Saturday, October 12, 2013

Re-Nativization Takes Time

What we are creating here, is a New Pathway to Full Nativization, which here will make you a Real Native American, full blooded and everything, if you can imagine that, and all this, after only a brief stay here, in this great land of ours, of only 3 Generations, of Deep Nativity, and just a 100 years, of True Naturalization, which is in distinction to the memorization game they have in place now by the same name, where you have to memorize things, like the three colors, of the new Flag, which signifies nothing, and certainly no real change, and this is all about real change, once you get here, and not just getting here, and this change could even be expected to have begun, way back in the old world country of origins, because this is all Native Land that we are talking about giving away to people, to be used and abused by them, even if it hasn't been paid for, and so this should not be done in a reckless manner. And so we do want to have a chance to offer a distinction, with a real difference here, as it is not just a meaningless rehash, of old beliefs, just to buy votes, and to please the people with the usual trash.

And this is not even, to pick only the best, and to leave the rest, not as it would be, when you try to collaborate, with some of these members, of the Academic Elite, without all being carbon copies, of the fully indoctrinated class, even when they pretend, to have porous borders, which of course is not True.

But you are not going to be subjected to being chosen, to be frozen, as the best candidate, to join our side, as it would be, when you join a community, or a rock and roll band, meaning that it might not matter, what you may look like, and how poorly you may perform, on stage.

If you can survive, then you are then going to be counted, as one of us, and that is as a True Native American, with all the Rights and Privileges, of one of the Fool Bloods, who may know no limitations, in their movements, just as it would be when someone is Certified in EcoVillaging, which means they can move freely, from one, to the other, without all the red tape, and without losing their status, which is attached to their record of honor, which goes with them, and that is what opens all these new doors for them. And that is a little different, from someone, who has only played, with some big name performers, as a stage musician, who we still know nothing about.

But this high honor is available only, if you really have survived that long, without losing your integrity, because you will be deemed, to have made it all the way home, with no short cuts, and that is with no need to kiss ass, like some of these empty headed Wannabees, who will try to get ahead, in the land of the Dead, which is that of the Academic Elite, which is almost impossible, even to get into, for one of the unwashed masses, without the God Forsaken Stamp of Approval, for being an overly educated simpleton, who has nothing but memorization under her belt, when we really would prefer, the Self Educated People, who really can Think for Themselves, and who can create new things, and who do not even bother, to assume the attitude of academic superiority, and who don't need a degree, and do not intend to learn the high and mighty language, of the Princely Class, of the Academic Elite, complete with all the flourishes, who have become the new royalty, in their own minds. But that does not transfer over, into the EcoVillage Community.

We have laid the groundwork for something new. This is a whole new creation. And so that is something to be proud of, to be any kind of a part in this, even just to have helped to lay the beginnings, of a true heritage, with us, as the Real Natives, who can Survive, and who do have the beginnings, of a real record of Honor, based on Long Service, and Contribution, and Survival, if at all possible, which is all we could ever hope for, even from our own Children, who will then have to share this land, with the New Natives, whether they like them or not. And so this is a Tool to support True Integration. But there are no Short Cuts. You have to go the Extra Mile.

And that is right in keeping, with our Benign Long Term Plan, which is about the Integration of the Entire Universe, along these entirely new lines. And all this, from one of the Unwashed Masses, who will not be Silenced, by these attention hogs, who don't really have anything that is uniquely their own, to say, which we do have, as you can see, to our credit. Who here can even see the value in these new ideas? Not too many. No. But you can hear the sound.

It might be time now, to ask some of these overly polished, manicured, and scrubbed up People of Today, to step out of the way, with their City of Pity, for the new Leadership Carriers, whose arrival has not been foretold, but who has begun to arrive on deck, fully armed, with the Power of Truth in Hand, unlike any other man. My name is T. That stands for Truth

I am not a polished product of the media, but I think I do bring something real and that is a lot more valuable, so link this page up, to all your friends. - T of Eden

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