Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homes and Lands being Contributed

A lot of People may have realized that it looks like everything that was created by the Early Settlers was not really meant to be shared Equally, in the Family, on the Job, or in our Country. No. And they thought it was. But No. It was not. And there is a Good Reason for that: Stability.

We may have to accept that there is a certain amount of Restraint, which is Rightful, Fair, Meaningful, and Functional. Right. That Serves a Good Purpose. 

Some of the Long Time Natives are not really interested in letting it all fall right into the wrong hands, which might even be good cause, for losing our jobs, as the Land Stewards, if we were to Drop the Ball like that. Right. That would be irresponsible. 

We might have to begin, to think of our Self, as being part of a Collective. And so you really can let the others down, when you don't do your part, in a way which could cause us to Lose the Game. The Ball was meant to be held, until the New People had put, in a Worthy Contribution. 

This is a Work of Art.

We don't want our Collective Work of Art, to fall into the Hands, of the Non-Creative Peoples, for a good reason, and so there has been some Resistance, and we are those who are the most Deeply Committed. And so we would expect the same. And the same thing is True, about the Community. 

The Organizers should be considered, to be Native, and to be the Most Deeply Committed, to their own Community Creations. And even though it is true that the Community is partly about Creating Opportunities, for other people, that is not just for Charitable Reasons, because a lot of the Screw Ups are now Stranded. But what we mean is that  some of the New People will be Rewarded by the Community, who have done a lot of work, for the Community. 

But the New Orgnizers might not want to lose control over the Community, for lots of Good Reasons, like because we don't want it to fall into the hands, of the Non-Creative People, or the Non-Locals, or the Non-Natives, or those who are Not True, to the Spirit, and are Not One of Us, because this is a Tribal Community, and that is our own Work of Art that we are still working on. This Community is conceived of as being a Tribal Work of Art. And so we Feed People, but not because they are Hungry.  

The Idea is that the Unrestrained Hands, of the Immigrants might not yet be ready yet, to Rule Supreme, as the Ultimate End Consumers, of the Entire Universe, when it has been All Take and No Give. 

They should not expect, to be rewarded, for nothing, of their own doing, when it was all our own handiwork. And even a little bit of something might still not be enough, so that Key to the City must be taken off the Table, for at least the first 100 Years, of Good Time Served. 

When the Immigrants come here, and the New People come here, to the Community, or to Our Country, it should only be to Pay their Respects, and to make a Contribution, and to provide a Free Service, in Honor of the Natives, not to sit down, and eat us out of house and home. It is not for the Free Benefits. Since When? 1991. And why should they Eat Meat, when they didn't bring any? And most of these People from Far Away Lands, were not big Meat Eat Eaters, where they came from? That would be Wrongful Enrichment. 

And if that is so, then it does make a lot of sense, not to let anyone and everyone on Earth, grab hold of everything we have Built, because they could run it right into the ground. 

And so there has been some Resistance, to losing what we have Built, and what we have Claimed, and made our own. Right. 

But that is a Natural kind of In-Equality, which is because of personality differences. Some Personalities come out on top. All they have to do is to Follow the Crowd, and to be Sociable. And so they don't have to work. Others really do have to work. And so we might want to make sure that they get paid, and are generously rewarded, for the work they do, to clear away the obstacles in our path. But we are not to reward those, who did not do the work. 

We have all seen this in School. One student works, and gets very little attention, while another person is only there, as a Collosal Screw Up, and they get a lot of attention. 

And the people, who have succeeded, in Creating a New Creation, like the Organizers, will be expecting to see some kind of Recognition for that, from those who had been the Screw Ups, who did not apply themselves to anything, but the social life, not for being Hungry, and just looking for someone new, like the Community, to become Dependent Upon. Right. 

They Dependents may think we Need more Stooges, to build a New World Empire that will be Built on the Backs, of a Thousand Stooges. Right. That might be what they think our Real Motivation is, to get More Stooges, to become our Slaves. And they may think that they can take advantage of us, because of that Insanely Out of Balance Need. 

Why did they not apply themselves? Because they didn't appreciate the Opportunity they had been Given, which had not been Earned, and they might have thought they would never have to try, because they might have thought they had it made, because of some Advantage they had always been able to hold over the other kids. 

But they didn't have it made, and now they are stuck, because they didn't make anything. And so they have nothing to show for their self. They were Non-Productive. But we are the Makers. 

We are the People who Make Things. And so we have to hold out, for the other Makers. We are not Building this Community, to Serve the Needs of the Screw Ups, to be kept Safe, and Secure, in Total Dependency. Why? That is just not the way forwards, for the Early Settlers. 

Consider this to be the Road Less Travelled. And we have a Few Concerns.  

Our Main Concern is that the Forces of Need and Greed will Destroy Everything it Touches. And so we might need to establish some Boundaries, and we might need to establish some New Designations, to protect the Heart of the Land, like we did with the National Parks, or we could say that the Community is more like an Indian Reservation. And so we are part of the Resistance. 

Maybe there really should be some Resistance, as we have seen, with the Indians, to letting the New People take the wheel, as if it was their turn, in front of the Gambling Tables, when we are not Taking Turns, because they have not yet proven up, and until they have satisfied our requirements, for 100 Years of Service, then it is not their Country. You don't just come here and it is all of a sudden, Your Country. No. Things take time. It is a Gradual Awakening. And there is Payment Involved in almost any Transfer of Ownership.  

And so it might be just a bit too late for the New People, who have just arrived here, with No Roots, to be treated like they have always been One of Us. This is about leaving a Legacy. Are the Immigrants here, to leave a Legacy? No. They are here, as Colonizers, to get in, on the Getting, while the Getting is Good, at the Expense of the Natives, who can easily be fooled out of what they have, because they don't know any better. We cannot have a Flood of New People Invading Our Communities. They will all have to come forwards, one by one, with their best effort, to get registered, with the Local Natives.  

We have to ask the New People, and the Immigrants, to learn how to Build on what they have Created. And they are not going to be allowed, to move in, on our Creation, just because it has been very successful. 

Just being willing to do a little work is not that Big of a Deal Breaker, when there is No Creativity Involved, and No Native Genius, and No Love, involved. And they have to learn to Work for Free, to Serve the Native Cause. 

It is not their Turn to Benefit any more than they Deserve, when they did not Build it, and were not Adopted, and they are very often not in line, to be rewarded, for taking good care of the Earth, where they had come from, either, because in most cases, they had done More Harm than Good. 

And that is the kind of thing we do hope to find some way to reward people for, but there is No Reward, for Poverty, and Sloth, which is Dishonorable, and so in a Sane World that would reflect badly on the New People. And that is where we are going, into a Sane World, not a Slave World. 

In the Community, we expect people to be glad, to benefit less than they deserve, and to Give More First, Than they Take out Secondly. As an Example, I have a piece of Land I would like to Contribute, to a worthy cause. Yes. 4 Acres of Richly Established Forest Lands. I am giving that away. 

My Name is T. I am the Organizer of this Community. I am Giving Away these Native Lands, in the Sonoma Wine Country, to kick off the Creation, of an Eco-Logical Land Cooperative, but not just to help the Slackers. 

And so the next question is what the others would like to Contribute, in terms of Homes and Lands, which we can use, to Build on that Land, and to Build this Community. We Need Support. And we need Funding.  - T

My name is T. That Stands for Truth. Glad to be of Service. How can I help you? Kyle has Contributed $1,500.00, and that has been transferred, to our Non-Profit Bank Account. And so now he is on the Stewards Council.   - T 


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