Saturday, January 18, 2020

Beyond Money

We New Organizers really should be able to claim the rights, which may flow, from our own work, and from the work, of the Early Settlers, who might not have built this Country just so that we could give it all away, to buy friends. No. That would be an Insane Betrayal, and a Sell Out, in the Eyes of Our People. 

Why? If we are the Native Land Stewards, then we have Responsibilities. And if we are on the road to becoming Native Land Stewards, then we have to be among the first, to take a stand, for the Honoring of Our Native Rights, to keep all of what we have been Building, as a People, for hundreds of years, except for a very small amounts of food and clothing that we may choose to give away. But that Generosity of Spirit only comes only from Grace, and is never done out of Guilt, Shame or Fear.  

There is a very clear understanding, being laid down here, that we are all being invited, to carry on, with the Long Term Project, which is why we have to start becoming the Land Stewards, not just to give it all up, for short term benefits, and give it all away, just to make friends, or to fit in with the Crowd, which is only Short Term Thinking, or even worse, it could be seen as being Backwards Thinking, and even Self Destructive Thinking. Right. Native Morale is low. That is why we have a lot of Drinking, and Teenage Suicide, out on the Reservations.

But we have a Plan for that, within our own Ranks. Right. We cannot actually interfere, by shovelling money into the Indians general direction, as if money was the issue. And the same thing is True about the Homeless People. 

Homelessness is not because of a Housing Shortage in Beverly Hills. No. Homelessness is because of a Cheap Drug Supply, and a lack of Community Integration, which includes being held accountable by people, like one of our Honorable Local Native Leadership Carriers, from the Madrone Lands, who will hold you accountable, to keep your word, if you want to kick the bad habits, no matter what happens, even if it kills you. 

We want the Immigrants, and the New People, to start making plans, to Earn some Rights, within the Community, which alone will make a place for them, in this world, which is not to be taken for granted. Right. They might wrongly think they can always come here, even when that would not be Sustainable.  

The Old Rights may remain intact, for a time, but the Community is a good place, to Earn some New Rights, with 100 Years, of Good Time Served, not to demand the benefits, of another persons work, or to benefit from the work of another People, like the Early Settlers, when that is still over 100 Years Out of Reach. 

And so with Eyes Wide Open, we are Creating the Basis, for the New World Culture of Native Rights, which is an entirely New Thing. Right. But first they may have to show some Deep Loyalty. This is the New Story. Since When? 1991. Right. That is when we came to the Surface, and went Public, with the Truth, which had been dug up, and was discovered, long before 1991. Right. 

We were already living deep in the Forest, at that time, for some years, like Henry Thoreau. And this is the New Material that has resulted, from some of our Deep Meditations, into the Underlying Truths. And this Land is where the Story, of Universal Integration has really come from.  

And this seemingly unimportant little series of changes in the New Story, really is Capable, of Changing the World, in a way, which could get us through the next 50,000 Years, in Peace, without firing a shot. 

And so I hope that many of you have been writing these Changes all down, in a big long List of Changes, which have been laid down, and made public, for all to see, since 1991, with Dates, and Sources. Thank You. That would be Great.

The Future is in Our Hands. And what is that to replace? The Old One: Life is a Series of Choices. Right. Life is not a Series of Choices. We take the old one down, and put the New One Up. And so make up a Banner, the Future is in our Hands, and bring it to the Meet.  

But the first thing that the New People must begin to understand, or the Deal is Off, is that the Deal is Off, on the same old Mistreatment of the Earth, and the World is not here, for the Consumers to Consume. Right. The Consumer is what is wrong, with Democracy, which is controlled, in a very negative way, by Consumerism. 

Consumerism is a Dead End. And so Consumer Rights must be taken down off the board, even at a time when that might sound like a good new thing to put up on the Board. 

No. The End Consumers of the World, are in the End Responsible, for the Destruction of the Earths Last Remaining Habitats. Write that down. 

The Average Joe Consumers may have to be Restrained, and Retrained, for the Job of their Dreams, as Land Stewards. But our work is not for them all to have a high paying job. Right. 

