Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Work of Eywa

If you plan to live Twice as long, then you better make plans, to pay for that, or you will have to accept living, on less. Right. If you are going to be drawing money out of an account, for 20 more years, instead of 10 more years, then you should be drawing half as much per month. 

Why should the Seniors be protected, from having to cut down, on expenditures, like major medical expenses, which could simply be dropped, to begin with, like a White Hot Ball of Iron, which could do an incredible amount of damage, unless they have other money, to pay for the luxury, of being kept alive forever

Being kept alive forever, or simply living beyond our years, really is a Great Luxury, which should be reserved, for those, who can afford to pay for that, because of Savings, and Investments, but that does not need, to be provided for, out of the Central Fund. 

But doesn't everyone Deserve, to be kept alive, at all cost? No. That would be False. We only Deserve what we have Earned. But can't that all be paid for, out of the Central Fund? Right. That is what we hear all the time. Right. The Money is There. Why Not Spend It?

And that is the common expectation that the Central Fund can always be expected, to pay for everything. But No. That is just not True. We actually might have to eliminate unnecessary spending, on things like Life Extension, just in order to make it out of the gate.  

It might seem True in Good Times, that we can pay for everything, but it is not True, not in Bad Times, and those would be the times we are getting prepared for. If money is wanted for something new, then that money will need to be sourced, in a different way, one that is new. And that supports New Ideas, not Old Dependency. And so we will have to forget about expensive drugs and treatments, unless we have our own way of paying for that. But a lot of people don't realize that our money has Deep Roots in the Earth. 

Most of the People, who work in Hollywood, for instance, might think that we will always have Plenty of Money, and so there is no reason not to spend it, because it is so easy for them, to get money, and so they don't think it is a big deal, because they get paid enormous amounts of money, for very little work, so they don't think that there would ever be a problem, with Free Money, when that is a very serious problem. Right. 

Free Money causes Bad Relationships, which are like Glycation, in the Body, which is where a Bad Relationship is formed, with Glucose and Protein, which are two things you would not think would be a problem. 

And so the important thing is not that people get to grab a fistful of money, and then they can go right on out ad spend it, with No Respect, and with No Consideration, and with No Regard, for where that Money came from. No. 

The Important thing is the Learning Experience, which comes from Right Relationships, with Money, which are healthy and meaningful. Right. That they had Earned that Money. Or that they were Deserving of the Money, because they had provided us, with access, to some World Class Property.   

The Average Joe Consumers might even think that money really should be spent, on the Peoples Needs, and Distributed widely, even to those, who had not Earned it, just to maintain a very high standard of living, and to enforce an Artificial form of Economic Equality, but that creates a Breakdown, in the Healthy Relationship, and then you get into an Unhealthy Relationship, of Dependency.  

But No. Free Money only leads, to Glycation, Heroin Addiction, and Self-Destruction. 

Simply wanting everyone to benefit, from the work, of a few, might seem Nice, and Agreeable Sounding, as if Agreeable meant Good, but still does not rise, to the level, of an Eco-Logical Emergency. And so when someone is Dying that is Fine. That is not an Eco-Logical Emergency. 

And so the Money, in the Central Fund is not there, just to Serve the Peoples Needs, to Stay Alive, and to Keep on Spending, until the whole thing collapses. No. That should not be part of the Plan. Why? That would not be Self-Sustainable.  

The Standard of Living in World Class Dependency may need, to be lowered back down, below the Middle Class, to a sane and healthy standard, of Living, Within the Balance, which goes up and down, like the weather. Right. We are creating a whole new class of people. 

But One Year might be good, while another one might not, and so we have to accept that kind of Fluctuation, in the Economy. And so no one should be guaranteed a smooth ride, as the End Consumers of the Earth, who may have been set up to believe they are just way too big to fail, while the Oceans are Dying. And so some changes are now in order, in the interests, of the Restoration.  

And so for Starters, Money that was paid, into the System, no longer belongs, to the People, who had paid that Money, into the System, whether it be, by paying taxes, and fees, or through the Buy-In. No. 

The basic principle of Democracy is Wrong. 

That money is no longer theirs, to spend, on their own Bad Self, either Collectively, or a Children, or as Immigrants, or as Individual Family Tribes. Right. That Money has been Consecrated, for the Earth, to do the work of Eywa, and for the Re-Building, of the Universe. And so any money that has been rightfully paid, should be rightfully received, noted and Secured. Right. 

Let us say the Immigrants paid us so much money, just to get into the very Heart, of the Global Economy. Why? They felt it was worth it. And we felt it was due. And that creates a good relationship, because of those two things. 

They felt it was worth it. And we felt it was due. But that money now belongs to us. And so it is not for them, to spend it, either collectively, or as individuals. And the same thing is true about the New People. 

They felt it was worth it. And we felt it was due. And that creates a good relationship, because of those two things. And what we are doing here in the Universe, is Building Good Relationships, which will then need to be Secured, because that will be worth more than Money. 

We are not primarily just Feeding into the Needs of the Hungry People. No. That would be an entirely different story.

We are Building Good Relationships.

And a lot of people may be still living in the past, when Feeding into Worldwide Dependency was thought to be a very good thing, because of a lack of Creativity, and because they were taught to show no respect, for Pure Native Genius, but just to follow the crowd. Right.

They were being herded, into Worldwide Economic Dependency. And that is why they have been Denatured, or De-Nativized. And that is  why we are bringing that back, because a lot of people may need to be Re-Nativized, in order to Restore a Healthy Balance, with a little bit of Native Push Back.  

