the creation of a Tribal Council! - T


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Food - Land - Indigenous - People - Community

The hungry people in North Africa, and around the world, are only hungry due to overpopulation, and because they do not have adequate Food Supply Resiliency, and they are all responsible for maintaining that, and keeping the balance, as they extend their population limits very carefully, one head at a time, considering the possibilities of droughts and famine that might result in poor planning, or maxing out on population prematurely, as in before the Eco-Logical Infrastructure has been put into place, meaning Food Supply Resilience, which every community must have mastered, individually, as in people got to solve it individually, before they can be allowed to proceed with the gluttony of premature overpopulation, and going into debt, without limits, in a very harsh desert world, with very harsh desert world limitation consequences.

That is the real source of these Food Riots and Revolutions, that food prices on things like wheat and corn have doubled, partly because of the very normal weather fluctuations, which have if anything, only been intensified by Global Warming, which is another inescapable true thing, which they must begin to plan for, individually, not as dependents on the Global Plan, but as responsible parents, who plan things individually, and as the Tribal Elders of their Communities, who plan for things individually, which is necessary, if they are going to ever hope to be considered, to be world class societies, who can ever be counted on, to take care of their own needs, in a self sustainable manner, which is required, as you may well know, even by their own standards, for them to be at all respectable, and honorable, meaning that even in their own corrupted old world cultures, a respectable person, is one who can take care of his or her own needs, and those of his or her own family or community.

Creating Adequate Food Supply Resiliency, would require enormous new changes, like supporting more local food production, in the form of more school gardens, to teach our children about how food is grown, and more community gardens, and learning Permaculture, which is why we must all become Permaculture Training Centers.

Mutualism, not Global Dependency, means that everybody kicks in, first, from the standpoint of Universal Self Sufficiency, on the land, as Homesteaders, who are not too good to get their hands dirty, even those of us who are rapidly becoming world class leaders, as many of us are in this group, but we still must be humble enough to take some time to feed the soil, and to heal the Earth, but not ever to capitulate to the monetary forces of need and greed.

The important thing to understand here, is that Food is not just a Thing, which can be hoarded. Food is an ongoing Eco-Logical Process, which must be nourished and protected, as the Stewards of the Earth.

Food comes only from a healthy and naturally re-productive EcoSystem, ladies, and as a result of that, and it is not ever to be in complete disregard for that, as if money was the key, to every womans happiness, which has been defined as being having complete independence from the men, when that is not even close, and so we have to put something into, the Food Exchange Community, which is the Natural Exchange of Nutrients and Resources, first, if we ever want to take something out of it, within the Natural Order of Priorities, not to give back, in the negative, after the fact, which so many people now think is the highest good thing, that they can even imagine, to give something back, but it is more important to put new life forth, in the positive sense, with no need to take anything back, as we must become prepared to build bridges out further, into the future first, and then we won't have to worry about paying off our debts out of the past, like the national debts, which have been inherited from our pandering politicians, who have used that borrowed money, just to buy votes, only this would have to include, our Eco-Logical Debt, as well.

Lastly, I would like to point out that Food comes out of the land, and the people, and the community, and it does not come out of the money, which only represents things that come out of the land, and the people, and the community, like gold and silver, which might come out of the ground, but with all the gold and silver on the Moon, you can still freeze to death, and starve to death, so we all need to work towards a greater balance.

Poor Planning by even Poorer People is the real cause of world hunger, meaning that they will have to become self responsible, before they can have any children, and it is certainly not money itself, because that is an inanimate object, which cannot be blamed, since it is only a thing which cannot move, but the peoples betrayals, of their own tribes, and their own communities, and their own forests, and their own wildlife, and their own sacred mountains, and their own rivers, and their own valleys, and their own languages, and religions, and cultures, which have all been abandoned, in favor of the great migration to the cities, to live in slums, as parasites, just because that is where the money is, geographically, in their desperate greediness, out of the love of money, for more, more, more, which they have just recently learned, about wealth and power in movies, and magazines, and the media, and because of the power of money, which they have seen in others, like tourists, and in our media, which may well be the cause of their own downfall, and the rest of us could go down with the current, if we don't begin to recognize that there are alternative sources of power, security, and adequacy, such as Community Empowerment.

