Monday, February 11, 2019

Growers Cooperative

We could even have a Garlic Growers Cooperative to support mutual cooperation, once we have all gotten clear about what real membership in the Community could really mean for the Earth, and not just our own Personal Benefit.

But what about having to sell all that Garlic really fast before it all begins to spoil? Unlike most other crops, Garlic will keep for up to 9 months.

Finding Our Way Home

You pull them up when there are still 3 green leaves on the plants, and then you hang them up to slow dry, in a shady place, to allow the curing process to begin very slowly.

Not only can you pay off the entire cost of your one acre, five times over, each and every year, but you might even eventually pay off your entire Homestead Contribution Share, 3 times over, and even the cost of your All Solar Home itself, in just ten years.

On top of all that, you are going to be a hero, with all the other Women, and you are going to look like a real big success story, as you explain, quite modestly, to the entire world, how you became self-sufficient, and financially self-sustaining, on just one acre of good land, using Restorative Agriculture.

Everything we do, for so many other good people, who we really do know, and love, comes back to us at least 3 times over.

But the Native Homelands we carelessly give away to total strangers, where there is no relationship, and where there is no training, might not ever come back to you, because that might be a wrongdoing. And so don't be a Sellout, as that might incur a Debt to the Universe.

But in this and many other ways we can all help each other, to be able to make a good living off of our collective land holdings, in the spirit of community, with more than enough, and some to share, for the people we know and Love.

The projected cost of some of the early Farm sites in Eden Valley really is going to be actually less than ten cents a square foot. 

And that is an amazing realization, when you think about it, that you could get yourself set up, with a square foot of good farmland with deep soil and free water for less than a dime in Eden. How is that even possible? I know. 

It may sound too good to be true, but this really is the Crazy Deal that we are putting out there, for some of our biggest supporters, who will be the Homesteaders. Why? We Like the Homesteaders. Right. 

And the Entire Universe likes the Homesteaders. 

But you have to be a Homesteader, to get the Farmsite. And that does require a Buy-In, to a Contribution Share Plan, where One Out of Three Homesteaders might be lucky enough, to get the Zero Down Payment Plan, for Life.

Why? These are all Deeply Committed People. And those who have done so much good work for the Cause, should have a chance, to become Self Sustainable.

Why so Cheap? To help Small Farmers to get affordable access to land. And the Community can afford to do that. You can see here how clear we are with the numbers.

If the projected 2 acre Farm site Contribution Pledge starts at just $7,200. as it does, then at that rate, the cost per acre is only $3,600. 

That would be 36,000 Dimes. And there are 43,560 Square Feet in an Acre. And that is way less than a dime per square foot for flat useable farmland with deep soil, and a high groundwater table, that will be in close proximity to the Homestead, like right across the road.

And on that one acre you can make $21,800 a year. - T

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