Friday, March 21, 2014

Heart Centered Community

I too can relate to those, who would come here, with Heart Centered Spiritual Aspirations, who might need to know that we speak their language, as well as all the other peoples languages, throughout the Universe, but what we speak here is the new Universal Language, which includes all these other languages, within it, like the simple animal languages, of the Heart Centered People, which are seen as being only a stepping stone, not the final answer, like a phase people are going through, until they die, as then they will meet up, with the Truth, with something good to stand upon, which will serve them well.

The Community Vision is focused on the Universal Truth. But Heart Centered People fall under the wing of that awe inspiring Truth, which should be enough for anyone, to be able to embrace their own mortality off of.

Half Hearted, or Heart Centered People are seen as being on a temporary cycle, which is on a collision course, with the Truth, because what they are looking for is the other half of their Hearts, which had been crudely removed, by some of these thoughtlessly unrestrained People of Today, like the Immigrants, who have no Self Discipline, and who have no Respect for the existing Tribal Authority of this Land, which is all Native Land. And the same thing is true about the New People.

It is way out of line, but they are going to fit right in, even though they would be the last ones to recognize anything like that, looking for a fix, when we are all about assigning jobs and duties and responsibilities, with Service, Sacrifice, and Contribution, and Accountability to the Tribal Order, which is already in place, and that will need to be respected, even by these Heart Centered People, who will be warmly received here, in response to their warm and loving acceptance of Tribal Authority.

But not all these People of Today are going to turn out to be Heart Centered People, for the reasons that have been expressed, having come from the Land of Darkness, or being born among the Toxic People, who Walk in Darkness, as the Buddha might say, who must not be empowered, to destroy the Earth, in a Raging Fit of Need and Greed. 

Why would they do that? They have no Self Discipline. They are not prepared to make a Sacrifice. They Refuse to Listen. They will not Serve. They will not make any kind of a Contribution, unless they get paid, and they cannot even conceive of ever making a Sacrifice for this Land, which they do not believe in, any more than any Immigrants would ever have come here, to make a Glorious Sacrifice, for this Country.

They won't do the work first, and then put in for the benefits later, as they are all focused on working the system to death. That is blatantly Out of Order, with the Natural Order of Priorities, and so that is completely Predatory, much like an Immigrant entering into Sales.

When you come to this country, the first thing you have to do, is to put in service. After you have served the cause, then you can put in for benefits. The same thing is true about the Community. First you put in the Faithful and Loving Service. They you wait for the Benefits, to Ripen, as the Buddha would say, for those are like the seeds, which you have planted. And just saying that you would like to help is not enough. No credit can be given for that, and nothing will ripen.

That is like someone, who says that they might want to go to school, if every kind of scholarship was offered to them, to sweeten the pot, even though they are not in line for any such thing. It is a way of working the system. But you don't get college credits for trying to work the system.

And Healing might be a factor, but we have not yet established that any of these People of Today even want to be healed. And that is like a Drug Addict, who I met once, who said she wanted to quit, but when I offered to help her to quit, which would have been a full time job, and told her it was not going to be easy, and that she would have to accept my Guidance and Direction, she changed her mind.

She didn't really want help after all, not that badly, because she could not imagine any other way of living, without the drugs, for one. And she did not want to have to accept any Guidance and Direction, from any Man, because of Nihilism and Feminism, the Twin Towers of Darkness.

Maybe she saw that as a loss of power, and social status, making her the loser, as the Dependent who could not take care of herself, and me the winner, and the Provider, which is wrong for some Women, because of Feminism, to let a Man Succeed, because that would be a Betrayal of her Sisters, signifying a return to a more natural role for a Woman, which would signify her failure, to march in lock step as a Nihilistic Feminist, marching straight into the grave.

Even if I could save her, from the grips of Nihilistic Feminism, and the grave as well, then maybe I would own her, in her own mind, and she would be lowered down one notch in status, the way she might have understood it, in this twisted and heartlessly cold and ignorant world of ours.

And maybe because she has already lost enough, because of her own betrayals, of the perfectly good Men in her life, causing her to lose out, on her own personal integrity.

Maybe she has been at war with those, who have not been at war back, which is criminal, and out of order, and maybe she did not want to lose out to anybody any more, as that would be like going all the way back, way down the track, but you have to move down, at least a little bit, before you can move forwards.

We learn that from the flow in every stream.

You have to move down, and stop trying to compete, as one of the Predators, when you are just like an Immigrant, who we do not need here, or as one of the undistinguished New People out of the cold, with no Specific Rights here, to be added to a loss of inherent rights, from way back in the Old Country, which all adds up, to a big and brilliant move down, in status.

