Friday, September 2, 2022

Questions about Eden EcoVillage


Eden Valley is a 2,320 Acre hidden valley that has 2 Creeks flowing down the full length of the valley, with Two Warm Water Lakes, and rare Artesian Springs. 

The Trees surrounding it are mixed Hardwoods. There are Ranch Houses and Barns and Warehouses, and wells, and Renewable Energy Power Systems, and Water Systems, and Roads and Reservoirs already there, so it will make it a lot easier, to get started than it would be, if this were just bare land. 

Eden is about 33 miles from the town of Willits in Mendocino County which is about a 3 hour drive from the Golden Gate Bridge. 


We believe in Free Water, for Free People. And so Water will be delivered, to every Homestead, for Free. There may be a lot of rainfall, in the winter, like about 3 feet. 

We will have, in addition to the 2 Large Lakes, many Creeks and Springs, year around, and seasonal sources, of good clean natural Fresh Water, which flows down to the Valley, from the Mountains, and then it comes out in Springs, and Creeks, which then fill up the Aquifer below the Valley Floor.

Those will all be part of the Community Water System that provides Free and Clean Water, from these various sources. And we always have a lot of Water coming down, 1,400 feet, from a Spring Fed Lake high upon the Mountain. 

That wild Natural Mountain Water will then be piped all around the edge of the Valley Floor, with plenty of pressure left intact, so that every Homestead has a good 20 to 40 psi of good Water Pressure all year around. How can we do that? Multiple Hydropower plants along the length of the run will reduce the pressure down to workable amounts.

Land and People

Each 3 acre Homestead will be the equivalent of 200 feet wide, in the middle, and 653.4 feet long, but they will not be perfectly rectangular. 

But some Homesites will be farther back than others, and people can take their pick, to be farther back or closer in, making for as much as 300 Foot Home Spacings. 

Around the Center of the Homestead is where we will Build our Homes, and Keep our Animals, and Grow our Gardens, and Build our Cabins, and Greenhouses, and make our Babies, and everything related, to the Homestead Party Culture. 

A Thirty Six Thousand Dollar, and up Contribution Pledge will get you both the 3 acre Homestead, to Build On, and the 2 acre Farmsite, to Grow On, which is recommended, and that totals up to 5 acres, which is always going to be Below the Full Market Value, because we are Subsidizing the Homesteaders.   

You should be able to make a good living on that Farm Site in any number of ways. Your earnings from just growing Garlic alone, in your spare time, on just one of those 2 Acres might be in excess of $20,000. a year.

Seniors may choose to do Without the Farmsite and in that way they will be saving about $7,200. and up. 

Just the Homestead is only $28,800. and up, with the Senior Discount, instead of $36,000. and up. 

That is a savings of $7,200, and then it goes up from there, in an linear progression, which is only $3,600. per acre, and up, for some of the best lands in Eden, which are out in the Valley Floor. That is less than Ten Cents a square foot! Why so Inexpensive? We just wanted to support Small Farming or Good People, in this way, and so we are Subsidizing our Homesteaders, in this way, who might want better Food Quality. Right. Better Food. Better People. Better World.  

But People will not be allowed, to build any fences between the Homesteads, and only green Living Fences, like the Blackberry Lanes, can be planted in between the Farm Sites. 

There will be a Ten Foot Wide Space in between each Farm Site, to leave room, for 2 rows of Blackberries, with a Path in between, so the Children can go through first, and pick the Lower Blackberries, and then the rest of the People can go through later, and pick the Upper Blackberries. And we will call those Pathways the Berry Lanes. 

We have wisely focused our good intentions upon Eden Valley, as being the right place for this project. 

Every place is the right place for something. Eden Valley has been determined, to be just the right place, for an EcoVillage Community. Not to Close. Not too Far. Not too Low. Not too High.

The Title for Eden Valley will be held, as a Not for Profit Association, which has already been written up, and we will have our own Non Profit Bank Account. 

We will all share equitably, in the decision making process, in many different ways. But Commitments come first, and Decisions come later. 

Eden really is a bit too big, and it is just way too high, for most groups of People, to even begin to think they can handle, but we are not afraid, of a little survival challenge.

