Friday, February 28, 2014

Native Land Stewardship

We have looked around, at the Entire Universe, both inside and out, and now we have chosen, to reveal our true identity, not as a Huddled Mass of Hobbled Voters, who have no future, but to come on out with it, and to take our stand, as the Promoters, not the Voters, who do have a future, because we are the Providers, not the Dependents, like the Farmers, who provide the food, and as such, we have Earned a Place in the Future, by so doing, and of course, the past as well, which is nothing we should ever want to discard, just to get our own asses out of trouble.

For the purpose of this exposition, there are many more Natives now, than there ever were before, when it was defined along purely racial lines. And we know how that went, and it didn't work, and so we have simply changed it. After 100 years, and 3 Generations, everyone gets to become a Native. And so that allows us to make distinctions, about the acquisition of Native Rights, which will help the New Natives to know, what they should feel empowered to do, as the only truly trustworthy Decision Makers, and it shows the Immigrants how they can get their own fair share, of Native Rights, by following the Pathway to Nativity, and so there is something for everyone here, except the Indians who are already set, and so there status does not really change that much. 

What people may not yet realize is that there is an invisible job marketplace, just like the stock market, in which the Native Workers, meaning the local everyday people, who are more deeply rooted, in a particular land, community, or place, and have Native Rights, because of being more deeply rooted, in that land, and that need to be respected, but it can be unfairly hard, when they have to compete, with the Immigrants, who are the New People, pouring into that land, community, or place, for fewer jobs, worse conditions, and less money, some legal, but mostly illegal.

The reason for this, is that some of the Immigrants, will undercut us on price, as they will work, for less money, or no money, and they will undercut us on safety, as they will agree to tolerate less safety, for themselves, as well as the consumers, as they will not uphold the same standards, and they will work under worse conditions, with more exposure to chemical pollution, and with no paid sick leave, or other health benefits, and so in this way they can easily displace all the Natives, who are more like Union Workers, who will not let standards fall, and so there are things they will not do, while the Immigrants will do anything, in comparison.

Paid Vacations are something we don't need cry about losing, because there is no free lunch, and we all pay our own way, and the same thing is true, of paid sick leave, which is a child of ignorance that we do not need to cry about losing, which should be just fine for Native Workers, who do not ever want to get paid, when they did not work.

And by Native Workers, we mean those people of all races, who have been in this country, for over 100 years, and 3 Generations of Nativity, with 2 Grandparents born into this land. That is no longer defined along racial lines.

Those luxury items, are not important to the Immigrants, either, because they were frivolities, and because they don't care about these things, either, but they will still simply undercut the Native Workers out of their Jobs, with no regrets, just like the way a river undercuts the bank, after the Trees have all been cut down.

The Unions are the only answer most people can think of, being stuck, on these matters, and being in need of some Native Guidance, from one of the Truth Carriers. But that Union solution, has not always worked out that well, because they have all been corrupted with greed, and they are still blind, to the Rights of the Natives, so it may be time now, to look at the very beginnings, of a whole new set of answers, like the New Nativity, which goes beyond the Unions, from days gone by, and which takes down the Race Barriers completely, as what we are looking for here, is being deeply rooted in this land, because this is a part of the Re-localization Movement, in coupling with the Re-Nativization Movement, to get back, our natural local control, of our local economies.

And so the Natives are like the Rightful Decision Makers, in those areas, in which they are Native, and they are the Rightful controllers of the all important Balance of Jobs, Workers, Dependents, and the Birthrate.

It is very much like a Job Auction.This market is highly competitive. If you won't do it, as one of the Native Workers, then it is quite disturbing, to realize that someone else will, and can easily usurp your place, in the Natural Order of Priorities.

This is not yet widely enough understood, but Jobs are actually not controlled, by the Central Government, as it would be in a Top Down Society, like we might see in North Korea, and a lot of these other places, and so it is a marketplace, where it is almost like the Jobs are actually being auctioned off, to the highest bidders, like the way property is auctioned off to the highest bidder, when it needs to be disposed of, regardless of what kind of destructive thing, they are going to do with it. Would you sell your land to somebody, who was going to cut all the trees down? No, not if you were one of the Natives, but it is more like Yes, if you are one of the Immigrants, because they will sell this land out for money, because that is why they have come here, to get into our money, and to grab as much as they can, before they leave.

