Friday, July 22, 2022

The Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities


The Vision of the Emerald Forest

Life has not been easy. We have struggled hard, for a very long time, to get this far. We are the Natives, who have Survived the Floods. 

We are the Natives, who have climbed out of the watery Seas, and we are the Natives, who have climbed out of the Forests, not so very long ago, and who walked up to the Fire.

Why did that all happen? Life creates more life by diversifying, and it does that, by changing existing places, and turning them into better habitat, for all to share.

Life creates its own New Habitats. We are that life. As Life, we have changed the Atmosphere. We have changed the Climate. We have changed the Soil.

We have changed the whole environment so that the scope of life could be expanded upon, and the dream of the future could be fulfilled, which is not to come to a dead stand still, but we do have to get back in balance. Why? We may have overstepped our rightful places, and so now we would need to step back.  

This is a time of Re-Balancing, but once we have gotten back into Balance, then it will be time, to take it to the next step, and to go Beyond the Earth, in this very clearly unfolding process, of constant renewal, through New Creation. 

And it may well be that if we want to make it far beyond our Solar System. And it may well be known in the future that if we wanted to be among those, who would make it beyond our Solar System, then we would all have to make it to Turtle Island. 

And if we got to Turtle Island, we might have to admit that the cost of the Journey, across the Ocean, was only the first half of the price, which we would still have to pay, or the first part will have been in vain, because the second half of the price, might well be the Kicker that we would have to become fully Integrated, within the Native Strain that is going to be among the first to be heading straight off, into to deep space, as a Cooperative Community.   

Building New Communities in Space may be our best way, to serve the life that we may have been given, which would be to propagate that life we have found ourselves, in the midst of, on this Earth, into Outer Space, and thereby Saving the Earth.

Many of us may feel, we are quite disconnected, from the Land, and the People, of our old roots, but now it is time to grow some New Roots, and so now we are going to be starting to reconnect some of that all up again, by establishing some Oneness, both here on Earth, and throughout the Universe, which is what we call Universal Integration. But first we will all have to find a way to become One, with our Tribal Council. 

The Plants and Animals of the Earth, need our help. Only we can do what needs to be done, at this important time, of the Changing Tribes, when a new way of living will need to be Demonstrated, before it will become a thing, and then it may become more of a widespread movement, like a new Back to the Land Movement.


Our very Survival is at stake here. People are losing the sense that their Lives have Meaning. And that could lead to the Destruction of our Society. But our Lives will have Meaning, because we have a Cause.

We must now begin, to wake up, to this new responsibility, to carry the biological life, which we are part of, on this planet, into the next phase, and this is our natural birthright, to head off into Space, since it appears that we were meant, to be among the First on Earth. 

First on Earth. First in Space. 

First to Save, the Human Race. 

Eden is being planned, to stimulate the next generations deepest desire, to continue on, with the truly significant work that we have begun, to change the world. 

But we might try to think of ourselves, as being simply the Native Stewards of the Land, to begin with. That is why we should want to be able, to leave the entire community, all paid off, as all Good Land Stewards should, so that it can be left to our Children, to carry on, after we have gone, into the Next World, one way or the other.

Everything we do here is for the Children, and the Earth, and the Positive New Spirit, of being Class Harmonist, which is about the Re-Unification, of the Two Main Classes, and we will be riding on the waves, of the new Eco-Logical Spirit that is now quietly sweeping the world. Why? Our Planet could be Destroyed by an Asteroid. And that is why we need to buy Land, with Good Water, on at least 3 other Planets, on which we can live. 

We are the seed planters. We are the Tree People. We are the Free People. We are creating a Whole New World that works, in a Whole New Way. We don't need to take down the Old World. Why should we? We depend upon that for our very Survival. And that includes, our own branch of Native Capitalism, which we plan to use for good purposes. 

Native Capitalism was the Legitimate Conclusion, of Barter and Trade. But we do try to use our monetary resources to do good things, for good people, but that is mainly, for the people, who are worthy, and not just needy. 

There will be a place, for all that is good and right, in Eden. 

Many wonderful people, who have witnessed the fall of Ancient Civilizations, or have something else to offer, will be welcomed, to Die for a Good Cause, not just to live, for nothing, out of fear, and a need to get constant attention, like we had never planned to grow up, into an Honorable Human Being, who could be counted on, to carry the Vision into the Future. And we will need to be willing to embrace the arrival of some New Leaders, who may have a good program, which they have created, that they would like to add on, to what we have started. 

But we might take another look, at some of these Misbegotten Freedoms, which were premature, to say the least, since there are so many, who might not have Earned that much, and in return for losing everything, they would only need, to be given a chance, to earn some Honor, in Eden, which we consider, to be a very good deal. 

We are an Assets Driven Community. When people want the government to throw good money after bad money until it has all gone right out the window, and the very heart and soul of our country has been lost, along with it, then they will have to show us how that can very easily be paid for, by the people, who have not yet even been born yet. 

Everyone is seen as having their own money, and their own personal spiritual perspectives, but we are Creating a New Culture, most of which will be more Earth Centered, Child Centered, and Women’s Centered, because the Women are the Child Bearers. 

Eden is about the creation, of an Alternative Learning and Healing Environment that will have a Self-Sustainable Micro-Economy that works, in harmony with the EcoSystem, which is like a Big Round River that flows back into itself. 

We see this in the Water Cycle, which goes around and around. And we see this in the Universe itself. The Bi Bang might have been just another Crashing Waterfall, along this Big Round River. 

And then we see this Round River again with the results, of our Actions that all seem to come back to us, by going around and around, until we have worked out the problems involved, even when it is too late to change what has happened, which could be seen as being a way of paying off our Accumulated Debts, to the Universe, some of which we might be carrying around with us, as Bodily Tension. 

Some People might put on a show of being happy, when that is required behavior, but they are not really happy, because they chose to pursue pleasure, and that may be because they still have an incredibly large Outstanding Debt to the Universe. 

We will have our own Economy. As part of that Economy, we will probably have two main sectors of the Economy that jobs and income will come from, the Public Sector, and the Private Sector. 

In the Public Sector, run by the Community, we will have jobs working on the Community Farm, which could be a Worker Run Collective, and Village Foods, which could be another Worker Run Collective, and various other things that will become a very stable part, of the Sustainable Micro-Economy. What that means is that maybe after 5 Years of Committed Working, at one of these Worker Run Collectives, without a raise, then we could start getting a big fat share, of the profits. 

From the Private Sector, we will have lots of Homesteads, with Businesses, coming from the Building of the many Homesteads, and Produce from the Farm Sites, and the Rent, from the Cabins, and the many jobs that we will create, working for each other, on our Homes, and Lands and Businesses that come from the various Individual Families, and our Collective Resourcefulness. 

We might even create our own Crypto Currency, as a unit of exchange, to promote getting things done, but not to get rich. And so we might be able to buy this new Crypto Currency, with Dollars, but we would not be able to trade it back in, for Dollars, to make a profit, when it has increased in value, because it is meant to stay, in the Community, circulating around, to support all kinds of projects getting completed. 

But it will probably not be tied to the Dollar, and so its value really could go up, and so we should expect it to double and triple, in relation to the Dollar, because the Dollar is going down, farther and farther, all the time, by design, which is a form, of hidden taxation. And so this New Designer Crypto would afford us some protection, from this hidden form of Taxation, caused by the Devaluation of the Dollar, which might be used to Enslave all the other people out there, who haven't banded together, and who haven't made any other plans. And we will use Bitcoin. And so we will need someone of the People True, in Eden, to operate a Lightning Node, to facilitate fast trading.       

We will also be able to draw resources, from our larger service area, and resource base, and there will be all kinds of Pay to Stay People, coming from around the world, who will be coming to experience Eden for themselves, so they can learn, how to Start their own EcoVillages. And that is fine. 

We will have to build some Pay-to-Stay Accommodations that will be made available, for that purpose, like short term rentals. But we do not intend to create any Luxury Accommodations for any of the Pay to Stay People. Even T will live in an Ordinary Home, which he has built, with his own two hands, under 2,800 square feet, just like anyone else, and not some luxurious mansion, right in the center of the Community.  

We have said we are a Class Harmonist Community. That means we are bringing about the beginnings of the Reunification, of the Two Main Classes, which are the Land Ownership Class, who have the means of Production, and Survival, which is Land, with Good Water, and the Non-Land Ownership Class, who do not have the means of Production, and Survival, which is Land, with Good Water, as Lone Individuals, who cannot Save Enough Money, for a Down Payment, and so cannot afford to Buy Land, with Good Water. 

