Friday, October 19, 2018


People are coming here, from all over the world. But one thing is clear, their own Native Lands have generally all been Used, and Abused, and everything has been taken out, of the Forests, and of the Soil, and nothing has been put back. 

And because of Over-Population, their old way of life is now needing a way out, because the Population is Exploding. But we do have a viable system. And we do have every right, to impose that system, upon any and all of the more recent Invaders, who have come here, to Plunder Our Unsecured Resources. 

But what about the Early Settlers? Weren't they doing the same thing? No. Not Exactly.

The Settlers were much more highly advanced, technologically, and they could read and write, and they were brilliant people, who had Built the Big Ships, while the Indians were regarded as wild people, who were still living in Darkness, and in the Stone Age, in comparison, which did come across, as Ignorance, and Untrustworthiness, not Brilliance, and Trustworthiness. 

And their knowledge of the rest of the world was seen to be lacking. And their Music Was Simple. I think we can expect all the New People, to be willing, to forgive the Settlers for not being Impressed. Why? Because that is a very Natural thing.

And so they prayed to God for help, because they did have a Real Purpose, and they were under attack. 

But in reality, they didn't need any help. The Early Settlers had the Guns. They had the Horses. They had the Wheel. 

They had the Saws, and the Axes, and the Hammers and Chisels, and Nails, and they had thick wool blankets and linens, and the means to make them, which really were their rightful due, because it took them thousands of years, to have built up, to that point, and so they deserve, to take some credit for all that, which had gone before them.

But we can all see, how that might seem like an Unfair Advantage, to a lot of the Unrestrained New People, who may have been Wrongfully Indoctrinated, to feel Guilty about Immigrants, and Indians, who had been posing a very real threat, to everything we were building, for a very long time. 

And so this could be their way, of not wanting to look, at the way that might be perceived, in the Land of the Blind. Yes. And so we will put the question out there. 

Was it Wrong, back then, for us, to have cleared the land, of these very dangerous people, who were trying to burn our houses down? No. 

And was it fair, to herd them onto the reservations? Yes, it was. And it was quite effective. And then the Indians really did quiet down. And then they were allowed, to join us, in Our Polite Society. 

But none of the Immigrants should ever be allowed to come here, in a state of angry rebellion. No. 

In a Sane World, they would all have to become complete Pacifists, upon arrival, who would not fight back, even if they had been provoked, but they would quietly leave the vicinity in peace. 

And so they would be expected, to back off, and to leave the scene, of any confrontation, and not to hold their ground, with the Natives. Why? Because it is not their ground. 

These are all Native Lands, and they are here, with Our Permission. And they would have No Native Rights, to Defend their Turf, until those Rights had been Earned. Right. 

You don't just poke you head through a hole in the fence, and claim to have Native Rights, like the Presumption of Innocence. Those will have to be Earned. 

And In a Sane World, they would have No Turf to Defend. And if you were going to Hold Your Ground, then you would have to have Earned Some Ground, to begin with. And so we are here, to Restore a Sense of Sanity to Humanity. Since When? 1991.

If they were asked to leave the park, they would just have to quietly skulk away. And that is what it takes to be Cool. Right. And they will have to learn to Keep their Cool, or they might get some Resistance. 

They would not stand firm, to defend themselves, and to hold their ground, and refuse to leave, while making threatening gestures, of a willingness, and a readiness to fight. No. Never. 

That is only for Natives. Only the Native People, have any right, to Defend any Turf, and to Hold Their Ground, within These Native Lands, and that is from any, and all Aggressors, Invaders, and Intruders, who have not made it, down the full length of the Pathway to Nativity, to the One Hundred Year mark, with Two Grandparents, who were born here. 

And we do not have to help them, to get there. No. The Pathway is not an easy way. They didn't come here on a Pilgrimage. Far from it. 

We might even choose, to put up some Resistance. Why? They are not all Good People. And we might not want the Bad Ones to make it through.

We might not want every single one of them, because that might be just way too many, and so we would be out of our Minds, to let these Gangsters, score any points against us, without having paid the Full Buy-In.

Why? Because they cannot be Trusted. And this is all about Earning Our Trust, by doing some good things, not just Waiting out the Clock, to win it all, by doing nothing, which is just Working the System. And so that kind of Corruption, is what may have to be Resisted.

We don't need to Earn Their Trust, to get them to come here. And we expect them, to do some very heroic things, in our Defense, not just to cover their own Asses, for One Hundred Years. 

We have every right, in fact, to drive them all away, just like a Woman might have every right, to drive an aggressive male away from her, who has not been invited, into her good graces, or to drive away any, and all such Men, or even all Men as a whole, who might not be allowed, to come into her home. Right. 

She has the Rights of Possession. And that means she can ask people to leave. And we do too. Yes. 

We Natives, have the same Rights, of Home Land Possession. And we can ask people to leave Our Native Homelands. And then they have to do so. And we have the Presumption of Innocence. We don't have to prove, any kind of a case against them.  

The Immigrants do not have the Presumption of Innocence. No? Why? That would have to be Earned.  

What they do have is the Presumption of Guilt. And that will have to be Removed.  

And that is why, we have every right, to demand that they will all have, to become the living embodiment, of Non-Native-Pacifism, as people, who will remain Peaceful, and will stay quiet, and who will leave the Scene, when asked to do so, and who will continue, to Keep their Cool, and they are not to get Defensive, even in the Heat of Action. 

And that is what it means to be Cool, to have Self Control, Discipline, and Restraint. And that will need to be displayed. 

We have every right, to hold out, for the kind, of New People, who will do some good things, and who will show some Good Faith, in return for letting them slide, on the Buy-In, or that will become fully due and payable. 

You can see that we are not just the usual Simpletons, who can only follow the crowd, because they just cannot ever hope to Shed Some New Light on anything. But that is required. Why? 

Because we Plan to Still Be Here, in Fifty Thousand Years. And so it is not just another nut house. 

But we do apologize, if anyone is offended. And we didn't mean to Stick it to the Man. But this is no place, to be chasing after our Native Resources. No. That would be reserved, for the Natives.   - T

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