Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Earthm and Truth

I know it can be difficult, to bring people together into a sustainable community, and I don't have all the answers. But the Honor system is just one way that I have come up with to handle some of that clap trap that some people like to throw on the table, without due cause.

Native peoples used it and we can too.

Unfortunately, it is like a whole new thing, and it can be very imposing, for most modern people just because respect for native peoples is something that just wasn't taught in school.

So this is about re-prioritizing our natural order of priorities, because the whole basis of the current system we are using now is entirely theological in nature, with a little bit of materialism, all mixed together with a little need and greed, and that needs to change over into becoming an Eco-Logically based system.

The Earth comes first, as Earthm, in the Natural Order of Priorities, and not the needs of the people. And that goes against the grain of everything we have been told to believe in, by the leaders of business, commerce, media, politics, and industry, who have been
shaping our world to death, in a very destructive manner, and with no consideration for the Honor System, and the importance of service towards the Greater Good.

We know we must make a break from all that need and greed, but we haven't known how to do that. Now we do have something we can all gather together around, in unity, around Earthm, and in service, to the Greater Good.

Earthm is to be the marriage of the male and the female principles usually referred to as the Father God, or the Great Spirit, as the male, and Gaia, or the Earth Mother, if you prefer the Female Version, both of which are considered to be benign and caring.

Earthm has not been defined, by its humble creator, as another personalized characterization, of a man made God doll, that was made in our own image, as a parental figure, who can fix things, and who we can appeal to, for mercy, or to clean up the Oil spill, and fix the economy, but Earthm, which conjures up things like rhythm, and drumming, and humming, and buzzing, and breathing, and the sound of waves arriving on the shore, and the awful silence of powerful waves passing through the deep ocean, has been defined as being beyond all such things, as being anybodies father or mother surrogate figure, since the Earth belongs to itself.

Earthm, as it has been defined, is only to be considered to be aligned with Truth, and it has no specific alliances with humans above all other species, that we know anything about, to begin with, so let us try to keep Earthm Pure and simple, as we begin, so please no dress up games with Earthm as Elvis or anything.

She/He, does not care about us. But on the contrary, we do care about the Earth, even though it might well devour us, and precisely the part that breathes, or is alive in any other way, and is very dangerous and unpredictable.

That is the whole new basis, for a whole new understanding, and this is the way how we can proceed from here, with a whole new creation of our own spiritual basis for a common system of belief that is all to be based in Truth.

Towards that end, I am now proposing the creation of a Tribal Council, to be made up of a few of the others, who are willing to join in with some of the real leadership actors, within this movement, but not any of the usual voices for the status quo, if you don't mind, since this a revolutionary new concept, and so only other like minded revolutionaries are the only ones who are really being sought here.

But all can accept Earthm, who can live in peace. - T

Pass this around intact.

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