Thursday, August 23, 2018

Bio Genics to Save the Earth

Bio-Genic Integration, to Save the Earth. 

We have to Save our Soils, if we want to Save the Earth.

The Problem with our Soils is that they have lost most of the Organic Material that was there Historically. And that means that too much Carbon has been taken out of our Soils, and that now only about One-Third of it is left. 

And that needs to be renewed, for the sake of the Soil Organisms, who live on that rotting organic material. And they are the ones, who make the Natural Plant Foods available to the Plants, not the Corporations, or their Puppet Governments. But this would be the best way, to correct, for Carbon Buildup, in the Atmosphere, as well. And it is all Grass Roots. We do not need to ask the Authorities to do it for us. This one is in our own Hands. 

We are the Native Peoples, and we can Save the Earth, simply by Restoring our Native Soils. And that is what Bio-Genics is all about.  

Bio-Genics just means we may have, to Watch the Salts, Eat Right, and get enough good healthy Food and Exercise. Right. It is all just good clean healthy stuff. And that applies to our Soil-Care as well.

Bio-Genics is a way, of Enriching the Soil, and bringing Dead Soils back to life, using Bio-Stimulants, and Regenerative Organics, which are Microbe, and Fungi Intensive.

We can simply Brew up our own Locally Sourced Microbe Tea, in Batches, and then Administer them into the Soil, and especially in places, like Dead Zones, where any sign of life, may seem to be lacking. 

That is where we might need a few things like the Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria, called Rhizobia, which cling, to the Roots, of the Legumes. 

And then we will need to restore the Trichoderma, which will actually Graze on the Bacteria, the way Cattle Graze on the Grass, and that Grazing actually causes some very good things to happen, like the production of Auxins, and then the Plants take those up Auxins, which Stimulates Root Growth, Top Growth, and Leaf development. But that is not all. When the Trichoderma eat the Bacteria, they release Nitrogen, out of their poop, which is a very important Plant Food. 

Bio-Genics means we will be putting more Composted Organic Material back down into the Soil than we have been taking out, and when that breaks down over many years it provides a steady supply of Healthy and Desirable levels of CO2 into our Soils, which are taken up by the Plant Roots, and are used to build Carbon Chains, like Cellulose. 

And that is the best place, for CO2 to go is, into our Soils, in the form of rotting organic material, because our Soils really do need to be replenished with Organic Matter. And that keeps the Carbon out of the Atmosphere, so anytime we are putting more Carbon back into the Soil, we are keeping it, out of the Atmosphere. 

Another thing we can do is to incorporate Bio-Char, into our Soils, all around the world. And that would be a good way to sequester Carbon into our Soils, where it will stay put, for maybe 100 years, because the BioChar is very stable, and it doesn't break down, for a very long time, and so it will not be making its way back into the Atmosphere, for a very long time. 

Bio-Char does other good things for the Soil, by lightening it, and by making a home, for the Microbes, and maybe even some Nutrients might become absorbed, into the Bio-Char, which is very porous, and then they may hold on to that, and so they are not as likely to be lost, before the plants tiny Root Hairs can find them. 

By Double Digging, and by Aerobic Composting, and by Deep Top Mulching, or Planting Cover Crops, and then turning them into the soil, while still green, and by Inoculating the Soil, with Microbes, and Fungi, and then, Feeding the Bacteria, which feeds the Trichoderma, we can Save the Earth, without having to depend, upon the World, of Political Manipulations. And so in this way, Bio-Genics is a very simple Grass Roots Solution, to the otherwise intractable problem, of Global Warming, which cannot be solved, by our corporate world governments.

But yet another thing we can do is to start Planting a Special Bio-Genic Mix, of 5 Basic Cover Crop Groups of Plants, known as the Big 5, which are the Grasses, the Cereals, Legumes, Brassicas, and one of the Chenopods, like Amaranth, or Quinoa. 

Plants from these 5 Special Plant Groups all talk to each other, and they pull Carbon out of the Air, and they put it into the ground, and they exchange nutrients, and they become close friends, and they self-organize, and they share stories, and they begin to work cooperatively, and they contribute, to the healthy and well balanced Plant-Soil Community, which becomes a very happy place, once they are all gathered together, when the roots become intertwined.

