What we might need to learn how to deal with are the New People, from mostly Old World Expansionist Cultures, that are just trying to keep expanding, even when there is no more room for that.
They are not Real Converts. No. They don't ever want to have to start Living within the Balance. They are just trying to Expand, into our Native Homelands, without Changing their Expansionist Ways.
We would have to deflate that expanding bubble of Over-Population first. We can see the results in India. And we Love India, but we do not want to become the Enablers, of that kind of thing.
We do not even want, to take Doctors and Nurses away, from some of these places, by offering them tons of money, to abandon their own Native Lands, where those skills are still needed. No.
That Destroys Communities. That Rips up the Tiny Root Hairs, in the Local Web of Relationships. We want to Preserve those Relationships.
The right to have Large Families really should only be, for those, like the Early Settlers, who had begun to Build this Country, on the East Coast, and have then continued, to Establish New Native Lands, beyond the Appalachians, and across the Mississippi, and then up into the Rockies, and down into the West Coast, and up into Alaska.
The Expansion of Territory it what made it possible, to continue, with the Expansion, of the Population, and this is what made it possible, to continue on, for a short time, with the Large Families, and with the bubble like Expansion, of the Population, of the Classical Period of Immigration.
But the People didn't realize that was only going, to be happening during this very special time, or the Bubble would be going to pop. They thought it was forever. Why? Their lives are so short that a short time might seem to be forever.
They grew up, within the Expansionist Way of Life. They were taught to believe the Classical Period of Immigration was Sustainable, and so would be Permanent. And they cannot imagine winding that down.
And they most certainly cannot imagine having, to reverse the flow. And that is why they cannot be Trusted as Decision Makers. Right. No Integrity. No Willigness to Face the Facts.
But we do that all the time. Employers who have Hired too many People, during a Boom Period, may have to let a few workers go, when that Bubble has begun to Pop.
We might want, to limit the Further Expansion, of our own Population, until we have found a way, of Expanding Our Native Land Holdings, in advance, of any further Expansion. And so they are the Ones, who might have, to Ceed us, some Territory, not the other way around.
This Failed State Problem is just like a Failed Business that needs to be Bailed Out, just to keep the owners from going to jail, because they have Back Taxes to pay, and so they might have, to turn over all their assets to us. And then we might be able, to Save their Asses, from the Prison System.
But allowing Unrestricted Immigration, into these Native Lands, when they didn't do anything that was worthy, of being Rewarded like that, would be a mistake. Right. Look what happened, in the Crimea. They lost it. And the same thing could happen here.
Too many Immigrants would lesson our control, just when we are trying, to kick the bad habit of Endless Expansionism.
And that would be like someone, who is just now kicking the bad habit, of Personal Expansionism, or Drug Addiction, being asked, to take in Gang Members, into the Shared Household, who are not yet down, with the Program.
That would undercut all of our progress, when we are surrounded with users, at a time, when we are trying to quit.
But the People, who just want to move in, and to play the same old game, of getting ahead, for the Social and Economic Benefits, as a part of their own Doctrine, of Personal Expansionism, may need to be able to throw, some of their own land, onto the table, to make up for that. Right. Everyone has to bring something, to the Party.
You want to have a Big Family? Then give us your Land. You want to come here, to escape from the Burning Wreckage, of the Corrupted Old World Country? Then first you would have to turn that over to us, as a Peace Offering, to cover your many short comings, which have not been found, to be worthy, of our Love.
It might even be said by some that Larger Families are no longer, in the Cards, for these People, of Today, because they are not worthy, of an Extra Child. Well Said. Why? Because they didn't do anything. Right. These are the Fuck Ups, who cannot even Feed their own Seven Children.
Just being Hungry for Sex used to be big, where they came from, but now counts for nothing. No. Since When? 1991. The Time of the Turning.
The Intruders might not like it, and they might get mad, but to say No, is not Immoral. No. That is a sane response, to an Extortion Racket. And the Suffering was all Self-Caused.
And so that Suffering might have been there, to Force them, to Learn something, about Living Within the Balance, of the Universal Order of Truth. That might be one way we can think about it.
What was the Universe trying to say, to these people, from the Old World Cultures, of Dog Eat Dog Corruption? When you turn your Back on the Earth, then your People die, and your Country will die. Right. But that is just our version of it. We don't presume to Speak for the Universe. But that is how it works, in the Forest, from what we can see.
It is not just about the Needy People. It is about the Whole Country, which will be in danger. And that burning place will have to be forfeited, or there will be No Admission.
Why? It is like a Dying Tree, in the Forest. When it Dies, the Surrounding Trees, in the Forest Take Over. And so that Land will have to be Ceded First, before we can save a few of their Asses, from the Fires of Self Destruction.
Time waits, for No Native Peoples. And the same thing will happen to us.
When we give the Immoral Offenders an easy way out, that in, and of itself, really would be Immoral, because we would be undermining, the Universal Order of Truth, and doing an Injustice, when they need to take a good look at themselves, and to make some changes, in their Culture, of Reckless Expansionism, before they can get in, with the Cool People, in the Center of the Circle, who have learned how, to contain themselves, before it was too late, to make excuses, which time has come. Right.
The Early Settlers were Expansionist, it is True, when our Country was Growing, but now we are no longer able, to continue, in that mode, because we have understood the Limits to Growth, and even the Homesteading Act had to be repealed, because we were simply running out of good land, for that purpose. And anyone who wants, to join us should all have, to get in synch with all of that. Right. They are not the Secured Parties. No. The Natives are the Secured Parties.
And so Human Suffering is not always the wrong thing, for the Universe to do that to itself. No. The Universe knows what it is doing. And that too is part, of the New Nativism, to get in synch, with the Universal Order of Truth, not the Lies of the Brain Dead Politicians.
