Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Human Rights are very often going to be in Direct Conflict, with Climate Action. And they are very often going to be used, as something to leverage off of, and as an Excuse, not to Change the way we live, because of the belief that we have Human Rights, which includes, a right to remain, in Dependency, like Children, who have no responsibilities.  

Why? Because having to Change, would be in Violation, of our Consumer-Rights, to be provided, with an Artificially Heated Environment, and to have Food, Rent, Dope, all paid for, and enough spending money, not to ever have to work again, as Dependency sets in, for Life. 

These are the Human Rights that are in Direct Conflict, with our Cause, which is to Save the Earth. 

The Right to have a Heated Home, is right up there, at the top of the list. Right. People expect to have Home Heating. That is Sacro-Sanct. And anything less, than a steady supply, of unnecessary Fossil Fuels, for Heating and Cooling, would be considered to be Substandard, and in Violation, of the Health, and Building Codes, and that would be a Violation, of their Human Rights. 

No one can take that away, from them, because they are Addicted. Are you Kidding Me? We take a lot of things away from people, who are Addicted. 

And it is not just about turning the thermostat down, a little bit, in order to be a little more Eco-Friendly than you have to be. No. You have to be a lot more Earth Friendly than that. 

That is not going to be considered, to be doing your part, for the Earth. And that is not enough, to be Rewarded, with the Green Badge of Honor. No. That is making Excuses, which is Dishonorable Conduct. 

And it would be a big mistake, for the Natives, to look the other way, as most people do, when the Invasive Intruders try, to re-label Consumer Rights, which are highly variable, and vacuous, as being Human Rights, which are machine made, and are not variable, for that very reason, which has a purpose, and that is to take out the variability, of their Store Bought Consumer Rights, to Destroy the Earth, for their own personal comfort, unless they feel like being a little bit Friendly. And this is the way a lot of the New P eople, might think about the Organizers, as well. 

If the New Organizers give them everything, then they might think they would very generously condescend, to be a little bit Leadership-Friendly, as long as they are among the Prime Beneficiaries, which is so far out of whack, that it is hard to comprehend, when they are going to have to be, a lot more Friendly than that. 

And so this is what it means, to join the Green Nativist Party. Right. Contempt for Native Authority is Over. We will all have to make, the Ultimate Sacrifice, when the word goes out, and so that means, we will all have to be prepared, to shut down our furnaces, for Ten Years, once the word has been given.    

It is all about turning it all off completely, and leaving it off, for Ten Years, no matter how many people need that Illicit Heat Source, which they have become habituated to be dependent upon. 

All we have to do is to design our buildings for it, in advance. You get up and do some work, or you just put on Three or Four More Layers of Clothing. 

Same with Air Conditioning. It is about turning it all off completely, and leaving it off, for Ten Years. The New Organizers should not become the Peoples Enablers. And we have to set the example.  

When the word goes out, that means there will be No More Air Conditioning. The Leadership Carriers, who have had the Audacity, to have launched this New Initiative, will have to be among the First, to do so. 

And all we have to do is, to design our buildings for it. Since When? 1991. Why? The People True are not just Eco-Friendly. No. We put the Earth First. 

We are forming a Circle that lies at the Heart, of the New Green Nativism, which is to Save the Earth. Right. 

These others may be just about through, with the Earth, and they are getting ready to die, but we are not. 

We have a thing for the Earth, and we are going to need the Earth, to be kept alive, and healthy, and happy, for another Fifty Thousand Years. 

And so this is what we should all be willing to do, for Restorative-Justice, which is for the Earth, not the Consumers. We are not going to Restore their Consumer Rights, to keep on Spending, and Consuming the Earth to Death. 

But the Consumers are fighting back, by claiming to have Human Rights, and not just Consumer Rights, which they can use against the Earth. Right. Consumer Rights were not enough. And so those have been repackaged as Human Rights.  

Restorative Justice is not about Making Things Right, for all the Consumers. No. Restorative Justice is for the Earth. Right. 

The Earth has not had a place at the table. But someone needs to speak up, for the Earth. And that would be the Natives. But no one is listening. And so we may all need, to become the Earths Advocates, as the Local Natives, to get this message across. 

Heating and Air Conditioning, with Fossil Fuels, will all have to be shut down, as soon as possible. Since When? 1991. And so Human Needs, for Comfort, are No Excuse, to Sacrifice the Earth. No. 

That is an Addiction, which is not an Honor. No. That is a Dishonor. 

Addiction is no longer going to be seen, as being a Disease, like some of the Invasive Intruders, that came after you, and got you sick, and so you are not the Big Victim. Right. 

The Big Corporations. Big Pharma. Capitalism. Economic In-Equality. No. 

An Addiction is just a Bad Habit, which should not be Subsidized. And we cannot remain behind as the Enablers, of something like that, if we hope to survive, and especially, when it is something that we stand to benefit from, as Consumers, who can afford to stay warm and comfy, and so we might be tempted, to look the other way on that, which would be wrong, so we are all going to have, to Kick the Bad Habits, of Wrongful Home Heating, and Wrongful Air Conditioning. Right. That is Just Too Extreme. Right. There is no need for it. And we can do that together. 

If we can afford, to Burn Fossil Fuels, in such a Recklessly Wasteful Manner, then we can afford, to switch over, to Passive Solar Heating, and Cooling. 

But not having the money is no excuse. Even the Poor Huddled Masses, will all have to abide, by the new rules. Why? Because they are here, with Our Permission. And they didn't have Forced Air Heating back home, in the Old World Country, from which they had come. 

They did not have Central Heating and Air Conditioning. No. And so we should not be helping them, to become addicted, to these comforts, which are Not Sustainable. And this is all part of the New Green Nativist Party Platform, which should not appeal to any, of the Inasive Intruders, for these reasons.    

What does the New Green Nativism really mean?

We are against the Boondoggle, of Unrestricted Immigration. We are for Protecting the Earth, Sustainable Living, Native Rights, and we are against Population-Growth, as well as the being against Endless Expansionism, and the need, for continuous Economic Growth. Right. The Faulty Idea we oppose, is that if we let the Economy Slow Down, then it will stall, and then it will Die. 

But is that how you Drive Your Own Car? You can never allow it to slow down, because it might stall out? No. When we let the Global Economy Slow Down Easy, it will go back, to being a Local Economy, with Barter And Trade. 

Why? The Over-Bloated Middle Class Spending in Debt Based Economy is Bad, for the Earth. Right. It is time to cool that Furnace Down, before it burns the whole house down. Right. That House of Cards. Why? It is Dangerously Out of Balance. 

And Reckless Immigration is Bad for the Earth. Why? More Middle Class Consumers. Right. We don't need any more Average Joe Consumers. Why?

That Heats up the Economy, and that drives up consumption, and Over-Population, and that is Bad for the Earth, and it causes more Global Warming, more Pollution, more Deforestation, and more Destruction of the Wetlands, and the loss of Wildlife Habitat. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. - T

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