The Indians didn't have Consumer Rights, or High Paying Jobs. But they did have a place where they belonged, as Land Stewards, in the Tribe, where there was a great deal of Respect for Elders. 

And the New Native Way may be very close to what needs to be Earned, and Learned, by those, who have been Alienated, from the Land, and from the Community, and from the Tribe, and from Eywa, the Earth Goddess, just because of their own choices and actions. This is the New Message.   

We must Secure, what we have Built. And most of what has been Built here, in these Native Lands, cannot be attributed to the Indians. And so we have had to resort, to tracing our roots back, to the Early Settlers, and what they had started here, and the people who have join in with them, as True Believers, in what we are doing here, which is all about Long Term Survival. 

Our plan is to make a return, to Living Deeply Within the Balance. And that means we do not have a right, to become dependent upon Cheap Old World Immigrant Labor, which will not work for Free, and that is for an Entire Lifetime, not just for one day. 

And that might be for more than 3 Generations, or 3 Lifetimes, and not just one. Right. They may have to make an Incredible Sacrifice, for what they want, which does not have to be worth it, to them, but it has to be worth it to us, but that whole working for Free Trip is not just a one day thing, and it might have to extend all the way through the entire 50,000 Year stretch. Starting When? 1991.  

Why? Because we might all have to be willing, to go Beyond the Money, for a short period of time. Right. First, you do the Great Thing, and you don't worry about the Money, and then maybe it works itself out, or maybe it does not. Right. We may be working, for other completely different reasons, which are Far Beyond the Need for Money, which is not really real. Right. The Indians did not need Money. No. And we don't either. Honor is Our Main Currency. 

But there will be No Honor, for those, like most of the Illegal Immigrants, who have Done Nothing, for the Earth, or for Our Country, or for Our Community. No. And there should be No Thugs, in our Communities, or out on our Highways, in these Native Lands. 

They have come here on foot. They do not need to be put behind the wheel of a car, until they have been here for more than 100 Years, and 3 Generations, of Good Time Served. 

But it is not enough, for an Immigrant to say that their little tiny bit of time here should be more than enough, for them, to be considered, to be Natives, just because their Grandfather came here to work, without permission to stay long term, as a temporary seasonal worker, who was not to remain here at all, and so they should be Ironclad, as a deeply rooted Native members of our Community, who can be Trusted, with our Sacred Lands. No. 

That little big of time is not enough. We have to think Long Term. That would be an Insult to the Indians. It is not for the Immigrants to decide, what is good enough, and so they should not have a Vote, for over 100 Years of Service and Contribution, and Good Time Served. 

This is not like a Church, where you can throw a penny in the plate, and decide for your own self that you have done your part, when that is not enough to pay for anything.

We will decide what roots are deep enough, and full enough, and loyal enough, and well rounded enough, and True Enough, to be considered worthy of being a True Member of the Family, and especially when No Contribution has been made, and certainly nothing has been done, to Honor the Natives. And when someone wants to Marry us, we do have a Right, to see how much they Love us.  

The 100 Year Timer does not start with a Border Cross-Over, but it Starts, with the First Generation Birth, on this side of the border, as one of us, and as someone who is born here, and is raised up, to speak Our Native Language, as a First Language, not as part of the Ethnic Underground, and that usually takes a few generations, before they can expect any Advancements, or Promotions, of their Status Level. 

And they are to work a fairly low level job, as employees, not as business owners, but they are not to work in an Ethnic Restaurant. Right. Give me a Break. They cannot yet be Trusted, to handle our food, until they have been much more fully converted into True Believers. 

And so the First Generation Birth is English Speaking, who works hard, for little money, and dies for the Cause, and then there would be the Second Generation Birth. They might go on, to a Community College, or a Trade School. But they still cannot drive a car, or own their own business, or land, or property.

The Third Generation Birth, would be the first one to be seen as being a Native Birth, when both the Mother and the Father, and 2 Grandparents, had all been born here, and had all learned our Native Language, from birth, as their First Language, not as a second language of last resort, and they might then go on to the University, and to become anything they want, like a Doctor, or a Lawyer, or in the Police, and then they will be considered to be Natives, who casn Drive, and who alone can own Lands, Homes, and Businesses. 