That Justifiable Suffering may be what drives the Universe, and so Yes, that is sometimes the very rightest thing to do, not to interfere, with the Natural Processes. And so we should probably not want, to interfere, with these Aggressive Invaders, until they have hit rock bottom, and are ready, to turn things around.
It is not Immoral, not to alleviate that suffering, which is very often just a totally normal, and natural thing, which thing is Good for the Earth, and Good, for the Universe, which likely runs, on this very wholesome, and natural cycle, of Ignorance, on the run. Right.
What Cycle? The Cycle of Hatred, Anger, and the Desire, to get Revenge? Yes. That is the one we are talking about.
Over-Population, in the Poor Countries is caused, by their Corrupted Cultures, of Individual Expansionism, and their Ethnic Supremacy, which is just not justifiable, given the unsuccessful nature, of the Beast, in question. Right.
The Failed Cultures, of the Failed States, are not to be Rewarded for their many screw ups, when the Universe might have had something else in mind, like for them, to learn their lessons. And that can be Painful, but we are not to become their Enablers. And we are not to shield them, from the Pain, which may be Required.
We have been successful, with Expansionism, it is True, but that was all in Balance, with our Skills, but they have not been so lucky. And it is rare. And we have had great success. But now the time for that is over now. Since When? 1991.
And so this is like a poor man, who gambles all his money away, in a vain attempt, at Personal Expansionism, because he wants to be the Big Man. And then he has to pay the price. We cannot step in, and pick up the tab for him. That would Interfere, with the Universal Plan.
It is not right for us, to bail them out of trouble.
But we have had the winning ticket, which was Creative Productivity, while these others have not, and so we had a right to expand. Right. We put a Man on the Moon. We were successful. They did not. And they were not.
And they were not even interested in joining us, and becoming one of us, as the Last and the Least Among us, for the first One Hundred Years, until we got rich. And so they are the ones, who should be Ceeding Territory, not us, just as it would be, in a Forest, when a Tree Dies, because they did not Really Love Us, when the time for that was right.
That Dying Tree would have no right, to expect all the other trees, to respect its old borders forever. No. Once you Die, your Old Borders are Dead. And then the other Trees Move in, on that Open Spot, from all sides.
And what is Death, for a Country? A Failed State. A Failed Culture. And many of these states have already failed very badly. And many of these Cultures have all failed. But Ours has Not? No. And so now they want to claim that they have always Loved Us the most? I don't think so. No. That is a little bit too Self Serving, and that is too Convenient. Right. It is a little bit Too Little Too Late. No.
We expect to see Love at First Sight.
We were Expansionist, it is True, but that was when the time was right for that.
But now we have learned, to contain our self, and we have become Natives. And to get into one of our Communities, or even just a Shared Household, like a Women's Shelter, you might have to prove, to be a Green Native, with Skills, and Values.
And you might still have to come up, with a Buy-In. And you might still have to Ingratiate Your Self, into the Community, which just means, to become a friendly and cooperative person, who is ready to follow all of the rules, with Gratitude and Respect, for the beginnings that have been laid by the others.
And so in a Sane World, why would we allow an Unrestricted Flow, of Failed State Immigrants, to move in here, without a Buy-In, and without even being Green, in word alone, with No Respect and Gratitude, for Our Native Authority, and the groundwork has been done here, and without having, to Ingratiate Themselves, into the Community? That would be Insane. Right. And then they would like to just walk right past us, like we didn't even exist? That would be Insane.
And Yes. A lot of the People coming to us are coming, from a Drug, and Alcohol Addiction Scenario. But in a sane world that would not be regarded as being a Disease. No. That reflects a lack of discipline. And in that way we are a lot like the Indians.
But those of us, who are Faithful and True, to the Cause, of the Universal Spirit of Truth, must assume that a great deal, of Human Ignorance has been Given Legs, to run themselves right into the ground, for a good reason. Right.
Life is a Learning Experience, not a Trip to the Mall. And it is not good enough, for us just to watch and to see, which way it goes, as if we didn't care. No. We really do Care.
We Native Peoples are now Responsible, to do something effective about this.
Global Warming is not caused by Governments. And it is not caused by the Corporations. No. It is caused by the Expansionism, of the Middle-Class Consumers. And they will not turn the heat off, for Love or Money. That is why we have Global Warming.
We should all know by now, which way it will go. It is like Drug Addiction. We know where that goes. They are arrogant, and full of contempt, while they are using, and they will not listen, and they will not learn, even while they are running themselves right into the ground, until they have hit rock bottom.
But then, in that case, it is not for us, to become their Enablers, and to bail them out, and to cover for them at work, with lies and excuses, as soon as they run, into the first sign, of trouble. No. We are to hold them Accountable, to our Native Authority. Why?
They had bargained for all of that trouble, knowing full well what the consequences might be, just like a gambler, who should know that he might lose the family farm, but he does it anyway, and then he comes to us for help, as if we were responsible, being the only adults in the room because he is desperately in need, of a big win, and to be a successful Expansionist, at out Expense? No. We should not support that. Why? That is a Dead End.
We are not to become the Enablers of this kind of Racket. No. We are the Resistance, not the Enablers. Since When? 1991. Right. We will not cover for them, until we have seen a change, of Heart, Respect, and Gratitude, and a willingness to accept our Guidance and Direction, and payment in full.
And when someone wants, to take over your Home, it is not Immoral, to say No, even if they really need it. No. Neediness is not a Healthy Pathway, to Home Ownership. No. It is not that simple.
Once in, their Votes will soon out pace our own votes. And that could lead to our downfall. And that is why we have to establish Our Native Rights.
