Saturday, June 15, 2019

Point of Stability

Some would say that they are concerned, for the world's conditions, because of the impact they have on them, as a part of this living system. Right. They might be adversely affected. And that was thought to be Second Tier Thinking, which had only recently become available, in the last 30 years. 

Are You Kidding me? 

We should all be concerned, for the world's conditions, because of the impact they have, on the Whole Web of Life, and upon Our Native Rights. 

And some people might think we have reached a point of Stability, and now we can just spread out all over the place. But no. The Middle Class is not a Point of Stability. We do not spread out from here, and we are not in any way, Home Free. And so we all have to be willing to change our perceptions.       

We can use these New Thought Creations, as a guide, for doing that, and for developing new potentials that are not being realized, because of the blockages that have been set up, by the Church, the Schools, and the Corporate Media, to throw us off the Freedom Trail. 

How did people lose their Native Rights? Rights are like Mountains. And the Peoples Needs are like the Opposite of Mountains, and they are getting deeply entrapped in Economic EnSlavement, because of those Needs, like the people, in the Hunger Games, where they have no other options, but Drug Addiction, which was left out of the story, for some reason. 

Why? To make the Average Joe Consumers look perfectly good, when they are not, and when that was not true, and this was all so that the viewers would be sympathetic with them, as perfectly good people, who are just the big victims of the world. Why? We would not be fully sympathetic with them, if they were Drug Addicts, Thieves, Invaders, and Loud Mouthed Trouble Makers, and Back Stabbing Con-Artists. Right. And so the Media gives people a massively oversimplified version of reality. 

And the same thing is True, about the way the Immigrants have been portrayed, by the Media. They are represented, as being perfectly Faithful, Worthy, and True, and Loving, and Kind, and willing to Cooperate, and to make a Sacrifice, and completely without Blemish, just like the people, in the Hunger Games. And the people are Buying the False Version, like Children, as if we could only understand people being either all good, or all bad, and no one having the Moral High Ground, but the Victims, and so they are treating us, like Children. And so it is almost new to tell the world that there are other people, who have the Moral High Ground. 

One example would be the Indians on the Reservations. 

When someone pitches camp on their lands, and then the campers might have to be asked to leave, by the Indians, and then the Indians would have the Moral High Ground, because they were in the right. 

And the Campers do not get to play the Big Victims, because they were in the wrong, even though they were the ones, who had to pack up and go, which might seem like a big inconvenience.   

And so by Our Natural Rights, the Free Spirits might take their places, in the High Mountains, of Truth, like a Free Bird, who might perch, on a High Branch, while those, who have been Enslaved, by their own Desires, out of carelessness, not because of being Bad People, might have no other options, but a life, of Predatory Drug Addiction, as the kind of People, who prey upon others, which would be nothing, we could sympathize with. Right. 

Even the Immigrants could be seen, as being people, who are here, to Prey Upon our Country. And when that is a violation that does not give them, the Moral High Ground. No. They are here to take advantage of our laws, and there is a price that must go along with that. Right. That which was started all wrong, often ends all wrong.  

The Corporate Media has been lying to us, to support what is wrong, because it has a dishonest Agenda. 

And the People might have already been Enslaved, because they have bought in, to the Guilt Trip, that they are Bad People, who need to make good, by overlooking all wrong doing by their former victims, and they think this is working, even though they are not paying, the full price for it yet. 

But when the price for that kind, of Self Indulgence becomes fully due and payable, then they will not be prepared, when they have to pay that price. 

They have been Denatured, and are almost all Drunk, on a Life of Excess, and they might think they have made it big time, and have climbed, all the way up, to the Glorious Middle Class, and are Home Free, and so they can relax, and let their guards down, and spread out, and live the good life, like they don't have to protect anything, like the Middle Class way of life, when there is nothing stable, about that condition, of Dependency, and there is much that will need to be protected, like the Whole Web of Life, to begin with, on a Grass Roots Level, as we cannot depend upon our Governments, to take good care of us. 

We will have to be able, to Secure Something that will last us all, through a very long, and Dark Dry Period, of maybe something like 50,000 Years, which is worth penetrating, like a root system, by at least 500 People, just to see if we can do it. 

And that is why we might want to begin to Secure everything that we have Built, so that what we have Built, and have Secured, and have put under Our Protection, will last us long enough, to get us through, an Extended Dry Period, of maybe 50,000 years. 

And then after that, it might be that we really will be Home Free, and then we can kick back, for maybe the next 500,000 years, which will make it all worth while, for those of us, who have got the Time. 

But if you are a Slave, then you don't have the Time. 

Why? Because you have been Bought, and you have been Sold. - T

We are the Survivors

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