Only in this case, the lucky ones, who get the jobs, are the lowest bidders, not the highest bidders, and so they often go to those, among the Immigrants, who will do nothing, for this country, unless it is forced upon them, by the Natives. And so this is the kind of responsibility, we can expect, from little Children, who will not do what their Parents want, sometimes, unless they are forced to do it. And that is the responsibility of the Natives, to do that, as they are like the Parents, in relation to the Immigrants, even though they would all rather be the nice parents, who never had to lay the law down, or get tough, because they have grown too soft, and accommodating, to be effective anymore.

And so the vast majority of the Jobs, will all go to the Immigrants, who should be last in line, for Native Jobs, and especially the illegals, and so that is wrong, but that is because they will underbid all the Jobs, right out from under, all the Native Workers, much like a River might undercut the bank, which has been raped, causing erosion, and the loss, of good arable farmland, and so this process is very much like Erosion, as it is not like any kind of soil building process, because it is all Take, and no Give.

Erosion and Corrosion Abuse

Corrosion is another part of this whole process. And what is being corroded here, is the Integrity of the Economic EcoSystem, hurting Native Peoples, and Native Lands, because of what the Buddha said, that the needs, of unrestrained, and thoughtless people, who are driven by greed, are always on the increase.

We cannot bid against them, when they don't care, and we do, as that would leave us Natives, at a disadvantage, as even just trying to hang on to what is ours to begin with, would be just too difficult to do. We are short about 12 million jobs. There are about 12 million illegals in this country, who do have jobs. Those would be Our Native Jobs. They did not bring any jobs with them. They have stolen our jobs, by displacing much more highly responsible Native Workers, with something much much worse, but cheaper, with Immigrants, or people, who couldn't care less about this land.

The people who care the least, about these Native Lands, and the Native Economic EcoSystem, who are the Immigrants, are the very people, who will win the bidding wars, in this destabilizing marketplace, where money has been put before the land, as they will take any kind of money, even dirty money, and they will accept any kind of conditions, even crooked ones, out of desperation, it is true, which some people think is an because, but it is not, because that is what undercuts our standards of fairness and decency, in the workplace, as well as removing our clout, as the workers, who no longer have any leverage, in the workplace, and so even the Unions cannot survive, not in this climate, because of the flood of cheap Immigrant labor, and so the Native Workers can no longer wield any bargaining power, over wages, benefits, insurance, and working conditions, because of the enormous number of workers, who are not Natives, and who do not care. 

When you have too many workers, who don't care, on the one hand, and not enough jobs, for the people who do care, on the other hand, that destroys our say in the matter, as Native Workers, and our Power to shape our own destiny, and to control the outcomes. And by looking the other way, like most people are suggested must be done, by the Media, and the Schools and the Government, and by not taking a stand for anything, we are selling our Children into Slavery.

Our Children will be stuck, with a unpayable debt to foreign powers, who will then be able to wield complete control over these Native Lands, and these Native Peoples, our own Children, because they will then be so deeply indebted, to these Foreign Powers, who could organize together into a block, like OPEC, to screw us over big time. We are living on borrowed money, as a substitute, for the jobs that have been stolen, right out from under us, as a result of Native Dis-Empowerment.

And so to keep the borrowed money flowing, Our Children will be forced, to given in, and to give up, some or all control, over Native Lands and Resources, or their good credit, and the flow of easy Money, which they will have, by then, become completely dependent upon, will be cut off, leaving them, with no alternatives to Slavery, as they will all have to beg and plead for mercy, because they will have no leverage, with no ground to stand upon, and so they will have no clout, because you need to have your own power, which is always based on Native Lands, but that requires Native Peoples, to become more fully responsible. But there weren't enough Natives before, to do anything like this, but now, all of a sudden, there are enough Natives, to take back this Land, from Wall Street, to save it, from the flood of Immigrants, which can only cause Erosion, when you have no one to mind the store.

