Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tree of Relationships

Our Relationships can all be charted out

That would be the Tree of Relationships. Our

Tree of Relationships. 

When you are not very Closely Related, there is No Close Relationship, or any Expectations of Trustworthiness, not when you are still very far away, Culturally, or Physically. 

There is no shared part, in Protecting the Local Economy, or the Forests, and the Wildlife. And that is what Natives do. 

They Protect the Environment. And that is not always the case with New People. But even some, of the people, who are living here among us, and have been for some time, might still be culturally very far away, and may be completely uninterested, in Protecting the Forests, and the Wildlife Habitat, and so we might not know, if we can Trust them, with the Keys, to Our Society, and the Cause that we Serve. 

And so why should we be giving them the Keys, to the City? Right. Money? No. Money doesn't count for that. And it does not make up, for the Lack of Trust.     

We might not have built up that much Trust, which could then be Extended, which takes Time to Build, and then that will need, to be Secured. Why should we give away the Power, when the Trust has not yet been Secured? 

And the cost of Building the Bridge that would have to be built, in order, to cross some of these great expanses, might be just way too much, so we might have to look, for Better Relationships, which are Self-Supporting, and Productive, like a Tree. 

Trust often comes, from being Related, like the Branches, of a Tree, which are all related, in a certain way, by the way they all connect up, in an Order, which can all be charted out.

But it all boils down, to Trust, which is like work that has been Completed. But sometimes Trust, had been Extended, and was prematurely leveraged off of, and then it got over-extended, and then it collapsed, and crashed the whole system, and then it was supported, and held back up again, and was propped back up, like nothing happened, and there were no consequences, for the Bad Actors, even after we had been greatly disappointed, and then this Bad Relationship, of One Way Entitlement, was set back up again.

This represents a Cycle, of Abuse, when our response has not been suited, to the situation, even if it was just because, our hands were tied, just as it would be, in any relationship, where you have resigned your self, to getting screwed, because you don't seem, to have any other options, because you still have the Blinders on, and your hands are tied, which is no way, to Rise Up, and to claim back your Native Rights, and to take responsibility, for this Country, and for these Native Lands. But that is what Natives do.  

And so this Over-Extended Trust, which Failed, probably should not have been Extended, in the first place, which did not get completed, as expected, causing a crash, which did a lot of damage, and it was not worth the cost, of accommodating their needs, because they didn't do right by us, which would have been, to Stay the Course, and to Have Faith, and to Hold Steady, not to Bail Out, of their Contractual Obligations, so that represents an Injury, to the Web of Relationships, and then it was swept under the rug, and that does even more harm, to the Whole Web of Relationships of All Life throughout the Universe, which we Represent. 

And so reparations would be in order, when people have intentionally broken their promises, out of convenience. Let this be the basis, of our Philosophy. When someone contracts with you, to build you a home for Fifty Thousand, but then another job comes up, which seems better, then they still have to build you that home, even if they lose money on it. Why? Because of Native Integrity, which is required out of all Natives.  

It is Completely Crazy, when People want to get into the Circle of Honor, or even the much more highly Preferred Local Economic Activity Zone, without Integrity. And that comes before Trust. 

We can only build, like a Tree, within the Spirit of Trust. And that is why some, of the New People, might all have to be held responsible, to the Community, when they bring someone in here, who Violates the Native Code of Honor, or who Breaks the Trust, because we are all implicated, in all of the bad decisions, which should not have been allowed.

But most people are not prepared, to grapple with these issues. But they won't listen to reason either, only Lies and Deceptions. And they are often unwilling, to Speak the Truth, and to Remain Silent, and to See the Truth, and to Remain Silent, or Hear the Truth, and to Remain Silent, for fear of being humiliated, by the people, who will not remain silent, which has become their highest priority in life, to avoid humiliation, and not to Remain Silent. And that speaks, of a very unhealthy condition, when the Meeting Comes to Order.   

The same thing is True, of People, of the Younger Ages, who cannot yet be Trusted, because they are not old enough yet, and so we don't let them get behind the wheel of a car, but we can deal with that. We can talk about it. It is not something that has, to be swept under the Carpet. No. We can explain that.  

It might even apply, to People, from Far Away Lands, who cannot yet be Trusted, with the Keys to the City. Of Course. And we should all be able, to explain that. We can talk about it. It is not something that has, to be swept under the Carpet. No. 

And it applies, to those, who still cannot yet be Trusted, even after all this time, and so they are still not yet fully Trusted, partly because they just haven't been considered to be sufficiently Trustworthy. Sure. Men are not Trusted. 

Sometimes Women are Trusted much more than Men, who are still considered, to be Untrustworthy. But we can talk about it. It is not something that has, to be swept under the Carpet. No. We can explain that. 

That can be aired out, in the light of day, why even a Good Man might not be immediately Trusted. We should all be able to explain, why even one of our Honorable Native Leadership Carriers might still have to Earn the Trust, of a lot of Self-Centric Consumers. 

