Saturday, July 20, 2019

We did not Create the Earth

We don't have to negotiate, with the Immigrants, as we might normally think we would have to do, as if they had Earned Equal Rights, because we are the Providers.

We don't have to negotiate, with the Immigrants, because we are the Providers, who have finally got a good thing going that all the other people in the world might want to get in on. 

But we need to learn how to manage what we have Built, or it will not be Sustainable. And that means to give away less than would be Sustainable. And when we say Give it all Away, we mean Selling Nine Out of Ten Jobs, and giving only One Job Away. 

As the Providers, we are the People, who will be making all the Final Decisions, until they have Earned a Place of Honor, here among us, and have become known to be Trustworthy, which is what we mean by Non-Premature Emancipation, when that Trust has been Earned. And then we would want that person here among us. 

This is just the way it works throughout most of the Entire Universe, and a lot of other places. 

Even Our Own Children will have to Earn Our Due Respect, until they have become Known, to be Trustworthy. And so they are not to be given the Keys to the City. And that means No Cell Phones until they are Old Enough. 

But what have Our Children been pumped up to want? Premature Emancipation. But we don't subscribe to that, and they are not prepared for that. Why? Because they would have to become completely self supporting, in a world that might not support that anymore. Right. Things are Changing. 

All the Hamburger Flipping Jobs have been given away, to the Needy Immigrants, and so our Children may have to hang tight, with their Parents, because their Future has been given away as a gratuity. And in Truth, they cannot yet be trusted, to Rule, until Brain Formation is more fully complete.   

The Immigrants are often coming, into the Land of Grace, right out of a very Ethnocentrically Domineering Culture, of Constant Warfare. Are they ready, to hit the ground running? Only as Gang Members. 

They might want to Grab a handful of Premature Emancipation Chips as well. Sure. But they are not yet ready for that. And they haven't Earned It. Why not? They could become a very unstable part of our Society. And so they have to pass all these tests. 

They are not Prepared, to Defend this Country, from any and all Invaders. Right. They count themselves among the Invaders. And so most of them are not yet even close, to being Trustworthy. And they are not yet to be believed, and that is not going to change, for about Ten Decades. 

Many of the Immigrants cannot even scream Fire, Fire, even when their House is Burning Down. Why? They may have none of the Language Skills. And so that would have to be Required. And they scream and holler a lot, so when they are doing that nobody pays them any attention. 

And it is not that we would not be willing, to give them some credit, for all the good work they have done for us, after many years of hard work, under close supervision, without incident. 

But, in a Sane World, it would be clear that they are only working, on their own behalf. And so that is not doing anything good for us. And so that doesn't count because that is entirely self serving. 
And so it is not like some people might have thought, that some nice person wants to do some nice thing for us, out of the goodness of his own heart, and to do a good deed, and all at his own expense, and so his loss, will be our gain, so we will just take what he is giving. No. 

If something is given, then Gratitude would be forthcoming. Anything else would be going the Way, of In-Authenticity. And that is what the Immigrants are doing, taking what we are giving, without being Grateful, and so in that way, we are being Short Changed. 

And that is the Way, of In-Authenticity. Right. And so the Relationships they are forming with us, are most often Relationships, of In-Authenticity, which is like something that is Broken, on a Very Deep Level. And we have been accepting that as good currency, when those were all Bad Checks, which will only bounce, when they hit the Universe. And you cannot accept some twisted thing, as being good, anywhere in the Universe, without that coming back, to bite you in the Ass. Why? Because you are responsible, to make sure everything is good. 

We Organizers don't need, to Buy the New People Out of Debt, or to show them any Favoritism, to cover up, for the Broken Relationships, and the Bad Checks. No. And the same thing is True, about the Immigrants. 

They might even need to Buy Us Out. And we Natives shouldn't feel the need, to Buy the Immigrants Out, or to pay them off, in the least. No. But they will need to be Retrained. We don't need to Earn a Share, of the Moral Highground, in relation to the Immigrants, like most people might think, by giving away, the Keys to the City. 

We have already Earned Our Fair Share, of the Moral Highground. Our Overly Permissive Country has done more, for the world, than maybe all the other countries combined. 