The right sized group of people really will be well suited, to the Re-Inhabitation, of this uniquely exceptional piece of Land, which is just perfect for an EcoVillage Community, and that would be something like 500 People, year around, or even up to 700 People, in the Summertime. And then we will become Integrated into each other, and into the Land. 

Our Plan is that the owners will be supportive of our efforts, when the time is right, and they will choose to sell us this land, at a great price, because they will want to see their Lands put into good hands.

We have worked out all the numbers, and we feel that the right people, will become the stewards, of this Amazing Valley. Even most of the Locals in Mendocino County might not have any idea that such a place even exists. Why? Because it is a bit off the beaten track.  

We do have to ask the good people, who would like to join us, to speak up in turn, and to express their Full Faith, in the Magic of Eden, and to give up all resistance, to common sense, because that unwillingness to accept the realities, as they are, without finding fault, just might be what could hold us all back. 

It is believed by some that all good things really will happen for good people, who go about things in the right way, and even little things that seem to be an impassable obstacle will open up, to support the People True. And the People True are those, who are True to the Cause.  

And we really do expect the others, to get some Faith, and to keep the Faith, because we put the Land First, and we are called the People True, because we are True to the Vision, and True to the Cause, which is to Save the Earth, and not all of the New Prospects have always come here in that condition. And so there will be a Transitional Period, of 3 to 5 Years. 

We may even have another 30 million gallons of ground water down below, which can be thought of as being like a Strategic long term Water Preserve that will always be there, when we need it, as long as we keep it fully topped off. 

We should be able to keep that Strategic Reserve Water Supply topped off indefinitely, just in case we ever need it.

Power will come from the Wind, the Sun, and the Water, and eventually maybe even some Geothermal. Our Homes will be heated, by Passive Solar Energy, and we will use Passive Earth Cooling, not Fossil Fuels, to cool our Homes, in the Summertime. What kind of Homes? Rammed Earth. Cob. 

Is there Good Access?

Yes, there is good road access already, by the Old Mountain Road, but the Old Mountain Road goes right up over the Mountain, when it should ideally go around the Mountain, like the Water does. We are to become like the Water, and go around the Mountain, as we wind our way downhill to town. 

Hopefully we will be able, to put a New Road in that goes around the Mountain, Native Style, instead of over the Mountain. The difference is going to be, in the quality, and the efficiency of the drive, which will then be a lot nicer. And it will be a much better Solar Powered Bike Ride to Town, as well. 

This Amazing Valley is where we are laying the groundwork for forming an Eco-Village Community, where we have just recently helped to get some 53,000 Acres of Unprotected Wilderness Land put into protection, as the Yuki Protected Wilderness Area, which is backed right up to Eden Valley, on the East Side. And that connects us up with Mendocino National Forest, which is even bigger. And that is named after the Yuki Indians, who once lived here. 

Bioregional Permaculture

We will have set a comfortable limit of 9 People per Homestead, which should keep us, within a sustainable and workable population base. 

We should have enough resources to comfortably support as many as 700 people on 2,320 acres, which is a comfortable one person, for every 3 acres, and that is a fairly well balanced and sustainable population, for this kind of land, with this much Good Farmland and this much Water. 

The fairly High Groundwater Table out in the Valley Floor is not very far down. And that means that the deeply rooted Raspberry Vines that we plant might eventually be able to tap into that Groundwater Table, and then they will no longer need to be watered. 

We plan to build Leaky Weirs along the Creeks, which are loose, like beaver dams, to back up some water, and that will bring that Water Table up even higher, and not just along the Creeks but all across the entire Valley Floor.  

But what about Soil Depletion? Right. The Dying of our Planet. If the Plants take up minerals out of the ground, when we grow our foods, and then we sell some of them in town, won't that eventually result, in the Depletion of Soil Minerals? Right. Things going out, but not coming back. 

But No. Not really, because we will not just be selling Locally Grown Foods, to the People in Town, and beyond, but we will be buying things from Town, as well, like Foods, and most of that will end up going back into the Earth, in Eden, because of Composting, which will Revitalize our Soils. 

And so the Ancient Plan has always been, to be Restoring the Soil, so that it gets better and better, over the long run, and to leave some room, for the good predators, in wild places, like the Berry Lanes, and the Forests all around us, and on the parts of our Homesteads which should remain wild, as well, like One Third of it.