Maybe they just want to move, into your back yard. That is still an Intrusion, that would have to be paid for, and negotiated.
But there is No Moral Obligation, to take them in. And so that is not a Mean thing that we are doing to them, which they did not bargain for. No. They are the Offenders, when they are not willing, to abide by our terms.
We will not be incurring any Debts, to the Universe. No. In fact, we should be racking up the Honors, if we follow this Way of Truth, and to pay each according, to their own worth.
But why is Over-Population so Painful? This might just be something that they need to be going through, in order to get them, to quit lying and cheating, and making excuses.
But not being willing, or able, to pay us anything, or to Earn their Way Through, is No Excuse, so it is not an Immoral Thing, to say No, when they come up short, and when their offerings are found, to be Unworthy. No. Give me a Break.
And we might even choose, to expect all the New People to Buy-In, and to Serve, and to Contribute, not just one, or the other. Why? Because the Community is a Wholistic Solution. And that is what makes it more affordable. And that is what makes it possible, for us, to be able to do all this. And they are not going to be incentivized, with a Bargain Basement Deal.
We are in the Business, of Restoring these Native Lands, and we have to run the Community like a Business, so we have to hold out, for good results, not more Slums, which are controlled, by Ethnic Crime Gangs, who will not even cooperate, except as direct competitors, who will barely follow the rules. Right. And that would be Suicide.
It is not just a place you go, when you have a lot of debts to pay. It is a Cultural Thing that you Join in with, and become part of, as one of the people, who would uphold our ways, not just as someone, who would barely abide by our ways, but only when they are being watched like a hawk.
And so in that way, it is very different, from the Public School System, in which you just have, to barely abide by the rules. No. You would have to become one, of the True Believers.
Why? We are still responsible, to make something good, out of these Native Lands, and out of these Native Peoples, which we have just begun, to Work Our Magic on.
We are not here just to use them up, or to throw them away, or to turn them over, to be made into more Slums filled, with Corruption, Hatred, and Contempt, for our Native Authority.
The Fallen Gang Lands might even have to be Restored, to Parks, Forests, and Native Wetlands. Right.
The Immigrants might have had Slums back home. And they will bring them here. But we don't need them here. And so we do have, to teach our Children, to stand their ground. But we shouldn't have, to teach Our Children not, to go into those Slums. Why? Because those Slums are still Our Native Lands. And if they are not safe, for Our Own Native Children, because of people, who are here, with our Permission, but have turned bad on us, then they should be torn down, for that reason alone.
But the people, who feel guilty, might want to give it all away, to Pay-Off their Guilt Complex. And that is what the real big problem is. But these Native Lands are not for them, to give away.
Why? Because you can only give away that which you own completely. Right. Your Own Money. Your Own House. Your Own Car. Your own Stuff. You do not get to give away a place, on the LA Freeway. No. That is not entirely your own.
You cannot give Yosemite away, either. No. Why? That is not Entirely Yours.
Good Stewardship is a Sacred Responsibility, which the Land Stewards have been Entrusted with, to Protect that, from any, and all Intrusions, by foreign Invaders. And so being needy and greedy is no longer the Winning Ticket. Since When? 1991. The Turning.
If you feel guilty then you must find some other way of making that right. You might want to Adopt a Child, from Far Away Lands.
But a lot of people might even think they can just look the other way, with Impunity. Right. They learned that in School. But No. That was part, of the Corruption. And what we are about here is Purity, and Balance. Since When? 1991.
You cannot just look the other way, when you have a job to do, or a Sacred Responsibility, which you have been entrusted with.
And all Native People now have a Job to do, since 1991, because they have all been Entrusted, with a Sacred Responsibility, to Restore These Native Lands.
The Invasion is not Restorative. No. That is Un-Restorative.
They aren't coming here, on a Pilgrimage. No. They are not here to see the Redwoods, and to pay their respects. No. And they do not have the proper levels, of Respect and Gratitude, for the People, or the Land, or the Cause, of Restoration.
They really are only coming here, on a Destructive Rampage, to ascend, to the Throne of Expansionist Supremacy. Right.
As a way of Self-Medication, they are coming here, in Full Blown Consumer mode. And they want a shot in the arm. And they want it fast. And most people might think that is normal. But No. That is not normal. That is an Unholy Freak Show. Since When? 1991. No.
That is Rapacious. It is Reckless Expansionism, and it is Extortionism, which is completely out of whack, with our Restorative Plan, to start Living Within the Balance, and to Save the Earth, one Watershed at a Time, by Securing Our Native Resources.
And we can start with the EcoVillage Community. And I do have my own Land to Contribute, to the Cause. Right.
My Own Tribal Lands could become the Beginnings, of a growing Network, of our own Native Lands, right here, on the North Coast, of Northern California. And Other Lands, could link up with us in cooperation.
My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. And I work, for the Universe, and all Native Peoples. - T
An example of what the New Green Nativist Realism might look like, would be, if the Native Hawaiians had decided, before the Invasion, that they did not want to be Colonized, by a Flood of Immigration, before it was too late, to Secure their Native Sovereignty, over the Hawaiian Islands.
Maybe they didn't want to lose their Sovereignty, or their National Identity, or their Native Rights, and Maybe they wanted to retain full control over their own Native Lands. Right. And we might choose to feel the same way about our own Native Lands.
But most people might think that would be Immoral. But No. That would not be Immoral, for us to do now, just what the Native Hawaiians really should have done. It would be entirely within Their Native Rights, and it would be entirely within Our Native Rights, to do that very same thing. And they were not powerful, so they couldn't do anything. But we are. And we really are in a position from which we can do this.
