Monday, November 19, 2018


We support people living, within their means. But there are going to be some Super-Predators among us, who may have to notch it down a few notches, just in order to qualify, as one of the Normal Predators.  

We want them all to have Clean Local Water Supplies, and enough of their own native land, to grow their own food on, as long as they do take good care of it, regardless of whether they get any incentives or not, but we do not want, to be the ones responsible, for them all driving cars, and trucks, on our Freeways, when that is not something that has come, out of their culture, and so it is not theirs to claim, as their own rightful due.  

This might be the new way we will need to learn how, to think about these matters, just to keep, from being run right off the road, by some of the Super-Predators. 

If it was not their doing, and if they hadn't Bargained for it, then it is not theirs, to have any right to claim, as their rightful due. This is a Simple Solution. And we do need someone to come up with a simple solution, to the question, of what is ours to have. 

Did you make it? Did your People make it? Was that part of your Culture? And that is why the Immigrant Gang Bangers were not given any Guns, out of Pity, for having come from a Failed State, of Total Dominion Based Poverty, where they had to live without Guns. Right. 

We just said no, those Guns are not there, for you, to play around with, until One Hundred Years and Three Generations, of Good-Time-Served. Right. That is what was said, word for word, when a lot of people needed some answers. 

And the same thing is True, about our own Little Children. They will need some answers too. And so we need to know the answers in advance, to be able to solve these problems, on the fly, before any damage is done. 

If you live in Our House, you will live by Our Rules. You have No Claim, on those Guns, or Fast Cars, or anything like that.

We cannot become bogged down, by every little thing that is tossed up into our faces, to make us feel guilty, when that is usually not really the issue. Why? Because they will try to get some leverage off of any little discrepancy they can find, where there is a corresponding weakness.  

We did not need to give any Guns, to the Little Children either. We just said no, those Guns are not for you, to play around with. And they are not for sale. If you live in Our House, you live by Our Rules. You have No Claim, on those Guns. 

And you are not allowed to Drive a Car either, so in a Sane World, you would have to have Earned our Respect, before you could be allowed, to handle Guns, or before you could be allowed, to Drive a Car, to Cancel our Votes Out, when you have not even been here long enough, to learn the language. And that should always be a Red Flag. 

And we can do the same thing, with Cars, and Trucks, Boats, and Motorcycles. Right. None of that. 

We do have a right to hold some of these Crazy People responsible, for lots of other things, and not just if it lands, on their End, of the Court, like in their country, of origins. Right. That Place that was Abandoned, like a Burning Building, when they were the ones, who had started the Fire. 

You can't just run away from all that. 

It is not like we have to prove that you were the one who did all that, either. No. It is enough that you stood by, and watched it happen, and you enjoyed it, or you turned your back on it, and looked the other way, when you were not handing over large chunks of money, to the Thugs of Organized Crime Gangs, which is very offensive, to all of us. 

We will have your Ass for that. And so there will be heavy consequences, even for those, who did nothing, but to stand there enjoying the Agony of Defeat. 

And in this, and many other ways, we are very much like the Indians. And they did hold Court. And so why would anyone want to come anywhere close, to the Honest Proceedings, where they might be one of the first to be Sacrificed, just for doing nothing, which was just not enough of an excuse, to get their Asses out of Trouble, with the Truth, and with the Universe, which has already shown, its True Colors, on many different occasions. 

And these People can pretend to be nice, but they still want to play games, with the Universe? Right. And that runs on Truth, not Lies and Excuses. Or maybe we are talking about Two Different Places. Right. One is the Real Universe. And the other one is some Fantasy World, which seemed a lot better.   

But now we are facing a Meltdown. The New People want to see No Rules, and No Leaders, just as a matter of convenience. 

They don't want to have to Listen. They don't want to have to Learn, unless it is a constant stream, of supportive flatteries, which are designed to keep them floating around, in a fantasy world. 

And they don't want to be held accountable for anything, not even most of the junk that can only be found way down, in their own end of the Court, unless we can prove that they had dumped it there, when we don't need any Proof. No. That is on them. Why? Just Because it is on their End of the Court. But No.  

They don't want, to have to account, for themselves, or to clean up other peoples junk, because that might not be advantageous, and that might not be convenient, to have to work their way out of Debt.

They will refuse, to answer any questions, about where they have come from, and what they have been doing, unless they get paid, which will need, to be answered, since they broke, into these Native Lands, and how they intend, to make Reparations for that. Right. 

Are they going to go back and fix that hole, in the fence? No. Are they going to listen and learn? No. Are they going to show Respect for our Native Rights, and Honor and Serve Our Native Peoples? No. 

But that Invasion really was an Imposition, which was Forced Upon Us, and so a Price will have to be paid. And a Re-Calibration will need to be made.

But they know all of this, and that is why they are trying to Evade Our Native Authority, to get out of Trouble, by means of self-deception, and by making claims that they know are not the real issue. The Real Question is do we own what we have Created? Yes. That, and what has rightfully come to us.

And we can see how that applies around the world.  Did they make it? No. Did they Discover it? No. Was it their doing? No. Was that handed down to them? No. Did they do anything with it? No. It was completely not of their Creation, and so it was arguably not their own Land.   

But so many people, who have been going around, with the blinders on, would say it really was their Land, by association, because they are Living in a Fantasy World, which is why they cannot be Trusted to Serve on the Council. Right. 

They cannot even make an Honest Determination. 

We don't need to have our True Initiatives Cancelled out, by the Peoples Needs, for comfort and security. Right. Minds have been Colonized. But this is about the De-Colonization of the Mind. Since When? 1991.