They are not to be too quick to take everything in sight, without permission, and without so much, as a word of gratitude. And so they need to be taught these things, just like the way we have to teach a Child to be Grateful. 

And in that way they might be able to form the beginnings of a badly needed Relationship, with the Natives, if they are to proceed, with our permission, to gradually enter into our Society, as New Members, who are on Probation, and are not Free to do as they please. 

They are not to Burst Into Our Country, with Guns a Blazing.

And the same things are True about the New People, and even the Children, who need to be taught, to be Grateful, and to have Respect, for their Elders, and have Restraint, and to Honor the Leadership, and the Stewards Council Members, and the Early Settlers, who had Begun this Long Term Survival Project, to make it through the Next 50,000 Years, and Beyond, which is known as the Human Integration Project. 

I think we have been very clear, about these very simple understandings about how we plan to Change the World, and the Entire Universe, and how we can always afford to avoid a Terrible Catastrophe, which is the result, of the Blind Leading the Blind, with No Real Leadership. 

The Native Local Leadership Carriers might be considered, to be among the First, of the New Natives. And so a certain amount of Respect really would be in order, as we attempt to put things back together, only in an Entirely New Order, where the Indians will be well situated, among those of us, who are more closely associated, with the Early Settlers.  

Everyone has to have the Spirit of Grace, Openness, and Oneness, Sharing, and Generosity, and a desire to help out, and to listen and learn, and to be of Good Service. 

We may still have some Old World Rights, which are all Victim Based, like not to be Exploited. And we are looking for people, who will work, at our EcoSystem Restoration Camps for Free.  

We still might want to invite the New People, to start dreaming up a fantasy, about what other Brand New Consumer Rights they would like to think they can afford to pay for, 3 Times Over, not just to Claim Benefits against the System, which is ultimately the EcoSystem, in order to get Free this, and Free that, but to Claim New Benefits against the Immigrants, and to Claim New Benefits against the Children, and to Claim New Benefits against the New People, and even to Claim Benefits, against the New Employees, and the New Members, of a Shared Household, which are out there waiting, and have not yet been Claimed. Right. 

These New Benefits are all completely Untapped Resources. And this is the kind of Crazy New Thinking that needs to be supported. Right. This is the New Material. And the People, who are still Way Far Out There, might want to start sending in some Monetary Support, to support those of us, who are Creating our Collective Way out of this Mess, with New Thought Leadership, which is all based, in Truth.      

We might have to take the Stewardship, of the EcoSystem Back Away, from the Greedy and Grabby Consumers, who might need to learn the Living New Plan, which is to put 3 Times as much in, to the Center of the Circle, as they might wish to take out. But maybe this sounds too Wild and Crazy, for the Average Joe Consumers. 

But we might need, to Retrain Our Wildness and Regain, the Craziness, of Our Native Spirit, not like these Broken Down Spirits, who are all Locked Up, Closed Off, and Shut Down, and who do not have anything like that, and that is why it is highly valuable, what we have going on here, which needs to be Celebrated, because it is Rare, and it is Extremely Truthful, and that is Useful. But why didn't these other people see all these wasted resources? They have had the Blinders put onto them, like Babies. 

But we are to retain Our Native Integrity, and Honor, just as the Indians have retained their Honor. And so nobody is ever to say anything that is to Dishonor One of our Honorable Native Leadership Carriers, or any of the Honored Elders among the Indians.  

What the Aliens might be suggesting, is that we may have to support the people, even if it is painful, who have retained their Native Vision, if our place, in the Universe is not to be forfeited, to the Immigrants, who are only Invading Our Sacred Native Lands, and are then going to be inclined, to continue raging on, to become the Ultimate End Consumers of the Earth, and their Needs Might even Devour the Entire Universe, unless we have the foresight, to Reserve the Power to Intervene, so we can put the Fire Out, before it starts to get hot, and before we get burned, out of House and Home. Right. Everyone will have to accept full responsibility, for their Needs. Even the Indians.  

