Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Systemic Change


Native Lands Cooperative

The Madrone Lands are Four Acres of Beautiful Green Land that is covered in Madrone Trees that are being set up, as a Not-For-Profit, to be left or given away, sometime in the next 10 Years, to a Stewards Council, which is to be Restored, as our Tribal Lands, and will then become part of our Network of Native Lands. 

We intend to serve as a Demonstration of EcoLogical Integrity, Permaculture, and Land Restoration. Our Plan is to Restore these Native Lands, and to serve the needs of the People, who have been living for a long time, within our Greater Service Area, which extends from Mount Shasta, in Northern California, over to Arcata, down to Santa Cruz, and then over to the Foothills of the Sierras, and then back up to Mount Shasta. 

Nothing is for sale. Right. And everything is Not for Profit, so work is involved, and not just money, but time and energy, which is driven by a sense of Purpose. Any money that might be Contributed will go into the Land Fund. And that work that is put in once a week will go towards becoming one of the Land Stewards, within 10 Years. 

Everyone who wants to join our Tribe, might want to make a Contribution into the Land Fund. Money from that Fund will be used for Building Projects. And these Madrone Lands will be my Contribution. Others would be expected to make similar Contributions of Time and Money, over the next Ten Years. And then after Ten Years they will be counted among the Land Stewards of the Madrone Lands. 

This Project will be an EcoSystem Restoration Camp, with lots of Trees, which is Four Acres that are all being Given Away, which we call the Madrone Lands, where we can begin to build a New Tribal Ethic of Service to the Earth, through the creation of other Local EcoSystem Restoration Camps, right here, on the North Coast, like one near our planned EcoVillage Community in Mendocino County. 

How will that work in the EcoVillage? We will be able to bring people up to the EcoVillage, in Eden Valley, and then we will simply ask who wants to get involved in the Restoration Camp nearby. Hands will go up, and we will simply hike on over there, with tools in hand. We will then set up Camp, with a Kitchen, and a Shelter. 

The Contribution of 4 Acres of my own Native Home Lands, which are called the Madrone Lands, after they have been Restored, will kick off the beginning of an EcoLogical Land Restoration Cooperative. 

I am the owner. 

The Land is held Free and Clear, and will always remain Free of Debt. My Promise is that all 4 Acres, of the Madrone Lands will be turned over, to the Community Collective, in just 10 Years after the Tiny House has been completed, and the Wind Power system has been set up, and after the Well has been Drilled, and the Water Tank has been completed, and a pump has been installed, when all 4 are fully functional. 

Everything will be fully paid for, by T. But the People will do all the work. We do everything, by the Honor System, with Perfect Trust. No Written Contracts.  

This first little Restoration Project, on four acres, might be just the kind of thing that some of the Other People might want to get involved in, to Help Build, Restore, or Give Something Back, of their own Creation.

The Land is Not ever going to be put up for Sale. It will be put into the form, of a Not For Profit, or it will be placed in the hands, of a Land Trust. My Contribution. 

But we all have to put some Love into the Land, and to Contribute something towards the Restoration of the Land, and the building of the Tiny Home, and the Power and Water Systems, as one of the True Believers, who is there every Sunday, before we can be counted, among the Honorable Land Stewards. 

And what do we believe in? We Believe in Keeping the Earth Alive and Well, and we believe in Honest Dealings. And to do all that we may have to be able to set limits, on Population Densities, for the New Re-Localization of the Solidarity Economy, with all kinds of Cooperatives, and Worker Run Collectives. And we are helping to create the New Economy.

We Envision a future where all who can make it will have a 3 Acre Homestead, and a 2 Acre Farmsite, as part of an EcoVillage Community, in Mendocino County. Why? To complete the cycle. When you eat, that comes from the Land, and when you poop that goes back to the land. 

All those, who do put in their 12 Years worth of Time Served, even if it is only one 5 hour day a week, every Sunday, from 10am to 3pm, then even if they don't have any Money, they will be counted among the Land Stewards, if they really have proven, to be one of the People True, over those full 12 Years. 

