Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fortunate Lives

We may have been Raised Up, to bury our heads in the sand, to avoid having to deal, with any of the Truly Difficult Issues. 

We have been Buried, in a Hole in the Ground, to make it very difficult, for us to get out. And now we are going to have to dig our way out or die, in which case we would have to join the ranks, of those, on the side lines, who could not Survive, and are now Dead, and are out of the Game. Right. 

And that is what comes about, when Native Genius is not Trusted, and when we limit our self, to not using our Native Rights, and when we hide our special powers. 

The Immigrants are only here, with Our Permission, and so we have the power, and a responsibility, to intervene. 

But in a Sane World, we should not really even have to Earn their Friendship Credits, in advance, before we can insist, on being given the respect that we would deserve, if we really were anything real, like Good Responsible Native People, who might all have good things to Contribute, not just the School Teachers, the Church, the Schools, and the Politicians, and the Police, who are really all just out to collect a paycheck, while Covering their own Asses, while we would be working for free. 

But we have been given the message that, We are Nobody, and that We are Nothing. And in that way our hands have been tied, so that the Police can sock up all the territory, in between the Individual and the State, which is now a Dead Zone, because the Police will very often spread only Death and Destruction on everything they touch, and they will not put in the time and energy, to get things resolved, which is what we could be doing. 

But we were not claiming, to be anything that was completely unrealistic. No. What we are talking about is only Slightly Unrealistic. We are just doing the work that needs to be done. Right. A Newborn Baby needs to be handled, as soon as it is Born. Right. They need to Build a Relationship. And the same thing might be true of an Illegal Immigrant, who has snuck into this Country. They might need to build a relationship, with the Natives. And the same thing is True of a New Employee. They don't know the ropes, and they need to Build a Relationship. 

And the same thing is True, of a New Member of a Shared Household. They don't know the House Culture, and they need to Build a Relationship. And that has to be done at their own expense. Right. It's on them. And this appears to be a Universal Truth. 

We have defined what it means, to be one, of the Three Different Things. 

- The First Thing is to be One of the Natives, which is like being a Family Member, or a Member of the Tribe.  

- The Second Thing is to be one, of our Good Neighbors, from one of the Other Countries, all around the world, who we plan to get into alliance with, in defense of this planet.  

- The Third Thing is to be one of the Invaders, who are here against our will. And that is a very dangerous thing. We have some Killers on the Road. Right. The Immigrants. The Homeless. 

But in a Sane World, Real Immigration would begin, in their own Old World Countries, where they are expected, to learn the language, and to become prepared, to honor, and to serve the Natives, in our own Native Language. 

And then we will send for them. But then they would have to surrender up, their Old World Rights. And the same thing is True, of the Homeless People, the New Employees, the new members of the Shared Household. 

They will have to get prepared, to serve, as a Functionary, because we don't need a lot more dead weight. Right. The New Employees might need to get some Training in Advance, which their brothers and sisters might not have. 

But every other worker on that job already has that same Training, and a lot of Experience. And so how are they Catching up? Immediately? No. Maybe Never. Why should they think they should have Equal Status, when they are like New Hires, which is the lowest status? What do they say? Last Hired. First Fired. 

In a Sane World, it could be said, that it was an Injustice, for the Church, and the State, and the Schools, and the Corporate Media, to have Erased our Native Rights, which have been Earned, and were not stolen, and all this, without due cause, and without due process of law. Right. 

We didn't steal our Native Rights. Those have been Earned. And we didn't Steal our Fortunate Lives. Those have been Earned. We are the People, who Built this Country. And that is how we have Earned those Rights. 

And the New Organizers should know that even when you put a hundred people to work, within the Community, and set them up, with a place to live, which they can in no other way afford, and a way of life that works, without any need, for a tremendous amount of Money, on their part, but that still requires a Ton of Planning, and Supervision, on our parts, which the New People may tend to overlook. And the way they would have it is that we would become their Slaves. 

But we think we may have time to Consider the creation, of some semblance of Homesteaders Rights, for the New Believers, and the Homeless People, in the Community, who are here, to serve the cause, not just to pig out, at our expense, only to leave us holding the bill, for their Dependency, which has become a new way of life, for the Homeless, to go from one source of benefits, to another, but never to give anything back. Yes. It is time to consider the Basic Rights of the New People, and the Homeless People, and the Immigrants, at the Expense, of Our Good Native Peoples Time and Resources.       

But the School Authorities and the Church, have Erased all the Credit remaining on our Accounts, which is where these resources would come from. 

And that is like when you go back to school only to find that all of your College Credits have been Erased. Right. We are only claiming things that have already been Earned. And we are only Building, on what has been started, by the Early Settlers.  

We would like to see exactly how the Early Settlers Lost This Country. The Opioid Epidemic? Right. That might be one way to Lose Control over Our Own Native Lands. Right. By screwing up big time. And that will Dramatically Screw up, our Long Term Survival Potential. 

And a lot of people have been Screwed up by the System of Erasure, which is Globalism, that has tried to Erase Our Collective Identity, which they may feel needs to be changed, or Completely Erased, which is the bone head form of change. But we think it might just need to be redefined. Right. 