But Why?
They might have wanted, to preserve their Islands Natural Beauty, and its Eco-Logical Integrity, and to Protect their Native Rights, as the Indigenous Native Peoples, who might not have wanted their Votes, to be Cancelled out, by a Flood of Immigrants, who might not even bother, to give the Native Peoples, the Time of Day.
Maybe the Native Hawaiians didn't have any need, for Organized Crime Gangs operating anywhere, and everywhere, within their Beautiful Native Homelands. And they might have wanted to keep Automobiles Off the Island, to Minimize Pollution.
Maybe they didn't want Hotels on the Beaches. And maybe they wanted to protect the Native Plants and Animals. Wow. Are those all such Bad Things? No. Is that Racism? No. Does that mean they hate all other People? No. Is it Supremacy? No. They just do not want to be Invaded, so that they can deal with the world, on an even footing, and so they will not get sucked under by the Powerful Undertow of the Global Ecocomy. And we may choose to feel the same way our own our Native Lands. This is what the New Green Nativism might look like. And we not only reserve this way of thinking, for our own use, but we can offer this to All Native Peoples all around the world, like the folks, on North Sentinel Island.
Is that some kind of Menace, to the rest of the World? No. That would all be well, within their rights, to retain their own sense, of Self-Determination. And that is definitely, not Immoral. And that is well within our own Rights, to Secure, our own Sovereignty.
And a lot, of the New People may feel Guilty about Race Issues, and they might feel that the Hawaiians should feel Guilty about Race Issues too. But No. They do not.
But how can we deal with that? Those, who do feel Guilty, as Individuals, can simply make a Generous Donation, to the Cause, of their Choice, or they can Adopt a Child, from another Race.
But those, who do not Feel Guilty, as Individuals, would not have to do anything like that, unless they really felt like it.
But to force the Good Native Peoples, to Pay-Ransom really would be Immoral. And that might be good cause, for a full blown Rebellion.
And that is why we say, No Forced Pay-Offs, to keep the Peace, and No Bail Outs, using the Power of Native Justice.
Letting Non-Indians, move right into the Reservation, might be considered, as a way of making a Racial Pay-Off, if the Indians were ever made to feel guilty, when that has not been Bargained for, and they do reserve the right not to feel guilty.
Let the Guilty People pay their own Guilt off, or not, as they may see fit. But they cannot force others to join them in doing that.
The Native Hawaiians might have been a lot better off, allowing only limited amounts, of Eco-Tourism, and people who are coming there on a Pilgrimage, or they could have said No to any Immigration at all, except for the possible Adoption, of Small Children, who could have been raised up, within the Traditions, of the Native Hawaiian Peoples, not as Future Members, of Organized Crime Gangs, which is what they have going on now.
And that all ties together, with the whole One Person Dies, and Another One is Born Again Thing, which is all about Living Within the Balance.
But now that we finally do have just way too many people, as might have been predicted, a lot of them really are going, to have to be Dealt with. New Pople means more consumers, and that means more Pollution, and more Deforestation, and more Global Warming, at a time when we need people to volunteer to live more simply.
But the people may have been taught to think it is Immoral to tell the Immigrants how to live, like they would have to be Green. Why? Because it is believed that they have a right, to be big polluters, who are out, for Personal Expansivity, just becuse that was part of the Old World Culture. Right. And they should not have to change. But No. They would have to change. That is not Immoral. Why? Because they are here, with our Permission.
But some might think that if it is Bad, for the Invaders, to experience anything real, and painful, then that should be alleviated, by whoever has not yet died, because anything else would be immoral. But No. That would not be Immoral. That would have a very low priority with us. ight. Because they brought that upon themselves, with all this Endless Personal Expansionism, which might have to be dropped, now that we are entering a different time. Since When? 1991.
And when someone suffers, as a consequence, of their own actions, then we cannot do anything mean, like to say No, you cannot move into my house, or into Our Native Lands, because that would be Immoral. But No. That would not be Immoral.
They were Careless. They were Reckless. And so it is not Mean, and it is not Immoral. No. It is mean when you knock down somone's fence, just to move into their back yard, and then won't take no for an answer.
And so we would expect, to receive No Debt to the Universe, for that, which is Not Immoral. Right. They are the Ones, who have Violated our Native Lands.
If it is Bad, for People, to have to pay, to play, where they have no right, to play, and could never pay, like out on the Indian Reservation, then should it be thought to be Immoral, when they are turned away by the Indians? No. That is not Immoral. That would be within their Rights.
The Indians should have every right to decide, who can join them, as one of them, as full members, and who can join them, as Non-Members, who don't care a thing about Learning their Culture, or their Language, or their Native Ways.
Those are two distinctly different things.
But can we allow people into the EcoVillage Community, who cannot be trusted, to uphold Our Native Ways, but would be just living, within our midst, as competitors? No.
This is a Community. And the same thing is True, of these Native Lands, and possibly even the EcoRegion, and the Watershed. Right.
We don't need some Gang Bangers Burning into our Watersheds looking for trouble. No. That only works in a Police State.
These Lands are like Reservation Lands, which have been set aside, for the Indians. They are not going to bring any competitors, into their midst, who are not coming on a Pilgrimage, and are not even there, to learn the ways of Our People, which would all have to happen first, before Membership could be considered later. And they would all have to Ingratiate themselves, into our midst, as one of the last, and the least among us, not as Equal Competitors. And so Yes, you could say that the Indians are still very Protectionist. Why? They want to protect what little they still have. And we should be doing the same thing. You come here to Learn. You do not come here, into our Communities, to make Demands.