On the other hand, we Natives, as the Responsible Providers, do have to control the balance, of workers and wages, in order to ensure that we have stability in production, with the right number of workers, as too many workers, for too few jobs, will ruin the Natural Balance, which requires having the right relationship, between these two numbers, which should be about equal, as we have to think about things from both sides, not like little Children.

There is a Natural Way to control wages, and to keep Native Jobs, right here, in our own Native Lands, which is called the Way of Peace, because it is Free of Immigrant lower class Warfare, and Unionized Extortion, both of which are filled with Corruption, and Violence, because the clout that is now being stolen from Natives, will then be used against them, by those, who will make no contribution, unless they get paid to do it, which is just way too materialistic, and self centric, for that spirit of corruption, to be welcomed, into our Native Lands, without being taxed and regulated, as much as the market will bear.

The Unions, as they are organized today, are not going to be able to help us, as that is still organized in the old way, of Warfare, Extortion, Gangs, Crime, and Corruption, and Force, which is a perfect fit, for most of the Immigrants, since that is a language, which they do understand, how to overpower others, and to take over, which they have learned, from Prison Gang Culture, which includes chapters, on how to pilfer, how to bribe, and how to look the other way, when told to do so, or they will be next, to get screwed over, when somebody is getting betrayed, which they do go along with, so they are already corrupted, for the most part, which is a very dangerous thing, for us Natives, to allow that organized gang corruption, to enter right into our system, and to allow that corruption, to infect the entirety of Native Society, leading to our own downfall.

That leads to bloodshed and violence, and most of the Illegal Immigration today, is driven from some of the worst places, like anger, envy, greed and hatred, and resentment, and revenge, and lust and envy, and pride, and desire, which is something that the Buddha did talk about, not getting sucked into that either way, as the Providers, or as the Enablers. And not to take people like that on as companions. And then they quickly learn, to play the Race Card as well, as the Poverty Card.

Most of the Immigrants come from corrupted places, where they earn less than 3 dollars an hour, working in a really bad job, where they come from now, whether that be, in the Caribbean, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, or Latin America, and that is when they can even find such a very bad job.

When they come here, to get a better job, which is done, by stealing a Native job, as if they had every right, to undercut our Native Workers, then we have foolishly thought that we must start out paying them maybe Triple, what they are accustomed to getting, which does need to stick with them, as it is ridiculous to tell the Illegal Aliens, at the border, as they enter, as if they had crossed the finish line, that now they are worth twice as much, as well as giving them, the Race Card, and the Poverty Card, which they can conveniently use, to defend their Transgressions, both internally, and externally, to justify their violations against others, for themselves, and to justify their violations against others, to defend themselves against any others, like the Natives, who may well choose to question, the moral imperatives.

Even when they are not always getting minimum wage, that is because they are cheating the Natives, once again, by working for less than minimum wage. But what they do make is tied in with that, so when we change minimum wage, by doubling it, overnight, that drives Illegal Immigration, right on up, into the Stratosphere, overnight, as it is already a sweet enough deal for them, as it is. And so until we make some divisions clear, about Native Integrity, then we cannot take the chance, of increasing our own minimum wages, for Native Workers, because that will drive more Immigration.

Soon, they will then start demanding Fifteen, which would be six times as much, without realizing that there is no need, to Triple their wages, in the first place, even if we were, to Triple Native Wages, much less to turn around and double that right up in a heartbeat, to Fifteen, with Benefits, Insurance, paid leave, and paid sick leave, and retirement benefits, all for doing nothing good, for these Native Lands, but that Greedy Grabby willingness, to Steal other peoples jobs, Native Jobs, which are very much like Union Jobs, only more so, because Native Jobs are the Next Evolution of Union Jobs, which will take us Beyond Job Warfare, or Union Style Gang Land Corruption, which can no longer be tolerated, and which has all been ineffective, in controlling the flow, of Illegal Immigration.