So instead of saying, I have all this money, so I am powerful, and that means being powerful enough to be free, from being controlled and manipulated by others, since one can buy ones freedom, from the draft, with enough money, as that money opens a lot of doors, and it covers up a lot of wrong doings, as you can bribe your way through a lot of things, which is cause to be considered by others, to be an honorable person, who really is somebody, who is respectable, as it is in these old world cultures, where the big man, or woman, with the big money, is the one who is the most respected, and honored, just because of all that power, not because he is a good man, or because she is a good woman, but because they can buy off the opposition.

One might say, alternatively, that it would be better to have a good place in a good community, which is self sufficient, and sustainable, where I have my own homestead, and where I am known, and where I am loved, and respected, for who I really am, and for what I do for the community, and for the Earth, and because of the Community Services that I support, as a major contributor, and a benefactor, in order to help those, other people, who I know, in the local community, and good people from all over the world, who are known and respected, and where a real relationship does get established, and is further built upon, and not just for the money, or the need to be seen as being good, which is what causes these politicians to throw our money all over the place, which is representative of real resources, which have been forgotten, that may have been extracted, like gold, from the Earth, or from other peoples pockets, like those who want to cash their gold in for money, which would take the place, of my own adequacy, as a human being, who should have real relationships, and truly valuable assets, like land, people and community, in sustainability, which is the real source of all food, and self sufficiency, which a better kind of adequacy.

I have everything I need here, on the land, and so it is very satisfying, to maintain this lifestyle, as a homesteader in a community, who has land, and a place to build his own home, which will feed us all, once you get set up, because the land is the real source of all value, and when you have that, that is Freedom, at least from being controlled by others, who may have more control over you, when you are constantly in need of money, all the time, like an addict, and so being free from that control, is better than having the Power, to keep from being controlled by others, using that money, to keep the others under your own control, or to pay them off with bribes, as it is in all these old world cultures, which are all corrupted, beyond belief.

There is a crazy myth about money, which is quantitative, that with enough of that one magical thing, which has no value, you can buy everything else, which really does have value, which is not too far off of what we have been teaching our children, in the public schools, where they prepare, for one thing, and one thing only, and that is to go after the big money, if at all possible, so they can buy everything that money can buy, which will make them a success, in life, or to settle for less, but it is all based on how much money they can make, which is the short version, of the american dream, and that is now spreading around the world, when that is just not a true metric for success in life, which is really all about your healthy relationships, with people, land, and the community, and it is not about money, which is how success has been defined.

Everyone thinks they are supposed to come here, with an eighth grade education and get rich, within one generation. That is part of the American Dream fantasy, but that is a deeply delusional fantasy, of plugging in, and cashing in, and getting a free ride, and so that must be publicly declaimed, as being a false hope, and a false expectation, and as something which is to be decried, as being wrong, when there is no expectation, of any kind of a contribution, which should come first, because in every case, you first must be willing to put something into the community, before you can take something out of it.

= You might be wise, to expect to work a low paying job, as a farm worker, for the rest of your life, if you can manage that much, for any length of time, which is not guaranteed, by any means.

= Your sons sand daughters, might then reasonably aspire to go to beauty school, or a community college, for job training, as a welder, which is still not a real education, paid for with the wages of the farm worker parents, since we have no need for workers, as we are workers.

= The third generation, may then aspire to get a real education, I would think, which might be a much more reasonable expectation, and all paid for, by that welders wages, in combination, with the beauty parlor workers wages.

Wouldn't that be a more reasonable progression?

Well then why haven't our elected leaders brought this up, so that we can all revise our expectations down, a few notches, as a result of this wake up call, now that China has been brought back up from the dead, and is running rampant, on the world scene, and has now become some very serious competition, and the US is going to have to drop down some, as a result.

We are rapidly becoming a third world country, whether we like it or not, so we will have to accept that our money, will have less value down the road, much like the peso, and so we cannot continue to foist everybody up, to the highest levels of society, who has not even been here for at least 3 generations.

Newly meaningful standards will need to be created, by some of the other new world leaders, like myself, as I have done right here:

To be given the honor of being considered to be Indigenous, to this land, both of your grandmothers, would have to have been born, into this land. - T

Thursday, February 24, 2011

When the Food Runs Out

Peak Oil = Peak Food = Peak War.