That means we expect People to be True to the Cause, for a full 12 Years, or whatever it takes, to Restore this Land back to full livability. What a few People may have to Contribute, will go into the Warm and Fuzzy Madrone Lands Building and Maintenance Fund. 

Everything we are doing is for the Earth, and the Unborn Generations, of the People True, and we are hoping to have the approval, of the Wappo Indians, who had once lived on, and around the Madrone Lands, as well as the Yukis, who had been a very Warlike People, who lived in, or around Eden Valley, in Northern Mendocino County, in Northern California. But now they are a little more Peaceful. 

But there should be some sense of recognition, as Natives, for the rest of us, one might think, when People have been Productive, Creative, and Generous, with their time and resources, and when they have Transitioned, over 100 Years, with 3 Generations, of Real Naturalization. This is all Native Land, which is not for sale. 

People should be worthy of some recognition, when they have been breeding here long enough, to be worthy of being counted among the New Natives, which might be their due, after having lived in these Native Lands, for Over 100 Years, and with Deep Roots going back at least 3 Generations. All Natives would have at least 2 Grandparents who were born here, before they can be counted as Native, along with the Indians, as anything less would be an insult to the Indians, who are the Indigenous Natives. 

The word Native is related to the word Natal. It doesn’t mean being Indian. And it doesn’t mean being Indigenous. It means being born here. And the Indians were definitely Born here. But they are not the only ones. And so we thought it was time to hear from some of the other Natives. But we have deepened it to mean 3 Generations. Why?

Some of us came here from other Countries just a short time ago. That is not long enough for them to be Natives. And there are those of us, who have been born here, in this Land, over and over again, for 3 Generations and 100 Years. We are the New Natives. 

It is not enough just to give birth one time here, because of the free benefits, only to return home again, after the deed has been done, and then you win the prize. And so just being born here once would just not be enough.  

When we pay the people who did not do any of the work, that only sets up a dishonest relationship, which is Predatory, and not Contributory. And it is all one way. Dependency. Where is the Reciprocation? And what do we teach our Young People? That if a guy is Predatory and Dishonest with you, and is Non-Contributory, then the relationship is over. It is not that you have got to do whatever it takes to make him happy. No. Not in a Sane World. Since When? 1991, when this whole thing began to take shape. 

Imagine you had 3 Workers. 2 Workers did all the work of Building this Country, while the Third Worker did nothing but scoff at the work that was being done. When it comes time to pay the workers, the One Worker who did nothing, should not be paid the same as the other Two. The Immigrants are those, who did nothing. And most of the Illegals did nothing and have come here in Bad Faith, as Invaders. And there is No Preparation, and there is only a Dishonest Relationship. 

What would be a Good Enough Relationship? The Afghani Interpreters, who worked very closely with us for many years might have built up enough of a Good Relationship with us, that they would be welcome, because they know Our People, and they know Our Language. And the same thing is True in the Community. It is never enough, just to barge in here. It is all about Building a Relationship, at the Meetings and the Work Parties. But isn’t this a Nation of Immigrants? No. We are a Nation of Natives. Notice that both of those words start with Nat. 

In a Sane World, True Naturalization would require a full 100 Years, of good time among us, as a friend, not as an enemy, and 3 Generations of True Nativity, to become one of the New Natives. Why so long? It takes time to get to know Our People, and to know Our Language. Anything less would be an insult to the Indians, and all the Good Native Peoples. 

The New Member of a Shared Household has to be completely cooperative, and respectful. Why? Because that House is something that has been Built. It is not an Abandoned Wasteland. And both the Community, and this Country could very easily be seen as being something, which we Natives have Built. Right. We cannot give Equal Standing, to the Illegal Invaders who have not done a million things, on our behalf, and for this Community, and for this Country, over a period of 100 years, which will be needed to make up for what they have done. 

