Friday, May 6, 2016

The New Society

The New Society is to take place within an Order. It is a Native Order. 

There is the Local Watershed Order, and there is the Family Order, and there is the Tribal Order. Even Personal Relationships might require some kind of Order or at least a Membership in a Circle, like an Affinity Group.

There is a Natural Correlation, to how we all fit together, but that is within Committed Relationships. And that is why the different communities, of interrelated peoples, might want to be put together, on the same Homestead, with each other. And so the EcoVillage Community really is like a Big Community, which is filled up, with Little Communities, each on their own Homesteads, where they can share living, and financial responsibilities together. And so they will have to create their own Council, where they can decide things like a Community, within a Community. And then they can bring their Decisions, to the Larger Community Council.  

The People living, in a Watershed, might work very much the same way. They Share that Watershed, and may need to create a new way, to decide things, as a Community, by the Creation of a Native Watershed Council. 

The People living, in an EcoRegion, might work very much the same way. They Share that EcoRegion, and may need to create a new way, to decide things, as a Community, by the Creation of a Native EcoRegional Council. 

The People of a Nation, or an Area, like these Native Lands, are simply the Native People, who were born here, and those who have been Fully Naturalized, as well as those, who have been accepted into the Tribe, even though they are not yet Natives.  

Indian Peoples of many Tribes might want to create a Decision-Making Council, of First Nations Peoples.  

But the Tribal Relationship is much more Personal, and that is the one that is indispensable, and so that is what now needs to be Restored and Secured. That's Right. 

We are talking about a Native Spirit Revival and the formation of New Tribes, which is all about a Deeper Commitment, to the Tribe, which would be expected from all New Members.  

There are Circles that the Other People in our lives belong to, in our Natural Circles of interrelation, on various levels of Committed Relationship. It helps to keep those Circles clear and intact. That is why we have to be able to talk about these things. And so that is a Deal Maker, not a Deal Breaker. 

What are the Circles of Committed Relationship?

The Natal Circle is a very personal Circle of close Relationship, between the Mother and Child. 

The Native Circle is a Natural Relationship among Tribal Members, who all know each other, and so that is a Personal Relationship Circle, or a Circle of Friends, who are Committed.  

The Natal Relationship is well respected, recognized and fully supported, as is the Family Member Relationship, and the Personal Committed Relationship. That is for Life. Our Mother is our Mother for Life. 

And then there is the Native Tribal Relationship, which is the Natural Relationship we should have, with the others, who have long lived, in these Native Lands, or in our Native Tribes, and on our Tribal Lands, for at least Three Generations of True Nativity, and One Hundred Years, of Real Naturalization. That is for Life, and then some. 

But the Tribe has been discredited, and so it has been thought to be a backwards way of life, and it is still thought to be a backwards way of life, which is obsolete, because the National system of organization was better, and soon the Global one will be too, and so it has been hounded into oblivion, and it has almost been completely extinguished, as an Organizational Principle. But we need all these different levels of Integration, to be Restored.

That Tribal Circle of Relationships has been discredited, and discarded, in favor, of the Machine World, of the Big Cities, where you don't even know the other people around you. 

Look what happened to the Indians. 

Many Tribes were forcefully Dismantled. The rest were Marginalized. As a result, their Populations have Dwindled. Many Tribes have been Lost. They are here no more. 

But then no new Tribes were ever created. Wow. And that is like a slow death. That should tell us something. Yes. That is what I mean. 

The Indians were tagged, and bagged, as being Bad People. And so it should be no surprise that their Native Tribal Way of Life was also trashed and bashed, and so it was not adopted, by the Settlers, and in fact, it was rejected. Sound Familiar? Yes.   

And then a Glass Ceiling was put up, so that No New Natives would ever be able to Cross-Over, and to claim their own hard-earned Native Rights, even long after the 100 year time period, of Real Naturalization, and the Three Generations of True Nativity, had already been fulfilled, so in this way, No New Native Rights would ever need to be recognized. And because of the Glass Ceiling, the Tribal Way of Life would be kept limited, until it was no more.  

Nativity still goes on, because that comes through the Birth Canal. You go through that 3 times. And then we can assume that you have become very deeply embedded. It has just not yet been recognized. And that might sound like a long time. But any less would be an Insult to the Indians. And many of us have already completed that. And so it is time we began to Claim our Native Rights. 

In this way, the Native Tribal Peoples would not need to be accommodated, by the Corporate World, and by the National Government, which is a move towards the complete disintegration, of the systems of Committed Relationships among Traditional Peoples, which were always Tribal, without exception, turning us all down the way towards powerlessness and deeper dependency upon the National Government, in Anonymous Isolation. 

We have our Families and Friends, at the one extreme. And then we have the National Government at the other. Nothing in between that might be a little more Human Scale, like a Tribal Community where you know almost everybody else who is living there in that Community. And that is the area that needs to be filled in.  

This is why the whole idea of the EcoVillage Community is not supported, by the Media, by the Church, by the Schools, or by the Corporate Government, or even by the Academic Elite. 

Why? It is seen as being no longer useful.  

That is why they are Tearing the Tribes into pieces, which is just like tearing the Forests into pieces. And that is just like tearing the Families into pieces, by destroying the Family Unit, and sending the Committed Members, of that Relationship, off in all different directions. 

And it is just like tearing Mother from Child apart, ruining that Committed Relationship, by disconnecting them, physically, and by forcing a separation, by dissolving the Committed Relationships, on every level. 

But it may well be that we actually need to Restore, and to Secure, all these other levels of Committed Relationship, which have been Traditional, and which are Local. Here we will know almost everybody, who is living in our Watershed. And we will put roots down, and become a part of the Land. 
 - T  


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