All new members would really have to be truly interested, in doing something for the Tribe, and becoming a Real Member. And the same thing is True, in the Eco-Village Community, and of our own Native Lands, just as it is, way out on the Reservation, or in the Shared Household, where everyone has to be accounted for. And you have to Buy-In, to that Shared Household. Right. It is never fly now, and pay later. We are moving away from the era, of Endless Expansionism.
We don't need any more Individualistic Expansive Competitors, running around, within our Midst. No. That would be Poisonous. All must Contribute. And getting a job is not Contributing. No. That is Taking a Job away, from Native Workers, with the exception of Doctors and Nurses.
The Eco-Logical Reservations have all been set aside, for the next One Hundred Generations, of Our own Native Peoples, not just for the People of Today. And that means, to be protected, from this kind of Reckless Expansionism, with the utmost care. Right. And so they can have No Children. But only if they are Doctors and Nurses, or the deal is off. Right. They are only welcome to come here, to Serve, not Consume.
If People are suffering, in the Burned Out Lands, of the Old World Cultures, which they have degraded, in the name of Poverty, that is because, of their own choices and actions, like putting Personal Expansionism First, and haing Large Families, before any consideration, of Over-Population, and all this, without any increase, in Land Holdings, and Food Production Capabilities, for us. And that is the Primary Cause, of the Poverty. Sure. They might even have to turn over their former lands to us, as part of the deal. But only if they are Doctors and Nurses, who speak good English. We have every right, to lay these kinds of terms on the table. And it is not Immoral, because they are coming here, with our Permission, and so it would be stupid of us, not to have any conditions. You cannot even move in, to a Shared Household, without there being conditions, and a Buy-In. Right. No Boyfriends. All Quiet after 9pm. And we should have rules here as well. Why? This is a Community, not just a wasteland.
But what about all those Big Families, when we are trying, to wind that down? Right.
The Early Settlers had big families, and they brought in a lot of new people, as Immigrants, and that did mean more people, and that was a different time, but that was a successful form of Competitive Expansionism, which was well earned, but that was not all they did. No.
At the same time they made big increases, in Land Holdings, and Food Production Capabilities, at the same time, as they made increases, in the Population. Right. Westward Expansion. The Homestead Act. And so it was not that badly out of Balance. And that might be why a lot of people may think we can just keep doing that forever, because it did work before. But no. Things are Changing now.
That was the Unreported Secret of our Success.
When Our Population was Expanding, Our Land Holdings were Expanding, in somewhat Perfect Balance.
But now we can no longer allow our Dependents, to keep on doing that. Right. Letting New People in, or Unrestricted Immigration, and these new people are Having Large Families, with No Expansion of Our Land Holdings, would be disastrous. Why? Because our Land Holdings are no longer Expanding. And so both of those two things will need to be stopped. And that is not part of our Culture, to continue Expanding, when there is no reason, to be doing that. And we are doing a fairly good job, but the Immigrants are not down, with the Program. They are not Green. And it would be a mistake to think, we can incentivize them, to become Greens, with the promise, of more money. No. That is not where it comes from.
The only game we are being offered is Extortionism, which is completely out of whack, with our Restorative Plan, to start Living Within the Balance, and to Save the Earth, one Watershed at a Time, by Securing Our Native Resources.
And we can start with the EcoVillage Community. And I do have Free Land to Contribute. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. And I work, for the Universe, and all Native Peoples. - T
Human Rights are very often going to be in Direct Conflict, with Climate Action. And they are very often going to be used, as something to leverage off of, and as an Excuse, not to Change the way we live, because of the belief that we have Human Rights, which includes, a right to remain, in Dependency, like Children, who have no responsibilities.
Why? Because having to Change, would be in Violation, of our Consumer-Rights, to be provided, with an Artificially Heated Environment, and to have Food, Rent, Dope, all paid for, and enough spending money, not to ever have to work again, as Dependency sets in, for Life.
These are the Human Rights that are in Direct Conflict, with our Cause, which is to Save the Earth.
The Right to have a Heated Home, is right up there, at the top of the list. Right. People expect to have Home Heating. That is Sacro-Sanct. And anything less, than a steady supply, of unnecessary Fossil Fuels, for Heating and Cooling, would be considered to be Substandard, and in Violation, of the Health, and Building Codes, and that would be a Violation, of their Human Rights.
No one can take that away, from them, because they are Addicted. Are you Kidding Me? We take a lot of things away from people, who are Addicted.
And it is not just about turning the thermostat down, a little bit, in order to be a little more Eco-Friendly than you have to be. No. You have to be a lot more Earth Friendly than that.
That is not going to be considered, to be doing your part, for the Earth. And that is not enough, to be Rewarded, with the Green Badge of Honor. No. That is making Excuses, which is Dishonorable Conduct.
And it would be a big mistake, for the Natives, to look the other way, as most people do, when the Invasive Intruders try, to re-label Consumer Rights, which are highly variable, and vacuous, as being Human Rights, which are machine made, and are not variable, for that very reason, which has a purpose, and that is to take out the variability, of their Store Bought Consumer Rights, to Destroy the Earth, for their own personal comfort, unless they feel like being a little bit Friendly. And this is the way a lot of the New P eople, might think about the Organizers, as well.
If the New Organizers give them everything, then they might think they would very generously condescend, to be a little bit Leadership-Friendly, as long as they are among the Prime Beneficiaries, which is so far out of whack, that it is hard to comprehend, when they are going to have to be, a lot more Friendly than that.
And so this is what it means, to join the Green Nativist Party. Right. Contempt for Native Authority is Over. We will all have to make, the Ultimate Sacrifice, when the word goes out, and so that means, we will all have to be prepared, to shut down our furnaces, for Ten Years, once the word has been given.