But what the Aliens from Outer Space may represent is our own Badly Damaged Future Self, which may be telling us, to Establish Our Native Rights, and Powers Now, to be the Sole Decision Makers, and to Conslidate our Native Holdings, and not to allow our self, to be overrun, by the Immigrants, which can only throw us, into a Deep Nose Dive, causing another Great Depression, in the Surface of the Earth. Right. 

The Middle Class is going down for the Count. And they do not even know what is going to hit them. 

Unbalanced Loading can throw us out of Kilter, in a very bad way. Everyone should know that. 

And when Undocumented Aliens are all free to go this way and that, and to do as they please, it is destabilizing, and that could cause the System, to Capsize, and to Crash. 

And when the System Crashes, they will become Violent Criminals, just as if that really had been their True Nature all the time, but it had been very easy for them, to Hide that from those of us, who may have put the Blinders on. 

We could become uncompetitive, on the world scene, and then we could lose our place, in the world economy, and even our Human Integration Project could be endangered, which might be simplified down, to just getting through the Next 50,000 Years, as we have said, during which times they may be lots of ups and downs. And that is why we don't want to promise, to deliver any kind of money, which we cannot control. Instead, we will have to be content, to be Honored. 

We might want to retain our Integrity, as Artists, and Musicians, and Builders and Designers, and Free Thinkers, not to remain, as Slaves, who gave away the Farm, and their own Integrity, just to fit in, with the Crowd, and now must work on the Farm, only this time, as Field Hands, and as Wage Slaves, who cannot think, for their own self, and who cannot speak their own minds openly, about putting a stop to Unrestricted Immigration, or anything else, like Genetic Engineering, which we cannot control, because of Economic Enslavement, within our own Native Lands, which is already beginning to happen. 

That Terrible Eventuality, which may be waiting there for us, in the Future, is not about Extreme Inequality, but is more as a completely Enslaved People, because of our own Ignorant Choices and Actions. 

And this might be why these Beneficial Aliens have begun to appear, like our Fathers, and Mothers, who may be greater and wiser than we are, and who might have come back to us, with advice, and with a deeper knowledge about these matters. 

And we might all be wise, not to fight over The Power, to Change the World, out of nothing but Self Pity, and Low Self Esteem, with Nothing But Money, and with No New Ideas, to Contribute. 

But it may well be that the Aliens are just appearing from time to time, as if to say that there is something that we might need to think more deeply about, so that we can avoid getting hit by a Bus, which would have Long Term Negative Consequences, which they might be suffering from, since we are the People, who rightfully should own the Bus. Right. And so it should be within our own Wheelhouse to promptly take care of it, if some decimal point was out of place, or something.

We are the People, who Built this Country. 

But when we give it away, to all the world, in a fit of inappropriate largesse, then we might be allowing our own self, and our own Children, to get run over by the Bus. 

And the Immigrants might even Throw us Under the Bus, because we are not Paying them for their Loyalty, and Trueness of Spirit, when that is expected to be forthcoming, from the very beginning. Yes. We should all be coming here, with Grace, and may all have to leave with Courtesy. And if we do that, then we may be called back, with Honor.  

Where is the Service, the Creation, the Productivity, the Contribution, the Sacrifice? But wouldn't it be good enough, just to Commit Suicide? No. This is not about getting your name in the paper. No. That comes from the Old System. 

The Immigrants are all going to have to pay a lot more than just their own fair share. Right. There should be a margin of profit. Yes. We plan to make a hefty profit on their Intrusions, as we are not here, to take a Loss, and the same thing is True, about the New People. Right. They aren't Royalty. And so they are not going to be treated like Royalty. We don't believe in the bought and sold Royalty of the Consumer, who is always right. 

The New Organizers should be able to tell people that the Project is a Not for Profit Organization, and a lot of Not for Profits do make a lot of money, and they may still have to deal, with a lot of unpaid True Believers, who Work for Free, and for Honor.

When a Pallet of Paper Money needs to be unpacked, they are the ones, who will have to unpack it. Right. We will have Paid People, mostly in management, and we will have Unpaid People, who are self-supporting.     