We will definitely not be depleting Our Soils, for short term gains, at the expense of future generations, like most of the Other Farmers are still doing, all over the world, because the results of that kind of Mistreatment of the Soil Organisms can easily be foreseen. Drought. Poverty. Widespread Famine. War. Pestilence. 

Another thing that hurts the Land is Irrigation, which often will eventually Contaminate the Land, with a buildup of Salts. And a third thing might be too much plowing. And so most people might choose to go No Till.  

Eden will be a Self Sustainable EcoVillage Community that is about living in harmony, with the natural world, but with a close connection to the Earth, in collaboration, with the Indians, and all the other Native Peoples, who have always lived, as part of the Earth, with respect, for the Living Spirit of the Earth, and all that lives here. 

The Earth Comes First, in Eden, which is a place of learning, how we can Integrate our Self back into the Eco-System. 

We will be living, with a real deep connection to the Eel River Watershed, and to the North Coast Eco-Region, and to the Yuki Wilderness area, and to the Land that we call Eden Valley in particular, where we may have an important role to play, both politically and ecologically, as a Permaculture Training Center, and as an EcoSystem Restoration Camp, so Eden Village will become a Living Demonstration of Bioregional Permaculture. And we might even launch our own Magazine, called West Coast Permaculture. 

What about Schools?

Eden is a Learning and Healing Based Community, and Community Based Learning is now getting some recognition, as a workable option, for the obvious reasons, and especially when it is within the context of a Sustainable EcoVillage Community. 

We will make great use of the many existing courses and materials that are already available to help our children learn, until such time as the numbers of children merits the creation, of various other learning possibilities. 

And so we will not need a School House, to begin with, when we have the Great Outdoors, and various other Buildings to work with, which are much more Realistic. And so Learning will be much more Decentralized. 

How are decisions made?

We will use a Three Quarters Consensus Council that puts things into law, when we have a Quorum of 9 People, and at least 3 out of 4 present, who are in Consensus. Nothing is possible, without at least 9 members, of the Stewards Council being present. 

First Things First

Each person, group or family unit that commits $1,500. towards being part of this Community, will be considered, to be on the Land Stewards Council. 

That can be sent in now, and will go towards your part in this Community, and your 3 acre Homestead will be all but assured, in advance, for all practical purposes, as well as the order number, as it is better to be early. But why is that? The value of living in the EcoVillage will be going up, and up, and up, as we progress, and more things are getting Built. 

But it could be risky. And so those, who are willing to take the risk, of losing all their money, and will step forward among the first 7 Homesteaders will be doing a great service to this project. 

Those who will put their faith in Eden will be rewarded for that in this, and many other ways. But we don't make any Guarantees. Right. We could be wiped out by an Asteroid. 

Those who become willig to commit much later for whatever reason, will still be getting a good deal, because it really will be Worth More, at that point, as we will already have begun to build this Community. And every Home we Build, adds to the buildup in Stability. And that is why we need to start, with the most Worthy People, who can get the Faith, and can Keep the Faith. 

As things progress, the Growing Stability, of what people are joining really does begin to add up, but we cannot allow people to clean up on that by selling us out, since everything here is being pledged, to go only for the Building of the Community, and then it will all be payed forwards. 

We have a well worked out Plan. The Good People will Buy-In, to the Non Profit Association.  And in return, they will get a Homestead, and a Farmsite, on which to build a Home, and to grow some food. 

We will need some cooperation, to pull together a very large Down Payment of $464,000. And when we pay the Monthly Payment, to the Owners, those payments will come straight out of the Non-Profit Bank Account. 

And it would be considered to be wrong, to put ones own bad self, before the good of the Community. And so the Homesteads are not for Profit, and they cannot be sold. 

In this way we are going to be Transitioning away, from the whole Individual Land Ownership Thing, to the Future of Land Ownership, which is Collective Land Ownership. Anyone who wants to Survive, might want to become involved in Collective Land Ownership. 

But if we do have any problems, Building our own Homes, and we need financing, or we do need some help, putting food on the table, then we must first be willing to turn, to our own People first, where we have a Real Deep Relationship. Right. Our own Family. 