It is all about turning it all off completely, and leaving it off, for Ten Years, no matter how many people need that Illicit Heat Source, which they have become habituated to be dependent upon.
All we have to do is to design our buildings for it, in advance. You get up and do some work, or you just put on Three or Four More Layers of Clothing.
Same with Air Conditioning. It is about turning it all off completely, and leaving it off, for Ten Years. The New Organizers should not become the Peoples Enablers. And we have to set the example.
When the word goes out, that means there will be No More Air Conditioning. The Leadership Carriers, who have had the Audacity, to have launched this New Initiative, will have to be among the First, to do so.
And all we have to do is, to design our buildings for it. Since When? 1991. Why? The People True are not just Eco-Friendly. No. We put the Earth First.
We are forming a Circle that lies at the Heart, of the New Green Nativism, which is to Save the Earth. Right.
These others may be just about through, with the Earth, and they are getting ready to die, but we are not.
We have a thing for the Earth, and we are going to need the Earth, to be kept alive, and healthy, and happy, for another Fifty Thousand Years.
And so this is what we should all be willing to do, for Restorative-Justice, which is for the Earth, not the Consumers. We are not going to Restore their Consumer Rights, to keep on Spending, and Consuming the Earth to Death.
But the Consumers are fighting back, by claiming to have Human Rights, and not just Consumer Rights, which they can use against the Earth. Right. Consumer Rights were not enough. And so those have been repackaged as Human Rights.
Restorative Justice is not about Making Things Right, for all the Consumers. No. Restorative Justice is for the Earth. Right.
The Earth has not had a place at the table. But someone needs to speak up, for the Earth. And that would be the Natives. But no one is listening. And so we may all need, to become the Earths Advocates, as the Local Natives, to get this message across.
Heating and Air Conditioning, with Fossil Fuels, will all have to be shut down, as soon as possible. Since When? 1991. And so Human Needs, for Comfort, are No Excuse, to Sacrifice the Earth. No.
That is an Addiction, which is not an Honor. No. That is a Dishonor.
Addiction is no longer going to be seen, as being a Disease, like some of the Invasive Intruders, that came after you, and got you sick, and so you are not the Big Victim. Right.
The Big Corporations. Big Pharma. Capitalism. Economic In-Equality. No.
An Addiction is just a Bad Habit, which should not be Subsidized. And we cannot remain behind as the Enablers, of something like that, if we hope to survive, and especially, when it is something that we stand to benefit from, as Consumers, who can afford to stay warm and comfy, and so we might be tempted, to look the other way on that, which would be wrong, so we are all going to have, to Kick the Bad Habits, of Wrongful Home Heating, and Wrongful Air Conditioning. Right. That is Just Too Extreme. Right. There is no need for it. And we can do that together.
If we can afford, to Burn Fossil Fuels, in such a Recklessly Wasteful Manner, then we can afford, to switch over, to Passive Solar Heating, and Cooling.
But not having the money is no excuse. Even the Poor Huddled Masses, will all have to abide, by the new rules. Why? Because they are here, with Our Permission. And they didn't have Forced Air Heating back home, in the Old World Country, from which they had come.
They did not have Central Heating and Air Conditioning. No. And so we should not be helping them, to become addicted, to these comforts, which are Not Sustainable. And this is all part of the New Green Nativist Party Platform, which should not appeal to any, of the Inasive Intruders, for these reasons.
What does the New Green Nativism really mean?
We are against the Boondoggle, of Unrestricted Immigration. We are for Protecting the Earth, Sustainable Living, Native Rights, and we are against Population-Growth, as well as the being against Endless Expansionism, and the need, for continuous Economic Growth. Right. The Faulty Idea we oppose, is that if we let the Economy Slow Down, then it will stall, and then it will Die.
But is that how you Drive Your Own Car? You can never allow it to slow down, because it might stall out? No. When we let the Global Economy Slow Down Easy, it will go back, to being a Local Economy, with Barter And Trade.
Why? The Over-Bloated Middle Class Spending in Debt Based Economy is Bad, for the Earth. Right. It is time to cool that Furnace Down, before it burns the whole house down. Right. That House of Cards. Why? It is Dangerously Out of Balance.
And Reckless Immigration is Bad for the Earth. Why? More Middle Class Consumers. Right. We don't need any more Average Joe Consumers. Why?
That Heats up the Economy, and that drives up consumption, and Over-Population, and that is Bad for the Earth, and it causes more Global Warming, more Pollution, more Deforestation, and more Destruction of the Wetlands, and the loss of Wildlife Habitat. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. - T
There are at least Four Main Camps, which should all be Political Parties. Right. It is not just Left or Right, or someplace in between. No. There is a Whole Nother Dimension.
1 - The New Green Nativist Party.
The Earth comes First. Nativism. Localist. Competitive. Taking the Power Back Home. Our Native Lands. Our Native Peoples. Deep Roots. The Watershed. Anti-Globalization. Anti-Immigration. Why? Immigration is Bad for the Earth. And it Displaces the Locals, and Depresses Wages. And it causes more Consumption, and it Heats up the Economy, for more Global Warming, more Crowded Freeways, more Pollution, more Corruption, more Consumption, and more Garbage, and more Deforestation. We are still suffering the Consequences of Slavery. The Thousand Year Fallout from that has been horrendous. And we may suffer, even more, in the same way, in the future, from the Thousand Year Fallout, of Unrestricted Immigration, which could result, in Self-Annihilation, or worse. And we think a good country is worth more than just a Short-Term Economic Boom, which is just not Sustainable. And then you have a real big mess to clean up later.
2 - The Corporate Party.