Lots of people, who work for Non-Profits get paid, and especially the Organizers, who would be among the first ones to get paid, one might think, along with the people, who work in management. The Money goes in, and the Money goes out, but that is mainly for Expenses.  

Only the Deeply Committed Real Natives should be allowed to own Homes, or Business Property, or even just to go into Business. Right. 

Something as innocent sounding as the Immigrant run Ethnic Restaurant becomes an invisible, but dangerously Ethnic Underworld Drug Haven, and a Crime Gang Zone, which supports Human Trafficking, from the Old Country, Kidnapping, and Extortion. And so it would be our Responsibility, to speak out against that. 

We are the Resistance. And so they will have to work, as an Employee, in a Native Run Business. And that will help them to become Restrained, and Retrained and Integrated. 

And that is another part, of the Human Integration Project, which is like the Creation and the Growing of a Tree. And everyone who wants to join in and to become a part of the Tree, and gets accepted, as one of the Natives, of that Tree, has to be willing to make a Sacrifice, which may entail a loss of their former identity. 

It is like a Trade-In. When you buy the New Car, in a Sane World, where you can only have One Car, you would have to Trade-In the Old Car. No Excuses. And the same thing would be True, about your Former Rights, as a Gang Member. Those would have to be Traded in, with No Value being attached to them, and so No Credit would be Given. But if you did not Turn the Old one in, then you would be hit with a Fee. 

And this might sound Crazy, but this is exactly the way it is done, when you buy a New Car Battery. You know you have to turn the Old One in, or you will have to pay a Fee, for Non-Compliance. And the same thing could very easily be done, with Cars, and lots of other things. 

What we are planting and feeding into is like a Tree. We cannot allow the New People, to feed off of the Life Blood of the Tree. And that is why most People will have to Buy-In to the Community, even when we know they are not going to be good enough to stick it out. 

And we think that is Good for the Lost People, to have that experience, and to get some Self Knowledge, which they are not getting, from the Corporations, to find out that the Consumers, and the Immigrants, are not really ready, for the Community Way of Life, which is all about Honor and Integrity, not lying, and cheating.  

And No Hunting or Fishing, or burning fossil fuels, to heat the home, or the Great Outdoors, which just Heats up the Planet. No. Not for Newbies. Since When? 1991.   

But New Human Rights really could be Created, which might even go Far Beyond Our Existing Rights, which could be based on Learning, and Training, Self Discipline, Growth, Power, Honor, Trustworthiness, Honesty, and many Human Sacrifices, and the Commitment of Time and Energy, and Restoring the Land, Deep Integration, with the Leadership, and many long years, of Service and Contribution, with Creativity, Productivity, Serving the Cause, and Making a Sacrifice, for the Greater Good, in support of Our Native Rights, and doing without a lot of the excessive luxuries, of the Consumer Class. Right. 

And so some kind of recognition might well be in order, for the Creative Producers, but only after a great deal has been done, for the Cause, and for the Natives, and those who are found to be worthy among the Indians, who are like the Elders, and so they might need to be Respected.  

The Honor Badges would be just one example, along these Lines, of Crediting People, with Honor, who have many layers of good works, and learning experiences, which might be used, as a Reward System, instead of Paying Them with Money. In that way we won't have to pay people left and right. 

These New Honor Badges might then have many layers, which all fit together, with these New Creations, where people will get some Recognition, in return for all their good work, and Service, so they can be distinguished by that, and so that way of Honoring People, and Rewarding People, for doing good things, could be used, Instead of Money, and that will help to free us up, from the ever deepening Money Trap, which might be leading us, into a Hunger Games Type Situation.

But we will still use Money, as Temporary Tokens of Exchange. But it has no real value. And we are working on these things right now, New Badges that are better than Money, and we might even hear a word of recognition, for all of these Good Works. And as a result, New Doors will Open.

We have almost all been Indoctrinated, by the Globalist Corporate Media Run Conspiracy, that Everyone Needs Love, and Free Money, but we cannot be expected, to Love them All for Nothing, or to give them all Free Money, which is highly disruptive, in a negative sense. 

