Saturday, August 3, 2019


A lot of people may think that our country was set up, from the beginning, to Accept any and all Immigrants, and to set them up, with Equal Rights, and Benefits, as if they were Instant Natives, almost as soon as they got here, because we needed that, as a form of self justification, almost in the same way that most people think a Stomach needs to be fed, with a constant flow of More Food. 

But No. It is not like that. We don't need to keep on eating continuously. And it is good to give that Stomach a rest. And it is good to Stop Eating, from Time to Time. And to let the body focus on what has already been Eaten, and on other things, like Self Healing. Yes. The Auto-Healing Process only kicks in, when we Stop Eating. 

That Empty Stomach might feel bad, when it goes empty, but that allows for the Junk that has built up, in our bodies, to be Dismantled, and to be Recycled, and for the Glyphosates to be Removed, for our Health, to be Restored. Right. 

Misfolded Proteins, are broken down, into their Amino Acid Building Blocks, and the Advanced Glycation End Products, where Sugars have Misbonded, with some of the Proteins, on the walls of our Veins, can all be dismantled, along with a host of other things, which is hard enough for us to deal with, like Amyloid Placque, Kidney and Gall Stones which can all be dissolved, and the Glyphosates, and the Calcium Deposits in our Veins, and other Soft Tissues, all need to be broken back down, into their component parts, like Amino Acids, and that Calcium needs to be dissolved, off the walls of the Arteries, and to be sent off, where it belongs, as part of the Bones. 

The Glyphosates, and the many other Endocrine Disruptors, and downright Poisons, which we all have in our bodies, from the widespread use, of Herbicides, like Roundup, and Insecticides, which are Endocrine Disruptors, might all need to be Removed, and to be Flushed right out of our Systems, just as if they didn't have any rights, to become cancerous cells, within our midst, or to start forming, into Gall Stones, or to end up, in long term storage, in our Fat Tissues. 

And it is very hard, to remove some of the heavy metals, and a lot of other things, so they are just routinely deposited, into our Fat Tissues, by these Government Stooges. And so we really do need to clean up, the Entire Environment, to keep that junk out, of the Food Supply, the Water Supply, and the Air Supply. And we can very easily do this once we have taken back our Native Rights. 

Get Real. This work that we are doing here is all about the Native Healing and Restoration of the Earth. It is not to be thrown before the Drunken Politicians, who will only use it, to fool the people all the time, into thinking that they come first, while the Earth is Dying.    

And so No, Our Native Lands do not need to be continuously refueled up, with New Immigrants, or we will run out of gas. No. That was the Corporate Model. It might feel bad, to go Native. But that Constant Flow of Death is turning our Country, into a Third World Catastrophe, and in a Sane World that should not be the way we would choose to go, unless we had already had our brains removed. No. 

That was part of the Old Story, of Endless Expansionism, which had been sold, to the Mindless Children, who had been Sold to the State.  

When we stop taking in New People, it is like when we stop taking in New Food, and then we start burning those Belly Fats, and then the body starts working on breaking down the Misplaced Compounds, which are clogging up, our infrastructure, most of which then gets Recycled, for use as new parts, or is used for Energy. 

And that is what allows the Restorative Cycle of 1991, to begin. And that is what allows the Body, to be Revitalized and Renewed. And that is what a lot of us are going to be doing, in the Community, Purifying Our Bodies, in a Sane World, one might think, which is a place, where we are not constantly just feeding our faces, but we are creating an opening, so that some new things can happen. 

That Old Story, of Endless Expansionism, and Feeding Our Faces, to make the pain go away, is the Poisonous Corporate Story, which is based on Gluttony, and Dependency, Upon Endless Growth, which is only necessary, because the Fire is Dying. 

And that is the way the Corporate Media might want to see things played out, to take what they can get, before it goes from boom to bust. But this is the New Story, of Healthy Living Within the Balance, and without any interference, from the Corporate Medias Toxic Input. Since When? 1991. 

Is that the way it is, in a Real Relationship? Let's take a deeper look into the Real World. 

At First you are just Dating. And that is when you are just being considered, for long term Acceptability. But there is No Commitment, at that point, which means that you have not yet been Accepted, as a Member of the Tribe. 

And the Woman, or the Other Person of Desire, who would be in the more favorable position, for whatever reason, can call it off at any time. 

Same with the Employer, who has a Desirable Job, and can consider trying a new worker out, but can call it off, at any time. 

And one thing Every Employer Knows is that if you hire too many new workers, who all need to be trained, then you might have to reserve the right to lay some of them off, from time to time. But we have no mechanism for that, with the Immigrants.

And that is why they would all have to be Registered, because we have to know, who they are, and where they are, for that reason, so we can lay them off, whenever we might need to do that. Right.

We may take them in, with the best of intentions, but then we may have to put them out again, in the case of an economic downturn, without Blame, when we don't have any jobs for them, or when we change our minds about them as workers. 