But there will be plenty of spending money, floating around, here in Eden, because we will take active steps, to generate our Local Economy, with something Regenerative like Seeds. 

We plan to keep most of the locally generated monetary resources circulating around, here in Eden Valley, and so we never hire Outside Contractors, Engineers, or Architects, unless no one here, can do the job.  

This might be one of the best ways of making it so that we do have a chance, to get our own people together, and we don't just mean our own family members, but everybody in the Entire Community, will become our own People, once we have proven, to be Trustworthy. 

These other People could become Our New People, because we all care about the Land, and the Community. And so that is like a Match made in Eden. 

Let's all take responsibility, for everything in Eden, because we are all implicated in all things. 

Why This? Why Now? 

We needed this Problem, and the World needed this Solution, so we are Grateful, to be part of the Living Expression of Truth. And so we want all of the New People to plan, on staying here for Life. 

Solar Power

Everything will be Eco-Logical, with Solar, Hydro and Wind Energy, and Natural Building, Passive Solar Homes, Passive Earthen Floor Cooling, Free Water, Composting, and all water, even piss water gets reused on the Homestead, by being put back into the ground, to feed the Trees.

Everything that comes from the Earth goes back into the Earth. And everything is Restorative. In that way we will leave only a very minimal Eco-Logical Footprint. 

But is it really Restorative, when the New Prospects have to earn the Honor they want? Yes. And that is the reason why it is set up to be like that, because we have to Restore the torn up, and broken down Web of Relationships, which have been trashed and bashed beyond belief, to the point where, on the Mean Streets of the Cities, there is no respect for anything. And everyone thinks they deserve to have everything. But that way of thinking only leads us closer, to the Collapse.  

What about Building Codes?

Everything will be built up to code. We may each build one Passive Solar Main Home on the center of our Homesteads, up to 2,800 square feet in size. And we may also build a Cabin directly behind that, up to 1000 square feet. 

What about Greenhouses?

We recommend the building of a long and Skinny Greenhouse along the most Southern Facing side of the Home, which should be the long side, because that is the most Optimal Place for it. We may also build a Small Workshop, of 200 Square Feet, within the One Acre Living Circle.

The rest of the land is to be left as we find it, for the most part, except for the planting of Native Trees to protect the natural quality of the land. 

Lawns will not be allowed, and that is to conserve water, and to save land, for more productive uses, but we do want to have gardens all over the place. 

We will have our own medical response people with hopefully, at least one Doctor, on the premises, who will make housecalls. 

How cold does it get?

It does get hot in the summer, and it does get cold in the winter.  

We may have even gotten a little snow down in the valley every now and then, in the past, but global warming could soon put an end to all that. 

But we will still have an excellent growing season, of about 5 months out of the year, and it is Climate Zone 8, and climbing fast, because of Global Warming. 

And even that ample Growing Season can still be extended by using those long Skinny Greenhouses, and taking advantage of microclimates, but we may have to watch out for late frosts, when planting things out in the field. 

Eden Belongs to The Earth

We cannot allow Eden to become subject to market intrusions. And we can't allow the Land to be divided. And so we are not chopping it up into little bitty pieces, every generation, to support an expanding population, because that would not be Sustainable. And that is what has happened in all of the Poor Countries, so some people might have to leave. And that could pose a real nasty problem. Right. Who will have to go.   

We could send people out into the world, as Ambassadors. But it is very likely that enough, of Our Children will choose to leave, of their own accord, that we may be able to escape from having to solve the OverPopulation problem, because various people leaving, on their own, for whatever reason, may solve the problem. 

We live like the Indians. It all belongs to the One People. And we all Belong to the One Earth. 

We think some people will leave, and then some New People can enter, but only when someone else has left, like water, but the land should always remain in place, fully paid off, and with no debts hanging over it. 

And so it may be that only very well qualified people will be able to get loans, from the very few Banks, who will cooperate with us. 

Why would the Banks not all want to cooperate with us? They do, but they usually insist upon foreclosing on the Property, from time to time, which would not be acceptable, on an Indian Reservation. And that is why we should all be saving half of our money. 

But we may get some cooperation, from some of the Banks, but only for those, who are very well qualified, like those, who have been working for 3 years, or more, at the Village Foods Store.    

