Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Draw Down Effect

Nothing is Completely Efficient. 

Why? Because of the Draw Down Effect. Right. We would have to be Truly Interested in all of the people who would want to be involved. And so there would need to be a good reason. Why? Because of the Draw Down Effect. Right. 

Everything has to be Meaningful, from Now On. Why? Because we are entering into a New World. And it is not some Fantasy World that is Full of Love. 

But what makes it Meaningful? That they had Earned it. Why? It is not Meaningful, to get things, when things have not been Earned, in Full, or Paid for, in Double. 

These Native Lands are no longer going to be viewed, as being a Free Give-Away Land, which has been Abandoned, and is up for Grabs. Since When? 1991. 

Why? These are Our Native Lands, and we care just way too much about them, to let them be used and abused. And most people think that is what you are supposed to do, with Land, or with Power, to Use It, and Abuse it, to buy votes. 

But do you think the Leadership Carriers, should be allowed, to Use the Membership? No. Do you think the Natives should be allowed to Use the Immigrants? No. Do you think the Parents should be allowed, to Use the Children? No. 

And so why should the Immigrants, be allowed to Use our Native Lands? Right. They should not. And why should a few businesses, be allowed to use the spread of Cheap Labor, all at Our Expense? They should not. Right. 

It would be different if they would absorb all the Crime. But they do not. And so that overflows, out onto the rest of Society, just to benefit a few big employers, who say they need that cheap labor. 

It is all about Building a Deeply Committed Relationship, over One Hundred Years of Time, which is all One Way, to begin with, and for the first One Hundred Years. And the same thing is True about Membership in the Community. 

It is all about putting something, into the Community. And then many years later, it might begin to pay off. And then we will all get back everything we had put into it, and maybe even Three Times Over, if we have been Productive. 

The New People would have, to Contribute, and to Provide a Service, and Make a Sacrifice. Right. 

One of the tragedies that can be seen all around the world, is where lots have been divided up, just way too many times, and now they can barely support themselves on it. 

And that is what happens, on many levels, when you bring New People in, who do not have anything to contribute, and will not even carry on in, our Crazy New Tradition of 1991.

But most people might have thought we were supposed to keep moving away, from All Traditions Forever, because they want to Escape Tradition, because that can be Constraining. Right. First the Old Rules are Broken, and then the New Rules are made up again. 

And they want to be given completely Unearned Power, without having to pay for that. But the formation, of a New Tradition, may be more than just Inevitable. It might actually be Needed, even though it is True, that when the Old Rules are Broken, then some New Rules will need to be Created, which you can see right here. 

We already have a Dying Tradition, which is called the Middle Class Tradition, of Materialistic Consumerism. Those are the Old Rules. 

But that Old Tradition was Broken Open in 1991, with great care, by one of our Honorable Native Leadership Carriers, who was not only given the go-ahead, from Eywa, and the Universal Order of Truth, but was arguably even encouraged, by the Universe itself, to go ahead, and to allow a Crazy New Thing to Emerge, from within the Heart of the Universe, which would Save the Earth, even though many might have felt that it was Disruptive and Destabilizing, to allow any New Creation to take place at all, being completely Denatured. 

Saving the Earth was not their Highest Priority, and so they didn't want to lose a single thing, just for that New Thing to Emerge. 

And their store bought idea, of what Real Creativity is really all about, was to play around, with Paints on a Canvas, not to Disrupt Anything Meaningful. Of course. My Apologies, if these New Creations have not always been well taken, by the Average Joe Consumers. 

That really was a bit too much, for some people, to take. And they had not bargained, for that kind, of a unilateral attack, on everything they believed in, for nothing. But that was to be expected. 

And they didn't recognize it, when their Liberation Day was about to be postponed, once again, since they hadn't really Earned their Freedom yet. 

And so it would have been Meaningless for us, to have Provided that Prematurely. And who is Us? Eywa, the Universal Order of Truth, and Our Honorable Leadership Carriers. Right. 

We all got together in 1991, and decided not to blow the whole thing into a million pieces, in a way, which could never be restored back, to a Natural Balance, with Meaning and Integrity, but to do so, with Grace and Integrity. 

But it is only Natural, to allow for that New Opening, which we may or may not have been Authorized to make, at the Peoples own Expense, without waiting, for their approval, the way they may think about it, to close up again, into a New Tradition, which is a very Natural Way, of Re-Stabilizing, which is needed, once the New Material has been Absorbed, and the Imbalance has been Corrected. 

And this is what we mean, by Creative Destruction, where things are carefully taken apart, but then they are put back together, in a different way, to heal up the wound, and then they become a whole new thing. And that is what the New Nativism is all about. 

If we have One Hundred People in the Community, who all had to Buy-In, to get in, then if we bring another One Hundred More People in, then they would have to come through, with about Double the Original Buy-In. Why? Because the Community is worth more. 

And that is what the Immigrants are Facing. Right. Double, or even Triple. Why? Because of the Draw Down Effect, and the Time Lag. We are not still stuck back, in the 1800's anymore.