We Natives have Built something that is Highly Desired, in relation, to the Immigrants, one might think, because we have Built the Desirable Country that works, not like the ones they are often climbing out of, like a person, who is climbing out of the wreckage, of a collapsed building. And the Overly Glycated Culture might be the Reason. Right. That would be like eating a lot of food that might have too much Glycation. 

We have the Desirable Community, with the better culture, and all the Jobs, Farms, and Houses, which is well situated, within the most Desirable Country, which the Immigrants have zeroed in on, for these very same reasons, Safe Culture, Good Buildings, Good Roads, Good Jobs, Good Farmlands, Good Houses, Good Communities, Good Money, and the Good Economy. 

And that all comes, from Solving Problems, in the past, which the Immigrants haven't solved yet, and which the Poor People haven't solved yet, not even in the future, and it might even be wrong for us, to solve these problems for them, how they can Contribute 3 Times what they get back, and still be perfectly happy with that, and then to Die, when it is time, for them to Die, leaving us a gift not a curse. Right. 

They can't solve any of the simple problems, which have been posed, by the Universe, for good reason, which means that they have failed. 

And so a Red Flag should have gone up, and we might not even be allowed, to Solve that for them, or to erase their Failures for them, because that would be Cheating, and everything is written into the Code of the Universe. Right. 

And it is our job to be the Keepers of the Code. Right. And so maybe we can't feed them the answers, and it may be that we are not allowed to futz around with the scores. 

Why? Because we might be expected, to take sides with the Universe, and so we are not meant to become the Enablers, of the People, who are going Against the Order of Universal Truth, for their own Self Benefit. 

Poverty might represent a Sick and Dying Culture, which really has No Future, without our help. Right. They may need our help, because their own skills have all been lost.

But that might not be a very good deal. We are the Problem Solvers, and that is why we can say these things with Honor and Humor. 

We would have No Problem solving all of these simple problems, and we could set all these things right, and put the homeless people right back to work, with the help of Eywa, and the other Truth Carriers throughout the Rest of the Universe, but it might be that in many cases, there would be No Energy behind doing that, because it would take more Energy Out of the System, than it would put back into the System, and so it would do more harm than good. 

And our First Order is to do No Harm, to the EcoSystem, not to Save the People, from the Consequences, of their own Choices and Actions.

And that would be like throwing Gasoline on a Fire just to keep it going, when that Fire was going out, because it was being put out, while the happy crowd of people looked the other way, while the Fire was being Smothered, with too much Wet Wood, which had been thrown, onto the Fire, which was not of any value, because it was drenched, in Need and Greed. 

But we are the Fire Keepers. And we alone should be allowed to decide, what goes into the Fire, and what must be kept out of the Fire, which is a not a Garbage Pit, or any kind of Dumping Ground, for the Criminally Insane.

It is true. We are the Problem Solvers. And so they have come to the right place. But we are not looking for more problems. We are only looking, for other Problem Solvers, and not just any old people, who just have a lot of problems, which they won't let anyone touch, and so they cannot be solved, because they are too closed off, to be reworkable. Right. That might even be considered, to be too invasive on our part, until they have come to us, asking for help.

Some People are just not ready for it, and there is an expense associated, with all those needs. 

And so it is not like most people might have thought that any old Wet Wood can always be thrown onto the Fire, because we can always find a way to keep it going, because the Fire is so Hot, it could never go out. Why? That would be misplaced overconfidence. We are not Superhuman. And the Fire is going out. 

New People are Not Entitled to come here. The Fire is Going Out. And we have a lot of Self Healing work to do. And we do not have enough time and energy, to allow them, to Throw a lot of Wet Wood on the Fire, which we have Built, because that would only smother it, and what we mean by Building the Fire is Building the Economy.

And this is because we do not intend, to throw a lot of Gasoline on the Fire, meaning to keep the Economy going, when it has gone from boom to bust, by Removing the Debt Ceiling, and by Borrowing More Money, just to service the Existing Debt, and by Printing more Free Money, and by Lowering Interest Rates, almost all the way down to Nothing, just to keep the Fire going just a little bit longer, so the insiders can make just a little more money, even long after it has effectively been smothered to death, in a Feeding Frenzy, of HyperGlycemic Overdosing, but is being kept alive, long after death, with another shot in the arm, and shock treatments.

But any request to throw a lot of Wet Wood, onto the Fire, would have to be refused, or we would be slacking off, in our duties, as the Honorable Land Stewards. Right. Who is Responsible? It is not some Politicians. No. That would be the Natives. 

We just have not yet had any real Leadership, and had not gotten around, to Thinking Very Deeply, and Honestly, and then Digesting these Matters, as if we had all the time in the world, to take a long term view, and with no need, to placate any Politically Powerful Groups, or to make anyone happy, and then we can begin to absorb the new material, from those who are capable, of spitting this Crazy Sounding All New Material Out, in Great Big Meaty Chunks of Truth, right from the Heart of the Universe, as it would seem. And so No Deal. 

