Monday, December 2, 2019

The Spirit of the Wilds

Many of us may have been Raised Up, to bury our heads in the sand, to avoid having to deal, with any of the Truly Difficult Issues, which might work to kep us out of trouble, in the short term, but then in the long term that could lead to a Collapse. 

And now we might have to dig our way out, or die, in which case we might have to join the ranks, of those, on the side lines, who could not Survive, and are now Dead, and are out of the Game. Right. 

There may well be such thing as people, who are unable to Survive. And so we might have to stay on our toes. It may be that we cannot afford, to slack off, for even One Century, of easy living, and depending, on the work of others, because that might be expected, to lead to our Collapse. 

But do we have the Power? Yes.

The Immigrants are only here, with Our Permission, and so we have the Power, and a Responsibility, to intervene. And so, in a Sane World, they would not be free to come and go, as they please. 

But in a Sane World, we should not really even have to Earn their Friendship Credits, in advance, before we can insist, on being given the respect that we would deserve, if we really were anything real, like Good Responsible Native People, who might all have good things to Contribute, not just the School Teachers, the Church, the Schools, and the Politicians, and the Police, who are really all just out to collect a paycheck, while Covering their own Asses, while we would be working for the Greater Good. 

But we have been given the message that, We are Nobody, and that We are Nothing. And in that way our hands have been tied, so that the Police can sock up all the abandoned territory, in between the Individual and the State, which is now a Dead Zone, because the Police will very often spread only Death and Destruction on everything they touch, and they will not put in the time and energy, to get things right, and to make sure things are fully resolved, which is what we might have to begin doing. 

And so if there is a dispute between a land owner and an invader, or someone who is there without our permission, we must side primarily, with the Land Owner. And for the same reason, when there is an issue between one of the Natives, and one of the Immigrants, the expectation is that the Immigrant is in Violation, of the Natives Rights. 

The Natives might Rightfully be Presumed, to be Innocent, until proven guilty, but the Immigrants would not. And the Illegal Immigrants might even have to be considered, to be Presumed to be Guilty, until Proven Innocent. Why? Because they are here, only with Our Permission, almost without exception, because they have No Right, to Impose upon us.  

We are just doing the work that needs to be done. Right. Telling the Truth, in a world in which that Branch of Thought and Communication has been systematically cut off. A Newborn Baby needs to Build a Relationship. And the same thing might be true, of an Illegal Immigrant, who has snuck into this Country. 

They cannot remain here as Outlaws. 

They might need to Build a Relationship, with the Natives. And the same thing is True, of a New Employee. They cannot even be on the Yard, if they are not Registered, as Employees, or Trainees. They don't know the ropes, and they need to get Registered, and Build a Relationship, under Native Supervision, not as our Equals. 

And the same thing is True, of a New Member, of a Shared Household. They don't know the House Culture, and they need to Build a Relationship. It is not enough, just to wall the other members, of the Shared Household out. And the same thing is True, in the Community. And that has to be done at their own expense. Right. It's on them. And this appears to be a Universal Truth. 

- The First Thing is to be One of the Natives, which is like being an Established Family Member.  

- The Second Thing is to be one, of our Good Neighbors, from one of the Other Countries, all around the world, who we plan to get into alliance with, in defense of this planet.  

- The Third Thing is to be one of the Invaders, who are here against our will. And that is a very dangerous thing. We have some Killers on the Road, who should not even be allowed, to Drive a Car.  

But in a Sane World, Real Immigration would begin, in their own Old World Countries, where they are expected, to learn the Global Language, and to become prepared, to honor, and to serve the Natives, in our own Native Language, English, which is the Global Language. 

And then we will send for them. But then they would have to surrender up, their Old World Rights, like the Old World Right, to dump garbage anywhere they want. 

They will have to get prepared, to serve, as a Fully Green Functionary, because we don't need a lot more dead weight, holding us down, as we make our move, to Save the Earth. Right. The New Employees might need to get some Training in Advance, which their brothers and sisters might not have. 

But every other worker on that job already has some Training, and a lot more Experience. And so how are they Catching up? Immediately? No. A Few Months? No. Maybe Never. Why? Because the Tree that is behind will often be the one that does not make it.  

Why should they think they should have Equal Status, when they have come late to the Party, and have not done their Service Work? That is what the Voice of Truth might say. 

When are these New People going to hit the Beaches of Normandy? Right. But did the Early Settlers ever do anything like that? Yes. And so where is the Equality? It is not real. 

But an Unreal Equality has been imposed, by the Media. And you will be called names, if you do not conform. That is how they plan to control their Slaves. And the Truth is that the Unreal Equality, which has been imposed, gets in the way, of any sense of Real Equality. 

And that Real Equality should be based only on the Differences, such as the way that Red Light and Blue Light are Unequal, but they are Unequal, in very specific ways, which can be measured.    

We might even have to create a place, for the Voice of Sanity. And the Community, of course, would be a good place to start, but the Whole Country really would be a Perfect Place, for the Voice of Sanity, to be heard, without being trimmed off, of the Root System, of the Tree of Truth. 

And that is when there is a sign posted, not to go into that area, as we saw in the Hunger Games, where they look out into the Green and Beautiful Forests. 

But they are not allowed to even consider going out into that direction and to decide things, for their own self, instead of going after the Bait. And that is where this New Thinking might be Coming From. The Spirit of the Wilds, where the Real Freedom can be found. - T

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