None of our Native Lands should ever be put up for sale to any of those who are still considered to be Immigrants. Right. During the First 100 Years. After that they will all become Natives. But even the Land under our Homes and Community Centers, would normally, have been paid for, or is still being paid for, and that will need to be accounted for, by all of the New People, as well as the Built Up Environment parts of this Community. 

The more people who keep sneaking in here, the less Natural Resources Per Capita we will have. And that is why OverPopulation Density needs to be considered as well, in the design of the Community, and this Country, or there will continue to be a loss of the Natural Resources Per Capita, which thing is what we live off of, and that means Less Natural Resources for You and Less Natural Resources for Me, because we are being cheated out of our Natural Resources. And so Unrestricted Immigration is not Sustainable.  

The Immigrants aren’t coming here to restore degraded lands. They are coming here to enjoy the Built Up Environment, and to live, like they owned the place, in our Cities, and in our Houses, and to drive around on our Highways, which we Natives have built, and to work within a much better economic system, which we Natives have Built, and to live like top level predators, who can take what they want, and can do what they please, which is good for them, but is Bad for our Country, and is Bad for the Earth, just as if they had been set Free, to do as they please, which would presumably be because they were known to be responsible users, of our collective resources, for a very long time, and were known to be kind to our people, and to clean up after themselves, and so could be trusted, to put back more than they take out, and so had been set Free, by the Native Stewards Council, like someone who has paid all their monthly payments in advance, and so is then Free. 

But there would be a lot of things that would need to be covered, before they can be counted as fully honorable members of the Tribe. And all members of the Tribe are partly responsible, to support the Tribe. In that way No Member of the Community would prematurely be set Free just to look after their own needs, and to pursue their own desires as a Consumer, until they have done enough, in the way of Service and Contribution, to be set Free from any further responsibilities. And the same thing is probably True about Enlightenment. And that is why Enlightenment should not be given away to any and all, who have still not yet learned to become Self Responsible. And so we will not be helping any of the Immigrants to become Enlightened, until they have learned to become responsible to our Native Authority. 

Our Countries and our Communities could be seen as being a lot like  Native Reservations. And a Nation is of Natives. Since When? 1991. And we have a limited number of Homesteads on these Native Reservations. And each Homestead has a limit, to the number of people who can live, on that Homestead. That is how the Population Density can be kept in Balance. On 2,000 acres, we will have about 500 full time Residents.

We will all have to have done enough Service, and Contribution, before we can be set Free, from all further responsibilities. But the Immigrants on their first day of arrival probably haven’t even begun to do a single thing for the Natives, and have probably done nothing for the Country itself, in terms of Land Restoration. And if they wanted to have an equal share they would have to give us something of equal value, just like it would be, in a Shared Household. 

They would have to shoulder the cost of their share of the value of the Whole House, and the land that it sits upon. Normally, when people decide to share a house, they don’t ever say, that if there is anyone in the world who does not have any money, at the moment, then they don’t have to pay their fair share of the rent, and the others will gladly pick that up forever. Why? Someone would be getting off easy, and some one else would be losing out hard. Right. And that supports Users. And that would be Unfair, to the other Members, who would have to pay more, to make up for that short fall. And so everyone has to pull their own weight, both here and all around the world, and then some.     

Why? There is a lot of Land involved, along with the Built Up Environment, in this Country, and in the Community. In a Sane World that would all have to be Paid for, and even more so, when they are not Members of the Tribe. And we can see this in the Family. 

When a Family Member wants to enter into a deal with us, to move back in to the Family Home, we might give them a Reduced Rate, on a Bedroom, because we know who they are, and what they are like to live with, but a stranger who enters into the very same deal, will find it has a much higher price tag, and that is because of Common Sense, since we do not know what they are like to live with, and we do not want any strangers living in our Homes, who might become a problem to live with, and then it might be difficult to get them out of there. They would not get the Reduced Rate. And they would most definitely not get the Free Run of the Place. And we would have to know who they are first. 