We can help, with both of those things, but that is only, for the True Believers. Yes. We can use the Power of the Community, to help a lot of people get ready, for Climate Change, and Beyond. But we cannot depend upon the Government, to Solve Our Problems, when their Job is to solve the Problems of the Corporations, who might need to put a new face on an old industry. 

To Save the Earth

There will be those, who will take upon themselves every kind of work, so that all of it is done, by our own people, as much as possible, so all the money stays right here in Eden circulating around and around, as much as is possible. And that is why, we don't hire Outside Contractors. Why? Because that is money going out the window. 

Towards that end we may have two different kinds of Local Currency, in Eden that could be called Eden Hours, that are Community Service and exchange oriented currencies, which exist only in databases on computers.  

Eden is Self Financing. 

We won't have to depend upon the rich, to fund this project, who would usually come, with their own agendas. Venture Capitalists would always want to take a bite out of our Highly Protected Native Lands. And so we will only accept unsecured loans.  

This whole project works, in a whole new way, with the ordinary amounts of money that a whole lot of people might have kicking around, in sufficient levels, to build this community right now, simply by the process, of the diversion, of wasted energy flows, and by recycling our resources, and by keeping the money Circulating around and around in Eden. This way we end up having a lot more Freedom. How? Everyone needs a Home. And some people buy new homes, or they build a new home on some land. And that is what we will be doing in Eden. But we can do it much more efficiently. We can get a better deal on the Land, when we buy a larger Tract of Land. And some of us might even get more House for the money.    

We don’t have to try to fit the obsolete expectations of others, to get a loan, to buy the Land. No. That is not the way a Tree Grows. If it needs Water, it puts down deeper roots. If it needs Sun, it puts up higher branches. 

We can do the same thing, with our own resources, just like a Tree, and in this way we will be setting an example, for the Next Generation, and for many other people from all around the world, who may then wish to learn, how they can do the same thing back home, or in some other country. And so this could be the beginning of an entire Network of Sustainable Communities, which will begin right here in the Americas, and then it could spread all over the world. 

The Vision of the Emerald Forest is a Network of thousands of loosely associated and economically self sufficient Sustainable Communities, all over the world. And these Communities will then Save the World, when all the other stuff starts to fall apart, at the seams. 

Eden will be backed right up against an extensive Wilderness Area, which is Thousands of Acres, of a Protected Naturally Forested Area that extends from the very Ancient Borders, of Eden Lands, right up into Mendocino National Forest, which makes this the most ideal place, to plant the seeds, of this Progressively Well Planned New Community, which was not put together by Committee, but came out of a Unified Vision. We will start with the Original Vision, and should continue on with that, for the first 3 to 5 Years. After that the Tree will begin to put our New Branches. 

Eden is like a Tree that will continue, as a Source of Fertility, with the creation, of The Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities, which will then be able to go on, to Save the Earth, by reaching out to both, of the Main Two Classes, being the Upper Class, and the Lower Class, and bringing them back into Harmony. Right. 

We hope to see lots of people, from these Two very different Classes of people getting along quite well, for the most part. Are there Books, in the Family Home? Do they have Higher Aspirations, other than Economic Aspirations? Are they Grateful and Happy to Serve? Do they have Good Family Relationships?    

And so we have to ask the New People, and our many friends, from our Larger Service Area, to leave that Spirit of Getting Revenge, at the front gate, when they come in. And in return, for giving up these Bad Habits, we will be offering the No Down Payment Opportunity, but that is only, for One Third, of those, who Buy-In. There are some very special Opportunities here that you just cannot find anywhere else. 

And for those Early Adopters, who come in among the First 12 Homesteaders, in the Order of Contribution Pledges, and wish to pay nothing down, the payments will be below $500./Month. And for Seniors it would be less than $400./Month. And that is only for 10 Years, not the usual 30 Years. 

The Contribution Plan Works

All the Homesteads will be laid out around the outside edge of the Valley Floor, as in a Wild and Crazy Circle, and the Farm Sites will be laid out, along the inside edge, of the Valley Floor, where most of the best farmland areas can be found. 

Why? The Soil on the Valley Floor is Deep, and the Water Table is High, in contrast to the way it is up on the Homesteads, because the Home Sites are naturally going to be much Higher Up, above the Valley Floor, with a View Across the Valley. 

The Homes will be built up, on the Hillsides, around this valley, and that will give everybody a fairly equal position up, and above the Valley Floor, and with a view across to the Mountains and Hills on the other sides, and nothing but the wilds of nature up behind us, and just a short walk, or an easy electric bike ride, from everything. 

The projected Contribution Pledges are on a variable rate sliding scale that progresses, each time someone Buys-In. They will start at $36,000. for the Full Buy-In. Then as we progress, the Buy-In will go up, on a rapidly expanding linear scale, in the Natural Order, of Buy-Ins, until there are no more Homesteads left. 

Those who come in too much later on, for whatever reason, might still be able to get in, at a fair rate, even though it will be higher, because it really will have just that much more value, at that point, as we will already have begun, to set up, and to Build this Community, which might be expected, to Double and Triple in cost effectiveness, even faster than the Buy-In goes up, so it is a good deal either way. 

The 3 Acre Homesteads will be laid out on the hillsides, to be the equivalent of 200' wide and 653.4' long. But they will not all be perfectly rectangular. And they will be paired up, so that every Two Homesteads will share the same Driveway, so save all that good land. 

The 2 Acre Farmsites will be laid out on the Valley Floor, to be the equivalent of 180' wide, and 484' long. And they will all have Pathway Access. And that is to save all that good land. 

The Seniors Discount

Seniors will get in, for as little as $28,800. with the Seniors Discount. And that can be paid for, by the month, just like any other Contribution Pledge. And that is with a full sized 3 Acre Homestead just like any other, only they will have No Farmsite, since that might be something they would not want to be bothered with. 

Watershed Integration

Eden is a Legendary place which has been forgotten that is buried deep, within the Heart of Mendocino County, but even most of the local folks, don’t even know it’s been carefully placed, right up in there, in an Optimal Place that is well protected, from Tsunamis.

We will become a Demonstration Community, by using simpler and easier ways of doing things, like by having Eco-Logical Burial Grounds. 

What comes from the Earth goes back to the Earth. No one gets a Free Heart Transplant, or anything like that. Why? Because we are not going to be living like the Consumers, who have become afraid of Death, when they should be afraid, of not growing up, to become effective human beings. 

Everyone lives, and dies, within their own means. That sets us Free, to live the way we should be able to live, which is a purely natural way of life, in Peace and Freedom, by not putting too much pressure, on the Land, which might normally be caused, by having too many Grazing Animals, and vanity pets, like Dogs, who may serve No Eco-Logical Purpose, since we don't grow the kind of food they eat, which is not Alfalfa, and we don't harvest their kind of milk, or fur, and we do not eat their meat, and so there is no way in which they contribute, EcoLogically, even though they are great companions, but they don't really contribute sufficiently, in a way that would offset the high protein diets, which they require, except as vicious and mean guard dogs, which we do not really need. And so Dogs really are going to have to be seen, as being a Vanity Pet. 

We are Long Termers, and Effective Altruists. We see the Long View. We do good where it makes the most difference. The reason the Oceans are Dying is mainly because of too many People, who are taking too much. 

If we want to Save the Earth, from the Consumers, who can be expected, to continue taking too much, then we will have to Integrate all of the Remaining People, who can most easily be Saved, into a self governable whole, so we can take collective action, to save most of our Wonderful Petroleum Resources, and our Oceans, and our Forests, and our best Wildlife Habitat, for much later. 

Mendocino County is very Progressively Oriented, in many ways. It is the first county in Northern California to have outlawed Genetically Modified Organisms. 

There is also a special provision called Section K, in Mendocino County that allows for a little more leeway for those, who are going to be building homes, for their own use, and not for Re-Sale, way out in the country. 

What that means is that we will be much more Free to build our own Passive Solar Homes, and then we can invite the Building Inspectors, to come on out, and take a look, and if it looks good enough, they will simply sign off on it, which is far better than the conventional approach, of having to schedule multiple visits, as the job progresses, just so they can hover over us all day, because they just have to see every aspect, of the work being done, in all different stages of completion, which we think is excessive, and then we would be getting the bill for all of that effort, as well, which thing, we do not need. 

Eden Valley is tucked away beautifully, into an area, which is all Unceded Yuki Indian Territory, and it is all part of the larger North Coast Eco-Region, which has a very strong Eco-Logical presence. 