What about those, who have been Nursing Resentments? Right. What about when we are made out to be the entire cause of their Poverty, and they will not take any Responsibility, for their own set backs. Is that a healthy thing we can build on? No. 

No one can be Trusted, until they are willing, to let go of the Moral Highground. Why? We like People, like the Indians, who will take full responsibility, for themselves, and will not blame us, for anything. Since When? 1991. But those, who insist upon Clinging, to Resentment and Revenge will not be Trusted, to say the least.   

It is very True, of the New Hires, on the Job, who are not committed, or well enough trained, and who are inexperienced, and don't really care that much about anything, and who lie and cheat all the time, and so they too cannot yet be Trusted with the Keys to the City.

What about the People, who are Living, in our Native Lands, with our Permission, who might normally owe us their Trust, just like a guest in our homes? In a Sane World that would come first, but that has not been forthcoming. And then they will act like they have the Free Run of the Place? No Way. And so these people cannot be Trusted. Why? Because if we let someone drink, from our fountain, that doesn't make them part owner, of the Fountain. 

And what about the New Room-Mates, who do not know the Language, or the Culture, of the House? Can they be Trusted, to uphold the Culture, of the House? No. And do we get this from all the New People? No. We do not. Right. 

Why do we see so little Respect, for Native Rights? That is something that needs to be learned. And so we Natives should be given the Power, to make that happen. 

But Learning the Native Ways is not Optional. That needs to be there in Advance, of being Trusted. But some people think we just cannot deal with that because the Tools we have been given to work with aren't good enough to do any real work. They are just Toys. And that is partly True. But No. We can talk about it. 

It is not something that has, to be swept under the Carpet. No. We can explain all these things, to all these different people, why it is not enough, just to be needy and greedy, which is nothing to brag about. 

And we might plan to make a good living off of that chronic neediness, and dependency. And this applies on so many different levels, of the Universe.     

What about all the other New People, who may have begun, to enter into Relationships, with each other, but might have not yet begun, to Build any real Deep Trust, in those Relationships, since they are just using each other? And they don't know any other way. 

And what about those, who do not even speak the language, and do not intend to learn it? Right. Can they be Trusted? No. 

What kind of Trust can be expected, to be Self-Sustainable in a Sub-Lingual Environment? None. Can you trust the people when you go outside, of your little bubble? No. 

The Relationship Network is Broken. And that is what is destroying the Tiny Root Hairs, in the Web of Relationships, which are easily ripped up, when we have given so much, and yet there is still No Grace, and so we still get nothing back, after all we have done, which is fine, for rich people, to keep taking one hit, after another, out of Guilt, but this Glaring Imbalance, within the Natural Echange, of Nutrients and Resources, simply kills the energy, for the rest of us, who cannot afford, to keep taking One Hit after another. 

And so these Relationships are going to all have to pay off. Right. We should be getting more back that we have put into it. 

And so our generosity has been Betrayed, because that tentative permission, which we had granted, without even really thinking about it, to enter, and to stay here, and to live, within our Native Lands, should have been rewarded, three times over, and not Abused. 

And so now we will need, to reposition ourselves, as the Natives, who should be, on the right side, of this Future-Story, which is the Opposite of History, which is all about the Past. Right. 

All Grievances over One Hundred years old must now be dropped. Since When? 1991. And we are not kidding around. Forgive and Forget. We will not honor any committments made over One Hundred Years ago, to keep everyone alive. 

It is not just about One Big Happy Family, of First Class Self Entitled Consumers, trying to keep up, with the Rat Race, anymore. Right. We are through with that Game. Why? That is not Sustainable. 

A Family is not 3,000 people. That is a Tribe. And what do most of the people want, to work hard for? For the Machines to do all the work. That is the Dream. The Dream is Automation. 

The Invaders are here, to become Slaves, of the Machine, and the Slaves of the Machine Made Money, which all goes directly Against the Earth, and the Whole Web of Life, which is what we serve. 

And so we don't want everyone, to pile on board here, just to pig out, on what remains of our Native Lands, when they haven't made any Sufficiently Worthy Sacrifice. No. They might want us, to make the Ultimate Sacrifice, just to accommodate their needs. 

But they won't do the same thing, in advance, out of Respect, for Our Native Rights, which would be the time, when you pay for things? No. And so we working class people are not going, to let them take our jobs, or carry the extra weight, of More Dependency, as we have a long climb ahead of us, as it is already, with no end in sight, to get out of the Swamp.  

If they want to Live like Animals, they will have to Die like Animals Die, in the Swamp. Since When? 1991. The Turning, when everything changed. 

But we had better things in mind. Right. Service. Contribution. Sacrifice. Integrity. Self Discipline. Honor. The Way of Truth. The Singularity. And the big push, for Universal Integration. But that is only for the Survivors.  
  - T 

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