Saturday, January 12, 2019

To Embrace the Universe

But is it really True that the New People enter, right into Debt, upon the moment, of their arrival, into a very bad situation? Of Course. Why? That is because all Our Debts, to the Universe, may come right back into play, as soon as we turn our self in. Right. That is when they will arrest you. 

And the same thing is True, of the Immigrants, and even of our own Children, who might have to Pay their own Debts. Right. But people don't want to get arrested. And they don't want to pay their Debts, so that is why, no one wants to get Registered. And we can understand that. 

But Old Debts may become fully due and payable, upon our arrival, when we turn our self in. And so how is that a good idea, in the Short Term? No. It is not a Good Idea, in the Short Term. But it is a very Good Idea, in the Long Term, to come clean, with the Natives, and with the Entire Universe, as soon as possible. Right. Turn your self in. 

That is just a small part, of the reason why a lot, of the Immigrants are not coming clean with the Natives. Right. Short Term Thinking. Right. That would be just like, if we were secretly camping out, on some Indian Reservation Lands. That would be disrespectful. And that would be dishonorable.    

We would expect the Invaders, to learn our ways, and not to hide out, but to come clean with us, and not to shut down, and get all Locked-Up on us, for the first One Hundred Years. But what is the difference? Aren't all people the same? No. 

They are all different. But they all have the same inclination, to enter into Evasion, and Deception, and to run, from the Truth. Why? They are just not ready, to Embrace the Universe, and to Pay their Debts. Right. This is about turning your self in, and coming clean, and paying reparations, in preparation, for entering into Universal Integration.

We all have a Debt of Gratitude. And we can all make the same mistakes, when dealing with that as well. We can Lie. We can Cheat. We can Make Excuses. 

We can Point the Finger of Blame, at the Natives, and the Early Settlers, for being Racist, when that was not even a Thing.  

And we can all make an issue, with the Leadership Carriers, which is mainly, just to obfuscate the issues, and to get their own Asses out of Trouble, once again, with Lies and Excuses, and this is done by Creating Problems, all over the field, and all for nothing, but to cover their Own Asses First, and Foremost, using Deception, when they should be clear, about the need, to be Forever Grateful, before they even come here.

But this is how some of these people live, from one day to the next, with Lies and Excuses. 

And that is not really a very good choice, for the Community Way of Life, for us to be just way too Susceptible to all that, and then to become their Enablers, when they are the ones, who should be willing, to face these bad habits, at some point, of not taking Full Responsibility. Right. 

But what Point? The Point of Entry, when all Debts become Due and Payable. Right. And so we all have to be getting ready, to hit the ground running. 

What is Next?

The Annual Meet is coming right up, which has been provided, for the People True, as an Act of Grace. Right. No one has a right to that. And so we do expect to see some Respect and Gratitude.  

We do have a Few Acres, of Good Land to Share, on our own Tribal Lands, in the Beautiful Wine Country, in Sonoma County, in Northern California, if people have ideas. 

We meet in Glen Ellen. Sonoma County. Northern California. Out in front of the Lodge. And then we might even get to go on a Hike, to see if we can find the Giant Redwood Tree, which is not just Legendary.  

My Name is T. And that Stands for Truth. - T

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