We can take our humble places, in the Larger Circle, to protect these beautiful blue waters, and ride these wild waves, as far as we might ever hope to go. And so we will have some Freedoms, which really will have been Earned, by supporting the Original Vision, as laid down by one of the New Organizers, who have been working tirelessly, for many years, but the many New People will not have the kind of Absolute Freedom, like they might expect, when that has not yet been Earned. Right. 

In a Sane World, you would not just get here, straight from Mother India, and then start acting like one of the Alpha Consumers, who would put their own Bad Self before even some of the Good Native People, just because they have more money. But No, that money des not buy Tribal Status, as one of the Natives, not even in this Crazy World. 

Why? Because you would still need to get much more fully Integrated, into the very Heart and Soul, of our Society, as someone, who is very tight with one of the Natives, who alone might be going to make it into Space, and Freedom, and so it is not enough, just to get here, to become, one of the Natives, from Turtle Island, who are already slated, to make it into Outer Space, which would require becoming as one of us, or to be deeply, in support of us. And that might take a few Generations. And so we don't want anyone raising their Children up, to be Anti-Social, just to get Revenge. And so if half of the journey was getting here, the other half is about Harmonious Integration. And if we leave that Second Part out, our Journey will have been wasted, because even the Slick Consumer Items we have on sale here are just not worth it.  

Natural Integration is not just another quick fix, in this part of the country, where protecting the Eco-System, and cleaning up the environment needs to be taken into account, with some consideration, for Jobs and People, and well spaced out places to live, with access to Land, with Good Water. 

We will have a chance to Create our own EcoSystem Restoration Camps, and all with a deep respect, for the Natural Order of Priorities, within which people come into this world, in an Orderly Progression, as part of the Human Family. And they don't need to have a Ton of Freedom dumped at their doorsteps, when they are still learning how to take Full Responsibility. 

And that is why we don't want to pit the Children against the Adults, or the Women against the Men, or the Immigrants against the Natives, which are all about Class Distinctions, because we are a Class Harmonist Community, not a Greedy Consumer Community. We do not want a lot of people clamboring for power, here in Eden, as it is in the Cities, as that is part of Game A, where a lot of people are still fighting to get ahead, at the expense of the others around them. 

Premature Freedom may have been nice, while it iasted, but that might not be the Holy Grail, after all, and it might even be more like the Golden Calf, meaning that it may soon be antiquated, because at least half of it does seem to be coming Straight Out of Game A. 

Even the need for Equality could be seen as being just another form, of Self Destructive Class Warfare, which is only there, to take the place, and to block off the pain, of not having the Analytical Skills, which the other people do have.

The same thing might be True, about the Poor Peoples demands, for us to make up for their short comings, and to make their pain go away, like there was no other game in town, which may also need to be adjusted back down, because there are much more important things, for us to focus on, than to swelter in a false sense, of Class Equality, with no willingness to accept any other conclusion. And you can see that we can very easily begin to shed some New Light on that. 

And that is a good sign, of Mental Health, Resilience, and Robustivity, which all of the New Organizers might need to be able to show, to get the job. Right. We have to be able to shed a few rays of New Light on some Old Things, from time to time.

This is how the faulty thinking works: Those folks have a lot of money. We want some money. Let's get their money. 

And it works with Immigration as well: They have a Nice Country. We want a Nice Country. Let's Invade their Country. 

And this applies in the Neighborhoods too: The Neighbors have a Nice Home. We want a Nice Home. Let's Invade their Homes. 

And even Children do this. Mom has made some Cookies. We want some Cookies. Let's get those Cookies. 

And we can see this in the Job World. Those people have Good Jobs. We want Good Jobs. Let's go take their Jobs. 

Same with Unspoiled Lands. Those people have some Unspoiled Lands. We want to have Unspoiled Lands. Why? Our Lands have alreaedy been Spoiled. By who? By us. But instead of bringing our own Lands back to health, by living within the Balance, for 300 Years. Let's go take their Unspoiled Lands. 

But these various forms, of Class Warfare, are a form of Greed, and a desire to Gain Domination, which are all Game A Systems, whih corresponds, with the Takers, which would be expected, to kick in, as people begin to sense that the World is coming to an End. 

And the others might just want a chance, to touch all the slick stuff before they die. And not surprisingly, we are the very people, who design all the slick stuff. Why? Because we have all the new ideas. But as a result, all of that slick stuff belongs to us, even after they have bought it, while the jobs putting things together, go to them. And then we are expected, to re-compensate them all for nothing? No. I don't think so. 

That would be in violation, of the Ancient, but Natural Order of Priorities. 

Everyone is not supposed to be freaking out, on the same cycle. 

That is not going to work. Why? There is No Need for any Compensation, for the Needy Non-Creators anywhere throughout the Universe. And that is for a good reason, especially when they are playing all these vicious Game A Style Games against us, trying to fool us, with all these self deceptions, for the win, at our own Very Good Native Expense, when we did all the top end work. Get Real. The New Prospects will just have to make their own Bad Self useful, or die of, because there may not be any place on the Mother Ship, for those, who try to get ahead, by bringing other people down.  

We are not going to take any responsibility, for the Invasive Intruders, who might want to take our Good Native Homes away from us, who have not even been our best friends, for the last 300 years, because that would suck, and I think all of the New Organizers, who do qualify, and really can shed some New Light, should have a right to demand that all New Prospects might have to agree, on paper, and in their hearts, to take full responsibility, for their own Bad Self, because we do have something more to offer, which is not only beyond anything they have to offer, but is way beyond anything they may have even dreamed of.      

A lot of the Women might be ready, to settle down, and some will have their pick of the Men. 

We do not know if any Rights actually do exist. And they certainly do not need to be given out, like candy. But if we are going to give out Imaginary Rights, as a Privilege, like the Right to be considered to be Free, as far as the Community is concerned, we can do that, but that would have to be for some good reason, like many years of Good Service, and for paying our fair share, with no excuses, for not having any money. Right. Not having money is no excuse any longer. 

Does Making Excuses work, in Outer Space? We don't know. But probably not. And so why don't we get ready for that Unforgiving Reality, which is that of the Universe that we live in? And we should probably assume that the Universe does not take excuses. 

Why did so many people come here? Because they Love this Country? No. They just wanted to touch all of that Slick Stuff that we had been Creating, for Thousands of Years, before they even came around, to our new way of thinking, as they were coming out of the Old World Age of Darkness, and not the Sparkling New Age of Reason, which might be the only way to Space.

Becoming reasonable might be our best chance to Survive, located in multiple places, in Outer Space, so we don't get wiped out, by an Asteroid, again and again and again. And so some of the New Prospects will have to change. But is that Ethical? Yes. The New Organizers are like the Parents, who do have a right, to expect something, from the Children, as we are the Builders, and as such, we are the Providers. And so just getting here is not enough of a real change.      

Why? We are making a return to Living, within the Balance, as Natives, on the Land. We don't really care that much about keeping up, with the Average Joe of the Status Quo, which is going nowhere. This is the End Game. The Average Joe Consumers are probably not going to be able, to survive very long, because they are not equipped, for Long Term Survival. And so they won't need to worry about it, unless they want to Change. And then we have a right, to charge money for that change. Please. We are not Stupid.  

Life itself as we see it was not just found ready to go, and it may not last forever either. And that is why we need to assume an entirely New Relationship to the Earth, and to the Land, and to the People, and to the Plants and Animals, and all living things. 

We are among those, who have never Died, and have climbed out of the watery seas, and we are among those, who have climbed out of the Forests, not so very long ago, and who have walked right up to the Fire, and many of us do have the potential for achieving the True Native Spirit. 

Why did that all happen? Life creates more life, by diversifying, and it does that by changing existing places, and turning them into better and better Habitat for all Living Things to share, using the principles of Game A. And so a very special place needs to be made, for Game B, which would represent a major Change for Humanity. 

Life creates its own New Habitats. We are not ourselves. We are that life. We have changed the Atmosphere. We have changed the Climate. We have changed the Soil. And so why are we acting like we have been atomized? Because we have been. And so the plan is for us, to Undo the Atomization. 

We have changed the whole environment so that the scope of life could be expanded upon, and the dream of the future could be fulfilled, which is not to come, to a dead stand still. Life is like a River. If we are in the Center of the River, where the Water Runs Fast and Deep, then we are not expected, to hold back, waiting for the others to catch up, unless we can see a real advantage, in doing so. 

We work for the Universe, and the Community. And we need consider only the expectations, of the Universe, and the Community, which has been Created to serve the Universe, as a Reflection of the Universe. And those, who would like to negotiate, for a better deal, would have to do so, based on all of the good things that they have done, on behalf of the Community. What have they done, for our New Country? 