There were a lot of empty platitudes out of the sixties, but very few of them had to do with Food, as these were easy times, of great excess, and so as lot of people got addicted to the blame game, because they never had to face any real consequences.

Food was not an issue, when that really is all you need to live, and to prosper, and to reproduce, and to succeed as a Tribal Community, and as part of an integrated EcoSystem, as Gaia, or as Earthm, as it means having more than enough Food, and that is all important, but that means having a completely healthy EcoSystem that is always kicking out new food, in the form of acorns and berries, and a lot of other things that we wouldn't even bother to eat, but that kind of food, which could be called Ambient Food, is far more important than the more specialized kinds of things we do eat.

Food is all you need, but that is not just a thing, or a substance, that needs to be packed up, and hoarded, and saved, as most people might like to think, but it is actually more of an Eco-Logical process that needs to be restored and protected, even though it does help to store food and water on many different levels, and not just to continue to rely upon the government supply lines.

Food Storage creates more locally controlled resilience.

Water Storage creates more locally controlled resilience.

There should be extra food in your car. There should be extra food in your bedroom. There should be extra food in your kitchen. There should be extra food where you work.

The EcoVillage Community should have its own larger scale Food Supply. The City should have Long Term Food Supplies. The County should have Long Term Emergency Food Supplies. The State should have huge silos full of grains. The Feds should have an even greater amount of Food on hand. And the United Nations, or similar World Food Organization, should have huge Food Reserves on hand.

The same thing is true about water. We have to learn to save more Water in the soil, by minimizing runoff, and by using Trees to shade the soil. We have to save more Water in aquifers, and we need to keep those Long Term Emergency Water Supplies, pure and clean and always completely topped off, almost all the time. We have to save Water, in lakes and reservoirs. We have to save Water, in outdoor Water Tanks. We need to save water, in indoor storage containers. We should have Water Jugs in the car. We should have water jugs at work. This is what gives us the resilience we desire.

But just as Water comes from a healthy ecosystem, and a clean environment, Food comes from a living healthy well integrated balanced natural world where the needs of men and women do not overpower the entire thing, with their endless demands for more, and more, and more extraction, and disruption, and so yes, we should be dead set against letting the peoples needs overpower everything that we have been given to take good care of, and not just to squander it all, as if we were entitled to do that, which is exactly what will happen, if we give them all the power to do as they please, when they have never even been trained in basic land stewardship, a great part of which is human population reduction and control, and you know that is not going to be a popular movement, because of the dumbing down of the world, unless we can put the Power of the Truth to work for us, so we can begin to face the Truth, just about these normal limitations.

Revolutionary Food Riots are going to be with us now, and especially in some of these places like Egypt, where most of the people are still under 25 years old. Is that because they never grow up? No. That is a very clear sign of an Over-Population Explosion, which is a very recent phenomenon based on sixties era surpluses.

Once we have gotten clear, with ourselves, at least, about what the real situation really is, then the answers will come to those gentle spirits, who will listen to the Truth, and who will accept the Truth, no matter what the consequences of that are, in terms of what people might like to think, or don't want to think, but we must never lose sight, of the consequences to those things of higher priority, which we have taken upon ourselves to serve, such as to Save, and to Restore, and to Protect the Earth, and to put that First, which is what must be put first, before the peoples needs, to over reproduce, and to grab everything in sight, so why should those who have become dead weight upon the ecosystem have the last word on everything, and therein lies the answer, that the Earth comes First, and the people are all going to have to be here to serve the Earth, from now on, because that is the Food Source for all the people, and that is the Food Source for all the other plants and animals who live here.

The Earth, as a working system, is the only Food Source, for all the plants, and all the other animals, who are being crowded out severely, just to make room for an excessively large number of unnecessarily bloated Human Populations, of self centric victims of self destruction.

Most of these people are not even working for any cause, but their own self consumption, as the old Tribal Community way of life has been supplanted, by an individualistic way of life, of anonymous isolation as consumers in competition.