We should all deny having anything to do, with the Creation of what has been Built here by the Builders, without having to be paid, unless they actually were responsible, in some way. And the Early Settlers really did do a lot more than just to stumble upon this land. 

And you know what we say about all the late claims. No Creation of the Universe - No Ownership of the Universe. No Creation of the Land. No Ownership of the Land. Why? Because real doing is required. And did the Indians Create this Land? No. 

It would not have been enough, just to have Killed the Indians, unless we had done something real, and very substantial with it. And the same thing is True about the Immigrants. It is not enough just to break in, to our Native Homelands, and to Avoid Detection until the Clock Runs Out. 

In a Sane World, Play Time only follows after the work is done, and after full responsibility has been taken upon one's own self, to bottom line the Entire Project, not just to talk about how little space you really need. No. 

It is to Bottom Line the Entire Project. We don't really care how little space you might need. Bring us something that is Full of Honor, not the Consumer Mindset. And in that way, we are very much like the Indians. 

And so it is not enough just to meekly try to fit in, with the Crowd, like one of the Illegal Immigrants, and to hide behind the others, in a time, when some Real Heroes are going to be needed, who might then be found worthy, of being allowed just to gaze upon the Green Badge of Honor. 

Why? Because of Uranus on the Rise, which is like a Wave that we can all ride on, to get somewhere, but not without being able to stand up, in the Stormy Seas, of Rising Discontent, which is a sign of Reckless Incompetence, which has Multiplied. 

And in that way, we are a lot like the Indians. 

A lot of People have Accomplishment In-Equality Syndrome. Right. But they cannot just buy their way out of that. No. And they cannot just Wait Out the Clock. No. 

They will have to Earn the Respect they need. And so they will need to be heard. And that might take One Hunded Years. 

But we are not going to be forcing the Honorable Natives, to have to fight it out, on the Mean Streets of Extreme Dishonesty, and Contempt, for the Rightful Owners, who are the Creators, and the Visionaries, not the Workers, who just wanted to pig out on our success, for as little as possible. 

And the Ideal Amount for most would be a Zero Contribution, in order to get Full Membership rights and then a lot of leveraging off of those Rights, to extract resources. 

Why? Because the Slave Like Workers all had to be Incentivized, or they would not have been willing, to do anything, for the Cause. Right. And so where is the Honor in that? No. There is No Honor, for that. 

And that is what we have, with the Immigrants, who will not do much of anything, unless they are getting paid, when it is time now, to ramp things back down, to a much less Monetarily Centric Economy. Right. The Party Is Over. 

Do not come here, for the Money. You come here, to Serve and to Honor. 

Right. It is Time Now, for More Barter and Trade, and Less Money, and Less Dependency, and More Gifting, and More Serving the Cause, and Less Money, and More Rewarding, and More Grace, and Less Money, and More Self-Reliance, and More Land Based Self-Productivity, and less Money, and that means less Dependency, on the Global Economy.

Why should the Creatively Productive Decision Makers have to pay the Slackers, to Save the Earth, just to Cover their own Asses? They should be more than happy to do whatever they can, to support this Cause, as if their own Lives Depended upon it.

Right. And it is True. Our own Lives really do depend, on our own ability, to Pull the People of Death Culture back, into the Balance, and then to Secure them, in Place, with a combination of incentives and disincentives, before they drag us all down with them, into near Extinction. 

But everyone has to be willing to work for free. And so this is not a Free Ride. But we do think it is time, to start giving supervisorial responsibilities over to the Indians, who will be expected, to work for free, but with Honor, in the Restoration, of the Broken Cities of Gangland Devastation. 

And so everyone must stay where they are, or go back to where they were, in 1991, until we have set up this New Economy. Right. The New Green Economy. Since When? 1991. 

And so we do not want to see more movements, of people and resources. Why? Because once we get the fire going good enough, that is no time to keep throwing kindling on the Fire. This is the Time Now to start slowing down, and then to Wind-Back-Down again. And that is what we mean by De-Colonization.

When I go to Japan, to make a Big Bundle of Money, at their expense, which is bad enough, that does not mean I am a Proud Japanese Man, as soon as I step off that plane. No. And they would be very deeply offended, If I made any such claim. 

And the same thing is True in the New Watershed. They would have to look me over, and decide, if I am to be accepted, as one of the Natives of that Watershed, or not. And that would be irregardless, of the Four Main Political Party Break up Zones. 

But that is why the Immigrants are not to be counted among the Builders, who Created all that Wealth. No. They were just the usual casualties, of their own Addictions. They just fell into the Trap of Need and Greed Addiction. And they went in pursuit of More Money, at the expense, of the Earth. And that is not an Honor. Right. 

And their needs, for More Money, after the time for that is over, is now incongruous, with the New Eco-Logical Imperative, to ramp that money addiction right back down again, before the Entire Planet is burned right down, to the ground, because of it. Right. The Party is Over. 

We need to ramp things down.  

And so we will need, to create a New Forum, for that kind of Discovery of the Realities, to take place, which will be called The Circle of Honor. Right. We are all going to be putting the Immigrants on Trial. Since when? 1991. 

Why? Because we plan, to Survive the Fourth World. 
We do respect all others, who have Survived, all Three of the first Four Worlds, as we have. Yes. Everyone who is alive today is a Survivor. 

But what we are Creating here is mainly, for the Survivors, of the Fourth World. Yes. And we do not want to be dragged back down, by those who are not really down, with the program. Yes. It is True.

We are now to be known, as the Survivors, of the Fourth World, as the Hopi Elders have described it, no matter which way it might go

And so we may have to be prepared to Survive, for the Next Fifty Thousand Years. Since When? 1991. - T


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