In a Sane World the Immigrants would have to Earn Our Trust, if they wanted to be allowed to be Free Agents, who can go anywhere, and do anything, and they would have to pay the Full Buy-In. And we would have to know who they are. And that might take 100 Years, and 3 Generations of Service and Contribution, at their own expense, because we expect them to Produce for us Natives, not just to pig out at our expense.     

You don’t get to join a Tribe of Indians out on the Indian Reservation for Free. Right. That Reservation is usually an extensive piece of land, and there are a limited number of houses. 

Real Freedom means to be Free from any and all Responsibilities. We don’t pass that out for nothing. You would have to be Fully Enlightened. And for that you might have to pay off all your debts. The very same thing might normally be true, of our Country, during a Century of Sanity, and it certainly is True, of the EcoVillage Community, like the one, we are planning, on 2,000 Acres, in Northern Mendocino County, which supports Enlightened Living. We will be taking on even More Responsibilities, as the New Natives, and as the Land Stewards. Much more than the Average Consumers.  

The New People would have to become one of the True Believers, and willing supporters, and a Big Contributor, as someone who is fully responsive, and deeply committed, and the same thing should be true, of those who would like to Join our Country. They would need to do much more than just to cover their fair share of the value of the Country, but they would have to become a True Believer, and a willing supporter, and an ongoing Contributor, in good relationship, under Our Native Authority, and be willing to work for the Restorative Cause, without pay, and that is like getting Married. 

To get Married, you would first need to be known and wanted. And you have to become Accountable to the Community. Why? No one is going to Marry a Total Stranger, who is not even going to bother to come home at night, or who will not pay their fair share of the rent. And that takes time. Maybe we can handle an influx of more people during the Summers. And they could camp out. But we might not always be willing to take on any more New People, who just want to camp out. We might already have enough People. An Opening would be needed, like a Job Opening, or a room in a Shared Household becoming available. And then people could apply. And then we Natives would take our pick among the Applicants. This is all just common sense. 

This thing really works, for the Earth First, and for those who Built this Country, and in this way we will be stabilizing the Movement of Population Groups, as we transform our Country into an EcoLogical Showcase of Balance and Proportion. 

We cannot Betray the People, who Built this Country, or the Land itself. And if we hadn’t Built this Country, no one would be coming here. Most of the Immigrants are only coming here as just more Consumers, who want to drive a really hot car, just when we are trying to phase that out. And that extra driver represents and increase in Consumption and Pollution, and all those New Drivers is what is doing so much EcoLogical Damage to the Earth, and to Our Country, and to our highways, and to these Native Lands.   

And so we are asking the People True, to begin the transformation, from being Consumers to becoming Natives, even before they have come here. Right. They might have to Learn the Language, and get some Training. And so how can we leave it up to them to decide how much they will owe us, and what they will have to do, in Reciprocation? We most definitely cannot. Who decides? The Native Leadership Carriers, who are the Providers. And that is why this New Native Designation is Truly Meaningful, and Relevant. This is what real Systemic Change looks like. Empowering the Natives

The New Natives would be invited to sit on the Native Council, regardless of Race, Gender or Ethnic configuration. 

Eden is an Asset Driven Community. As an example, I am contributing my own 4 acres of Native Home Lands. Others will be expected to do something along those lines as well. We all might want to Contribute something of some equally great value, to the Community. And that can be done over time. But we do need some Angels, who will back us, like a Rock Star, by loaning us large amounts of money, with Zero Interest, anytime we need help, with our Monthly Payments. Why would that be needed? We have cut it fairly close, as we have tried to make it more affordable. But nothing will be affordable, for those who have sold their Native Rights out for cheap money. 

But this is all part of a larger plan, to Save our Native Lands, and to Save the Earth, by establishing that these are all Native Lands, and that the Local Native People are the Natural Stewards of these Native Lands, both here on the NorthCoast, and All Around the World, not just the Indigenous People. And that means Local Decisions are going to be put back into the hands of Local Native Councils. 