And we may need, to start a Whole New Native Culture, where the Politicians do not care a thing about getting Re-Elected, which always comes at the Expense of the Central Fund, because that can simply be taken off the table, by one of our Honorable Local Native Leadership Carriers True, who has begun the process, of the Restoration. Since When? 1991. And that is with Honor, and Integrity. No Re-Elections. Once anyone has finished out their Term of Service, they will not be up, for Re-Election. And that is so easy to do. 

Doing a Good Job, and Balancing the Books is the Much More Important Thing to do. Not getting Re-Elected. And so the Money is not to be Spent as fast, as it comes in any longer. Since When? 1991. Right. 

We don't ever want to become trapped, in a dead end cycle, of living, from Paycheck to Paycheck, as a Country, or as a Community. And there should be no interest, in getting re-elected. 

That should simply be Outlawed. 

And so the keepers of the Central Fund may well be hated, and reviled, along with the Leadership Carriers, and the New Organizers, but it is still not to be seen, as being the go-to Source, for all of our Money. No. That may be where a large portion of the Money goes, but that is not where all the Money comes from. And so we do have to make a Distinction. Comes From, or Goes To. 

Where does the Money really come from? 

Money comes from the Sun. Right. And the Plants Drink it in. And we eat the plants, and then some of that gets funneled, into our Children's Hearts and Souls. 

Money has to be Earned. 

It doesn't come, from mining our Children's Hearts and Souls, or from Selling them into Slavery, or from leading them into Worldwide Economic Dependency, because it would be Counter-Productive, to lead our own Children into Deep Captivity, when we should be making other plans for them. 

And so it is not to be spent, if there is a need for it, and if there is the money for it, then we just spend that money, as fast as it comes in, like it used to be, during the good old days. No. We have to be very pragmatic. Everything has Changed. Since When? 1991. 

We store Water. We store Money. We store Food. 

We store Nutrients, and Resources of all kinds, on many different levels. We have Water in the Ground. We have Water in Reservoirs. We have Water in Tanks. We have Water in Jugs. We have Water in Bottles.  

We plan to hang on to all that Water. And so it is not to be seen as being there, to become used up and spent. No. They can all Stay Full, while we only draw off the excess, which cannot be contained. 

We can do that, in Eden, and we will, because the Leadership here has not been Denatured, but the People who have Democracy Issues just cannot do that. No. Why? They have been Crippled with Choices. 

Notice what is happening, to the constantly dropping Water Table Levels, in the Central Valley of California. The Water is being completely used up. That is not Sustainable. And so we are taking a  stand against that kind of thinking, which is really just everyday ordinary Middle Class Consumer Short Term Thinking, even at the highest levels of government.    

When Money is Needed, that is fine, but it will still have to be Earned, because that will Double or Triple its Healing Power, and that will Prevent Glycation. 

Money is not the Source of Life, but it still has to be Earned. Right. Money is a Luxury Item. It is not a necessity, not for Eywa, and not for the Universe. 

And so this is not the Profligate Way, of the Middle Class Consumers, who may seem to be recklessly out to Destroy this Planet, because we have made a Clean Break, from that Dead End Way of thinking that is headed, into Worldwide Economic Dependency. Since When? 1991. 

And this Progressive New Way of Thinking is not because we are full of Hatred, for our own Children, or for the New People, or for the Middle Class Consumers, or for the Rich, or for the Immigrants, who just want to become Middle Class Consumers, but long after the time for that has passed, way back in 1991. No. We don't Hate them. 

Love is the Reason. But we might have to Take Control of the Situation. 

It is because we Love Our Children, and want to Save the Earth, from the Ravages of the Global Economy, and from the Ravages, of the Invaders, who are entering into very Bad Relationships, with Organized Crime Gangs, and with the Natives, which are filled with Contempt, and are Un-Healthy, and that is just like Glycation, in the Human Body. And that could be Deadly. 

If somewhere, someone on Earth is living below the Extremely High Middle Class Standard of Living, which cannot be sustained, we think that is great, to live with Honor and Integrity, as a member of the Lower Class, because we want to support everyone on Earth, in making a return, to Living Within the Balance. But we do expect to see the Honor and Integrity. 

And so this is not the time, to throw even more Fuel, on the Fires, of Self-Destruction, by supporting Greedy New People, in becoming Rapacious Consumers, who are just here to grab the money, just to continue to try, to fit in, with the Crowd, by Following the Crowd, into Self Destruction, instead of listening to the unpolished words of our Honorable Local Native Leadership Carriers, and getting the message. Why? Because the Feeding Frenzy is a Lost Cause. 

And it is time now, to take stock of the situation, to Save the Earth. 

Had we not been planning, to run out of Water? And is there No Connection between Water and Food? And do we not need Food? And do these Middle Class Voters not see that Securing that Water is the Number One Concern, for Food Security? And what happens when the Food Runs Out? Civil War. 

The Honest Truth is that the only way, to Secure that Water is by not using it faster than it is being replenished, as we will be doing in Eden, where we will be living off the Excess, and the Overflow, not the Principle, or the main body of ground water. 

And that means being able, to Control Our Own Local Native Resources. And that is why we need to establish our own Native Rights, and our own Native Sovereignty. And so we don't Hate all these people, who came too late, and with nothing we need? No. 

Everyone has to have a place, where they fit in, to our Community, where the Relationships are Good. And that requires Grace, and Courtesy, Honor and Respect, not the ordinary attitudes, of Brain Dead Consumerism.  

We do have a Meeting coming up on May 25th, at 11 am, on Saturday Morning, in Northern California, to support that, and to talk about the Realities, of Starvation, as a Nation. Right. 

We Plan to Starve to Death with Honor. No Compromise. And all those joining us will have to be willing, to do the same.    - T   

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