Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Great Collapse

If there is a Collapse, there will be a division, between those who have chosen to remain behind, as big city dependents, who really do depend entirely upon the system, who will not be prepared, because they have no self sufficiency, and because they have no real community, and so there will be a food rush upon the stores, as the economy sinks even deeper, into a very deep depression, causing Food Riots Worldwide.

But what can we do about this?

We can start by getting prepared now, in advance, of any of the possible changes, by creating our own self sustainable communities, and that is the light at the end of the tunnel, that keeps us going, while the others will be stuck, with the remains of purposeless materialism.

We are to become Purpose Filled, so let us make some room.

What is needed is Food, Water, Shelter, Good Land, where we can grow our own food, like Eden, or any number of other places, and maybe even some new leadership that could help us to establish, a well organized orderly Community, with its own peace and justice preservation system, and its own economic systems, and not just a disorganized homeless hippy camp, full of mass dependency, where everyone is dependent upon being taken care of, by everyone else, and no one is self sufficient enough, to even be able to provide for themselves, much less to be able to take anyone else's needs on, and yet they might still feel forced to do so, at their own peril.

That is why we need a system that will defend those who have done the work, in order to retain some order, and long term viability.

That is why everyone will be responsible for setting aside their own

Long Term Food supplies, all good for one full year.

Who has any good well developed new ideas about that?

Having some land set aside in advance, as our place to go to.

Who has some land, or another place in mind?

I have a few acres, to offer, but we will need much more.

Think about what you might have to offer.

An affordable Long Term Survival Food Supply, that will last more than 5 years, is all about having a wide variety of Whole Grains on hand like:

- 9 Grain Cracked Cereal, by the 50 pound bag.

- Rice, by the 50 pound bag.

- Beans, by the 50 pound bag.

- Split Green Peas, by the 50 pound bag.

Know your people. Form into real Tribal relationships.

To know your people, you have to meet your people.

That is why we do have to have meetings.

The next one is in March. - T

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