Now it is time to take it to the next step, in this very old process, of constant renewal, and rejuvenation, through new creation, and that is to take it all the way over into Universal Integration.

We feel that this may be our best way, to serve the life we have been given, to propagate that life, we have found ourselves in the midst of, on this Earth even though many of us may feel, we are quite disconnected from it all, but now we are going to reconnect some of that all up again. 

The Earth needs our help. Only we can do what needs to be done, at this important time of the Changing Tribes, whre new blood will be needed, to take this party into Outer Space.


Our very Survival is at stake here. We must now begin to wake up, to this new responsibility, to carry the life on this planet, into the next phase, and this is our natural birthright, for some of the Women to go where No Man has Gone Before. We must begin to reproduce the conditions, in which we can live, by taking our Earth Born Life far beyond just this one small planet. 

We must begin now, with Eden, which has an important part to play, within the Emerald Forest, which is to be made up, of many progressive communities, who we will help to create, right here in the Americas, and all over the world, a loose knit Network of Sustainable Communities, who will stand in alignment, with our common vision, of an Earth Restored and a World at Peace, forever. 

We need to get ready, to divert this dead end path we now find ourselves on, so that we can begin, to make a major change, so we can begin to move towards a new beginning, regardless of the fact that so many others may continue degrading their Self down the same dead end path, which leads only self destruction, and the end of all life on Earth. 


Our only answer is to start now, to create new ways of working, within the existing natural orders that we may find ourselves within, starting with these words, which is how things really do work in the real world. And these words link right up, with Universal Truths. 

We are only inviting other creative, and self-sufficient people, to join in with us, who come in full collaboration, and as supportive and fully companionable members, who can work cooperatively, within the larger resource base that is behind this emerging vision, and within the creative new framework, of the Kindred Spirits of the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities. 

As the Nations Collapse into ruin, and the world comes close to the end, the Sustainable Communities will need to be well rooted, in self sufficiency, in order, to become world leaders, within the new dominant force. And that is how this Project, and the Emerald Forest will be able to scale up, to the Global Level, to Save the Earth. And so the New People will need to be given a chance, to Level Up, before they can be Onboarded.

Part of the Vision of the Emerald Forest, is to support some of the other New Organizers, who will want to start up various New EcoVillage Communities, all around the world, which will develop deep local roots. How many New Communities do we need? Thousands. And then we will restore the Earth together, with all the other Constructive People, with Native Spirit, who are willing to stop burning fossil fuels, just to heat our homes. And that Vision of the Emerald Forest does line up, with the Indigenous Prophecies, and many others.


Our Mainstream Decision Makers have not yet even begun to deal, with the very serious problems that will be coming right up, in a series of waves that will swamp us like a Tsunami, if we don't start making better plans right now, and that is what we are doing, with our own time, and money, and other resources. 

But as we can see all around us, very few choices have been made, but to postpone taking any action, until the effects of Global Warming, and Resource Depletion, have become almost completely irreversible. 

We are the People who Agree that if we want to fight drought, we will need to be able, to maintain the Optimal Temperature Ranges, and moisture balance, by the use of Maximal Tree Cover. 

Global Warming is not just about Emissions Standards, of Governments, but is largely all in the Peoples hands, because of what we buy, and the unsustainable practices, and faulty thinking patterns that have plagued, our first attempts, at Globalism. 

And that will all come crashing down upon us very quickly, if we cannot disengage ourselves immediately, from this wrongheaded media-cracy that has gotten us caught, in this consumer trap, to begin with.

Consumerism is what has caused our Children's Native Rights, to be sold out for nothing, just because admittance, into our Land was very easy, in the past, but it need not be so easy in the future, as that only waters down our Native Rights, which could extend to the point where we cannot manage to control our own Community. And we need to find new ways to fund our further progress, so we will need to take back our Native Rights. 

Real Freedom does not come cheap. And it can't be given away to all people like it was nothing. Right. 

Freedom has to be Earned. We will be much more Free, because we took aggressive steps, in the right direction, to buy land and to set up a much more natural way of life, which will need to be paid for, but others will be less free, because they didn't do what it takes, to get Free, in a Positive and Constructive Manner. And just to raise a fuss, and to point the finger of blame, while taking no responsibility for anything, is not a Constructive Form of Criticism. No. That is Extortion. We are going to have to learn how to defend our self, and to become much more Resilient, and much less Fragile, because the Other People, who didn't do anything, are going to be making Demands upon Our Unique Corner of the EcoSystem, left and right, as a way of tricking others, out of their Habitat, and their Food and Housing Supply. 

The Roads to Freedom will need to be Built. And that is what we are doing. We are Building a Way into the Future.

We are not going to become Truly Free, until we have become much more Universal in scope, and that's what this whole project is all about, getting us, to the Center of the Universe, as we may be the First People on Earth, to go all in, for Universal Integration, or becoming One, first with each other, and then with the Universe. 

And then we might be able to live, from both ends of the spectrum, even after all the others have died, in a multi-dimensional reality, in which another time is right over there. We might even become one with everything.  

We will now need to begin making some choices about where we are going, with this whole new thing we have called living life like it really mattered, right here on Earth, and that will begin, within the Spirit of Place in Eden. 

There are some boundaries that do need to be respected, and there are some distinctions that do need to be made clear.

We do need to know, who is really in the game, to contribute, and who is really not in the game, and on what scale, because we do actually have to be able, later on, to continue to change the name of the game, in an orderly manner, as we progress over and onwards, in our efforts, to step up and out, and over the barriers to entry, throughout the Entire Universe, in a very constructive manner. 

Normally we can't give all of the New People direct access, to our Inner Core of Truth, because there are too many violently damaging people, who would destroy other peoples inner core. And that is why a place, in this New Country, which is what the Community is really all about, will have to be Earned, over a period of 3 to 5 years. 

Just to pay rent is nothing. We are here to engage, in the EcoSystem Restoration Projects, and to be of service, in many other ways.  

We are the People True, and that means we are the People who are True to the Cause, and in return, then everyone will have a place, in the Community, where they Belong, which they have Earned, in the Natural Order of Priorities, and within the Honor System.

Service Comes First. Freedom Comes Last. 

First, we will need to Serve the Cause, and do our part, and maybe then we can leverage some Freedom out of that. And so Freedom cannot be given, to those who haven't earned it, because that would be premature. 


There are going to be many more Changes, we are going to need to begin putting into place, as we must move way beyond the sidewalks, if only to protect the natural integrity, of this one small planet, and all the life on it, so that we don’t all go the way of the Bongo.

If we don't step up to the plate, to save this planet now, the Earth could get even further Jacked Around, by the Consumers, and by the Poor, who have no qualms about Destruction. We will all have to volunteer, to Save the Earth, in the one way that she really does need our help, which is as the Seed Carriers. Right. Our Job is to Carry the Seeds, from One Planet, to Another. 

If we don’t get control of our own human scale sustainable natural economies, we will have no choices because all of our choices will already have been made, by the politicians. 

The Emerald Forest 

Some of us may have found these self imposed limits of our own confinement on Earth, to be only moderately interesting at best.

Very few people ask the question, why anything real ever needs to be brought up, except for those of us, here in the Emerald Forest, who thrive on such things, and then they are so quickly taken, by the fact that there is no other ready made place to go, without realizing that it is now up to us, to create a whole new series, of new life supporting environments that may have to start right here in Eden, and that is why we must choose all of the very best places around the world, and throughout the Universe, and then these stepping stones will take us out, to the farthest shores, where an Incredible Ocean of Truth awaits us all, who have Earned the Price of Admission. 

How it Works 

Each of these new EcoVillage Communities will have to be planted like a Tree. These Trees planted far apart at first will connect up, and grow, to become the Emerald Forest. 

This deeply rooted and Self-Preserving Forest will stand long after the obsolete city based consumer lifestyles, of the rich and famous have all dropped off dead and died, and we will then slowly begin to reclaim the Earth, as has been predicted, by various Indigenous Prophecies.

Life itself may need to be renewed, from time to time. And that time is now, and we are the People. And we need to Resist the Consumer Destruction of the Earth. 

It may be our job, to carry all life to the other planets, and that will create the beginnings, of a very real habitat for humanity that is Universal in nature, for the first time ever, in a very long time, since the last time we did this, and that may well have to be rebuilt in accordance, with all that really is Truly Eco-Logical, over and over and over again forever.  - T

The Vision of the Emerald Forest

Life has not been easy. We have struggled hard, for a very long time, to get this far. We are the Natives, who have Survived the Floods. 