We must continue to train our own Native Children, to enjoy work, for its own benefit, and to have a well balanced work ethic, that you do not want to be paid for nothing, call it what you will, whether that be paid leave, paid sick leave, or a paid vacation leave, all of which amounts, to a dishonorable something for nothing, which should be repulsive, to all Native Philosophers, to take Charity from the Bosses, which would leave us all, as Dependents, like the Immigrants, because that is Out of Order, and of course it does not make any sense, to Take, where you have not first Given.

Don't we want our own Children, to have a healthy attitude about work, and to know where money comes from, which is production, and the protection, of the means of production, like this land? Yes.
And like the Integrity of the Native community? Yes.

The Immigrants may have to be trained as well, and that would be, by the Natives, if they are ever going to amount to anything that could be called Fully Native, after at least 100 years of intensive training and survival tests, to see if they can reproduce well, and stay out of trouble, to make sure they can replicate all of this, to the next generation, and not just to copy it all down, for nothing, on some tiny little cheat sheet, to pass some little make work test, where they give you the answer, in advance, and then you go through the motions, of repeating what they had just said, like a zombie, which is the way they do it now, right here in these Native Lands, and then they have the nerve to call that Naturalization, when there is nothing natural about it, because it is not complete, and that is way out of order, with the hard won principles, of the New Nativity, which someone had to pay a heavy price to learn, and this all had to be paid for, as it was not just stolen right out of the very heart of Eywa, the All Mother, so that is something that we should appreciate. Of course this is not the usual party line, most people might have expected. We are like the Navi Tribe, on Pandora, in Avatar.

The Immigrants should all be paid, just about the same kind of money here, as they got back home, in the Good Old Country, which they loved so much, and still do, and who would never leave, for anything but Need and Greed, as sell outs, who would sell out their own Nativity, for nothing but more money, and better money, and faster money, and easier money. There is no reason for them to get a raise, upon crossing the finish line, at our expense, as if that was of any value to us here, when that really only has a very negative value.

We want all the Immigrants, to be content, with about 5 dollars an hour, while the Natives should be getting at least twice that much, and all the jobs they want to take away from the Illegal Immigrants, and maybe even the Legal Ones, simply by showing up, and displacing them, right there on the job.

Let us tell the Truth.

The Immigrants come here, out of Desperation, so there is no need, to Triple, that well established rate of pay, of about 5 dollars an hour, on their first day, as illegals, in this new country, because they had not done anything worthy, of Tripling their Wages, simply upon arrival, and so that would be a case, of Wrongful Enrichment, or the Premature Rewards Syndrome, which is so very common, in an Overly Permissive Society, which does not expect anything, out of anybody anymore.

But that would be way Out of Order, within the Natural Order of Priorities, to give people a raise, for no reason, which insists that we must reward people, who are doing good work, as that gets accomplished, and as that becomes useful to others, and certainly not before they have done anything, and here we mean good for other people, not just their own people, like their own children, but good for other people, like the Natives, who they might even choose to resent, and good for the Earth, who they do not care about at all, for the most part, as well, so they would resent such an idea, as what we hold dear, and put first, in this land, which is all Native Land, which is not a no mans land, thinking that they can just take the money, and leave the rest, in a shambles.

So why should we be rewarding all of that disregard, and even contempt, for Native Authority, with a very dismissive attitude, for all that we hold dear? Well we have been the Enablers.

We need to keep wages low, for unwanted and unlawful Immigrant Competitors, who are not here to play fair, with the Natives, as they plan to steal, what belongs to us, our Jobs.

And then if we did that, and kept wages at a reasonably well workable level, of about 5 dollars an hour, they could not say that we are sucking them into a life of crime, with the promise of higher pay, at Triple their old wages, and all these benefits, which all seem just too good to resist, simply upon arrival, and for nothing, but a glaring disregard, for Native Rights, which do come first, in the Natural Order of Priorities.