Needing Love and Money is not a good enough reason, why anyone would Deserve to get Love and Money. And we try to be Honest, so let it be known that we may differ, from the Average Joe Consumers, in this respect, and in many other respects. And so all of the New People might have to be willing to make a Change. And so they should all be coming here prepared, to Build us a Bridge. 

And that is why the New People would be wise, not to make any assumptions, about how we are supposed to be marching in lock step, with the herd, when Our Children are not going to be Raised Up, to follow the crowd, into Deep Enslavement, as seen in the Hunger Games, which is a Fate that might have to be reserved, for the Immigrants, since we would rather Starve to Death in the Wilderness. Are You With Me? Good. We are the Resistance. And we are not afraid to Die, for what we Believe in. 

But everything should be custom made to fit, with the New Creations of 1991, which have already been laid down, as part of the New Nativism, which is Central, to the Human Integration Project. Everyone is going to have to learn how to work, within an Orderly Relationship. 

And we really do need to find a way, to Honor the more Creative People, who have done so much good, in the Service of the Creation, of the Human Integration Project, which is not to level any playing field, for nothing, but to please the world, but that is only to get us, into the Universal Order of Truth, without having lost our Integrity. 

And we could easily do that by working, on the Various Peoples Lands of Honor, to make them Fire Safe, Secure, Fertile, and to Provide Shelter, and to make them more Liveable, and Sustainable. Right. 

We will be needing to Build a Tiny House.

Our place got burned down, in a Raging Wind Driven Wildfire. And we lost a lot of the vital records. This may have set the Project back Five or Ten Years. And so we might want to set that right, as soon as possible. These are Our Sacred Lands. This is about the Restoration of Basic Housing, for one of our Local Native Leadership Carriers.   

And that is why I have come up, with the Crazy New Idea, of joining the Northern California branch of the EcoSystem Restoration Camps, with the Worldwide EcoSystem Restoration Camps, and pulling Bio-Genic Restoration together, with the application of the Plant and Soil Medicines, of Kelp, and the Humates, and the Bio-Logicals, who live in the Soil, and the Seeds, like the cover crops, and the Inoculants, like Alfalfa, and the Compost Tea, and the Activated Bio-Char, for Peoples Gardens, if anyone would like to back me on that, like a Rock Star. Right. 

When we Buy everything in Bulk, we Save. And we all do the work, or those who are in good physical health, but someone has to be more than willing, to pick up the bill, for the materials, who might need to take it easy.  

My Name is T. That Stands for Truth. My Purpose is Bringing Sanity Back to Humanity. 

I am Always Glad to be of Service, and to make a Contribution, and my Superpower might be the ability, to Shed some New Light, on some Old Things, where the Dust has Settled, and the Light has been Darkened. And that is a natural process, the Dying of the Light, which most people might not know about. And so they most certainly do not have a cure lined up for that. 

We might want to get involved, in The EcoSystem Restoration, of the Madrone Lands, which are to become our own Native Lands, which have been Consecrated, to be given over, to be part of the Tribe, and remain as such, and never to be sold again. Right. 

This might be one way I can begin to slowly transfer these Native Lands, into the Loving Hands of the People, in our Tribe, who care the most, and are the most Deeply Committed, and who want to remain involved, long after its Restoration. 

And once there are 9 Members of the Madrone Lands Council, who have Commited the Time, of 12 Days a year, and the Money, of $35 a month, to create a New Building Fund, then that will be a Quorum, and we will have our First Madrone Land Stewards Council.  

This might be one way, of including some of the other Kind Spirits, on a Council of Land Stewards, after One Year, of Contributing Thirty Five a Month, and helping out, 5 Hours a day, for 12 days out of the Calendar Year, working only on Sundays, mainly in the Spring and the Fall, with the Restoration of our own Tribal Lands, the Madrone Lands, which are all right here in the Heart of the Sonoma Wine Country, which are strategically situated, in a very desirable area, with Colleges and Universities, and Vineyards, and so it is a fairly expensive place, to buy homes and lands. Right. 