We are the Natives, who have climbed out of the watery Seas, and we are the Natives, who have climbed out of the Forests, not so very long ago, and who walked up to the Fire.

Why did that all happen? Life creates more life by diversifying, and it does that, by changing existing places, and turning them into better habitat, for all to share.

Life creates its own New Habitats. We are that life. As Life, we have changed the Atmosphere. We have changed the Climate. We have changed the Soil.

We have changed the whole environment so that the scope of life could be expanded upon, and the dream of the future could be fulfilled, which is not to come to a dead stand still, but we do have to get back in balance. Why? We may have overstepped our rightful places, and so now we would need to step back.  

This is a time of Re-Balancing, but once we have gotten back into Balance, then it will be time, to take it to the next step, and to go Beyond the Earth, in this very clearly unfolding process, of constant renewal, through New Creation. 

And it may well be that if we want to make it far beyond our Solar System. And it may well be known in the future that if we wanted to be among those, who would make it beyond our Solar System, then we would all have to make it to Turtle Island. 

And if we got to Turtle Island, we might have to admit that the cost of the Journey, across the Ocean, was only the first half of the price, which we would still have to pay, or the first part will have been in vain, because the second half of the price, might well be the Kicker that we would have to become fully Integrated, within the Native Strain that is going to be among the first to be heading straight off, into to deep space, as a Cooperative Community.   

Building New Communities in Space may be our best way, to serve the life that we may have been given, which would be to propagate that life we have found ourselves, in the midst of, on this Earth, into Outer Space, and thereby Saving the Earth.

Many of us may feel, we are quite disconnected, from the Land, and the People, of our old roots, but now it is time to grow some New Roots, and so now we are going to be starting to reconnect some of that all up again, by establishing some Oneness, both here on Earth, and throughout the Universe, which is what we call Universal Integration. But first we will all have to find a way to become One, with our Tribal Council. 

The Plants and Animals of the Earth, need our help. Only we can do what needs to be done, at this important time, of the Changing Tribes, when a new way of living will need to be Demonstrated, before it will become a thing, and then it may become more of a widespread movement, like a new Back to the Land Movement.


Our very Survival is at stake here. People are losing the sense that their Lives have Meaning. And that could lead to the Destruction of our Society. But our Lives will have Meaning, because we have a Cause.

We must now begin, to wake up, to this new responsibility, to carry the biological life, which we are part of, on this planet, into the next phase, and this is our natural birthright, to head off into Space, since it appears that we were meant, to be among the First on Earth. 

First on Earth. First in Space. 

First to Save, the Human Race. 

Eden is being planned, to stimulate the next generations deepest desire, to continue on, with the truly significant work that we have begun, to change the world. 

But we might try to think of ourselves, as being simply the Native Stewards of the Land, to begin with. That is why we should want to be able, to leave the entire community, all paid off, as all Good Land Stewards should, so that it can be left to our Children, to carry on, after we have gone, into the Next World, one way or the other.

Everything we do here is for the Children, and the Earth, and the Positive New Spirit, of being Class Harmonist, which is about the Re-Unification, of the Two Main Classes, and we will be riding on the waves, of the new Eco-Logical Spirit that is now quietly sweeping the world. Why? Our Planet could be Destroyed by an Asteroid. And that is why we need to buy Land, with Good Water, on at least 3 other Planets, on which we can live. 

We are the seed planters. We are the Tree People. We are the Free People. We are creating a Whole New World that works, in a Whole New Way. We don't need to take down the Old World. Why should we? We depend upon that for our very Survival. And that includes, our own branch of Native Capitalism, which we plan to use for good purposes. 

Native Capitalism was the Legitimate Conclusion, of Barter and Trade. But we do try to use our monetary resources to do good things, for good people, but that is mainly, for the people, who are worthy, and not just needy. 

There will be a place, for all that is good and right, in Eden. 

Many wonderful people, who have witnessed the fall of Ancient Civilizations, or have something else to offer, will be welcomed, to Die for a Good Cause, not just to live, for nothing, out of fear, and a need to get constant attention, like we had never planned to grow up, into an Honorable Human Being, who could be counted on, to carry the Vision into the Future. And we will need to be willing to embrace the arrival of some New Leaders, who may have a good program, which they have created, that they would like to add on, to what we have started. 

But we might take another look, at some of these Misbegotten Freedoms, which were premature, to say the least, since there are so many, who might not have Earned that much, and in return for losing everything, they would only need, to be given a chance, to earn some Honor, in Eden, which we consider, to be a very good deal. 

We are an Assets Driven Community. When people want the government to throw good money after bad money until it has all gone right out the window, and the very heart and soul of our country has been lost, along with it, then they will have to show us how that can very easily be paid for, by the people, who have not yet even been born yet. 

Everyone is seen as having their own money, and their own personal spiritual perspectives, but we are Creating a New Culture, most of which will be more Earth Centered, Child Centered, and Women’s Centered, because the Women are the Child Bearers. 

Eden is about the creation, of an Alternative Learning and Healing Environment that will have a Self-Sustainable Micro-Economy that works, in harmony with the EcoSystem, which is like a Big Round River that flows back into itself. 

We see this in the Water Cycle, which goes around and around. And we see this in the Universe itself. The Bi Bang might have been just another Crashing Waterfall, along this Big Round River. 

And then we see this Round River again with the results, of our Actions that all seem to come back to us, by going around and around, until we have worked out the problems involved, even when it is too late to change what has happened, which could be seen as being a way of paying off our Accumulated Debts, to the Universe, some of which we might be carrying around with us, as Bodily Tension. 

Some People might put on a show of being happy, when that is required behavior, but they are not really happy, because they chose to pursue pleasure, and that may be because they still have an incredibly large Outstanding Debt to the Universe. 

We will have our own Economy. As part of that Economy, we will probably have two main sectors of the Economy that jobs and income will come from, the Public Sector, and the Private Sector. 

In the Public Sector, run by the Community, we will have jobs working on the Community Farm, which could be a Worker Run Collective, and Village Foods, which could be another Worker Run Collective, and various other things that will become a very stable part, of the Sustainable Micro-Economy. What that means is that maybe after 5 Years of Committed Working, at one of these Worker Run Collectives, without a raise, then we could start getting a big fat share, of the profits. 

From the Private Sector, we will have lots of Homesteads, with Businesses, coming from the Building of the many Homesteads, and Produce from the Farm Sites, and the Rent, from the Cabins, and the many jobs that we will create, working for each other, on our Homes, and Lands and Businesses that come from the various Individual Families, and our Collective Resourcefulness. 

We might even create our own Crypto Currency, as a unit of exchange, to promote getting things done, but not to get rich. And so we might be able to buy this new Crypto Currency, with Dollars, but we would not be able to trade it back in, for Dollars, to make a profit, when it has increased in value, because it is meant to stay, in the Community, circulating around, to support all kinds of projects getting completed. 

But it will probably not be tied to the Dollar, and so its value really could go up, and so we should expect it to double and triple, in relation to the Dollar, because the Dollar is going down, farther and farther, all the time, by design, which is a form, of hidden taxation. And so this New Designer Crypto would afford us some protection, from this hidden form of Taxation, caused by the Devaluation of the Dollar, which might be used to Enslave all the other people out there, who haven't banded together, and who haven't made any other plans. And we will use Bitcoin. And so we will need someone of the People True, in Eden, to operate a Lightning Node, to facilitate fast trading.       

We will also be able to draw resources, from our larger service area, and resource base, and there will be all kinds of Pay to Stay People, coming from around the world, who will be coming to experience Eden for themselves, so they can learn, how to Start their own EcoVillages. And that is fine. 

We will have to build some Pay-to-Stay Accommodations that will be made available, for that purpose, like short term rentals. But we do not intend to create any Luxury Accommodations for any of the Pay to Stay People. Even T will live in an Ordinary Home, which he has built, with his own two hands, under 2,800 square feet, just like anyone else, and not some luxurious mansion, right in the center of the Community.  

We have said we are a Class Harmonist Community. That means we are bringing about the beginnings of the Reunification, of the Two Main Classes, which are the Land Ownership Class, who have the means of Production, and Survival, which is Land, with Good Water, and the Non-Land Ownership Class, who do not have the means of Production, and Survival, which is Land, with Good Water, as Lone Individuals, who cannot Save Enough Money, for a Down Payment, and so cannot afford to Buy Land, with Good Water. 