And then begins the Outpouring of Phenolic Compounds, which is like Dizzying levels of Grace, for the Plants, and that really is Magical, for the Micro-Organisms, and the Fungi, who become very efficient workers, right up until it is time, when they need to be turned back into the Soil, where they can continue, to intensify their Compounding Medicinal Effects. Right. 

Good Medicine Works. And this is all Good Medicine Talk, which is full, of Grace and Beauty, and Truth. But that has to be matched, on the other end. 

Any time you pull up a weed, or have some Left-Overs, you can just stuff that perfectly good morsel of food, right back down into the Earth, right there on the spot, for optimal results. Why is that good? That way the Nitrogen will all stay in the Soil. When you toss that on the Top, of the Compost Pile, and leave it there until it dries out, the Nitrogen will have all Evaporated. 

And so yes, it is always best to get that fresh food back into the ground, while it is still green. And the Plants and the Microbes all need about the same Vitamins and Minerals that we need. We have to Feed the Soil Community, by putting more food in than we take out.

We need to start planning, to Transform the Ecstatic Soil, and Plant Community, in many other ways, as well, such as by the use, of Regenerative Bio-Stimulants, which is where we get the term, Bio-Genics, and that can very easily be done using Phyto-Nutrients, such as by using things like Kelp, or Seaweed, which will give us all 74, of the Oceanic Love Elements, which are all needed by the Plants.  

Kelp has lots, of Growth Stimulants, and Cytokinins, as well, which are the Plant Growth Regulators.

We might even want to consider some, of the Amino-Acids, like L-Glutamine, and L-Glycine, which might be used, to Stimulate Calcium Uptake, by the Creation, of Calcium-Ion Pathways, into the far reaches, of the Plants. Right. And these are not impossible to find, because they are used, as health food supplements. 

Calcium-Ions can move something like a thousand times faster, up these Amino-Acid Pathways. But why is that important? It is sometimes very hard, to get the Calcium, to go all the way up, into the far reaches, of the Plant. Why? Calcium becomes attached, to the Soil, which is fine, but then it is hard for it to let go. And what the Plant Roots normally may have to offer may not be attractive enough. 

Calcium is not just another Pretty Face. We need Calcium like Crazy. But it is just not that easy, for the Plants, to get it to release its hold, on the Soil. But with the supplemental health benefits of the Aminos, the Plants will become like Rock Stars, who will have no trouble getting all the Calcium they need.   

But why is Calcium so important? Calcium controls and supports the uptake, of Seven Other Minerals, which are all very important to the Plants. And it is good for the Soil, as well. It creates a Porous Soil Structure, which lets Oxygen penetrate deeper, into the Soil. Yes. 

Calcium opens up, a Magical Doorway, through the Barriers, in the Soil Walls, to allow the respectful Pilgrimage, of Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrogen, and the breath of fresh air, which is the most important, of all the elements, for good Soil Health, and Plant Vigor. 

You may have wondered, what is wrong, with most of the Old World Sub-Soil? It cannot breath. Right. It is Dead Soil. We don't need to mix that Dead Stuff, into our Garden Soils. And that is why we might only want to use it, to Build Cob Houses, or to make Mud Bricks, or to make Earthen Floors, which are nothing to be ashamed of. No. Those can be very beautiful.   

There are Two naturally occurring Amino-Acids, L-Glutamine, and L-Glycine, which are the ones, who can help us the most, to create an Amazingly Energetic Pathway, for that Calcium, to get all the way up, into the highest levels of the Plant. And those Amino-Acids are the Building Blocks of Proteins, which the plants can use, to build Proteins, which they all need, to make Seeds. But they do have to be the L Type.  

And then we may have occasion, to consider the use, of some of the naturally occurring forms, of the B Vitamins, as well, like B1, which is Thiamine, for Resistance, and maybe even Vitamin B2, which is Riboflavin, and B3, which is Niacin, for Cellular Metabolism, like Restraint, and Self-Control, and Vitamin B6, which is Pyridoxine, as an Antioxidant, which might help us, to manage the Free Radicals, who can cause a lot of trouble once they get inside the Local Economic Eco-System, and begin to explode, from within, doing a tremendous amount of Damage, in the process, to the Delicate Web of Relationships, which all need to be entered into very carefully, and peacefully, with Grace and Courtesy, and Gratitude, so that nothing gets Locked-Up, within the Plant-Soil Community.

