Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Eywa Will Decide

Finding a Better Way to Deal with Eywa, The Earth Spirit. 

Why do we have School Shootings? Are those really needed? Maybe so. That might be Eywas way, of forcing us, to come to terms, with a taste of things to come, because of our many Over-Population Violations, and the Abandonment, of our Native Responsibilities, to take good care of the Balance, which will need to be paid for, when it has been abused, or neglected, before we can progress, or things are going to get worse. And so No. That is not the very Worst. 

Finding Our Way Home

It could get a whole lot worse than that. But none of our Children have any Right, to act like they are the most important thing. And they all need to be on the alert. But if they do get killed, that does not mean they go right to the head of the class. No. 

And so it is not that they went to a better place, or anything like that. They may not have gotten the best result possible, from that short lifetime. And so they might have to come back and start all over again. But there will be No Reward, for being Victimized. Since When? 1991. 

The Needy People, are not allowed to play the Victims, in our much more Universal way of thinking, and so they may not get to go right to the Head of the Class, or right on to a better place, such as These Native Lands, after failing miserably, as a Culture, in their own Native Homelands. Right. And the same thing is True about the New People, who are only here as Invaders, under the cover, of being very interested. Right. 

They are only Interested, in Covering their Own Asses. And they will pay a premium, just to get their own Asses, out of blame, which will then all be put upon the other people, who are not paying the premium, to get their Asses, off the hook, of being fully responsible, for what they are all doing to the Earth, every time they turn on the thermostat. 

These Consumers should not expect, to be Rewarded for that kind of an embarrassment, with Advancement, to the next level, any more than a Dead Baby should be expecting, to go to a Better Place, when they Die. Why? They hadn't been here long enough, to have made very much progress, in the Good, or in Deep Growth. 

And the Community is like a University, where we are all here to make Progress in the Good, and to bring about Deep Growth. And that may take the better part of One Hundred Years. And the same thing is True, of these Children, who are being Shot at School. 

They only learned a very few, of the preliminaries. And that might not be enough, to get them over the hump. And so there is No Reward, for being Victimized. Right. There is No Honor in that. We do not win First Prize for that. 

When our whole Country Collapses into Ruins, we do not Win First Prize for that. No. We do not get a Trophy. We do not go to a Better Place, among the Honorable, and the Worthy, when we had not been Worthy, or Honorable, and had just been Following the Crowd. No. That will be on our heads. And we will have to pay for that. 

And the same thing is true about being the Enablers of Unrestricted Immigation. That too may be On Our Heads. Right. No Prize. No Reward. No Better Place. And just being Good should be understood as being far less than Half the Battle. And so Goodness, or doing what we are told, might not be the Full Measure of Worthiness. We have Machines who can do that.   

If you are only there, for a short time, and then you have to leave, before you have been tested, and have become much more Deeply Rooted, as Honorable People, who are all willing to Die for the Cause, without a care, with Honor and Integrity, then you might not earn any College Credits for that. And so that will count for nothing, in this University. 

Imagine a New Worker, who quits, before he has gotten any real work done. He was there. He put his Tool Belt on. Shouldn't that count for something. No. Should he be paid for that? No. 

And just doing what you are told is not enough either, not when we expect a lot better, in the Community, like Creativity and Productivity, with Love, and a deep Concern, for the work at hand, which should be expected, from all the Immigrants, and the New People, to really care about what they are doing.

And so we have to stop giving Babies too much Credit, for Nothing. Of course they are Adorable. But it is not an Honor to be Killed, unless you were taking a stand for the Earth, or these Native Lands. 

But taking a stand for Peoples Self Importance, might just lead to more Over-Population. And so this might be the best time, to start cranking that way back down again. 

Taking a Stand, for the Needs, of the Various Peoples, of the world, who have uprooted themselves, for whatever reason, might just lead, to a further Glut, of OverConsumption, and a Bloated Middle Class, along with more Over-Population, which might be what is Killing the Earth, even more than the Corporate Hegemony, and that could make you an Accomplice, in a Crime, for which there is No Reward. Right. We can run to Demoracy, to save us, but Democracy is not equipped for that. 