We can help, with both of those things, but that is only, for the True Believers. Yes. We can use the Power of the Community, to help a lot of people get ready, for Climate Change, and Beyond. But we cannot depend upon the Government, to Solve Our Problems, when their Job is to solve the Problems of the Corporations, who might need to put a new face on an old industry. 

To Save the Earth

There will be those, who will take upon themselves every kind of work, so that all of it is done, by our own people, as much as possible, so all the money stays right here in Eden circulating around and around, as much as is possible. And that is why, we don't hire Outside Contractors. Why? Because that is money going out the window. 

Towards that end we may have two different kinds of Local Currency, in Eden that could be called Eden Hours, that are Community Service and exchange oriented currencies, which exist only in databases on computers.  

Eden is Self Financing. And we do expect to see a Lifetime Commitment. 

But we won't have to depend upon the rich, to fund this project, who would usually come, with their own agendas. Venture Capitalists would always want to take a bite out of our Highly Protected Native Lands. And so we will only accept unsecured loans.  

This whole project works, in a whole new way, with the ordinary amounts of money that a whole lot of people might have kicking around, in sufficient levels, to build this community right now, simply by the process, of the diversion, of wasted energy flows, and by recycling our resources, and by keeping the money Circulating around and around in Eden. This way we end up having a lot more Freedom. How? Everyone needs a Home. And some people buy new homes, or they build a new home on some land. And that is what we will be doing in Eden. But we can do it much more efficiently. We can get a better deal on the Land, when we buy a larger Tract of Land. And some of us might even get more House for the money.    

We don’t have to try to fit the obsolete expectations of others, to get a loan, to buy the Land. No. That is not the way a Tree Grows. If it needs Water, it puts down deeper roots. If it needs Sun, it puts up higher branches. 

We can do the same thing, with our own resources, just like a Tree, and in this way we will be setting an example, for the Next Generation, and for many other people from all around the world, who may then wish to learn, how they can do the same thing back home, or in some other country. And so this could be the beginning of an entire Network of Sustainable Communities, which will begin right here in the Americas, and then it could spread all over the world. 

The Vision of the Emerald Forest is a Network of thousands of loosely associated and economically self sufficient Sustainable Communities, all over the world. And these Communities will then Save the World, when all the other stuff starts to fall apart, at the seams. 

Eden will be backed right up against an extensive Wilderness Area, which is Thousands of Acres, of a Protected Naturally Forested Area that extends from the very Ancient Borders, of Eden Lands, right up into Mendocino National Forest, which makes this the most ideal place, to plant the seeds, of this Progressively Well Planned New Community, which was not put together by Committee, but came out of a Unified Vision. We will start with the Original Vision, and should continue on with that, for the first 3 to 5 Years. After that the Tree will begin to put our New Branches. 

Eden is like a Tree that will continue, as a Source of Fertility, with the creation, of The Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities, which will then be able to go on, to Save the Earth, by reaching out to both, of the Main Two Classes, being the Upper Class, and the Lower Class, and bringing them back into Harmony. Right. 

We hope to see lots of people, from these Two very different Classes of people getting along quite well, for the most part. Are there Books, in the Family Home? Do they have Higher Aspirations, other than Economic Aspirations? Are they Grateful and Happy to Serve? Do they have Good Family Relationships?    

And so we have to ask the New People, and our many friends, from our Larger Service Area, to leave that Spirit of Getting Revenge, at the front gate, when they come in. And in return, for giving up these Bad Habits, we will be offering the No Down Payment Opportunity, but that is only, for One Third, of those, who Buy-In. There are some very special Opportunities here that you just cannot find anywhere else. 

And for those Early Adopters, who come in among the First 12 Homesteaders, in the Order of Contribution Pledges, and wish to pay nothing down, the payments will be below $500./Month. And for Seniors it would be less than $400./Month. And that is only for 10 Years, not the usual 30 Years. 

The Contribution Plan Works

All the Homesteads will be laid out around the outside edge of the Valley Floor, as in a Wild and Crazy Circle, and the Farm Sites will be laid out, along the inside edge, of the Valley Floor, where most of the best farmland areas can be found. 

Why? The Soil on the Valley Floor is Deep, and the Water Table is High, in contrast to the way it is up on the Homesteads, because the Home Sites are naturally going to be much Higher Up, above the Valley Floor, with a View Across the Valley. 

The Homes will be built up, on the Hillsides, around this valley, and that will give everybody a fairly equal position up, and above the Valley Floor, and with a view across to the Mountains and Hills on the other sides, and nothing but the wilds of nature up behind us, and just a short walk, or an easy electric bike ride, from everything. 

The projected Contribution Pledges are on a variable rate sliding scale that progresses, each time someone Buys-In. They will start at $36,000. for the Full Buy-In. Then as we progress, the Buy-In will go up, on a rapidly expanding linear scale, in the Natural Order, of Buy-Ins, until there are no more Homesteads left. 

Those who come in too much later on, for whatever reason, might still be able to get in, at a fair rate, even though it will be higher, because it really will have just that much more value, at that point, as we will already have begun, to set up, and to Build this Community, which might be expected, to Double and Triple in cost effectiveness, even faster than the Buy-In goes up, so it is a good deal either way. 

The 3 Acre Homesteads will be laid out on the hillsides, to be the equivalent of 200' wide and 653.4' long. But they will not all be perfectly rectangular. And they will be paired up, so that every Two Homesteads will share the same Driveway, so save all that good land. 

The 2 Acre Farmsites will be laid out on the Valley Floor, to be the equivalent of 180' wide, and 484' long. And they will all have Pathway Access. And that is to save all that good land. 

The Seniors Discount

Seniors will get in, for as little as $28,800. with the Seniors Discount. And that can be paid for, by the month, just like any other Contribution Pledge. And that is with a full sized 3 Acre Homestead just like any other, only they will have No Farmsite, since that might be something they would not want to be bothered with. 

Watershed Integration

Eden is a Legendary place which has been forgotten that is buried deep, within the Heart of Mendocino County, but even most of the local folks, don’t even know it’s been carefully placed, right up in there, in an Optimal Place that is well protected, from Tsunamis.

We will become a Demonstration Community, by using simpler and easier ways of doing things, like by having Eco-Logical Burial Grounds. 

What comes from the Earth goes back to the Earth. No one gets a Free Heart Transplant, or anything like that. Why? Because we are not going to be living like the Consumers, who have become afraid of Death, when they should be afraid, of not growing up, to become effective human beings. 

Everyone lives, and dies, within their own means. That sets us Free, to live the way we should be able to live, which is a purely natural way of life, in Peace and Freedom, by not putting too much pressure, on the Land, which might normally be caused, by having too many Grazing Animals, and vanity pets, like Dogs, who may serve No Eco-Logical Purpose, since we don't grow the kind of food they eat, which is not Alfalfa, and we don't harvest their kind of milk, or fur, and we do not eat their meat, and so there is no way in which they contribute, EcoLogically, even though they are great companions, but they don't really contribute sufficiently, in a way that would offset the high protein diets, which they require, except as vicious and mean guard dogs, which we do not really need. And so Dogs really are going to have to be seen, as being a Vanity Pet. 

We are Long Termers, and Effective Altruists. We see the Long View. We do good where it makes the most difference. The reason the Oceans are Dying is mainly because of too many People, who are taking too much. 

If we want to Save the Earth, from the Consumers, who can be expected, to continue taking too much, then we will have to Integrate all of the Remaining People, who can most easily be Saved, into a self governable whole, so we can take collective action, to save most of our Wonderful Petroleum Resources, and our Oceans, and our Forests, and our best Wildlife Habitat, for much later. 

Mendocino County is very Progressively Oriented, in many ways. It is the first county in Northern California to have outlawed Genetically Modified Organisms. 

There is also a special provision called Section K, in Mendocino County that allows for a little more leeway for those, who are going to be building homes, for their own use, and not for Re-Sale, way out in the country. 

What that means is that we will be much more Free to build our own Passive Solar Homes, and then we can invite the Building Inspectors, to come on out, and take a look, and if it looks good enough, they will simply sign off on it, which is far better than the conventional approach, of having to schedule multiple visits, as the job progresses, just so they can hover over us all day, because they just have to see every aspect, of the work being done, in all different stages of completion, which we think is excessive, and then we would be getting the bill for all of that effort, as well, which thing, we do not need. 

Eden Valley is tucked away beautifully, into an area, which is all Unceded Yuki Indian Territory, and it is all part of the larger North Coast Eco-Region, which has a very strong Eco-Logical presence. 