And then we will get a chance to try the Humic Acids, which are the Super Stars, of the Natural Key-Lators, that are derived, from Ancient Compost Piles, which will hold some, of the Nutrients, until the plants can use them, which might otherwise be washed away. 

Zeolite is a kind of Porous Rock that is another very good Key-Lator. And that means they will hold onto Plant Nutrients, until the Plants can use them, which might otherwise become Locked-Up. 

But the Humic Acid does a whole lot more, to regulate the Plant-Soil Community, as a Mediator, regardless, of the pH Balance, as well. Right. It is Organic, and it is an Acid, but it has a Buffering Effect, on the Acid Balance, allowing the Plants to Thrive, even if the pH is not perfect, and so in many ways it provides a great service, to the Soil Balance. 

But Lime might be needed too, as an ant-acid, to bring down the Acid Levels in the Soil.  

There are some different kinds of Lime, which will need to be understood, Regular Lime, and Dolomitic Lime, which comes out of the Earth, and which comes, from what is left, of the Shells, of Ancient Sea Organisms, both of which have a buffering effect, like an Antacid, on the pH Balance, which neutralizes our Acidic Soils, to create a well balanced, optimal habitat, for the Plants and the Microbes, in the Plant-Soil Community.

But the difference is that the Regular Lime has Calcium. And the Dolomitic Lime has Magnesium. And the Plants need both Calcium and Magnesium, in the right proportions. Too much of any one thing can wreck everything else. Five Parts Calcium, to Two Parts Magnesium. 

Be careful. If you put too much Calcium, into the Soil, there may not be anything you can do about it later. And that will block the Magnesium, and a lot of other things, for many years to come. Why? All the things it helps to get up in to the Plant, it may block from entering, when there is too much of it there, and so it becomes the dominant player, when it is in ready supply. 

Why? Because getting into the Plant, is like a Job Interview. But the Calcium always gets the Job, any time there is an Opening. Why? It just looks the part. And so it will Displace everything else. And that will completely Destroy our Plant-Soil Communities.    

Activated Silica is another magical thing that might be a big help, to the Plants. But we are talking about Silica that is not Locked-Up, and that is ready to interact, and to be of Service, and to make a Contribution, and is Open, Loving, Kind, and Gentle, Considerate, Courteous, and Available, not the kind that is Closed Down, Locked-Up, Dis-Courteous, and is Non-Reactive, and Non-Contributory. Right. 

They are too much like a Power Couple, which is too big, of a solid chunk, which cannot be digested. But it might still be taken in, by the Plants, who cannot tell the difference. And that would be a mistake. 

Locked-Up Silica is all over the place. Sand is made out of Silica. But that is not, what we are talking about. 

We are talking about Activated Silica. What does Activated Silica do? Activated Silica Strengthens the Cell Walls, which protects the Plants, from being invaded, by Pests and Diseases. But it is very hard to find. 

Crushed Diatomaceous Earth might be one of our best choices, as a good clean healthy natural source, of Activated Silica. It is very carefully made up, from the fragile exoskeletons, of tiny dead sea creatures, which have been left behind, but it is not a very hard material. And so it Crushes down very easily, with a spoon, in a pan. 

But it has to be Crushed down, to a very fine level. Why? Because Crushing it down more, Breaks up some of the Old Bonds, which Opens it up more, to becoming Re-Engaged, Open and Available, for every kind of Inter-Action, which means it becomes Re-Activated. And that makes it Available. It has been Brought Back to Life. It is no longer like Sand. It is ready to Listen, and to Learn, because it is not all Locked-Up anymore. And then it can be Digested, into the Community. 

A lot of the Nutrients that Plants need are often already all Locked-Up, like the Silica, in the Sand, and there might be nothing we can do, so we may need, to enlist the help, of the Indians, and our partners, among the Micro-Organisms, like the Bacteria, and the Cover Crops, which can help, to make a small amount, of these Nutrients available, in a soluble form, to the Plants. And this Activated Silica is one that will move all the way up, into the tops of the Plants. But then it becomes Immobile.   

The Plants can only take in Nutrients that are Water Soluble. Why? They have No Teeth. And so they need the Microbes, and the Fungi, to chew up the Organic Material for them. 

