Saturday, September 10, 2022

About Eden Valley

Eden is a Land, of Hidden Waters, with multiple Springs coming right out of the ground. 

There is a lot of water coming down, from the mountains all around us. And then it flows down the full length of the valley, in two main creeks. It is no wonder that this valley is already named Eden Valley, which is a fairly appropriate name, for what it is that we are about to create here. 

Eden is a uniquely situated valley in Northern California, which is actually already named Eden Valley, which tends to assure us that we have found what was once, a very special place, for the Indians, which would be perfect if we wanted to create a Natural Learning and Healing Center, where a New Oneness could be Created, where the People can live a longer, and healthier life, in Sustainable Community. And there is a Special Provision.

The Special Provision

In most places, you have to go through a lot of trouble just to build a home. But Mendocino County allows for a little more leeway, for those of us, who are building homes, that are way out in the country, and that are just for our own use, and not for resale, so we are only looking for people, who are planning to spend the rest of their lives here. 

But the groundwork has been laid. And now, there is a special provision called Section K in Mendocino County.

That will give us a wider range of freedom, when it comes to building, with Natural non-toxic Materials like Cob, and Rammed Earth. We think a few People might need to be able to Build much more freely, in these changing times. 

We will be experimenting with Alternative Building Methods, which will now become more possible, to get past the Building Inspectors, because they will allow us some leeway, since we are not doing this for Resale, since we are a Non Profit Association. 

Middle Eel

Eden is located in an area that we call the North Coast Eco-Region which has a strong Eco-Logical Awareness. We are One with the Earth, and have a chance to stand right within the very heart and soul, of this whole entire movement, which is about Native Re-Inhabitation.

Native Re-Integration with the Land and the Plants and the Animals is not just another quick fix that can be expected to happen overnight. Big things do take a little more time. 

Deep Roots

We are putting down very deep roots into this special part of Northern California, and we are committed to the long term protection, of this entire beautiful group of watersheds that is just now beginning to realize that it is a significant Eco Region that deserves to have its own self identity.

Eden Valley is not too far, from the Bay Area, and we consider our Self, to be the Natural Heirs, of the Bay Area Communities Movement. We will also want to maintain a close relationship, with the ecologically friendly people, in Mendocino County.

Willits is only a 3 hour drive, from the Golden Gate Bridge. And then Eden is about 33 Miles from there. That means we are going to be able to bring people in for an extended stay in Eden, either to take the Permaculture Design Course, or as interns, up for the summer. Bringing Young People up into Eden, to get some exposure, to the natural world, is going to be an important consideration.

Eden Valley

We will be about 35 miles from the coast, as the Crow Flies, which puts us beyond the reach of most of the Tsunamis that should be expected to hit the coastal areas sooner or later. We might get about 3 feet of rain. Eden is in Planting Zone 8, and will have about a 6 months growing season.

Living Circles

Each Home will be a Passive Solar Home set right on the centerline, of a one acre Living Circle, within which most everything on the 3 acre Homestead is to be done. One will be closer to the road, and the next one will be farther back from the road. And that is to protect the integrity of the surrounding natural cover, and to maximize good spacing between homes. There will be No Fences in between the Homesteads, to ensure a feeling of openness, and continuity, and freedom all around us.

The other 2 acres are left as they are except for the planting of Native Plants that do not need any irrigation once established. 

The Homesites will be well back, from the road and up and off the good farmland, with a nice view across the valley, of about a half mile of wide open space. This is a big beautiful valley, with water, food, wood, and energy, and we have a Plan, which has a Meaning, and a Purpose.  

Alternative Homes

The Main Home will be built right in the center of the Homestead, under 2800 Square Feet, being tan colored, on the exterior, with a Green Roof, and with no large reflective surfaces that might create glare, from across the valley floor, at sunset or dawn. We will all have a view across that valley, and we want that to be a nice one.

Things will be quiet. All animals will need to be kept under some control, even cats, so they won't injure the wildlife, or the gardens.

We do have to use rules to control the building boom and population zoom. One Cabin may also be built as well directly behind the Main Homes, and on the Centerline, and a long narrow greenhouse could be built, along the south side, of the Main Home. 

Everything in Eden is to be built to be Earthquake and Fire Resistant, and with limits in size and purpose, to protect the Wildlife Habitat. And that is one of best the reasons to plant the Blackberry Lanes, as Natural Habitat.

The Farm Sites

Along with each Full Homestead will be a 2 Acre Farm Site, on the inside edge, of the Valley Road, which is where some of the best soil is probably going to be found. That will be right across the road, from the Homesteads, as much as possible, and down below, on the Valley Floor, where we should be able to see it, from the Homesteads. 

The Trees and Vines and things that become deeply rooted enough, may not need any watering, once they have become well established, as we should have a very high Water Table, on the Valley Floor. 

On that Farm Site, on the Valley Floor, you can plant fruit and nut trees, berry vineyards, and almost any other good thing you can think of that produces food or fiber. Most of this may be for trade and the market, such as through Village Foods, which could be our own Fresh Produce and Natural Foods Store, in Town.