But we should not be putting the power into the wrong hands of unqualified people, just to play nice and to buy friends. And what is the proof of qualification? To be able to shed some new light on a few old things, in a way which creates opportunity. And a lot of the Ex-Cons just cannot do that, because they have come from a very abusive environment, where alcohol, junk food, sex, and drug abuse has caused a dimming of the Mind, Body and Spirit.  

Of course, it is an Honor, to be counted among the New Natives, which is like being a GrandMother, who is honored to be counted among the other GrandMothers. The Natives are the Land Stewards of this Country, and the Community, but it is not a minimum requirement. We can work with anybody, who is Cooperative. 

Being a Member of an Indian Tribe is not a BirthRight for all People. Why? That would not be Tenable. That would be Insane. And the same thing would also be true, of the EcoVillage, the Shared Household, and even the Country. 

It might be our BirthRight, as Natives, to be the sole Decision Makers in this Country, but it is not a BirthRight, for the New People and everyone else to come here, as an independent agent, and to share power, as people, who are free to do as they may choose, and to Kill and to Destroy whatever they may please, and all without permission, and who would owe us nothing, or then it would mean nothing, because when there is no Accountability, and where there is No Love for the Natives, and No Gratitude for this Country, and where there is No Reciprocation, there is No Respect, for our Native Authority, as the Native Land Stewards. And many of us are part Indian. Where do you think this kind of Spirit comes from?

But to keep accommodating the invaders, would be another example of Insanity Gone Wild. And that would be like some stranger moving into your house, without permission, and with no arrangement for them to fulfill any Ecological Responsibilities whatsoever, like EcoSystem Restoration, which is work that we should all be glad to do for Free. And so yes, it might be time now, to step off the Crazy Train. Right. My Super Power is Bringing Sanity to Humanity. Since When? 1991. But sometimes that is like bringing water to people who can no longer drink it up. Why? Because of Blockages. 

Our Politicians have been making deals now that we may not be able to get out of later. Why? Because Native Land Use Rights are in Perpetuity. Right. And that goes on Forever. And so what we will have lost, we will have lost forever, if we give that away to Gang Bangers. Why? That would jeopardize our efforts to keep this Country Lean, Clean and Green. 

It is all about reaching out to all the Other People, and not just the GrandMothers, with the Message, of a Lean and Green way to Save the Earth, starting right here, in our own small part of the world. 

We must begin to honor the Native GrandMothers, and GrandFathers, all over the world, who are often treated like they are just squatters, who have no real claim to the place at all, and so have No Authority, and so they cannot defend themselves, even when they have lived there, as a people, for many generations. 

And so some recognition of their Native Authority needs to be made visible, after 3 Generations of Service and Contribution. In a Sane World, the New Children would have to ask permission to go to school. And this New Nativity is just another part of what we are creating here, to stabilize the Movements of Peoples, as well as an EcoVillage Community, on 2,000 acres, to connect the People to the Land, and to stabilize our Human Population Densities, and to Deeply Root them in the Land, which is where they are meant to be, as part of that Community. But how did this new way of thinking really come about? A bunch of Bureaucrats got together, and formed a Committee, to form another Committee, to think about it later? No. 

1- We Discovered an under-served area, on our own. The EcoVillage Community.

2- We Created a plan, of our own, for the Creation of an EcoVillage Community, which will stay close enough, to the Bay Area. 

3- We Found the Land, on our own 2 Feet, and then we came up, with various ways to pay for it: The Contribution Pledges. The Homesteads. The Farm Sites. The Village Foods Store. The Farm. The Tiny House Village. Ancient Valley. The Berry Lanes. The Larger Shasta Service Area. The EcoSystem Restoration Camp, and the Natural Learning School, and the Yuki Protected Wilderness Area. 