We will then all have a very good place to build our own Passive Solar Homes on, and to use for life, and to pass on down.

It all belongs to the People. It all belongs to the Community. And it all belongs to the Earth. 

What will happen when you die, or leave is that you will leave it to your children or other significant person, who is well known, and has been approved by the Council, not some total stranger, or it will remain in the hands of the Community, which will manage it, for the greater good. 

When people leave, only personal belongings can be taken with them. Everything that has been built, remains in place. In this way, the Community will get Built, out of our Positive Contributions, of Time and Energy, with the assurance that it will not be taken apart again. 

We will make it possible, for people to get to know each other a little better, by doing things together like working on the land, planting trees, working on building projects. 

Taking care of things that need to get done and building relationships will then walk hand in hand, in Eden. 

We will pay the good people, who work for the Community Run Businesses, like Village Foods, our Store in Town, or the Common Farm, at ten dollars an hour, for starters. And at the end of the Year, if we have done well, there will be a Thousand Dollar Profit Sharing Bonus.  

Will there be Animals?

We have a long history, of living with Animals, and that human-animal bond will still be honored in Eden. But we do need to set some limits, for Eco-Logical reasons, and that comes down to about 700 pounds of Animals per Homestead, in order to save the Land from overgrazing, and to protect our clean waters, and wild lands, and the surrounding woods, and other wildlife, from too much Environmental Degradation, which is the Really Big Thing that is Killing our Planet. 

Cats must be kept Indoors, on the Homesteads, or they can be kept outdoors, in an enclosure, like a screened in patio, or on a leash, to protect the birds and wildlife around us.  

What is the Next Step?

This is how it works. First, the Organizer has to come up, with a Worthy Vision, of what needs to happen next, which is absolutely smoking hot. 

And then they will need to locate the place, which would be perfect, and then they have to find a way to pay for it all, to begin with, and then all the way through, as well as a way to come up, with a workable Business Plan that is both inspired, simple, and beautiful. That has all been done. We have begun to Create the Economy. And others will add many more things. 

The vision is clear. The Many People, who Buy-In to the Project will bring us more than enough to pay for the Land. The People, who would like to make use of Eden, in the best way possible, would be the ones, who would have to be able to, fall into accordance, with the Contribution Pledges Plan. 

But we are Subsidizing that, so a few of those Good People, who have lost all their money will still be given a chance to get in, with No Down Payment. But only One out of Three. 

And that is how we plan to Bridge the Gap between the Two Main Classes, which are the People, who have Access to the Means of Production, and Survival, because they can afford, to Buy Land with Good Water, in Community, and the other Class would be the People, who cannot manage to Save any Money, and so they do not have Access, to the Means of Production, and Survival, and so may have no other future, but to face extinction, because as Lone Individuals, they cannot Afford, to Buy Land with Good Water, in Community, because they just can't save up enough money, for a down payment, and so a lot of these People might normally be just plain out of luck, without appealing, to the Grace of the Community, to Save them. And that is what we do. Right. 

We Save People. But we can only afford to Save a few, of the Best People, because that is coming at our own expense. But the reason we do that is because we are a Class Harmonist Community. 

As the New Organizers, we would have to be able, to back up our words, and we would have, to be able to pay, for all of the things that we may seem to be promising, with other peoples money. 

And they may think we have Taxpayer Money, to work with, but we do not. And so this has been planned, to be done, using the money that some people would normally spend, to buy some Land, and to build a Home, on that Land, which is something that quite a few people may have been working towards, for a very long time. 

But what about the Cabins? Every Homestead could have a Mother in Law Cabin, which could be a good place, for some of our Grown up Children to live in. 

That is all still in process. And so those can be built much later on. But we have to think in advance, and that is why we have had to Lay Down some Rules, but that is only so that we will be able to keep our word, because something really is going to be needed, to be given, to the many Prospects, whose financial resources, would be put into good use, for an Honorable Purpose. 

And we need to generate enough money, because we want to do things right, in a way, which does not endanger the Community Land being lost, just because we could not make our Payments, every time, and right on time. And so we are not planning to get by on Excuses. We have Agency. And so we New Organizers should all have the power, to set things up, in a manner, which is Self Sustainable.  