There may be No Reward, for Helping the Poor People, to Kill off the Earth, with More Democracy. Right. 

There is a War Going On. 

It is the Peoples Needs Against the Earth. And so we all need to side, with the Earths Needs, which come First, not the Peoples needs, because they are not the Faithful, they are not the True, they are the Offenders. 

We wouldn't want to let the Poor People Kill Off all the Deer, just because they were hungry. Why? Because Eywa will Decide, how many Deer, we will get to Kill, each year, and how many Fish we will get to Catch, each year, and how many Trees we will get to cut down, each year, in a way that is Sustainable. 

If anyone has to Die, that would be the People First. Yes. In that way the New People, and the Immigrants really do Come First. But their Needs do not come First. Those come last. And their Dreams don't come first. Those Come Last.  

Hunger is No Excuse, to Exceed those Limits, or even the Need, for Warmth, which most people take for Granted, like they had a right to be kept warm and dry. But that was not Granted by Eywa. No. To be Kept Warm and Dry? No. We have a right to huddle together under a Tree, and to try to stay warm and dry. Any extra rights might need to be Earned. If you want the right to fly first class, that will need to be paid for. And then you really will get to go first. 

The Early Settlers might have a right to go first, before the Immigrants, because they have now become one, of the Honorable Natives. And they have Earned that. The Parents have a right to go first, before the Children. Right. They have Earned that. And there is no guarantee that there will be anything left, for the Children. 

The Organizers have a Right to go first before the New People. Right. They have Earned that. And there is no guarantee that there will be anything left, for any of the Hot Tempered Immigrants, to have that glorious fantasy life, in the fast lane, as the top level predators, after the Natives have Outlawed Driving, for all Immigrants, who have not yet been here, for over One Hundred Years.

That Warmth and Comfort was not promised by Eywa. And that was stolen from the Earth, under the protection of the Safety, of the Crowd, thinking that Eywa could not Let Down a whole Crowd, who just wanted, to live their lives, in total comfort. 

But what about when that Crowd has not been Faithful and True? Can they still expect, to be Favored? No. Of course not. Their needs to heat the great outdoors, and to live in comfort, are a big part, of the problem.

Do our Children really deserve to be provided, with a safe and clean environment at school? No. Why Not? Because they hadn't Earned that. And you don't deserve anything that you hadn't Earned. And so you don't have any Right, to Demand that. That is how it works. Since When? 1991.     

Nothing can justify Exceeding Those Limits, which are first set, by the Native Leadership Carriers, in each Community, just to freak people out, and then everyone else gets on board, with that, after they have all calmed down. And that is how the Plan Works.

There will be No Exception, for Short Term Needs, to be kept warm, and dry, when it is time to get cold, and wet, and hungry, so we should not ever have to Appeal to Eywa, to help us out, and to keep us warm, and dry, and fed, for emotional reasons. No. We don't want to have a Dishonest Emotional Relationship with Eywa, where she is being manipulated.

We should not be Teaching Our Children to Beg their way through this world. Right. And that is what they do, in the Soft Serve Religions. They Beg for Advancement, instead of Earning it. Right. And that is an attempted Theft. 

It may be that No one really cares about all the Begging. 

And we should not want to overburden Eywa, with a lot of little requests, to make an exception in your case, because you have been a big victim. 

Maybe Another Relationship is Possible, like getting into Conscious Collaboration, with Eywa, so that we can work, as a Local Extension of Eywa, as people, who are willing to take a hit, for the Cause, not just as people, who are fighting, for nothing but their own Fair Share of the Kill. 

And so the People will just have to Suck it Up, and Freeze their Asses Off, when it is time for that, because it does get Cold, and it does get Wet, in this world. 

But if they were not ready for that, then they should not have been Born, into that kind of a Natural Environment. And we can hold them responsible. Right. You can't complain about the Weather. You chose this lifetime.

And Eywa has every Right, to Change the Weather, just to Freak some of the People Out, who might have started to become just way too complacent about their lives, in Deep Emotional Dependency, for nothing. Why? Because they haven't Learned Anything Better. Right. And this is very true about the Immigrants, as well. If they make a scene then they think they can always get their way, just as if we were married to them, when we are not. 