The New Natives are those, with over 3 Generations, and 100 Years, of Honor and Service, who have become Competent, Self Sufficient, and Creatively Productive People, who can help us, as we Lead the Transition, into a Native Way of Life, in Balance, here on the North Coast, and all around the world. 

We think the New Natives should have some say in protecting the Forests, and the Waters, and the Wildlife Habitat, and an honorable place, within the NorthCoast Community Council, and they should even have Resources, which could be contributed, to our newly forming Native Land Cooperative, if they have been Earning and Saving Wisely. 

These are the New Ideas. Save Half your money. 

Getting our Native Rights established is just the Beginning, of establishing Native Land Rights, for all Native Peoples all over the Earth. We will be leading by Demonstration. This is our way of creating Real Systemic Change, without just throwing a lot of money around. 

The Solutions are very Personal. We can only really help the very few People who we know really well, because they have been helping out. But they will need Jobs, a chance to learn some New Skills, and a Place where they can Live, not just a few handouts. It is better to help one person, thoroughly, than to keep a lot of people dependent upon handouts, indefinitely.   

Some might call us Class Harmonists. Why? We plan to bring the Providers together, who do have Property, like myself, with those, who may have Skills, are Healthy, and are willing and able to work, but who may still need Jobs, to be provided for them, along with affordable Food, Water, Space, Heat, Electricity, Transportation, and Housing. And that is why we need 2,000 Acres.  

We invite all others to become involved in our newly forming EcoLogical Land Cooperative Initiative, throughout the North Coast, which is asset driven, not need driven, and which could begin to form, if others could Contribute their Homes and Properties, so we can create a new relationship, with the Earth, on these Native Lands and then we can include some of the Other People, within our Greater Service Area, who might need a safe place to go, where they will be able to support themselves, in a natural learning, and healing environment. But that does not come Cheap. And so we will need a few wealthy people to back us like a rock star. 

Why? We are building a Bridge for others to cross over to a New Way of Life, and we will Need Land, in order to create our own Local Economy, and Culture, which should be leading towards Enlightenment, but could otherwise spin right out of our own hands. And there will be a lot of people, in our Greater Service Area, who are going to need a chance, to come to the EcoVillage, as a place of refuge, to find Peace and Healing, which is only going to be possible, if they are willing to accept Native Authority. 

They will need a place to Live, Work and Play. And if we build it they will come, but we will always try to keep the money circulating around, within the Local Community. And so when people are hungry, we give them Food, Not Money. And we will provide some kind of Housing, if they will work, on the Farm, and so there will always be a place for them to stay, for the Summer. 

But in Eden, all of the New People would need to be Trained, just like a New Member, of a Shared Household. And the same thing should be true of the Immigrants. Anything less than complete integration into that Shared Household would be a form of Colonization. And that would be like a guy, who would not listen, and who would not learn, forcing his way into an All Female Shared Household. Right. That would be an Act of Violence. And we would almost all condemn that. 

Why? That is Violence, and that is not Systemic Change. And when that happens, we need to take things back into the Hands of the Native Peoples, which would be the Indians and all the other Natives, who have been born here for more than 100 Years, and 3 Generations. Why? Because being born once is just not enough. 

By Creating the Beginnings of a whole New World, with Native Sovereignty, and Eco-Logical Integrity, we will be making a real demonstration of Solidarity, Pluralism, Mutualism, Cooperation, and Class Harmony. And that means that we intend to find New Solutions that will work for both those in the Property Owning Class, like myself, and those in the Non-Ownership Class, who will work very closely with us, and who are on very good terms with us. 

The Community is all Worker Oriented. But we are the kind of Workers who want to be of Service, and to make a Contribution, not the kind of Workers, who know only one way, and that is to put their own needs first, and who really just want a chance to Gut the System, which they Hate to Love. We will create a place for the Good Workers to live, and to learn, and to gain new skills, and we will create ways for them to be able to support themselves, among people who they really do Love. But it is all about being in Good Relationship. Think Good Thoughts. Expect the Best and Forget the Rest. 