Big Business. The Economy comes First. Pro-Immigration. Why? Immigration is Good for the Economy, in the Short Term. But it turns Bad, in the Long Run, much like Drug use, which might seem great, in the beginning, and then it becomes very bad. Right. Immigration is like a Shot in the Arm, for the Economy, which gives it a boost, when it should not need a boost, which is just like throwing Gasoline on the Fire, when it should not need any Gasoline, but we should not need that, because the Economy should be driven, in a more economical manner, for maximal efficiency, over the long term. Right. Make it last. Throwing Gasoline on the Fire, only causes flare-ups, and Over Heating, more Consumption, more Pollution, More Waste, More Deforestation, and Global Warming. But these people all plan, to be Dead by then. And they are living in a nihilistic fantasy, so they just want to be rich now, and they don't care about tomorrow.
3 - The Grey Nationalist Party.
Unlimited Growth. Expansionism. The Competitive Free Market Economy comes First. Personal Freedom. Anti-Immigration. Why? Immigration ruins the Nation, just like Slavery. We are still suffering the Consequences of Slavery. The Thousand Year Fallout has only just begun to become insufferable. And we may suffer, even more, in the same way, in the future, from the Thousand Year Fallout, of Unrestricted Immigration, which could result, in Self-Annihilation, or worse. And they may think a good country is worth more than just a Short-Term Economic Boom, which is just not Sustainable. And then you have a mess to clean up later.
4 - The Globalist Party.
Earth Friendly Automation. Pro-Immigration. Why? Same Reason. Different Purpose. Immigration ruins the Nation. And they want to do away, with the Nations, which are all standing in the way of Globalism, and Worldwide Economic Dependency. And so they might want, to Destroy any sense, of National Pride. You won't even be able, to buy and sell, without that credit number, which can easily be turned off, by an Elite Class of Technocrats, who will turn the rest of us into Slaves, to be used for their own entertainment, as seen in the Hunger Games, using that power, of our Dependency, upon their approval. It is a World of Economic Enslavement, that is run by the Machines, and an Elite Class of Technocrats, who will end up, serving the Machines, who will then take great pleasure, in our suffering. And then eventually the Technocrats will be sucked into slavery as well. And so nobody wins.
And that is why we have Created the New Green Nativist Party. It is our job to keep the Fires Burning. And it is our job to keep the Fires Under Control. Why? Because we are the Natives. And we are the Survivors. We will not let them burn a hole right through the very Heart of the Earth, for Love or Money. Since When? 1991. - T
One Big Problem that is facing us, is that there is an imbalance, with the Workers Integrity.
Workers do not really care about their Employers anymore. And that is a Deal Breaker. They don't really care that much about the quality, of the work they are doing. And that is a Deal Breaker. They don't care if the job gets done. And that is a Deal Breaker. And they don't really care if it gets done right. And that is a Deal Breaker. Right. They are not Committed. And that is a Deal Breaker. In this way, they are like Slaves, who have No Humanity. And that is a Deal Breaker.
They are really just out, to Cover their own Asses, they will work only for Short-Term Personal Gains.
And the same thing is True, about the Students, and the Immigrants, and the Young People, and the New People, in the Community, who would all have to be Incentivized, just to get them, to pretend that they really care, when they really do not, which is really no big thrill, for the New Organizers, to be on the receiving end, of their deceptions, and all for nothing, but the worst. And that is a Deal Breaker. And that might have to be taken as an Insult, when the Respect is just not there, as it should be in any Healthy Relationship. What about Being Human? Can't we get something for that? No.
That kind of One Way Dependency, is not part of a Healthy Relationship, like you might not want to have, with your own Children, that they pretend to care, and you pretend to listen, and nobody cares if any of it is real? No. But that is what we have, with this kind of Worker Dependency, and with the Immigrants, which might now need to be ramped way back down, before we burn a hole right through the very Heart of the Earth.
We should All Expect Better. But whose responsibility is it, to make sure you get the real thing, when they plan to make you pay, every step of the way? Your own. Right.
We are all responsible, as one of the Natives, to Demand the Realities, when our Children are giving us the run around, and are not being True, or when the Immigrants are giving us the Run Around. And that is a Deal Breaker.
But that is the way it is, with the Workers, and the Immigrants, and the Students, and the New People, who will all need, to be held Accountable. Right. And so you can see that we think in a very orderly and systematic way. We see the simiilarities, in all of these relationships.
We have a responsibility, to provide some resistance, to make them listen, and to make them learn that we will not accept these Falsifications, of a Good Working Relationship, which are All Take and No Give, for Nothing, not when we are the Providers.
And so there will be Dis-Incentives, for trying to make us pay, when it is our own time to play. Right. We are the Creative Producers. And it doesn't tke a Native Genius to figure this out, but they just want to be the Consumers, or the Dependents, who don't really have to care.
And there is a lot of Honor is being Creative. And some Humans are Creative. But there is No Honor in being Human. Why? Because for every one among us that is Creative, there are One Hundred others who are not. And there is some Honor in being Productive.
But there is no Honor being Enslaved in Dependency.
The Honor is Ours, as the Natives, in relation, to the Immigrants, and the Students, and the Children, and the New People, and the Workers, who can all be regarded, as being somewhat new people, who might have all had to be incentivized, because of a Lack of Faith, when that should not have been necessary.
Why? Because we are the Providers. We have the Land. We have the Water. We have the Sunshine, which all adds up, to Food and Homes, and a way to make a living, which is not just a Dead End.
But think about it.
Children have had to be Incentivized, just to get them, to go to School, which should not have required any Incentivizing.
