Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beyond the Limitations of Democracy

How will some of the best decisions be made on the Tribal Council?

We may be called upon, to create, and then further develop, and refine, an organic new way of making decisions, and taking actions, which resembles how native growth and cultures form, and how the universe works, in the Natural World, and that will help us to Bridge the Gap between Consensus Blocking, and Democracy Stalking.

Why not call this crazy process of holding Tribal Council, and getting things done, which has to do, with the actual movement of nutrients and resources, Organic Integration? All Rights Reserved.

In Organic Self Integration, we would have something that would support Positive Action, and Natural Integration, of the Individual, or Family, into the Tribal Community, where a person does not block, sock, or otherwise exert unearned or undue control, over the flow, of the life giving energy, beyond ones own Domain, just by saying no, to anything and everything, one might not want, or that one might not even understand, which is the same thing, or that one might not like, or that one might not agree with, or consider to be something that would be good for self, or would support ones long held beliefs, or which feed into ones addictions, or are seen as being identical, to ones fixed set, of preset expectations.

This list of Presets, is like a shopping list, one might be using, as a score card, to judge all other things by, which would be a mistake, if we were to allow these honorable members of the Tribal Council, to check the list, of their own personal accepted, and unaccepted things, and to see what checks out, and what does not check out, with that list, of fixed opinions, and to disempower that which does not check out, with that list of fixed opinions.

But that is what a lot of the New People will be doing, on their first day, using this list of Presets, as their crib sheet, which is a kind of cheating actually, which is done, to make it easy, to get by, with these impostors, which are used, in lieu of thinking, by using a static system, of memorized material, instead of an active system, which could be used to solve problems.

And they will defend this, as being their own work, even when it is not, or anything to subvert the process, and to avoid having to do any actual work of being real.

Another way that can go would be to wrongfully give thumbs up power, which is wrong when they carry on like a consumeristic dictator, who had the God Given Right, to exert absolute power, and to decide, over anything, and everything, which would be an overly simplistic understanding, of ones actual role in the Universe.

All the writings, and the newly coined terms used, in this Blog, are All Rights Reserved. - T

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