We are redefining who are, as being the New Native Spirit Carriers. What Spirit? The True Spirit. The Spirit of Revival. But for many, that is just something to reach for, but not to attain, which may take more than 100 Years to Achieve.  

But we don't ever need to sell the Farm, just to get some cheap labor. Please. No. But when we spread the vote out thinner and thinner, then we not only devalue our own share, but eventually, we lose control completely. 

People really can lose what has been Earned, and what they have been Entrusted with, by Gambling it all away, like these folks who have chosen to enter into Drug Addiction. We don't deny that. 

But Big Drug Addiction is a Choice, and Not a Disease, and the Early Settlers were not like that. And so how did they lose the right, to exercise complete control, over their own Country? Right. 

Bit by Bit, it was taken away from them, by the Government, in favor of the Immigrants. And that would be like taking away half of our Land, just to give it away to the Immigrants, when they should have had to pay the fair market price, if not Three Times that much. 

The Early Settlers weren't recognized as being Natives, as soon as they got here. And it wasn't their country right away, just as soon as they got off the boat. No. That didn't happen, until after 100 years and 3 Generations, or hard work, struggle, and doing without. 

And so why should the Immigrants be set up, with all the Rights and Powers, of one of the Natives, before 100 Years and 3 Generations, with Two Grandparents, who were Born Here, as soon as they get here, and without even learning the Language, and with No Buy-In? Get Real. That has been Insane. 

What we have going on right now is a lot like Gambling, at the Roulette Wheel, where some people didn't bet on us, until the last minute, but then they jumped on in, with all they had, once the Ball had firmly landed, in one of the slots on the wheel.

But is that fair? No. That is just a moment too late, which cannot be allowed. 

The Natives are the ones, who would have to take a stand against that kind of betting, because you would have to place your bets, when the chips were down, and that would be long before, we had come out on top, as the Creators, of the Worlds First Reserve Currency, which is only backed, by our good name, and as the People, who put the Man on the Moon. 

And so it is pretty late, to join us now, after we have achieved SuperPower Status. But that may not last for very long, not at this rate, since we still need to Secure what we have Built. 

And we may have to ramp things down some, to prepare for the Drawdown, from a really bad spending addiction, and we should try not to crash the plane. 

And we may lose our Premiere World Leadership Position, as the most Trustworthy Country on Earth, just for spreading our self out too thin, to be viable, and secure. But now is not the time, to climb on board cheap. No. This may be the very top of the game.  

To get on board cheap would have been fine, way back in the 1800's. But they didn't believe in us, way back then, and the same thing is True about some of the New People, who may have thought nothing about what the New Organizers were Planning. Right. 

They will not even spot the Leadership Carriers with anything, as if nothing had been done, unless they are being Waited on, and being Served, when that was never part of the promise. 

But this completely rational but new way of thinking has been blocked off, by the Police, the Military, and the Schools, and the Church, and the Government, and the Corporate Media, who will not allow for any kind of Freedom of Thought, which may be necessary, for the New Universal Order to Begin. Right. 

All Native Voices must be heard, and all that knowledge must be integrated, not buried, as we are the Natural Land Stewards. And of course, the World might not be quick to Believe in us.  

But did the Immigrants really ever believe in us, even when the Chips were down? No. They did not. And they have done nothing, which would be worthy, of being granted full Tribal Membership Based Land Stewardship Rights. Right. They might have thought the Streets were Paved with Gold. And they were not. 

But there really is a Glaring Distinction to be made here. And that cannot just be swept under the carpet any longer. The Natives will need to be Paid, what the Imposition is Worth, and someone will need to set the terms. And when things are Bought and Sold around here, as in days of old, who do you think would get to establish the price, and set the terms? The Politicians? No.  

We the Native Peoples should be allowed to name the Price, and to set the terms. And this would then apply to Native Peoples all over the World, who will all be for sale soon, the way things are going. 

We have had the Blinders on, and we were raised up, with no sense, of People in Transition, like Children, who might have to grow up, before they can be Entrusted, with Land Stewardship Responsibilities, and this might take a long time, and the same thing is True of the Immigrants, and the New People, who may all have a Transitional Pathway, which must be followed, over an appropriately long period of time, and for some it might be a very long time, which would be the natural consequence, of not Living Within the Balance, and coming here, in Dishonor. 

And so we are talking about the between areas, where you are still in between one thing and another, like a Teenager. And all these people might want to be regarded, as being Good Enough, as they are. But Good Enough for what? Right. They are Good Enough to join into the Dog Fight. Right. They are Good Enough, to Throw Gasoline on the Fire. And they are Good Enough to do a lot of very bad things. Right. They just follow the Crowd. And not one of them will ever stand alone, so the New Organizers are going to always have a tough time with it. 

But the Immigrants cannot yet be entrusted, with any Stake in this Country, as Land Stewards, until that has been paid for, and an appropriate time period has passed, like over 100 years, of Good Time Served, and 3 Generations, with 2 Grandparents, who were born here, in the same way that our own Children cannot yet be Trusted well enough, to be Driving Cars all over the Highway, only with the Immigrants that makes them, a much Higher Security Risk.  

My name is T. That Stands for Truth. Glad to be of Service. How can I help you? Kyle has Contributed $1,500.00, and that has been transferred, to our Non-Profit Bank Account. And so now he is on the Stewards Council.  - T 

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