And that little gem right there, which is worth the full price of admission, is the main source, of the Terrible Contempt of the Immigrant, and all the Hatred, Resentment and Revenge, they have stored up in their Hearts, for this land, which is ready to be unleashed upon the Native Peoples of this Native Land, who come in all colors, and are seen as being in the way, of their Freedom to Exploit this Land, and to Rip and to Rape it to Death, out of a sense of Soda Pop Entitlement, which does pose a real danger to our land.

We call this Ellis Island Syndrome. But back to our story.

I did not need her to quit. That would be a lot of work for me. And the benefits for me, would have been sketchy at best.

I would be taking a great risk, for a little relationship, and in return I would be looking at only a very modest reward, at best, like the short lived rewards, of a little bit of Sexual Love, which is a fleeting fantasy, which has no reality, and at worst, I could be taking the hit, for her stuff, and investing a lot of energy in her, which could hold me back, from my work, and all for nothing but a little sex, which is right up there, with food and shelter, in the Community. We will actually pair people right up here, circumventing the entire conspiracy of Hateful Nihilism, at all cost.

Some of the New People might well need a great deal of Emotional Healing. And we do have that. But those are the Freaks, who have come to us, out of a Dead Zone, and so that will cost them extra, because we do not assume responsibility, for their ungodly needs, for us to get them off, and all that Heart Centered Love, usually means Sex Hungry Maniac, so let us not fall into the trap, of letting these people set themselves up, as the Sacred Ones, when the real Sacrifice has yet to be made, and all we have seen is a desire, sometimes, to commandeer all the Moral High Ground.

Allow T to shed some light on a few of these things. But then make sure he gets something back for that, or you will be stuck in a hole forever.

And the same basic thing is largely true, about all the New Peoples beliefs and values, who come here making demands, just like the Immigrants. They do not want to let go, of all that stuff, which they have accumulated, way back in the Sixties, as what we have here, is a bit too much for them, emotionally for them to be able to accept that, because the Light really does extinguish the Darkness, which is what they had gotten way too deeply invested in.

They know they are not up to the Challenge, and so they need to find a way to sneak back out there, into the Deepest Darkness, where the Glorious Light of the Shining Truth does not shine. And so they need to find a way to save and ugly face, above all else. That is why they are willing to ruin this beautiful relationship, for that ugly thing, and they will betray us all, just so that that ugly thing might live.

They have not yet learned to put Truth First, and to put these words, of the Rightful Tribal Leadership, over the Heart Ache of sexual frustration, at our expense, which is what they mean, by Care for People, to assume their emotional addictions, and to justify their sexuality.

That is the Betrayal we are talking about, the Dark Betrayal of Universal Truth, for Corrupted Needs, for they are not yet willing, to make a Sacrifice, of those Corrupted Needs, when the Earth comes first, here in the Community, and not the corrupted needs of these ungodly People of Today, who will have no place in the future, for they have been dismissed, along with all their corrupted needs, to put their own selves first, before the Earth, and before the Universe, which T has named Truth, for a good reason.

That is their own way of sabotaging their own progress, on purpose, because they do not really want to progress, not if it is going to be painful, and if they have to ever be grateful, for the Many Who have Died, and all the work that has been done.

They do not want it, not if they have to show respect, for the Natural Order of Authority within the Community, as that would be a bit too much of a reality, and to accept that reality, is just too much to expect, from these Dishonorable People of Today, for us to expect them to face reality, as the people of corruption, who will not pay their bills, right up until the very end. But this mess, is what we have to work with, if we refuse to get rid of some of these Problem People, who have no potential here, because they will not cooperate, with the Rightful Tribal Leadership Carriers of the Universe.

These are the Realities that we talk about here, where the Shit comes from. If I have shed any light, on these fecal matters, then I would like to get some very clean and pure energy back for that, with all the extras, not a lot of denials, and not a lot of disrespectful resistance, to the Truth, since every word must be accepted, by these Heart Centric People of Today, unless it can be refuted.

How can I take these people with me, when they are not willing to go, as Fellow Providers, who are willing to Sacrifice, whatever T expects them to Sacrifice?

Some might even have to lose the Heart Centered Status, as a form of Wrongful Enrichment through Personal Exceptionalism.

And that would be a form, of Spiritual Exceptionalism, my dear friends and neighbors. Thank you very much.

I am always god to be of service. It is my privilege, to provide the food, and to shed some little bit of light, on these very delicate matters, of self deception. But if you play it right, and that is with Grace, without a Trace, of Racial or Sexual Entitlement, then you might well get away with it.

We meet on Saturday, at 11am in the Morning, at the end of the Month, where we can discuss these issues. I do hope to see you all there. Bring your Proposals. Bring your Designs.

- T

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