But this is all Systemmatic. 

We got the Land, and then we Built the Country. And it was a big success. And now these others might want, to get in on the action, but only, when it is way too late, for them to have any claim on any of that, as one of the Natives, who had done all that work. Right. 

And so the New People, and the Immigrants, are the Late People, who came just about a hundred years too late to the Party. 

But is that Fair? Sure. 

They had Land back home. But they were not able, to build anything on it, except, for some over bloated old world presidential palaces, as an example, of premature excess, as if the president was to live like a King, as a cure for their National Low Self Esteem. Right. That would signify their Success. And we did not cause that. 

It is not enough, just to be President. You need a Palace as well. That is the idea. And we did not do that to them. That is what came out, of their own Old World Culture, with No Interference, on our part. 

And so that Presidential Palace Mentality reflects entirely on their Old World Status, as people who have not yet broken out, of that Old World Pattern. 

And that is why a lot of people Hate Tradition. Right. It is Constraining. And they Hate that. But Hatred is Not Enough. They are not Able to Complete the Cycle, with Hate Alone, which can only begin, with New Creation, not Hatred.        

But that is why they would now have to Qualify, and to be found, to be Doubly Worthy, of any consideration. And they would have to Get Permission. And so the Deal has Changed. 

They would Doubly have to show Respect, for Our Native Authority, and they would Doubly or even Triply, have to come up, with the Buy-In, which goes higher and higher all the time, which is just to be able, to walk down the streets. 

Why? Tending the Grounds, and Keeping these Native Lands Alive and Healthy is how we make a living. And we plan to keep those Jobs. And we don't want to see Non-Native Workers competing with us, on Every Street Corner.

And so that Unrestricted Expansionism on their part, which is all that really is, might require a little bit of Native Push Back, in order to restore some kind of Balance. And that will have a Long Lasting Healing Effect, which may carry us through the next Fifty Thousand Years. 

Much of this has not gone just way too far, over most peoples heads, for Nothing. But they have put the Blinders on.  

Tribalism is not understood, by the Average Joe Consumers, because the Corporations don't like that. And the Consumer Mind is Controlled, by the Corporate Mind. 

And Nativism is not very well understood, by the Average Joe Consumers. And Native Equity is another thing which they have not been prepared to understand. And that is like a Child who was raised by a Machine, and has no concept, of what Motherhood means. 

But here is a very good reason why, we have talked about Native Equity. Why? Because it is real. 

We are the Tool Builders. And that is a Tool that is not just to help us, to handle the Unrestricted Flow of Illegal Immigration. No. It has to do, with the Children, and the New People as well, who do not yet have any Equity here.  

Another thing is that we do not ever want, to allow the Next Generation, in combination, with the latest of the New People, to gut the Heart out of the Community, and to sell off the Equity, which was pulled together, by the First Generation, who had to do what it takes, to Secure Our Native Lands, and to Build the Community, at their own Expense. 

We are not going to let the Next Wave of New People, sell it off bit by bit, just to buy the Approval, of some Old World Thugs, who are still living back in the Dark Ages. 

And it is not enough, just to be willing, to join in, with the Crowd, just in order, to get off, on the Freebies and Benefits, with No Risk anymore. Right. Since When? 1991. That would have to be Earned First. And so it is not just another Free Give Away. 

We expect to get something back, in advance, out of this Relationship.

You would have to have been one, of our Major Donors, and one of our Hardest Workers, for the Cause, who had always been Faithful, and True to the Cause, for nothing, but your own reasons, not ours, to be worthy, of the Green Badge of Honor. 

Why? It is not our job, to load peoples heads up full of reasons. And so it might remain a mystery, why some people may have worked so hard for the cause. 

It is not going to be Effortless. It is not going to be Painless. It is not going to be Risk Free. It is going to be Rough. And it is going to be Tough.   

The New People are not always willing, to take a Stand, for anything, not for this Country, or even for this Community, not in the way we might expect them to, both of which they may think, they are Entitled to Gut, and to Spend, for Personal Popularity. And the same thing applies to the Immigrants, who would Fut Us, and then Gut us. 

But how do you Gut the very Heart out of an Ordinary Home? By borrowing money off, of the Home Equity. And that is how you Kill the Earth off, as well. 

And so we have to put some Controls, on these Demanders of Excess, who would gouge into our Native Equity, and would Gut it like a Fish, because they are trying to get a Fix, for their Low Self Esteem. But we are not offering that.

And so Native Equity actually really does mean something, like that which cannot be touched. Right. It cannot be Sold Out, and it cannot be used, as Pay Out, for Bail Outs or Pay Offs, to Buy Votes Anymore. 

And Our Emerging New Traditions are only meant, to Secure these Native Lands, and to Restore these Native Lands, not to set One Guy up, with a Presidential Palace. 

Our Native Lands will all be Taken Off the Market, just like it would be in Avatar. 

My Name is - T     That stands for Truth. 


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