We are the Ones, who have let them in, to the Feeding Frenzy, right here, in our own Native Homelands, for nothing, even with sometimes only, an Eighth Grade Education, and all this even when they were in a constantly dishonest relationship with us. Why? Because we didn't want to confront them on anything, because they might blow up. 

But it is our responsibility, as the Natives, to confront them on all of these things. There is no reason, why they would expect to have the right to Sell, today, just like it was yesterday, when it is not yesterday. And so things can change. And we are the People, who can Change them. 

They would be the Ones, who would have to Buy Us Out, after they had put in, their Good Time Served, and then they could go into business, after 100 Years. Right. But until that time, they could easily be required to work, as a Worker, not to rule, as a Boss. 

We just haven't had any semblance, of any kind of Sane Leadership. And the same thing is True, of Land Based Property Ownership Fantasies. 

Only Natives should be allowed, to own Property.

Only Natives should be allowed, to own Homes, Businesses, and Lands, and that is because Only Natives can be Trusted, to be Good LandLords, and to start Non-Profits, and to run a business, with the kind of Integrity, we would expect. Why? In a Sane World, it would be understood, that You cannot Transfer Bosses, from One Country to another. Why? 

Everyone takes a Hit, in status, when they come to the better place, or the Community. Why? In the better place, you lose your old position. This is a basic principle, which holds true throughout the Entire Universe. 

And here is an example: When you go into the Oscars, and try to rub shoulders, with the Stars, you are more of a nobody inside, than you were, out on the street. You take a Hit in Status. And it might be the same thing, when you go into one of the Lost Neighborhoods.   

What was once a Sovereign Citizen, of the Old Country, maybe with some kind of High Status, among the locals there, will now have to assume the role of an UnSovereign Worker, in Dependency.  

The Person, who once owned a Home, in some Far Away Lands, and sold that to pay off the Traffickers, in a Sane World, would normally have to become a Renter, as he would not be allowed, to become an Owner, or a LandLord. 

Why? They cannot yet be Trusted, with the Privacy of a Home, because every Home Owner is a Potentially Corrupted LandLord, or worse. 

And that is why, we really might have to insist upon Natives Only, in all positions, of power and responsibility. And do we have enough Natives to do all that? Yes. 

And so there is no need, to thrust the New People, into the top places, when they haven't yet made a Significant Contribution, to the work we are doing, as collaborators, in good will.  

This is the Crazy New Way of Thinking we all signed up for, on the day we were born, one might think, if you were completely Insane, which is to become Authentic Natives, not to continue on as In-Authentic Stooges, who have lost the Battle, and this might be necessary, to complete an old cycle, when we had been In-Authentic Stooges, of the worst kind, who just wanted, to fit in, with the Crowd, and to avoid the pain, of being left out, for which there may be No Honor, in this Universe, because that would be seen as an Outrageous Betrayal, of the Honorable Truth Carriers, who have been shedding some New Light on these matters, since 1991.  

When they come here, they would lose their former status. That is what we have to agree upon, until they have been here, for 100 Years, and have done some great things for us. That is all we are saying. Build us a Monument. Why? That is the Price of Being Born, into a Better Lifetime. Right. 

Everyone wants to be a Star. But it is not Free of Charge. And so they might have to Build us a Monument, to the People, who Put a Man on the Moon, if they wanted that kind of recognition.  

You have to Earn It, before you can Burn It. And you might have to start in complete and total poverty. 

Even some of the Rich People of the world, are going to be stripped, of their Former Glories, when they come to the Community, which is to Serve, not to Rule. And anyone who tries to get out of that Service, will be hit with a Triple Pay Back. And they should not be looking, to control everything, when they have not done anything.     

They should be expecting, to get the bill, not the Vote, which would only help them, to grab after all the easy Freebies and Benefits, and so the seeds of their own downfall have been planted, when they want to become, one of the recipients, of Another Peoples hard work, without doing Three Times as Much Work for Free. 

