Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Truth Works

Truth Works. 

In a Sane World, it could be said, that it was an Injustice, for the Church, and the State, and the Schools, and the Corporate Media, to have Erased our Native Rights, which have been Earned, and should not have been Erased. Right. 

We Created the Worlds First Reserve Currency. Right. And we put a Man on the Moon. These are things that were not just found, that some others had made. No. We really did build this Country. 

To Disregard our Native Rights would be like someone coming into your Fully Planted Garden, which was doing just fine, and wiping everything out, and ripping it up, and trampling it all down. Why? Because in our Sane World, Rights are like Plants. They Grow, here in this Country, and here in this Community, just as they do on the Job, or in any Real and Sane Relationship. 

We didn't Steal our Native Rights. Those have been Earned. They started out small, and they grew bigger. We planted the Seeds.  

And we didn't Steal our Fortunate Lives, either, which are now being denied to us. Right. We are being made to feel to blame, and even shame, for having what we have Created, like we don't deserve that, and so it is now as if the Immigrants were the ones, who should deserve, to have complete control over the worlds first Reserve Currency, just as if they had Built it, when that is not the case. 

Those Fortunate Lives might be widely resented, but they have been Earned. And so it was not just a freak accident that we were given these Fortunate Lives. No. Look at the Early Settlers. They did not have Fortunate Lives. Most of them were Starving to Death. Get Real.  

We are the People, who Built this Country, which then went on, to become the basis, for the Entire Global Economy. And that is how we have Earned, those Creative Rights Many Times Over, which is the Right, to Control, what we have Created, and to keep it Secure, just so that it does not fly, into a million pieces. And all the Waters are under our Protection.  

And the New Organizers should know that there will be many people out there, who will deny our Rights. They will say that Native Rights should be reserved, for the Indians. But Native Rights belong to all peoples, who are worthy of being given Credit, where Credit is Due, once they have realized what it means, and have begun to create it for their own self. And then Credit will be Given, where Credit is Due, for Creativity, Productivity, and Good Time Served, not Poverty, or being part of a Failed State. 

But even when you put a hundred people to work, within the Community, and set them up, with a good place to live, which they can in no other way afford, in many cases, and a way of life that works, which they cannot afford, in many cases, that still requires a lot of Planning, and Supervision, and Resources, on our parts, which the New People may tend to overlook. Right. The Creative Leadership, who is responsible, for imagining all of these Solutions will need to be Honored.  

And they may tend to think they are worthy of any expense, on our part, and on the part of the Universe. But No. It may well be that the Universe, or Eywa, the Earth Goddess, will not stick their necks out for those, who are simply not worthy of that.    

And so it is important, for the New Organizers to let the Other People know that we are not their Mothers and Fathers, who care only about their safety and happiness. No. The relationship is actually quite different. 

The New People should rightly expect, to be treated like Employees, who may, or may not work out. 

When one of them Dies, because their Heart Gives Out, they will simply be replaced, with a fully committed new worker, on almost any job. They will not be given a Heart Transplant. Why Not? The EcoSystem just cannot afford that kind of excessive spending, which some people may have grown accustomed to wasting. 

But those Old School Entitlements to spend and to waste may need to be dialed back down some. Right. The Drawdown. This is about Living Within the Balance, under the Trees, not protruding above the Trees. 

We may have every right, to expect the New People, and the Immigrants, to become ever more deeply Committed, to Serving the Cause. 

The Immigrants and the New People may choose to see the Community as being their best chance, to survive the Next 50,000 Years, which may be crucial, and which they might otherwise not be able to do, without our help. How much is that worth? And why don't they Care? Are they Suicidal?  

Not everyone has to Survive. But for us, there really is a Moral Imperative, to stay alive long enough, to be effective. Why? 

We are to become the Stewards of the Earth. Our job is not only EcoSystem Restoration, but to Create the Earth Stewardship Council. And that is not meant to be exclusive, of anyone else. But when a lot of people are Dead, it is very difficult, to count them in, on the Stewards Council. 

And so we will be looking for those, who have managed to Survive, and to Thrive, at the very least, by using Creative means, not just making a fuss. 

And so this goes directly against almost all, of the popular thinking. Right. It is not the kind of thinking that is designed, to provide them with a short term fix. It is something that needs to be Learned, for long term applications. 

And the People, who Die are Heroes too, when they have Died, for the Cause, of Universal Integration. And so we really do have a life of meaning, within a world of injustice, to share.    - T


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