We don't have to Uphold the Party Line. 

That Old Party Line Bull Shit Deal makes No Freaking Sense. And so No Deal. And it hasn't made Any Freaking Sense, since 1991. And so No Deal. And it doesn't work. And so No Deal. 

We don't need a constant flow, of new stuff that all needs to be fixed. And so No Deal, on the Status Quo, of Endless Expansionism. 

And we don't need to be told what to think, by the Corporate Media, out of fear that we will be Called Names. What? We are not Little Children, to be afraid of a little name calling. Good ahead and call us whatever you like. We cannot be manipulated. And so No Deal. 

The Time has become ripe now, for the Native Revival of 1991, which is when the Seed of Truth had been Deeply Planted, in advance, out of Pre-Meditated Fore-Thought. 

And that is why, we don't try to force any of our own Sons and Daughters, to use that old world twisted kind of thinking, in their own personal relationships. 

It would be a complete disaster, if a Woman, or the more Desirable Person, whoever that might be, male or female, could not say No, and just had to accept, whoever wanted to go with them, and with No Commitment as well, to the more Desirable Person, which makes that even Worse, than when you are just not allowed, to pick your partners, which is bad enough. 

And it really would be fine, if someone older and wiser, who cared about both parties, would pick a suitable partner for them both, as was done in the Native Tribes, when the Boys were simply paired up, with an appropriate Girl, with only good will all around, for both parties, and with the approval, of the parents, on both sides. But that would interfere, with Personal Choice. 

And so why would we want, to put the Blinders on, and to throw away our Choices, as a Community, or as a Country, when it comes, to Choosing the Best New People, and picking the Best Immigrants, who are going to be having a lot of Healthy and Happy Babies, or a lot of UnHealthy, and very UnHappy Babies? Wouldn't we want to choose somebody that is going to work?

Why wouldn't we raise our own Children up, to be just as choosey, as a Country, as the Average Professional Woman, or other Desirable Person is today? It may be because we have been saddled up, with a Set of Blinders, which have kept us, with our hands tied, in the Dark, on the way, to the Police State, of Worldwide Economic Enslavement. 

Native Authority has been replaced by Police Authority. Freedom has been turned into Enslavement. 

And so like a Girl, or a Boy, who didn't know they had any Native Rights, we were made to feel Guilty, and we didn't want to be called names, so this was used, to enslave us, and to trick us out, of Our Native Rights, which would be, to retain the Full Stewardship, of our own Country, and to Reserve our own Native Lands, for Natives Only, with only a very few exceptions. Right. 

And this is just like it is out on the Indian Reservation Lands, where you cannot just barge in, on the Indians, at any time, of the day or night, with an attitude, like you have just as much right to be there, as anyone else, and you won't take no shit from nobody. Right. That would be way Out of Order. And the Whole Tribe would be Up in Arms. 

These are the Harsh Realities. And so we need someone, in Leadership, who can give us some Truth. 

People are almost never allowed, to Enter Freely, onto the Indian Reservation Lands, without Permission. No. Why? Because they would have to ask Permission, and to make a very Generous Proposal, and to be found Acceptable. But there are always some Exceptions. Right. 

Marrying someone, who is a Member of the Tribe. And so it is possible, to bring new people in, but that is only, within a Fully Committed Relationship. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

But let's look at some, of these other Relationships. 

New Workers are not allowed, to Enter Freely, into an Employment Relationship. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

And they may not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into a Housing Relationship. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

Some People might not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into a Shared Household. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

Most People may not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into a Personal Relationship. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

Strange People may not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into our Family Homes, without Our Permission. No. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, to make a Proposal, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

And most People might not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into Membership, in the Community. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

You would not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into a Car Dealership, and drive away, with any Car Loan you may choose either. Why? Because you would have to Qualify for that, and to be Accepted. And that entails a Selection Process. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

And People might not be allowed, to Enter Freely, into a Land Stewardship Relationship, of their Neighbors Lands. Why? Because they would have to Qualify for that, to make a Proposal, and to be Accepted, and to make Full Payment. And that entails a Selection Process, Full Payment, and an Appropriate Time Period. And they might even have to Make a Commitment, for a One Year Minimum.

This is all Fairly Reasonable Stuff, which is well intended, but the Truth really means nothing, to most of these People of Today, because they have almost all got the blinders on, and they have been Brainwashed, and that will need to be removed. 

Right. And we will talk about that next time. My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. 

It is an Honor, to have started, way back in 1991, Bringing Sanity to Humanity, and Bringing the Truth Down Upon us All, as one of the Creative Producers, who has not been slacking off. 

I am Grateful, to be of Service, and to help a few of the Other Creative Producers, to find our own new way home, and I just hope we can find a way to make full use, of that Valuable Service, which is being offered here. 

But there will always be some Healthy Competition. And so it might be time now, to get ready, for a Hunger Games Type Scenario. And so it might help, to start Building Alliances.  - T

Hunger Games

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