One very important thing we can do, to Remediate Our Dead Soils, is to Deeply Inoculate our Soils, with Compost teas, which are rich, in Micro-Organisms. And those Micro-Organisms are very small, and so they will be carried Deep Down, into the Soil, with the Water.

But these Microbes can't even manage, to stay alive, in Dead Soil, which has No Organic Material there, for them to feed off of. And so if that is the case, we will need to open the soil up, and mix some Compost in with it. 

It has to be Fed some Good Clean Compost, which can be worked into the top layer, or even very deeply, and then a Deep Layer of Mulch can be added on top, which will just continue to break down, over time, giving up a lot of other great stuff later on, which will slowly find its way deep down into the Soil. But in the mean time that Mulch Layer will create the optimal conditions, for the Plant-Soil Community by providing shade, and preserving moisture. 

And we might even want, to place some Earthworms into the Soil. And then they will likely drag some, of the bigger chunks of the Mulch, Deeper Down, into the Soil. 

But if you really want to do the job right, and to fully prepare your beds, you might want to bring in some real good Compost, to mix in with your Soils, and to Double Dig that Deep Down into the Soil, and mix it all up, with Hydrated Lime, Dolomite, and Kelp, to begin with, if you want to transform that really Dead Soil, into Living Soil, and then you will get the best results. 

Dead Soil needs to be Replenished, and Restored, with Organic Compost, which is a way, of doing Many Things, breaking up the Soil, adding Nutrients, and Future Nutrients, which are not ready yet, but will be soon, along with the Microbes, and Earthworms, which will make the Future Nutrients Ready. 

But when you work that Compost into the Soil, to begin with, that is a good time to add some of these other things, like the Lime, and the Dolomite that need, to be mixed in, for optimal results, because they are not mobile, and so they don't move around much in the Soil.   

But what about the Humic Acid? Why didn't we put that down, with the Lime? We want to avoid adding things together that are going, to over-react, to each others presence, in the Plant-Soil Community, like Humic Acid and Lime, which are going to Over-React to each other. And the Humic Acid always can be added later. It can simply be worked in, on the top layers of the Soil. And parts of that will wash down into the Soil.  

One Good Example of good things getting Locked-Up, would be the combination, of naturally occurring Calcium, with naturally occurring Sulphates, which are both needed, by the Plants, and they are both readily available, to the plant, unless they get mixed up together, before the Plants have had a chance, to take them up, into the Plants Inner Sanctum, where they would have to be dealt with individually.  

When those two combine too soon, they create Calcium Sulphate, or Gypsum. Yes. That is the stuff that Sheetrock is made out of. And that is not good food. 

The Plants need the Calcium, in Gypsum, and the Plants need the Sulphur, in Gypsum, but they are both locked up together, which makes them useless, and even Dangerous. Why? They form a Power Couple. And that can be bad, for the Community. Right. They are like Two People, who are Locked-Up, and Shut-Down, and they are not Reaching Out, to form Alliances, and to form any new relationships.  

But it gets worse. Those Locked-Up Nutrients are not available, to the plants, and yet it is still going to count as being a Salt, which might seem fine, but No, that is not fine. 

That is very clearly a Negative, because Salt is a Microbe Killer, and it is hard on the Plant, as it takes up too much room, without contributing, because that Salt is taken up, and it holds Water, but then that inhibits the uptake, of Water and Nutrients, by the Plant, which has very narrow limits, and so it is like it is already full, and can eat no more. 

The Plant cannot distinguish, between the Good Salts, and the Bad Salts, which are very hard, on the Microbes, in the Soil, as well, which can be fatal. And so we won't be able, to add some of the good things, we might want, to put into the Soil. Right. There is no more room, for the real stuff, which is much more highly Reactive, and would be much more useful.  

And so that Gypsum not only displaces those Nutrients, which could have been put into the Soil, but what little Plant Foods we can manage to squeeze into the Soil, without killing any, of the Microbes, might not be able to enter, into the Plant, because this other Salt may have taken their places. 

It is just like a Job Interview. And the Cheaper Salts will always get the Jobs, even though they are all Locked-Up. And that Displaces the Native Salts, which are the Good Plant Foods, which are Open, and Honest and Truthful. 

But it hurts the Plant-Soil Community, when you add the Locked-Up Salts, by Oppressing the Microbes, and by displacing Good Native Nutrients, which could be introduced, which are not Locked-Up. Right. And the kind we need are Open, Loving, and Fully Responsive, because they are not Shut-Down. 