The New People, the Children, or the Immigrants might want to start a Fire, to warm up the House, without Permission, even when it is a No Burn Day, because they Lie and Cheat all the time. 

But in the Community, we can only have Fires, on a Free Burn Day, which may only come once, in every Ten Years. And so most of the New People will need, to get some warm clothes,a dn so they will have to quit acting, like they have a Right, to be kept Warm and Dry, for Nothing. 

Why? We are the Native Peoples. We may be living under harsh conditions, because of climate change, in the very near future. And we don't need to be kept docile, in an Artificial Environment, to the point where we cannot imagine living outdoors, like the Indians did. And so in this way we are a lot like the Indians. 

But the Crazy Reality is that we cannot let the Consumers Decide everything anymore, which is what they have been doing, ever since 1776, when Democracy was Invented. Right. 

And that was Brilliant. And we have really Loved it. But Democracy is just a tool, which has been misused, and is actually part, of a very bad trend, which may be leading us, deep down into Self-Destruction. 

But how did that happen? 

The Consumers have been allowed, to Decide on Everything, out of their own personal self interests, ever since 1776, with no regard, for taking care of the Earth, and putting things back, and by not taking too much. Right. How is that a Good Thing? No. That is a Bad Thing. And that is why we plan to take some of this down. 

The Fox has been put in charge, of the Hen House. But No. In a Sane World the Natives Would Decide Everything, not the Immigrants. The Locals Would Decide, not the Out of Towners. 

The Parents Would Decide, not the Children. The Leadership Would Decide, and our Betters would Decide, not the Invasive and Intrusive Consumers, who have No Deep Commitment, to anyone, or any thing. 

And they do form Alliances, but they are bunch of Back Stabbers. That is why the Council Will Decide, not the Dependents. Since When? 1991. And those, who remain behind, in Dependency will not be Supported, or Advanced. 

The Earth comes First. That is what we will be teaching all of Our Children. And so don't go begging to Eywa, after you have done the Unforgivable Thing. No. 

We want to start helping people to get back, in the balance, not to Reward them, for acting out their Consumer Outrage, against the Honorable Native Leadership Carriers, just for letting everyone Freeze to Death. 

And what most people are responding to with their capitulations, is a lot of Violent and Angry People getting up, in their Faces, when those People might need, to be Getting Back, into the Balance. Right. We might have to come up with some form of Push Back, against these many Demands. But it is True. 

If you don't give the Immigrants whatever they want, they get Angry. Tight. And a lot of People might want to avoid having to deal with that Anger, and that Rage, and that Violence, and so they screw up big time, and they give away the Farm. But the Farm is not for Sale. No. 

We make a living off of that Farm. 

We might not want, to unleash a Torrent, of Unrestricted Immigration, into our Native Lands, as far as Eywa is concerned, either. Right. It is Bad for the Earth.

Just look at what has happened, to their old lands, which are now an Overpopulated Mess, where the Soil is now a Dead Zone, which will not hold water.  

It wasn't the Fault of the Lands, and the Waters all around them, which were both rich and very plentiful, until it was hit by the Global Economy, and the Soft Serve Religion, which might have been the Main Cause, of the Over-Population Crisis. Right. Before that they had Disease, Drought, and Starvation, Warfare, and Bad Weather, and high infant mortality, to Control the Population. But now that will need to be Controlled, by the Decision Making Councils. 

It was Culturally Driven, because of a Race to Procreate, instead of Innovate, and it was out of a Failure to Commit, to Living Within the Balance, which we should not be supporting. And so it didn't come from Goodness, or Creative Productivity. And so there is No Reward for that. 

It might be more in keeping, with the will of Eywa, to let these Offenders Struggle, to work out their own problems, in their own Native Lands, which may take another Fifty Thousand Years. 

My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. I work for Eywa, and the Universe. Bringing Sanity to Humanity. I do apologize if I have offended anybody. But that is my job. 

We meet at the end of this month. - T


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