When $7.50 and hour, with no benefits, turns into $15.00 an hour, with all the paid Vacations, and all the other benefits, like paid leave, and paid sick leave, and all the rest, then we will be looking at an increase, in the rate of Illegal Immigration, going from 1,000 per day, through a hole in the fence, with a jug of water, which is not sustainable, as it is, to maybe something like 4,000 per day, through that very same hole in the fence, with a jug of water, quadrupling the flow of Illegal Transgressors, into these Native Lands, with the sole intention, of stealing Our Native Jobs, by once again, undercutting our bids, and eroding the bank, so when we are holding out for 15, they will jump in for 10, and that is what is eroding our Native Workers leverage, which is the Backbone of our Native Economic EcoSystem, putting millions out of work. But Wall Street doesn't care. They like it.

And that is the effect that Unionizing these workers would have, nice though that may sound to those who hadn't really thought that much about these issues. But the result is bad for Native Peoples, and bad for Native Lands, when you leave the pantry door wide open, and when you stop protecting, what you have earned, and what you have built, as well as what we have been entrusted with, as the Stewards of all this Native Land, and so those Native Jobs, will not be there, for our Children, consigning them to a life of Servitude, which will be tantamount to Slavery.

Their is a clog in the pipeline, which is clogging up the flow. The Clog up is causing a system-wide failure, of the Native Economic EcoSystem, putting highly Educated, Women and Children, right out of Work, in favor of a cheaper source of labor, as if nothing mattered here, but the money, money, money, money, money, and with no regard, for those of us, who are Natives, living in balance, with our own Jobs, as we always have done, quite well, without being displaced, by a thousand more Immigrants every day, to contend with, as it is now, which simply cannot end well, until we get back some control, over our own Native Lands.

Native Jobs are not to be transferred, to these invasive intruders, who are only here to exploit, our Native Lands, and our Native Economic Ecosystem, which had been successful, before they got here, and could be again, after the rightful Integrity of Native Authority, has finally been re-constituted, that we, the Natives, are the rightfully in control, people of this land, and that is about returning the power back to the Rightful People, not just any old people.

It may even be time now, for T to step in, and to make some changes, among those, who Walk in Darkness, as the Buddha said, and to adjust their wages back down, and maybe all of our wages back down, to the point where there would be less incentive, to invade their neighbors house, for not much more money than they can make right at home, which is where they would rather be, and that is where they belong, morally and ethically, and not to jack it up to even more, with a hike in the minimum wage, or even worse, by Unionizing them, in accordance, with the old system.

Native Unions are to be, for Native Workers only, to make the Full Native Wage, but it is very much like when you live with an alcoholic, and you you drink too, but since they are trying to quit, it might help if we were to quit drinking too, and that might be necessary, for a few years, even though we are not the ones, who have a problem with it. But that is why we should agree to do without, an increase in the minimum wage, until we have gotten black market Illegal Immigration Racketeering, under control.

Native Rights are only for Natives. We should all want to get those pinned down, before everything has washed away.

The Immigrants are not Our Children, and we have not adopted them, so some of our decisions, are going to be mainly for the good, of the Native Lands, and the Native Peoples, and the future generations, of our own peoples, not to support Wrongful Enrichment, for those who are not entitled to anything like that. Let them play the Race Card. That will have to be disabled. Let them play the Poverty Card. That will have to be disabled. All Cards will have to be Earned from now on, and so we have created a Pathway, to Nativity, which makes that possible, for the Immigrants, and for anyone, to be able to earn that, through 100 years of service, and contribution, if they can make it all the way home, before being sent back home, where they belong, because of crime and corruption.


Our assumption here is that most everybody, has still got a place, in some other land, where they are Native to that land, or they should have remained behind, in such a place, as our Nativity is something to be valued and held onto, like your Family Heritage, or your PHD. You do not want to lose that, which is what can happen, when you sell out, for nothing, but a hand full of beans, and a jug of water that will not stand the test of time, for a week. And it is a Betrayal of their old world cultural values, to leave home, and that may be why a lot of these people, become heroin addicts, to medicate away the pain, of their own Betrayals, because a lot of bad choices have to be made, when you put Money First.