What we really need to know, in order to survive, and to thrive, is that we are all Food, and that we are all parts of a whole web of Food Communities, who all share energies through the process of the Natural Exchange of Nutrients and Resources, where all must agree to make a sizable contribution, if that becomes necessary, regardless of their personal wants and needs, which must be said for the first time ever, it is regardless of their needs, because the system, which is the whole EcoSystem, does not run on wants and needs, as those things are actually non-nutritive, and they do not feed into anything.

We need to cultivate our Food Supply, so we can continue to eat the kinds of Food that we like, which itself is in need of another kind of Food, so the most important thing is to be able to work that part of it out, where the Food comes from, and what that Food eats, then becomes important, and then when we find out what the Food we eat, eats, then we need to know what the Food the Food we eat eats, eats, and then how we can become Food ourselves, in such a way, as to Feed into that other end of the cycle, completing the circle, so that we can finally find a way to live sustainably, in peace, within the natural exchange of nutrients and resources, which is what the whole Food Cycle is all about, which we are an inextricable part of, and then we will know where we fit in, as a contributing part of it all, which is something which has been avoided, and denied, for too long now, even by those who think Gaia can be relied upon, when she most definitely cannot be, so we might need to become prepared to embrace something a little stronger, like Earthm, which even the men can identify with, and that is why we have introduced Earthm, as our name for the Spirit of the whole Web of Life, which is like Rhythm, and it is both, or neither, male and female, and is like the drumming, and humming, and buzzing sounds of the natural world in which we all live, which may have much more depth potential, and that is something that all people can come together around, whereas Gaia only feeds into the womens half of the movement, and it leaves the men with no role to play, and certainly not an honorable one.

Gaia is still honored within Earthm, as the female aspect, of the One Spirit. But there really is no reason to think there would forever be nothing in the way of Maleness to be found anywhere on Earth, since the place is crawling with them, and there is certainly no reason to dis-allow the free expression, of the Male aspect of the One whole Spirit of the Earth, which is the Spirit of the Whole Web of Life, and so it is not just a womens thing anymore.

Why the Changes?

Gaia is getting stressed out, and can no longer function, as a powerful source of endless provision, like a good Mother, who will always be able to feed her children, because she too may fail, and all this dependency on her, to take care of everything, while the children play, has failed to show workability, and compatibility with the real world, like with supply and demand.

Her inevitable solutions, to over-population, and global resource extraction, which might be something like local or even worldwide starvation, and these measures may sometimes appear to be quite inhumane, the way most people might see it, and so that is why we have had to go so much farther out there, and much deeper down, where Earthm has been found.

A lot of people may feel lost, without their familiar old haunts, and everything remaining as it once was, but those old memories, of days gone by, as dependent children, and a womens centric universe, will still be kept active, in certain hidden places, where the female aspect of the Earth Spirit will still be celebrated.

But the new perspective is that Gaia now needs our help, and she can no longer be relied upon, to take totally good care of us, because she is not being fed well enough, and she is being robbed, and destroyed, by all of this over-extraction, which is killing her, so we are going to have to stop acting like little children, who have taken no responsibility so far, and start taking full responsibility, for taking full care of her needs now, as being the one who comes first, in the natural order of priorities, to make sure that her needs are met first, and then we will all be allowed to eat, after she has had her fill. Sound like a Plan? Well then I want everyone to go outside, and stuff some food into the ground, so that Gaia can eat, and so that Earthm can continue humming and buzzing!

See you all at the next meeting in March!  - T

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Great Collapse

If there is a Collapse, there will be a division, between those who have chosen to remain behind, as big city dependents, who really do depend entirely upon the system, who will not be prepared, because they have no self sufficiency, and because they have no real community, and so there will be a food rush upon the stores, as the economy sinks even deeper, into a very deep depression, causing Food Riots Worldwide.

But what can we do about this?

We can start by getting prepared now, in advance, of any of the possible changes, by creating our own self sustainable communities, and that is the light at the end of the tunnel, that keeps us going, while the others will be stuck, with the remains of purposeless materialism.

We are to become Purpose Filled, so let us make some room.

What is needed is Food, Water, Shelter, Good Land, where we can grow our own food, like Eden, or any number of other places, and maybe even some new leadership that could help us to establish, a well organized orderly Community, with its own peace and justice preservation system, and its own economic systems, and not just a disorganized homeless hippy camp, full of mass dependency, where everyone is dependent upon being taken care of, by everyone else, and no one is self sufficient enough, to even be able to provide for themselves, much less to be able to take anyone else's needs on, and yet they might still feel forced to do so, at their own peril.