We can take our humble places, in the Larger Circle, to protect these beautiful blue waters, and ride these wild waves, as far as we might ever hope to go. And so we will have some Freedoms, which really will have been Earned, by supporting the Original Vision, as laid down by one of the New Organizers, who have been working tirelessly, for many years, but the many New People will not have the kind of Absolute Freedom, like they might expect, when that has not yet been Earned. Right. 

In a Sane World, you would not just get here, straight from Mother India, and then start acting like one of the Alpha Consumers, who would put their own Bad Self before even some of the Good Native People, just because they have more money. But No, that money des not buy Tribal Status, as one of the Natives, not even in this Crazy World. 

Why? Because you would still need to get much more fully Integrated, into the very Heart and Soul, of our Society, as someone, who is very tight with one of the Natives, who alone might be going to make it into Space, and Freedom, and so it is not enough, just to get here, to become, one of the Natives, from Turtle Island, who are already slated, to make it into Outer Space, which would require becoming as one of us, or to be deeply, in support of us. And that might take a few Generations. And so we don't want anyone raising their Children up, to be Anti-Social, just to get Revenge. And so if half of the journey was getting here, the other half is about Harmonious Integration. And if we leave that Second Part out, our Journey will have been wasted, because even the Slick Consumer Items we have on sale here are just not worth it.  

Natural Integration is not just another quick fix, in this part of the country, where protecting the Eco-System, and cleaning up the environment needs to be taken into account, with some consideration, for Jobs and People, and well spaced out places to live, with access to Land, with Good Water. 

We will have a chance to Create our own EcoSystem Restoration Camps, and all with a deep respect, for the Natural Order of Priorities, within which people come into this world, in an Orderly Progression, as part of the Human Family. And they don't need to have a Ton of Freedom dumped at their doorsteps, when they are still learning how to take Full Responsibility. 

And that is why we don't want to pit the Children against the Adults, or the Women against the Men, or the Immigrants against the Natives, which are all about Class Distinctions, because we are a Class Harmonist Community, not a Greedy Consumer Community. We do not want a lot of people clamboring for power, here in Eden, as it is in the Cities, as that is part of Game A, where a lot of people are still fighting to get ahead, at the expense of the others around them. 

Premature Freedom may have been nice, while it iasted, but that might not be the Holy Grail, after all, and it might even be more like the Golden Calf, meaning that it may soon be antiquated, because at least half of it does seem to be coming Straight Out of Game A. 

Even the need for Equality could be seen as being just another form, of Self Destructive Class Warfare, which is only there, to take the place, and to block off the pain, of not having the Analytical Skills, which the other people do have.

The same thing might be True, about the Poor Peoples demands, for us to make up for their short comings, and to make their pain go away, like there was no other game in town, which may also need to be adjusted back down, because there are much more important things, for us to focus on, than to swelter in a false sense, of Class Equality, with no willingness to accept any other conclusion. And you can see that we can very easily begin to shed some New Light on that. 

And that is a good sign, of Mental Health, Resilience, and Robustivity, which all of the New Organizers might need to be able to show, to get the job. Right. We have to be able to shed a few rays of New Light on some Old Things, from time to time.

This is how the faulty thinking works: Those folks have a lot of money. We want some money. Let's get their money. 

And it works with Immigration as well: They have a Nice Country. We want a Nice Country. Let's Invade their Country. 

And this applies in the Neighborhoods too: The Neighbors have a Nice Home. We want a Nice Home. Let's Invade their Homes. 

And even Children do this. Mom has made some Cookies. We want some Cookies. Let's get those Cookies. 

And we can see this in the Job World. Those people have Good Jobs. We want Good Jobs. Let's go take their Jobs. 

Same with Unspoiled Lands. Those people have some Unspoiled Lands. We want to have Unspoiled Lands. Why? Our Lands have alreaedy been Spoiled. By who? By us. But instead of bringing our own Lands back to health, by living within the Balance, for 300 Years. Let's go take their Unspoiled Lands. 

But these various forms, of Class Warfare, are a form of Greed, and a desire to Gain Domination, which are all Game A Systems, whih corresponds, with the Takers, which would be expected, to kick in, as people begin to sense that the World is coming to an End. 

And the others might just want a chance, to touch all the slick stuff before they die. And not surprisingly, we are the very people, who design all the slick stuff. Why? Because we have all the new ideas. But as a result, all of that slick stuff belongs to us, even after they have bought it, while the jobs putting things together, go to them. And then we are expected, to re-compensate them all for nothing? No. I don't think so. 

That would be in violation, of the Ancient, but Natural Order of Priorities. 

Everyone is not supposed to be freaking out, on the same cycle. 

That is not going to work. Why? There is No Need for any Compensation, for the Needy Non-Creators anywhere throughout the Universe. And that is for a good reason, especially when they are playing all these vicious Game A Style Games against us, trying to fool us, with all these self deceptions, for the win, at our own Very Good Native Expense, when we did all the top end work. Get Real. The New Prospects will just have to make their own Bad Self useful, or die of, because there may not be any place on the Mother Ship, for those, who try to get ahead, by bringing other people down.  

We are not going to take any responsibility, for the Invasive Intruders, who might want to take our Good Native Homes away from us, who have not even been our best friends, for the last 300 years, because that would suck, and I think all of the New Organizers, who do qualify, and really can shed some New Light, should have a right to demand that all New Prospects might have to agree, on paper, and in their hearts, to take full responsibility, for their own Bad Self, because we do have something more to offer, which is not only beyond anything they have to offer, but is way beyond anything they may have even dreamed of.      

A lot of the Women might be ready, to settle down, and some will have their pick of the Men. 

We do not know if any Rights actually do exist. And they certainly do not need to be given out, like candy. But if we are going to give out Imaginary Rights, as a Privilege, like the Right to be considered to be Free, as far as the Community is concerned, we can do that, but that would have to be for some good reason, like many years of Good Service, and for paying our fair share, with no excuses, for not having any money. Right. Not having money is no excuse any longer. 

Does Making Excuses work, in Outer Space? We don't know. But probably not. And so why don't we get ready for that Unforgiving Reality, which is that of the Universe that we live in? And we should probably assume that the Universe does not take excuses. 

Why did so many people come here? Because they Love this Country? No. They just wanted to touch all of that Slick Stuff that we had been Creating, for Thousands of Years, before they even came around, to our new way of thinking, as they were coming out of the Old World Age of Darkness, and not the Sparkling New Age of Reason, which might be the only way to Space.

Becoming reasonable might be our best chance to Survive, located in multiple places, in Outer Space, so we don't get wiped out, by an Asteroid, again and again and again. And so some of the New Prospects will have to change. But is that Ethical? Yes. The New Organizers are like the Parents, who do have a right, to expect something, from the Children, as we are the Builders, and as such, we are the Providers. And so just getting here is not enough of a real change.      

Why? We are making a return to Living, within the Balance, as Natives, on the Land. We don't really care that much about keeping up, with the Average Joe of the Status Quo, which is going nowhere. This is the End Game. The Average Joe Consumers are probably not going to be able, to survive very long, because they are not equipped, for Long Term Survival. And so they won't need to worry about it, unless they want to Change. And then we have a right, to charge money for that change. Please. We are not Stupid.  

Life itself as we see it was not just found ready to go, and it may not last forever either. And that is why we need to assume an entirely New Relationship to the Earth, and to the Land, and to the People, and to the Plants and Animals, and all living things. 

We are among those, who have never Died, and have climbed out of the watery seas, and we are among those, who have climbed out of the Forests, not so very long ago, and who have walked right up to the Fire, and many of us do have the potential for achieving the True Native Spirit. 

Why did that all happen? Life creates more life, by diversifying, and it does that by changing existing places, and turning them into better and better Habitat for all Living Things to share, using the principles of Game A. And so a very special place needs to be made, for Game B, which would represent a major Change for Humanity. 

Life creates its own New Habitats. We are not ourselves. We are that life. We have changed the Atmosphere. We have changed the Climate. We have changed the Soil. And so why are we acting like we have been atomized? Because we have been. And so the plan is for us, to Undo the Atomization. 

We have changed the whole environment so that the scope of life could be expanded upon, and the dream of the future could be fulfilled, which is not to come, to a dead stand still. Life is like a River. If we are in the Center of the River, where the Water Runs Fast and Deep, then we are not expected, to hold back, waiting for the others to catch up, unless we can see a real advantage, in doing so. 

We work for the Universe, and the Community. And we need consider only the expectations, of the Universe, and the Community, which has been Created to serve the Universe, as a Reflection of the Universe. And those, who would like to negotiate, for a better deal, would have to do so, based on all of the good things that they have done, on behalf of the Community. What have they done, for our New Country? 