All the Homes are very expensive. Even the quiet Little Town of Kenwood is becoming one of the most Expensive places to buy Homes or Property, in Sonoma County. And so if you worked in a supermarket, as a checker, you would not be able to afford to buy a house here? Right. And you will be in direct competition with the Immigrants, and then you will be counted among the Immigrants, just as if you had left your own Country. 

And so the Average Joe Consumer really is getting locked out of their own Future, in the Middle Class, without even knowing it, which might be the first step towards Worldwide Economic Enslavement.

But No one is going to take good care of us, unless we take good care of our own self, using Selective Collectivization.    

The Madrone Lands are not going to be found, on the beaten paths, of the Average Joe Consumers. This would be the Native Path less taken. Right. We are living in the Middle of a Forest, just like Henry Thoreau. 

It is only Natural that other peoples involvement in these Native Lands should have to be Earned, before this world has been Burned. And what they would get is a place on the Council. 

But there is no use changing the name on the title as soon as possible, because that would only cause our very low taxes, to balloon up, to over $3,500 dollars a year. 

And so every year we can postpone that transfer, over to the New Madrone Lands Stewardship Council, we could save over $3,000, a year. Right. And since no one is paying for it, and it is being Contributed, by its owner, then no one really has any right to demand a name change, until the owner has passed away. Right. 

As soon as a new name goes down on the deed, they will get to re-appraise it, at a very high rate. And so we have a certain degree of Tax Control, which is like Rent Control, so that the Good Native People can afford to continue to live, where they have long been living, for many years. Right. We could be Taxed right out of House and Home. 

We do not want to Throw that Tax Protection Away. 

Why do we have it? 

This Low Tax Rate goes all the way back to 1991.  

And we need more people, who are there, to receive it, who are involved and committed, to these Sacred Lands of 1991, not just to take advantage of them, because that will become part of our Land Heritage, where the Vision was Born, just like Walden Pond. And we would like to find a way to keep the Low Taxes in place forever. 

Yes. The Madrone Lands are Our Own Sacred Tribal Lands, which had been hit very hard, by the Sonoma WildFires, of October 2017, and they are now being prepared, to be transferred over, to some of the long standing members, in the Community, as My Contribution, by bringing the people together, in the form of a Stewards Council, to provide some badly needed Reciprocation, who are Deeply Enough Committed, to form the Madrone Lands Stewardship Council, and we need support, and in this way we plan to Save the Earth, and to Save a place for Humanity, on this Planet, if any of that makes any sense.  

The Madrone Lands were once Beautifully Green and Rich Deeply Forested Lands, in the Heart of a Larger Forest. But now they do need some Work. Right. Every Square Foot has been Burned. All Four Acres. 

We do have a lot of Dead Trees, to cut down and stack, to make a Green Fire Safe Central Core Area, and to Build an Off Grid Tiny House, which will serve as a Example, of how to do it, with willing hands, and the few materials that we can afford. But the Burned Trees are coming back up with New Growth, and they are looking great. 

We do have the Madrone Lands, to Bring to the Table, and some Creative New Ideas, about how we can Integrate Humanity, with the Creation of the Human Integration Project, and it all leads Far Beyond the EcoVillage Project, up in Mendocino County, and we have the Plans, for the Tiny House, which is needed, for the Madrone Lands in Sonoma County, so we can get to work, on some of these Worthy Projects, where we do try to maintain a Local Presence. 

But we are looking for Reciprocity, from those, who can help out, and those, who can Contribute the use, of their own Homes and Lands, within the North Coast Eco-Region, as an Eco-Logical Land Stewardship Cooperative.

We do need some money coming in, to create a Land Fund, for Land based Expenses, like Taxes, of under $300 a year, which is not much, and we need to start a Tiny House Building Fund. 

My Name is T. That Stands for Truth.  

It is an Honor. Glad to be of Service. How can I help? Let me know what you would like to do, as a part of these Projects, and how we can work together, and if you do have a place to stay, or if you do have a workspace we can use, for meetings, and as a place, to hold Video Conference Calls.

My Name is T. That Stands for Truth

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