That is why we need a system that will defend those who have done the work, in order to retain some order, and long term viability.

That is why everyone will be responsible for setting aside their own

Long Term Food supplies, all good for one full year.

Who has any good well developed new ideas about that?

Having some land set aside in advance, as our place to go to.

Who has some land, or another place in mind?

I have a few acres, to offer, but we will need much more.

Think about what you might have to offer.

An affordable Long Term Survival Food Supply, that will last more than 5 years, is all about having a wide variety of Whole Grains on hand like:

- 9 Grain Cracked Cereal, by the 50 pound bag.

- Rice, by the 50 pound bag.

- Beans, by the 50 pound bag.

- Split Green Peas, by the 50 pound bag.

Know your people. Form into real Tribal relationships.

To know your people, you have to meet your people.

That is why we do have to have meetings.

The next one is in March. - T

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Big Bang is Over With

Earthm comes first. New name. That is like rhythm.

It may be that the Trees and the other plants and animals, who have become our dear friends here, are going

to need our help very soon. Some of them already seem to know that they will be gone forever, along with

their entire species, if we do not bring them along, under our benign and competent stewardship. It is the

whole Web of Life that we need to Save as a whole working unit, and not just a few spare parts. Then once we

have done so, we will no longer have to worry, about where it happens to live, because life was probably

meant to become Universal very quickly and so who are we to hold it back. No matter where it may go that

will be our new Home.

We cannot assume that the elected governments of the world, will ever be able to respond to anything, but

the need to cover their own backsides, and to continue to buy and sell public opinion to the highest

bidders, as they shake hands, and pat each other on the back, as they can always get the media to do their

dirty work. We might even be wise to assume that there is going to be no one else left, after the big

collapse, and that there will be no future, unless we have the courage, and the tenacity, to disengage from

that collapsing tower of power now, and to begin to build a whole new bridge across to a whole new world.

There is a Natural Order of Priorities that have been known to native peoples around the world, but it has

now been forgotten. First comes the Earthm and the Whole Web of Life, and then comes the Community and then

comes the family. Everyone has responsibilities to the family and to the Community, and to the Earth and to

the Web of Life. But we have had it backwards, and that may be how we would have Lost the Garden. We have

had the natural order of priorities brain dead backwards. If you will look at the history of the Tribal Way

of Life on Earth, you can see that the individual person does not ever come first in any Tribe. The Earth

comes first and so the Earth Eats First. Water for the Fish comes first because the fish got here first, and we came along much later.

We can easily see how we have had it brain dead backwards, for over ten thousand years. We have just been

thrown way out of step with the natural order of priorities by all these wrong assumptions, which have been

used to justify the rape and the pillage of the Forests and Wildlife in the natural environments all around

us wherever we have lived.  The climate of the Earth and the Web of Life that depends upon that all comes

first, and then everything else comes down from that, as every individual is dependent upon the family and

the tribe, and everything that came before them which makes their life possible. We all need to join in with

a new vision that works, of an Earth Restored and a World at Peace, through a new integration of Truth and Love. – T

Monday, January 3, 2011

Peak Food already happened late in 2012?

Sustainable Community is about redefining the future of The Earth.

Earth Changes have been predicted.

Peak Oil is going to change things. Peak Food may soon follow.

Some of these Consumer Kings are going to need our help. That's why we need to start creating these Sustainable Communities now, at various special places around the world in networks of relations that are real connections and not just a list of links, but we want to remember that the core interest here is real people making personal connections, and joining each other in some kind of community, whether that be in a real Tribal Community, or just some other kind of community.

Our plan C, is a proactive plan, to be up and running when that time comes when thousnds will be coming to us for help and guidance.

Potential organizers need to understand that there is a need for complete outward unity. Let's not trip each other up in front of the camera. Let's try to support our most deeply inspired new leaders, with an open mind and see where it is going.

More than enough and some to share, that is how we live. But this is not something that anyone has any right to expect to be provided for them by some other people until it has been earned. And that is because of the true nature of self sufficiency, that you have to earn it before you can burn it.