But that means a lot of our own places in the future will have already been taken up. And so we would effectively be Displaced.

The Power Couples are Non-Contributory. And they are Closed Off, in a world of their own, with no need, to form Alliances. And they will Displace the Good Nutrients. 

And that means we cannot add other things, like Organic Materials, which really would be useful, just because the Salt levels are already way too high. And the Plants may have become bloated, with the Bad Salts. And so the Good can be Displaced by the Bad. That is how it works. And then the Soil could be ruined, long term. And so we get nothing good, in addition, to something bad? Yes. 

How is that Good Thing? No. That is not a Good Thing. But then why is that even happening? It may well be that some of these Locked-Up Salts have often been seen, as being the equivalent, of Abandoned Babies. And so there has been some inclination, to pick them up, and to nurture, and to support these Poor, Forgotten and Abandoned Babies, in order to bring them back to health. 

Yes. That would be one possible explanation. And so we might want to Change that Old Story, of Death, into a New Story, of Life, where the Native Plant-Soil Community is the Rightful Baby that needs to be Loved and Cared for, and Nurtured back to health, in order to Save the Earth. Why?

The Power Couple Locks up the Nutrients that really were needed, and so it Blocks the good ones out, and it Displaces the good ones, but it still increases the Salt Content, of our Soil, moving the Soil, into the Death Zone, which limits the range, we have to work within, and that ties our hands. Right. 

We can only put new food, into the Plant-Soil Community, when it is not too Salty, which is bad for the Plants, and for the Microbes, and it is bad for the Food that we Eat. And that is why it is a big mistake, to dump Salts, into our Soils, which are not needed, by the Plants. And the Human Body does not need these things either. 

And then it cannot easily be removed. And that means that the Calcium and the Sulphur will not make friends, with anybody else, except on their own terms, as a Power Couple, which leaves everyone else completely Locked-Out, of dealing with them on an individual basis, and so the Good Native Plants are going to end up being Locked Out, of their Own Rightful Due. 

The Locked-Up Power Couples will just not be available, when they are already Coupled-Up, because they will Close the rest of us Out, and so they will become almost Completely Unresponsive. And so how is that a Good Thing? It is not. And so they cannot be allowed to enter, into the Plant, as a Locked-Up Couple. And they don’t feed the Microbes either, so the only thing to do, is to keep them Out, of the Plant-Soil Community.

We need to keep all of the Locked Up Salts, out of the Soil that are not good Plant Foods, because the Plants are just like our Children, who cannot tell the difference. They don’t know good from bad. And they will suck up the Bad Ones, along with the Good Ones. And that is why we don't think Gypsum is a good idea. 

And that is why it is way much better, to Adopt Young Children, from Far Away Lands, as Small Children, or even as Infants, who have not Closed Down yet. Right. They are still wide open. And that would be something we can work with.  

And that is a very good way, to get some Diversity, into our Diet, without any, of the Negative Consequences. And then we won't have, to regret bringing people in here, who will not engage, or who will not play fairly, which means to be very generous, within the Natural Exchange, of Nutrients and Resources. And there are some other Power Couples, to look out for, as well.

Calcium and Phosphate is another pair, of otherwise good plant foods that can get Locked-Up, as a Power Couple, in which case, they are no longer looking, to form alliances, or relationships, with the other people, except, as the Power Couple, in the Alliance, which gives them, an Unearned Advantage. And that Sucks. 

Calcium and the Phosphate are what Bones are made out of. But once combined, they close down, and become non-reactive, like Sand. And we don’t eat Sand, or Bones, or Gypsum. They are completely De-Activated Things, which are Dead, and do not seek, to interact with others, and to form Alliances, except as the Power Couple, in the Alliance. And that Sucks. 

And that is why some really Old Dinosaur Bones are still being found all the time. Bones do not Break Down very fast. Right. They are a by product of life, which is left over. And you would think Bones would be good for the soil. But no.

It has reached a Dead End. And so it is wise not to add Bone Meal, and it is certainly not wise, to add these two Ingredients, into our Soils, which it is made out of, either, which does happen, when people add Lime, which has Calcium, and Rock Phosphate, at the same time, which will react with each other, only to make Bone Meal, which is like Death, and that is something we do not need. But can it be brought back to Life? Yes. It can be Re-Activated. But only at Great Expense.  

