Tuesday, July 28, 2020


The New Organizers should know that the very same things that are True about the Immigrants, might be True about the New People. 

They will try to get us, to Pay, or they are not going to Play, which is a Twisted Perversion, of the Rightful Order, which would be based on favoring those, who had done the work, and those who have committed the Resources, and those who have been Creative Contributors, who have put in the Time and Energy with Focus, like we have been doing here since 1991. Right. 

The Real Order is that they would all have to cover the cost of the expenses and the value of the work that was done, in advance of their arrival. Why? Because we are the Ones, who have been Creatively Productive, in advance. Right. And that is where it counts the most. But who are we? 

We are the Native Peoples, who have Built this Country. And we can trace our origins all the way back to the Early Settlers. We have put in the Time. And we have put in the Energy. We have been Creative, and have come up with almost all of the Innovations. 

And the Immigrants and New People could rightly be seen as being those, who did not build anything, and who are just trying to get our Products and Resources, as Cheap as Possible, and to live like Kings, because we have planted the Seed, and because we have been just so Incredibly Creative and Productive. 

But they will not do a bit more than they have to do. But that is a lousy way, to treat someone, who you are in Love with. And the same thing is as True, about the New People, in our Community, as it is about the Immigrants, in relation to disregarding our Good Native People, who are the ones who started it all. 

But many of the Immigrants have come here with nothing, one might say. But the Early Settlers did too.  

The Immigrants might be expected, to Love Our Country, and all the Good Native People, who have been here, for more than 100 Years, of good time served, with Contribution, and Sacrifice for the Natives, and they are not ever to come here, and only be willing to work, just for the Money. No. 

The Only Reason anyone should ever want to come here, should just be to work for money, but should be because of a Love for our Country, and because of a Love for Our Community, and with a Desire and a Willigness to Serve and to Contribute, in the Spirit of Love. 

We don't want anyone to come here, who is just coming here, to go Slaving Around after the Money. Right. That would be just way Out of Order, with the Natural Order of Priorities. 

The New People might have to Love our Community, and they should be expected to Honor the Organizer, who has been working steadily, on the job since 1991, in a way which has been very Creatively Self-Productive, and which shows Great Commitment.  

Why are the New People here? What do they want? A Free Ride to a Cheap Community? Maybe so. But are they willing to do a whole lot more than what is asked? The answer to this question depends on how New they are. 

Those who are Brand New do not want to do anything Good. Right. They don't want to Work for the Cause. But if you gave them something Bad to do, they would gladly do that. And so there is a Transitional Period of Change.  

The Immigrants and the New People have simply been attracted, to all of our Products, which are the result of all of our hard work, and trouble, and so the Immigrants and the New People are very much like the Customers, who have the leaky faucet, and so they are the Ones, who will have to Pay, to get us to fix that, if they would like to continue, to enter any further, and eventually to become one of the Natives, who will then be Honored and Trusted, after more than 100 Years, of Good Time Served. Right. 

When the Average Joe Consumers go out to get a Pizza, they do not want to pay anything for the value of the Property, because of Insanity. Right. And that is not usually available anyway, because of that Insanity. 

But if People did want to do that, then it would be possible to make that available. And the Community is an example of that. And that is why, we could be said to be Bringing Sanity Back to Humanity. 

Or it might be the Hunger Games.
We are going to become an entirely New Kind of People, because of our Good Native Leadership. We are going to be buying into the Community, which we call Self-Progressive, for these reasons. Right. 

Why? Because we don't want to become Enslaved. But the Insane People are more than content to become Enslaved, and to remain that way for Life? Yes. That is what it looks like. 

And so not everyone is ready yet, for this Community. But if you are not a Sane and Loving Self-Progressive Person, then why would you want to live among those who are? Right. 

But when do you pay, for your fair share of the Buildings, and the Land, and the Permits, which makes up the Property? When you buy the Pizza, then theoretically, all of that is tacked onto the cost of the Pizza. 

And the same thing would be just as True, in the Native EcoVillage Community, if it was Rent Slave Based Insanity, only here we might normally expect the New People, to Dig Deep Down into thier Hearts, and to Buy-In to the Land, and all of the Buildings, on the Property, in Peace, which is a lot like paying rent, only it is not, because there is a Down Payment, just like when you buy some Homesteading Property, Out in the Country, and then you still do have to make a big fat payment every Month, which we call the Buy-In because we do try to be Self Financing, but that only goes on for 10 Years.  

And then after 10 Years, it will be fully paid off. And then we will all be able to live Rent Free. And that means Freedom. In this way we have found a way for us all, to Circumvent a Lifetime of Rent Paying Enslavement Insanity, which might not be sustainable very long into the future. 

But those first 10 Years are going to be Rough, and they are going to be Tough. But after that we will have Progressed, to the point, where we can almost live for Free. 

The Land will Feed Us. And the Land will Keep Us. My Name is T. That stands for Truth. 

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