Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Below One Billion

I think we can forgive the Settlers, for Thinking a little too Poorly, of the Indians, just as we can forgive the Indians, of Thinking a little too Poorly, of the Settlers. 

Why? Because that kind of judgment is a very Normal and Natural thing. Right. That is not some aberration. 

And the same thing is True about the Immigrants, who may not have a very good opinion, of the Natives, and so they might not be a very good choice, as a worthy addition, to Our Polite Society, where you have to like us first. 

We don't need to cram more and more People, onto our Highways, who all want to get right, into the Fast Lane, of the Over-Bloated Middle Class, which is already about to Collapse, so they can start acting like they are someone, who they are not, because that is no longer needed. Right. That might even have to be Discontinued. 

And so these Crime Ridden Neighborhoods might all have to be Restored, to Forests, Wetlands, and Wildlands. We should be trying, to Reduce the Population, Below One Billion, before the whole thing blows up on us. Anything else would be like throwing Gasoline on the Fire. 

And both the New People and the Immigrants might all have, to be judged accordingly, both as groups, and as individuals, who all need to be Good Additions. 

But some might seem, to be ripe, and ready, while others might still seem, to be just way too Green, and they are not yet ready, to enter into a much more highly refined society, with Grace, and Gratitude, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Openness, and with Respect, for the Natives, and Generosity. Right. 

Being willing to Contribute more than just their Fair Share. Glad to be of Service. Common Courtesy. Respect for Native Authority. Language Skills. Basic Pacifism. 

And the Women judge the Men, in the exact same way. Right. If a Man doesn't have much respect, for a Woman, and does not hold her, in High Regard, and she picks up on that, she is likely to Discontinue the Relationship. And she does not have, to prove any wrong-doing. 

But then the Men are Not to Fight, for their Rights, and to Stand Their Ground, and to Challenge her Rights, in order, to be Respected, by Force. Right. You wouldn't want, to be caught fighting, for control, and dominion, in someone else's Native Homelands.

And there would have, to be New Consequences for that. 

They have to be willing, to Earn the Respect that they may need, and then to wait One Hundred Years, for that Full Measure, of Respect, to become their rightful due, because Time is an Element. 

But we don't plan, to slow down. And if they feel slighted, then they are not to fight that person, right then and there. No. 

They are only allowed, to take the matter up, before the Council, at some later date, after things have cooled down. 

But if you rush it, you break it. And that is why none of the Immigrants should ever be allowed, to come here, only to be set free, to run wild, in a state of angry rebellion. No. 

That is just another way, of Breaking and Entering, and Destroying the Web of Relationships, from within the Circle of Honor, where they should not have been allowed to come, since they have not come here, on a Pilgrimage.  

In a Sane World, they would all have to become Complete Pacifists, upon arrival, not Racists, but kind and gentle people, who would not fight back, even if they had been provoked, because of their Faith in us. 

But what would they be expected to do? They would quietly leave the vicinity in peace, even if they felt they had wrongfully been provoked, as we will decide what is right and wrong, and not them. 

And so they would be expected, to back off, and to leave the scene, of any confrontation, and to take it, to Council, if they have earned some Trust, but they are not to hold their ground, in a confrontation, with any of the Natives. 

Why? Because these Native Lands are not their Grounds, to protect, as their own. And so they are here, as our Guests, not as Respected Native Peoples, and so they cannot be extended any Trust, which has not yet been Earned.  

These are all Native Lands, and they are here, with Our Permission. And they would have No Native Rights, to Defend their Turf, on the spot, until those Rights had been Earned. Right. 

When you are in someones home, and you get in a fight with them, then you are the one, who must leave the premises, when asked to do so.  

It is not for the visitors, who are here, in our Homes, as Guests, as individuals, or as a Gang, to Stand Strong, in the middle, of our Livingroom, and to fight, for their rights, to prevail, by virtue, of being the Stronger Personality, who is more Aggressive, or can outnumber them, and this can be very Threatening, and Intimidating. We all know that destroys the Tiny Hairs, in the Web of Relationships, where the Natives deserve to be Honored, for letting them slide on the Buy-In.

And the same thing is True Outdoors, on our Homesteads, and in our Communities, and in our Watersheds, and in our Eco-Regions, and in our Country, which are all Native Localities.      

You don't just poke your head through a hole in the fence, and claim to have Native Rights, like the Presumption of Innocence, which is reserved for Natives, and those, who can Walk the Talk. 

And you cannot have any real Equality, in Social Standing, with the Natives, without those Native Rights, here in these Native lands, anymore than you can have Full Equality, with the Indians, out on the Reservation, when it comes to making decisions about the Population Balance, on the Reservation, or exerting your rights, as a full member, when you are not a full member. 

The Community is a lot like an Indian Reservation, being a balance of Land, with Plants, Animals, and People, in Community. In that way, we are a lot like the Indians. 

And so the same thing is True, in the Community. Why? Those Rights will all have to be Earned, along with a place of Honor, on the Council, as one of the Tribal Decision Makers. No one is Born that way. 

And so they would have no share, in the Decision Making, until they have been here, for One Hundred Years, of Good Time Served, and Three Generations, which is mainly, for Greater Stability. 

They Cannot Have It All Now. That is our Message. 

And the same thing is True, about the New People. They Cannot Have It All Now. And the same thing is True, about Our Own Children. They Cannot Have It All Now. And the same thing is True, about the Poor. They Cannot Have It All Now. 

They are going to have, to get some Restraint, and do some Service, and make a Contribution, and then they will have, put in, some Good Time Served, and make a Heroic Sacrifice, before they can be allowed to jump out, into the Fast Lane, where they can begin to act like someone who they are not, after they have Walked the Full Length, of the Pathway to Nativity.  

And In a Sane World, we would all know that the Invaders should have No Turf to Defend. And if you were going, to Hold Your Ground, then you would have to have Earned Some Ground, to begin with, and to have Earned some Respect, not just to buy your way in.

If you wanted, to bring something up before Council, you would still have, to have Earned the Respect, of the Council, as a Trustworthy person, who has done a lot of good things, not just to have bought your way in, and this is done, by doing many good things, not just one little thing, or by throwing money around. 

And so we are here, to Restore a Sense, of Sanity, to Humanity, as part of the Restoration Process. And we expect all of the Immigrants, to get right on board with that, before it is too late. Since When? 1991.  - T

                              Hopi Elder Speaks

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