Calcium and the Phosphate are both needed, by the Plants, it is True, but they will get Locked-Up, and then the rest of us, will get Locked out, and we will be Frozen Out, of these Two Essential Relationships, and we would then lose our chances, to interact with either, of these two important Nutrients, the Calcium, and the Phosphorous, separately, who would normally be respected, and included, if they were not already so completely all Locked-Up, which is Bad, for the Plant-Soil Community, because then we will all be Locked-Out, so we may be out of luck, with few exceptions. 

Even finely ground up Bone Meal may take a very long Time, to break down, and it might even take a lot of Energy, to bring it back to life. Right. And that might take a lot of energy out of the System, and therefore away from the Plant-Soil Community, because its is very expensive, when you have to break those Chemical Bonds. And that means that one life is lost, and another one, would have to be Sacrificed, just to bring it back to life, which is just not worth it. 

But there is One Thing that can help us, Planting Red Clover, as a Cover Crop.

Red Clover is Nitrogen Fixing, which is great, in itself, and that means it pulls Nitrogen Gas, out of the Atmosphere, and turns it into Plant Food, and that is well known, but very few people know that the roots, of the Red Clover Plants, exude very strong acids, in very small amounts, that can dissolve some of the Calcium Phosphate, which is normally found in Bone Meal, without harming the pH Balance, of the Soil.

But Bone Meal can only be broken up, by the Red Clover, very slowly, and in very small amounts, making it only available to the Plants, over a period of many years. And they are paying a heavy price for it. 

But it does work, and that might be the only answer if you have already put lots of Bone Meal into the Soil. And so that is One Solution to a problem that could have been avoided. That is why interplanting, with Clover, can serve multiple purposes. And so Bio-Remediation is sometimes the only answer. But it is much easier to avoid making a bad purchase, to begin with. Just don’t buy it. What you are buying into is Death. 

It is better not to use Bone Meal, or Gypsum, because they are not going to Play Fair, and they are going to be just like a Locked-Up Power Couple, who will only deal, on their own terms. And that would be like using Addictive Drugs, which will only deal with you, on their own terms, and they just will not play fair.  

They don't need to Cooperate, and so it is going to be all Take, and no Give, because they won’t do anything above and beyond what they are getting paid for, and they will do as much harm, as they have to do, to stay in power. Right. 

They are at War with us. And so they would not be Eligible, for Adoption. Very few fully grown Adults ever get Adopted, and almost never, as a full blown Power Couple, which makes them Closed-Off, and Shut-Down. 

They are not coming here, on a Pilgrimage. And they will very quickly become all Closed Down, when we need Complete Openness, Oneness, and willingness, to Listen, and to Learn, and to Respect the Voice of Native Authority. 

And they will Salt up the Soil, and Displace our own Native Peoples, so these Non-Inter-Active Locked-Up Power Couples might all have to be left, on the shelf, for the Greater Good, and left unused, no matter how beautiful, and friendly, they might appear to be. Highly Addictive Drugs might seem to be manageable enough, in the beginning, as well. But they will not Play Fair. And that is why we should not bring them, into our Communities. 

We don't need any more Unavailable Nutrients, in our Plant-Soil Communities, who might act friendly, and they might look the part, but they are going to be Shut-Down, and Closed-Off, and then it gets much worse, as Potential New Members, in the Tribe, just as it is, in the Plant-Soil Community, where they are not going to be willing, to drop their Contempt, for Native Authority, and where they are not going to be willing, to listen, and to learn, because the concrete has already set up, and so they will not be actively looking, to enter into an Alliance, except as the Power Couple, in the Alliance, in a fully defended position. Right. And that Sucks.  

This is what Bio-Genics can do for us. And it fits, Hand in Hand, with the New Nativity, which is moving us, towards the Restoration, which is about Re-Growing the Tiny Root Hairs, to Heal the Broken Web of Relationships, which is the part that is Missing, because there is a Big Gap, between the Two Extremes, which is like a Dead Zone, in between the Individual Person, or Family, and the Global Economy, which is not a Meaningful Relationship. 

We should be planning, to Restore the Integrity, of the Local Native Community, to fill the Gap, with a Network of Living Relationships, which could be called the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities. And in that way, we are a lot like the Indians. Since When? 1991. - T

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