Now it is time to take it to the next step, in this very old process, of constant renewal, and rejuvenation, through new creation, and that is to take it all the way over into Universal Integration.

We feel that this may be our best way, to serve the life we have been given, to propagate that life, we have found ourselves in the midst of, on this Earth even though many of us may feel, we are quite disconnected from it all, but now we are going to reconnect some of that all up again. 

The Earth needs our help. Only we can do what needs to be done, at this important time of the Changing Tribes, whre new blood will be needed, to take this party into Outer Space.


Our very Survival is at stake here. We must now begin to wake up, to this new responsibility, to carry the life on this planet, into the next phase, and this is our natural birthright, for some of the Women to go where No Man has Gone Before. We must begin to reproduce the conditions, in which we can live, by taking our Earth Born Life far beyond just this one small planet. 

We must begin now, with Eden, which has an important part to play, within the Emerald Forest, which is to be made up, of many progressive communities, who we will help to create, right here in the Americas, and all over the world, a loose knit Network of Sustainable Communities, who will stand in alignment, with our common vision, of an Earth Restored and a World at Peace, forever. 

We need to get ready, to divert this dead end path we now find ourselves on, so that we can begin, to make a major change, so we can begin to move towards a new beginning, regardless of the fact that so many others may continue degrading their Self down the same dead end path, which leads only self destruction, and the end of all life on Earth. 


Our only answer is to start now, to create new ways of working, within the existing natural orders that we may find ourselves within, starting with these words, which is how things really do work in the real world. And these words link right up, with Universal Truths. 

We are only inviting other creative, and self-sufficient people, to join in with us, who come in full collaboration, and as supportive and fully companionable members, who can work cooperatively, within the larger resource base that is behind this emerging vision, and within the creative new framework, of the Kindred Spirits of the Emerald Forest of Sustainable Communities. 

As the Nations Collapse into ruin, and the world comes close to the end, the Sustainable Communities will need to be well rooted, in self sufficiency, in order, to become world leaders, within the new dominant force. And that is how this Project, and the Emerald Forest will be able to scale up, to the Global Level, to Save the Earth. And so the New People will need to be given a chance, to Level Up, before they can be Onboarded.

Part of the Vision of the Emerald Forest, is to support some of the other New Organizers, who will want to start up various New EcoVillage Communities, all around the world, which will develop deep local roots. How many New Communities do we need? Thousands. And then we will restore the Earth together, with all the other Constructive People, with Native Spirit, who are willing to stop burning fossil fuels, just to heat our homes. And that Vision of the Emerald Forest does line up, with the Indigenous Prophecies, and many others.


Our Mainstream Decision Makers have not yet even begun to deal, with the very serious problems that will be coming right up, in a series of waves that will swamp us like a Tsunami, if we don't start making better plans right now, and that is what we are doing, with our own time, and money, and other resources. 

But as we can see all around us, very few choices have been made, but to postpone taking any action, until the effects of Global Warming, and Resource Depletion, have become almost completely irreversible. 

We are the People who Agree that if we want to fight drought, we will need to be able, to maintain the Optimal Temperature Ranges, and moisture balance, by the use of Maximal Tree Cover. 

Global Warming is not just about Emissions Standards, of Governments, but is largely all in the Peoples hands, because of what we buy, and the unsustainable practices, and faulty thinking patterns that have plagued, our first attempts, at Globalism. 

And that will all come crashing down upon us very quickly, if we cannot disengage ourselves immediately, from this wrongheaded media-cracy that has gotten us caught, in this consumer trap, to begin with.

Consumerism is what has caused our Children's Native Rights, to be sold out for nothing, just because admittance, into our Land was very easy, in the past, but it need not be so easy in the future, as that only waters down our Native Rights, which could extend to the point where we cannot manage to control our own Community. And we need to find new ways to fund our further progress, so we will need to take back our Native Rights. 

Real Freedom does not come cheap. And it can't be given away to all people like it was nothing. Right. 

Freedom has to be Earned. We will be much more Free, because we took aggressive steps, in the right direction, to buy land and to set up a much more natural way of life, which will need to be paid for, but others will be less free, because they didn't do what it takes, to get Free, in a Positive and Constructive Manner. And just to raise a fuss, and to point the finger of blame, while taking no responsibility for anything, is not a Constructive Form of Criticism. No. That is Extortion. We are going to have to learn how to defend our self, and to become much more Resilient, and much less Fragile, because the Other People, who didn't do anything, are going to be making Demands upon Our Unique Corner of the EcoSystem, left and right, as a way of tricking others, out of their Habitat, and their Food and Housing Supply. 

The Roads to Freedom will need to be Built. And that is what we are doing. We are Building a Way into the Future.

We are not going to become Truly Free, until we have become much more Universal in scope, and that's what this whole project is all about, getting us, to the Center of the Universe, as we may be the First People on Earth, to go all in, for Universal Integration, or becoming One, first with each other, and then with the Universe. 

And then we might be able to live, from both ends of the spectrum, even after all the others have died, in a multi-dimensional reality, in which another time is right over there. We might even become one with everything.  

We will now need to begin making some choices about where we are going, with this whole new thing we have called living life like it really mattered, right here on Earth, and that will begin, within the Spirit of Place in Eden. 

There are some boundaries that do need to be respected, and there are some distinctions that do need to be made clear.

We do need to know, who is really in the game, to contribute, and who is really not in the game, and on what scale, because we do actually have to be able, later on, to continue to change the name of the game, in an orderly manner, as we progress over and onwards, in our efforts, to step up and out, and over the barriers to entry, throughout the Entire Universe, in a very constructive manner. 

Normally we can't give all of the New People direct access, to our Inner Core of Truth, because there are too many violently damaging people, who would destroy other peoples inner core. And that is why a place, in this New Country, which is what the Community is really all about, will have to be Earned, over a period of 3 to 5 years. 

Just to pay rent is nothing. We are here to engage, in the EcoSystem Restoration Projects, and to be of service, in many other ways.  

We are the People True, and that means we are the People who are True to the Cause, and in return, then everyone will have a place, in the Community, where they Belong, which they have Earned, in the Natural Order of Priorities, and within the Honor System.

Service Comes First. Freedom Comes Last. 

First, we will need to Serve the Cause, and do our part, and maybe then we can leverage some Freedom out of that. And so Freedom cannot be given, to those who haven't earned it, because that would be premature. 


There are going to be many more Changes, we are going to need to begin putting into place, as we must move way beyond the sidewalks, if only to protect the natural integrity, of this one small planet, and all the life on it, so that we don’t all go the way of the Bongo.

If we don't step up to the plate, to save this planet now, the Earth could get even further Jacked Around, by the Consumers, and by the Poor, who have no qualms about Destruction. We will all have to volunteer, to Save the Earth, in the one way that she really does need our help, which is as the Seed Carriers. Right. Our Job is to Carry the Seeds, from One Planet, to Another. 

If we don’t get control of our own human scale sustainable natural economies, we will have no choices because all of our choices will already have been made, by the politicians. 

The Emerald Forest 

Some of us may have found these self imposed limits of our own confinement on Earth, to be only moderately interesting at best.

Very few people ask the question, why anything real ever needs to be brought up, except for those of us, here in the Emerald Forest, who thrive on such things, and then they are so quickly taken, by the fact that there is no other ready made place to go, without realizing that it is now up to us, to create a whole new series, of new life supporting environments that may have to start right here in Eden, and that is why we must choose all of the very best places around the world, and throughout the Universe, and then these stepping stones will take us out, to the farthest shores, where an Incredible Ocean of Truth awaits us all, who have Earned the Price of Admission. 

How it Works 

Each of these new EcoVillage Communities will have to be planted like a Tree. These Trees planted far apart at first will connect up, and grow, to become the Emerald Forest. 

This deeply rooted and Self-Preserving Forest will stand long after the obsolete city based consumer lifestyles, of the rich and famous have all dropped off dead and died, and we will then slowly begin to reclaim the Earth, as has been predicted, by various Indigenous Prophecies.

Life itself may need to be renewed, from time to time. And that time is now, and we are the People. And we need to Resist the Consumer Destruction of the Earth. 

It may be our job, to carry all life to the other planets, and that will create the beginnings, of a very real habitat for humanity that is Universal in nature, for the first time ever, in a very long time, since the last time we did this, and that may well have to be rebuilt in accordance, with all that really is Truly Eco-Logical, over and over and over again forever.  - T

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