Let that little wonder be understood as being the whole beginning point, of our purely Truth based starter code, just to begin with something very simple, but true, and then we can add other things as we go, as we really do have to work with our original inspired leaderships very own homemade codes of Truth First Now.

We all do come from different places and each of us do need to show
that we are really ready to do what it takes to become somebody who
definitely would be of a positive value to the community.

Others are welcome to browse just like the Deer in the Forests.

You do have to have more than just a little self interest.
And you do need to be able to show that you can sustain that long term. In this way we are beginning to build the resource base that each of us must be willing to become an indispensable part of.

A lot of people do have a little land. And they will try to start a
little community. But land alone does not make a home. Not even the magically expansive lands of the highly mythologized Eden will do the trick, not all on its own, so there is an art to the formation of a good workable community.

It is the Purity of the Vision and the Integration of the People who must all be willing to work hard, within the Honor System and the Natural Order of Priorities is optional, but that voluntary conformity to an optimal original code, is the whole basis of any real Community, which must reflect in its organizational structure, the true structure of the natural world, and not just some fanciful wish list of peaceful paradises in some dream land, which is where the people usually end up going, and that is why we need some guidance and direction from our leadership, and that needs to be supported and empowered.

Unwanted advice is not going to be a welcome addition to the feast, as that will be seen as an attempt to pass off a bad check and to withdraw funds which have not been authorized.

Nothing can happen where there is no love, and where there is no real
vision, there will be no real community. The Truth has come here among us and not it just needs to be properly fed and supported, by the other members of the community. That's what the real differences are here. You do have to really be about something that is wholesome and good, and not just to bring us a lot of desires for all things fluffy and sweet, because that can be found anywhere.

Many people will sell their homes and their lands and even some of
these smaller attempts at forming community will have to go up on the chopping block to make one full sized EcoVillage Community.

Or their lands may be connected up with us in a Land Stewardship Network. We can donate land for the greater good, that will be managed by the Network.

Homes and other Property could be left to a non profit environmental land cooperative, when people die, as they so often do, possibly because they weren't built to last forever, but the community will be built to last a whole heck of a lot longer, and so in this way we will all live on together in community, because, like the land, the community will live on, as in keep on keepin' on. We all should want to die when it is time for us to die, without any draconian measures being taken.

There is a need for a new vision and that is dawning on a lot of fine folks within the Intentional Communities Movement like a shining beacon of hope. And there isn't anything else out there that comes anywhere close to this level of integration that I know of, even as we become a gateway to many new creations that will go on to even greater things.

It is not just another ecological cohousing development scheme for well off professionals, which we have brought before the people this day. We are the people of spirit. The new Edens are for a wider diversity of fine folks from around the world that is MultiGenerational and cross pollinational. Let the old take good care of the young, as has been the way of all native peoples.

Money alone or even good intentions just won't make it here. The Game has changed.

This is about the harsh realities we are entering into, not like the soft and sweet ones we just came rolling out of, when everything was free, so we do expect a few changes will have to be made, if we are to set a few things in motion that will help to Save the Earth.

Opportunities for enthusiastic young idealists can be created. But Elders must be respected. I do have some land to share with others. Email me personally about that.

This is about living and giving outside the box and beyond your
wildest dreams, not just creating another ordinary little community
on the outskirts of town that eventually gets swamped by further

We must go the whole distance well in advance, of any need
to do so. Then everything will flow the right way, everyday. The outskirts of the city may seem nice, to those who may choose to cling to the past until the bitter end, but the real changes will be made far Beyond the Sidewalks.

Read the material. Introduce yourself. Show us that you are a living spiritual being, having a loving experience, in a human body, with a whole lot of love to contribute to all the others.

This is your chance to Join the Truth People who are only here to Save the Earth once again, as usual, because we just will not give up, and so we just don't care about personal losses or extreme hardship.

Kind Friends are always welcome.

I am just the humble moderator of this initiative, which was first created to serve as our larger Resource Base of like minded friends, who are supportive of our plans to Save the Earth by the creation of the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities, which surprisingly, is not to be based on need and greed, but it is all to be based on Food, and Good, of all things. Who knew Food would ever matter? Peak Food may have already been reached, way back in the the year 2012. Many Thanks. - T