Free Land is one of those things that cannot be given away to all the needy people. And we certainly cannot give away the Wildlife Habitat, not for any price. This is only the Beginning of the New Nativism, which could be seen as being the Next Big Step, in achieving Local Autonomy. 

This is how we are Creating Real Systemic Change, on a Dying Planet. All we need is a Century of Sanity. Planet First. That is the only Way. The Grazing of Animals has to be Restricted. And we want all others to do the same thing all over the world. But we cannot save everyone else, who will not do that in their own part of the world. It may be that only the True Believers, can be Saved, who are the most deeply committed, to a Lifetime of Service and Contribution. 

OverPopulation would only lead to Land Degradation, and Water Pollution. And Freedom only leads to Overgrazing. The New People will all have to be Cooperative. And they all have to get into Good Relationship, to be of True Service, and to make a Real Contribution. And they have to stay Positive, and to Think Good Thoughts. Yes. 

It has not been wise Giving the Keys to Our Country away, to just anyone who wants to fiddle with it. No. Why? For one thing, as Natives, we are responsible for the Population Density Balance, the Wildlife, and the Forests, and the Waters, and the Unborn Generations of the People True, who would have to be counted under Wildlife. Right. We are Animals. And we need to Preserve our Habitat, the Forests, the Waters, our Soils, and the other Animals. 

Some people might not even appreciate what has not yet been Earned. And so they will not take good care of it. That sets up a Self Destructive Negative Cycle. We should not do that. That is why we want all the New People to be Grateful Contributors. 

Thoughtless Ingratitude or a lack of respect would be way Out of Order. Why? Honor and Appreciation are needed, along with some kind of Reciprocation. And I think the Indians might agree with much of this. We all must Honor this Community Project. 

Class Harmony means that both Classes will be making an Equitable Contribution, not just one, carrying the other, and we will all be paying our own way, as self supporting Homesteaders. We all work for Free, some of the time, because we all work for the Cause. 

And every Homestead will be a place, where people can grow their own food, and there will be Farm Sites, and there will be a Seniors Discount, and a place to build a Home on the Homestead. This will be a Big Farming Community, with a lot of little Farms, and lots of Homesteads. There will be a Community Garden, and a Common Farm, which will provide Jobs.

This is a whole new beginning. But our thinking is Universal. We need to raise up the Water Tables, and to retain Our Homes, Our Lands, and Our Waters to Save the Earth. Protesting is Not Enough. We actually have to Buy the Property, and Build the Community of EcoLogically Enlightened People. 

We cannot be allowed to give a fair share of that away to strangers, without adequate Reciprocation. Why? Because that wouldn’t be fair, and that would be in violation of both the Code of Sanity, and the Natural Order of Priorities. And how can we raise the Ground Water Table? Using Leaky Weirs, all along the Creeks, with Rocks and Junk Wood. 

Our Job is to Protect these Native Lands, from being Consumed by more Consumers, not to give it away to strangers, to buy cheap friends, when the Earth is in the Balance. We expect very Deep Friendships, from all who would be interested. 

We have to assume that complete Strangers cannot be trusted, to take good care of Our Baby. Why? Because they are coming here primarily as Consumers, who don’t care a thing about our Baby. But we don’t need any more Consumers, who are not even willing to start Living Within the Balance, which should have begun, way back in the Old Country long before they got here. And so every single New Person has to be Down with the Program, and to Speak the Language. 

We can’t make any Promises, for those who will not get into good accord with us. But a small but wise part of Humanity may Survive the Worldwide Devastation and the marauding gangs that may be coming, as a result of Climate Change, World War, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tornadoes, along with all the Plants and Animals that we can save, in a few of these Little Green Pockets of Sanity, where the Native Restoration will Begin. 

And the Purpose is to Save the Earth.

Bringing Sanity to Humanity. - T McClure, 

Organizer, and EcoVillage Designer

Eden Valley EcoVillage Project 

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