And the same thing is True about the Immigrants, who one might think really had to be Incentivized, with Freebies and Benefits, and more money, one might think, just to get them to break in here, with a false identity, when none of those things should have been required, since they should have been happy, and Forever Grateful, just to Work for Free, in a life filled, with Service and Contribution, to the Fifty Thousand Year Cause, even without being one of those, who would benefit the most.
And the same thing is True, about the New Workers.
They are not some Privileged Class of People. They are set to lose the rest of their jobs to the Immigrants, for nothing, just as if they did not own those jobs. But why should they even think they could own those Jobs, when they have chosen to act like they do not really care about the bottom line?
But No. The Workers are to be raised up right, to be glad to work for the Community, and to work for the Company, and to work for the Employer, and it is for the Immigrants to work, for the Natives, not their own little pile of treasure.
We should not have to Incentivize the Last and the Least Among us, who haven't got a plan, to enter into a real hard working relationship with us, which is not just a one-way street, but which is True, all the way Through. Right.
It is not just for the Money. But when the Money goes Bad, we expect the Workers to continue on working, for the Cause, which is to survive the next Fifty Thousand Years.
In a Sane World, the Full Faith of Every Worker would need to be there, just to be allowed, into the Relationship, with No Signs of Dependency.
Why shouldn't we have every right, to expect Total, and Complete Commitment? Why shouldn't we have every right, to see a willingness, to Work for Free Food, as True Believers, who will work for the Cause, for the First Five Years? Right. Or Maybe even the First Five Thousand Years.
Their Minds have been Colonized, to go all out for the Big Money, just like the Immigrants, who are here to Colonize our Society. They Plan to take what we have Built away from us, not to support our further growth. And that is another thing that will need to be Addressed.
But this New Push Back against the Demands of the Average Joe Consumers is all about the De-Colonization of the Universe. Since When? 1991. And most of them don't have a good enough reason, to be given all that Big Money, for nothing. No. What they got Back Home is all they deserve to get here.
They are being grossly Over-Paid, as Workers, who just wanted, to buy a Fast Luxury Car that would help them, to get some respect, as one of the Worst, of a New Class, of Super-Predators.
But we are not here, to become their Enablers. Was that something we wanted to set loose upon the world? No.
And that is why we should be saying, No, to these Super Predators, because we do not have, to Incentivize these People, to Destroy the Earth, in a fit of Reckless Incompetence, or we would then be found guilty, by the Universal Council, of doing that. Same with the New People. Right.
The Universe will Decide on all these matters, in a world where just being Human, and even being All-Too-Human just doesn't count for that much. Why? Because that counts as a Negative, like when one of the workers are sitting down on the job. Right.
All Humans must very quickly begin to assume these New Responsibilities, as workers who might have a job, which is to help to run the Universe, not just to build an Empire of Popularity, around their own Self Image.
They should be paying us, in every way, with Respect, and with Gratitude, and with Honor, while not expecting, to be Subsidized, or Incentivized, in any way. Why? We think it makes a lot of sense, to let the Economy Slow Down, to the point, where most everyone has a Garden. Right.
We think that is an Indicator Point, which will help us to see when we are entering, into a Danger Zone, as it is right now, when most people no longer have a Garden. And we would like that to return to a place, where most people do have a Garden. Immigration Tears Apart Families, and it Tears People Away, from their Gardens.
Most of the Immigrants really did have a very Productive Garden, way back, in the Old World Country. And they were in a better relationship, with the Earth, before they came here, as a Wall of Invasive Intruders.
And that is why that should not have been disturbed.
They were living simply, and close to the Earth. And their lives did not revolve around money. Why would we want to rip that up? Why would we want, to turn them away, from living close to the Land? We are the Green Natives.
We should not want to support any kind of Disruption to the natural way of life, for the other Native Peoples, of the world.
But what about the Booming Economy? Is that Good, for the Earth? No. That is Bad, for the Earth. Overpopulation? Bad for the Earth.
And when we look the other way on the Invasion of completely unprepared New People, from the already Over-Populated parts, of the world, we are acting as the Enablers, of Over-Population, and De-Gardenization. And that is Bad for the Earth.
And that means more spending, and that means more Global Warming, a Faster Way of Life, as Big Spenders, and will bring about a Hotter Economy, more throw-away relationships, more Instability, more Disruption, more Crime, more Pollution, and less Gardening, which are all Bad, for the Earth, and all Native Peoples. And so it might be time, to quit the Corporate World Parties, and to form our own Party, the New Green Nativist Party.
What does the New Green Nativism really mean? Anti-Immigration. Pro-Earth. Pro-Local. Native-Justice, Native-Jobs, Oil-Rationing, and a Cool Down, of the Economy.
Why? The Over-Bloated Middle-Class Economy is Bad for the Earth. And Wrong Way Immigration is Bad for the Earth. Why? More Middle-Class Consumers. That only Heats up the Economy, and that is Bad for Global Warming. We don't need cheap workers, who don't care a thing about what we are doing here. We need to Save the Earth.
We need for all the Native People to stay home, where they can tend their Gardens, and Re-Plant the Forests. Let the New People work hard to make their own lands better, as a Pre-Condition of Membership.
These are just a few of the Off Color New Ideas that may need to be Incorporated, into our Tool Box of usable reasonings, which all link together, into a chain, because they are all based on Universal Truth.
And so we should all be Grateful that we have this kind of Clear Thinking in the Hearts and Minds of the Honorable Leadership Carriers True, who have almost never disappointed the Universe. But just to be Human is almost Nothing to Brag About.
And so the Excessively-High Value-Judgment that has been wrongfully placed upon being Human, in order to use that for Leveraging, has now been removed.
Yes. That, and Ten Cents, will now buy them, a Cup of Coffee, in Ethiopia.
Since When? 1991. The Turning. - T