All the Rewards should be Reserved, for those, who Built the House, or for those, like the Early Settlers, who Built this Country, or those, like the Early Settlers, once again, who had Built the very Heart of the Global Economy, but there is No Reward, for those, who just have a lot of hungry mouths to feed, and absolutely nothing of any great value to contribute. Why? That only leads to Bloating, and Death. 

And all they have been bringing us is that they will gladly displace a Native Worker, as long as it is a highly paid job. Get Real. 

They will work, for One Third of the Money, or they will work for Free, for the first 100 Years, if we say so. Why? Because they are here, with our Permission, as our Debters, not as a Free, and Clear Person. Why? Because you are not Free and Clear, until you have paid your Debts, to the Natives, and to the Universe, for the Intrusion, and the Imposition. And we work for the Universe.  

And the same thing is True, about the New People, who are not Free, to do as they please, when they have not done the work. And the same thing is True about the Earth.  

We did not Create the Earth. 

And so we should not presume, to be the Lords, Over the Earth, nor should we presume that our Human Needs should come first, as if they were the Needs, of the Lords, who come first, Over the Earth. No. 

People can do without. That is not a Crime Against the Universe. And we need people to Die, so that is great, unless they are the People, who are doing great work, for the good of the Tribe. 

And that is the whole basis, of Universal Integration. Since When? 1991.

And that is why the Generous People, who had Built this Country, in the first place, might have every right to claim that they still own it. And some people might think that would be to put an end to the Insanely High Levels of Generosity, which are killing us. And that is True. But that would not need to put an end, to the Generosity, not completely, which would still be allowed, to ebb and flow, if only on a Human Scale, but the purpose, is to retain some kind of control, so that the Generosity does not get spread out too thin, and so that the quality of the product will not be wasted. 

Maybe it is not something that should not happen, when a lot of people die, just because they went camping, without any shelter, thinking it would never rain, or the odds were slim, and so they didn't want to bother, and then it rained on them, and they got sick and died. And that is what a lot of the Immigrants have done. 

They were planning on having Endlessly Expanding Population Densities. And then they hit the limits, of what the Universe would allow. 

The Universe seems to be fine with that. That does not seem to leave any kind of scar on the Universe, like some truly bad thing happened, in this place, or something. No. The Universe Accepts all of these kinds of things, which are meant to be learning experiences. 

The People of the Early Settlers have Learned, and they have been Rewarded. But these others have not learned, and so it is only right, for them to have a Different Fate, the way the Universe may see it.   

And so when we entrust someone, with power, over these Lands, like the Power to Vote, which would normally have to be Earned, in a Sane World, they will have to have been Trained, and their Trustworthiness will have to have been Earned, over a period, of at least 100 Years. And it is going to be Rough, and it is going to be Tough. And so we are not offering people sugar, just to go down the Pathway to Nativity.  

Why? Because that is about their own Nativity not Ours, and we don't need any more New Voters. And some People might think we do. But No. That would be like throwing Sawdust, into the Salad. And that is why we don't allow our own NewBorn Children to Vote either. Right. It is not because we Hate them. 

You could say that they had walked away, from a Country, where they Could Vote, to live in a Country, where they Cannot Vote, and would not be able to Vote, for over 100 Years, and not because they Love this Country, but just because, of the Freebies and Benefits, which is Mercenary, to the Max. 

What they Love is like Sugar. And you could say that we have the Sugar, and it is True that we have the Money that Buys the Sugar, so they come here, in vain, to get the Money to Buy the Sugar, and in that way they have sold their Right to Vote, for any part of the Money that Buys the Sugar. That is how the Story Reads. 

But we don't have to give our Children any large amounts of Sugar. No. We all know that. We an say No Sugar Every Day of the Week. 

And so all we have to do is to get some Natives who will step up to the Challenge, who are not Sugar Addicts, to control the Money that Buys the Sugar. And the Money they want is the Money that does belong to us. 

And if we did give away the Vote, they would likely Sell those Votes, out for Money, to the Highest Bidders. And so we definitely don't need any more of those kinds of Votes, which can be bought, and will be Sold, along with the Earth, which needs to be treated more like a Monument, not like a Pizza. - T

My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. - T


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