Animals will be kept right there, with us on our Homesteads, just like our Children. We believe that each person or Family, should take good care of their own Animals, and People right there at Home, and so they are not to be left tethered up, alone somewhere else, where they could be neglected and forgotten.

The Driveways will go right up along the edges of a pair of Homesteads, as much as possible, so that the driveways are shared, between two Homesteads.

That will cut the number of driveways in half saving that much more land, and wildlife habitat, from having to be disturbed. So the Homesteads will be paired up in twos, in this way, for greater sustainability, whenever possible. 

One Passive Solar Home will be positioned farther back, about 350' back, from the road, and the other one, will be closer in, about 150' back, from the road. In this way most of the Homes will be spaced, at more like 300' apart. 

One Big Circle

All the Homesteads and Farm Sites will be laid out around the inside, and outside edge of the valley road, as in One Big Circle. That fits in with being as One of the Village People.

That gives everybody a fairly good position, up and above the Valley Floor, with Maximal Spacing, and with a view across the Valley, and with the mountains and hills being way back up behind us, and way across on the other sides of the Valley.

That helps us to protect all that Good Farmland, and the surrounding lands, and it promotes a feeling of Freedom, Openness, and Abundance, and it minimizes our Footprint upon the Land. 

The Edenites

Once people start becoming True Edenites, the rest will follow the most basic principles, like assuming responsibility, for the Eco-Logical Consequences, of the money we spend, and the contributions we make in money, time and effort, and other things that may be contributed. 

Doing Good Work is what we support here. Minimizing Eco-Logical Footprints. Choosing Right Livelihood, and Self Sustainability, having Untreated Water, and higher Food Quality, and we plan to choose carefully, to really be of some real support, to the many projects, to which we have devoted our time and energy, and to have time for our People, and our Plants, and our Animals, and our Children, and our Land. We are all Good Workers. And we want our Good Work to result, in more Good Things, not Dependency and Decline. 

Keeping the Faith

We live with Honor, which means we take people, like the Organizers, on their word, and we trust them, to uphold their own end, of the Agreements, as in Holacracy, and we help people to learn how, to Build their own Homes. 

Eden is a Learning Community, where things can be learned, by doing, like Eco-Logical Integration, and EcoSystem Restoration, and the next big thing is to learn how ecosystems really work, and not just the mechanistic part of it either, but we are learning about things like the secret life of plants, and how to fit more sustainably, into our own larger communities, which is a place, where we can begin, to take our places, within the larger NorthCoast of California EcoRegion, and our Larger Service Area. 

Standing Up for what is right, within our own circles of influence, learning by example, how to assume responsibility, for the living Earth, in all of our decisions like we will be doing in Eden. And it is all about taking good care of the Water, which is the Spirit of the Earth. 

Healing the Earth

We will work together on various projects like Restoring damaged areas that are a part, of the larger EcoSystems that we all depend upon, and getting involved, in the changes that will become necessary, to create a truly Sustainable New Way of Life.

Eden is the way, to the Emerald Forest, of Sustainable Communities, which could be the secret to a positive future, for the Earth. First on Earth. First in Space. From the Stars we have come. And to the Stars we must Return.  

We will be devoting our many lives, and our creative intelligence, to creating other Earth friendly lifestyles, like Sustainable Community Networks, and promoting Bio-Diversity, and Restorative Farming, and using Sustainable Technologies, all over the World. 

Self Sustainability

We will be Learning to work, within the Spirit of Self-Sustainability, when it comes to sustaining our own Society, which has to be the right size, to work right, because Humans were designed, to live in Tribes. 

We were not intending, to Destroy the Old System, but only to Create a New System. 

Eden's Magic works in its own way. Everyone will have to stay Positive. The New Members should not take anything personally. Accept Eden, as being more than adequate. 

Seek out Guidance and provide support. Be willing to take some Direction, and stay responsive. And what will we get for all that? The Earth. Yes. If we can Survive long enough, we may be the ones, who will Inherit the Earth. 

If we all Prepare, to become a good citizen of Eden, long before we enter, into this New Country, then we will not be disappointed. But if we are not ready to make the move, with a deep sense of Gratitude, when the time is right, then we could be very sorry, because we are living in a Dangerous Universe. 

A Living Model

This is a whole new thing, and these are just the Beginnings. You may not be able to find anything like this anywhere else that I know of. And so it would be a Mistake to act like this is just like all of the other things out there. 

Eden is not just a copy of some other Intentional Community. No. This is a Uniquely New Creation. And these are just the Beginnings, of what could even be an Impossible Journey. Right. We don't make any Guarantees. 

We are going to be disengaging, from the Old World Ways, of comfort and ease, and we will might even be adopting several small children from far away lands, to become an integral part, of a new kind of a working and living model, of Sustainable Land Stewardship, in the Eden Village Community Building Project.  - T

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