Part of the Re-Localization Path, is about putting Deep Roots Down, right where you live, and we need to support that connection to the Land, as one of the Natives, or as someone, who is on the way, towards becoming One of the Natives, as it is not for everybody in the world, to be going, wherever the money is better, just like it is in the Stock Market, where the resources, can slosh around, causing the whole ship to sink, as that is disruptive, as we have seen, with the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and that is why we need to Stabilize Economic Resources, as well as Natural Resources, and Native Populations, by creating Peace, with what we have.

These honestly true new Ideas about the New Nativity are needed around the world. These are tools that can be used, in many other countries.

There has been a huge outcry, and people crying foul, for instance, about how, in the Dominican Republic, the Courts have decided that all those drifters, from Haiti, mostly, who have come there, after 1929, and their Children, are no longer to be regarded, as Native Dominicans, which they are not, since they are Haitians, and so that is True, and so we should be able to accept that this is just their way of grappling after something, like a formulaic standard, like we have created here, but without creating a Pathway to Nativity, which could make things very difficult for some people, like the ones, who were born there, but the good news, is that they should all still be Native Haitians, if that is where they came from.

Even if they got there, or their parents got there, to the Dominican Republic, after 1929, that is not yet 100 years, so they shouldn't have lost their old Haitian Nativity, because you don't lose that, like the African Americans, until after 100 years of absence, so even that problem is solved, quite Naturally, using the formulaic system, of the New Nativity, which calls us, to pay attention to the 100 year limits, both ways, as you can gain Nativity, after 100 years, by taking Responsibility, and you can lose your Nativity, by neglecting it, leaving you, with no Nativity, if you are too careless and reckless about it.

Every one of those Haitians, should still be able to drift right back into Haiti, where they will probably still know people, with family ties, and where they will still probably have roots, in the various communities, from which they had come, and they might want to do that, of only to renew their status there, as a Native, and to get their children registered, there, as Haitians, since no other Nativity is yet available, but you can't have it both ways, so some people really can get themselves locked out of their Families, where they are no longer welcomed, and kicked out of their relationships, with people, who they have neglected, and abused, and they can lose relationships, with old employers, by screwing up, and even with countries, once again, by screwing up, which is not recommended. But the belief that is out there, is that these people deserve something, which they have not yet earned.

These folks might well be wise, to go back to Haiti, from which they have come, usually, for economic reasons, not for reasons of the Heart, just like the Immigrants here, as it is not for spiritual, ethical, patriotic, or altruistic reasons of Faith, and Loyalty, or the Love of Country, that they come here.

They are not here, to make a Sacred Pilgrimage, up Mount Shasta, for instance, or to make a Spiritual Sacrifice, out of their own Lives, to live for the Community, where they can Contribute, in Peace, on their own Native Lands, but it is almost always, simply a greedy decision, to wrongfully invade an Economic Ecosystem that works, and to plunder, the resources that are not locked up there, as if they were living in a dog eat dog world, where the people of one country, break in, where they can feed on the dying carcass, of another country nearby, as a form of Cannibalism, where one country devours another in this manner.

The same thing is True, about the New People coming to the EcoVillage Community.

We only want people, who come here, to the Sustainable EcoVillage Community, out of Faith, and out of a sincere desire, to be of Service, and to make a Contribution, not as a last resort, or out of needy desperation, not because there is nothing, but Poverty and Corruption at Home.

But the real reason, why the successful Economic EcoSystem, really is Successful, is because it is productive, and well balanced, and that means the Natives have managed, to support a good balance, of jobs and workers, with brains, who can innovate, and collaborate, which is something that does not need to be interfered with, by needy outsiders, who are desperately needy, and greedy people, who will do almost anything, which is a very bad state, of desperation, with no values, and with nothing really, but lust and desire, greed and revenge, bordering on the worst, reflecting their own failures, which means, they are not equipped, to contribute anything good, but only to spread the badness, into our Native Lands, meaning their own versions, of the same Old World Corruptions, and Ignorance, far and wide, up and down, and all around, like a Virus, which is deadly, like The Plague, and that is Killing the Earth, and that is unacceptable.

That actually does make some sense. All Rights Reserved.
Comments Welcomed. Do Not Copy. But check it out!  - T 

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