People have questions. And we think they might one day deserve, to have some Answers, after they have done the Impossible, to Save the Earth. Right. Everyone has to Earn whatever it is that they want. And we have to be highly disciplined, even if they are not. 

And we want other Community Organizers to feel inspired by this kind of thinking, to do the same, and to use their own version of our System, which is the Honor System, not the Bleeding Heart System, to start building thousands, of their own Communities, all over the world, with discipline, where the people have to Buy-In, and then they become Stakeholders. 

And that means Commitment, and that means growing up, and that is the Glue that will hold us together forever. And then we will have something that we can share with the rest of the world, and that means we have to begin to Trust the Organizers, to do the Honorable Thing.

But we are not throwing Capitalism out the window, in a fit of raging teenaged hormones. 

We are creating a new strain of Capitalism, which could be called Natural Capitalism, where the People, who have some Good Ideas might want to use Other Peoples Money, to do some good things, which will help to support the People, and the Community, which may need the help, of a few Angels, who will come through for us, in a big way, from time to time. 

That is just how it works, just like one, two, three. The reason we are not buying the land yet is because that would be premature. We are still on step two, of the process, which is to pull the people together. Each step has to be completed, with the same integrity, as the first one was. 

Right now we need to begin the process of building up an adequate Human Resource Base before we can begin making decisions, as a group that would effectively move us, in the direction of Buying the Land, which is not a sure thing, and we could lose this opportunity, if we are not ready to move, when the time comes to move, as a Unified Community. 

And what are we going to be unified around? The Plan. Right. The Original Plan. We don't begin, with a lot of people clamboring over everything, over what they want, like it is in the world of Identity Politics. The New Oranizers will have to find a way to tell the People that what the New Prospects might want could be seen as being the normal thing. But we are not offering anything like that. We must begin, with the fulfillment, of the Original Plan, with only some concern for accommodating the needs of the New Prospects. And many of those old needs will have to be Built Around, until they can be taken down. 

After the New Road has been built, we can continue, to build more good things, on that platform. And this is the New Road that we are Building. 

But it is not enough, just to bring a lot of people together, and to set them free, and to give them power, and free money, before either one of those things have been Earned. But to expect that everything will just work out fine, until we lose the Land, because all of those Needs, and Desires, are going to add up to something Beautiful, would be Fantasy. 

It will not be sufficiently functional, and so we will lose the Land, and become scattered, because most people today are likely to be just way too Permissive, Tempestuous, and Rebellious against Authority, and they might not be willing to be held Responsible, and they don't keep their word, which means nothing to them, and they may have no Self Discipline, and they will not be willing to be held Accountable. And so the Average Joe Consumers just cannot be Entrusted, with Unrestricted Power, to Reshape the Universe, in the image, of the Consumer Mindset. And so we would like to ask the Average Joe Consumers to be willing, to defer to the Leadership, for the first 3 to 5 Years.     

We see ourselves moving closer, into becoming the happy and healthy Ecological Stewards of Eden Valley. And it is an Honor, for us to able to do this kind of work, which is to Save the Earth. 

We may need to set aside some room, for a Maker Space, to engage our most Creative Hands on Thinkers. And we will have various White Metal Warehouse like buildings that are already in place, and might work. 

What is there now?

Eden does have a Sprawling Modern Ranch House, complete with a Swimming Pool, which is not going anywhere. And that will be used, for Shared Meals, Meetings, and Musical Events, but that is not for anyone to live in. 

Some of the roads may need to be changed. But that will help us all out a lot, to be able to make use of what is already there, while still being free to change things up. There may even be some major power and water systems already in place. This is not like it would be, if we were starting with vacant land. 

There is a nice big fat central shady area near the ranch buildings, which has Trees and the Creek and a Pond, and lots of Buildings, which we may be able to put to some good use. 

We will make that area, where the old ranch house is into our Central Use Area, which we have been calling The Village, and where visitors and such will be welcome, to come and enjoy some of our good ole country hospitality. And that will run into the Common Grounds, of about 64 acres, which will be Open Space, like a Park. 

Buying the Best Land

The big surprise for most people is that large spreads of land like this are almost never going to be bought and sold, in the usual way. You might never find anything like this ever listed in the classified ads.

What I believe you should do, if you are serious about buying a very unique piece of land, for a community is to make a very serious hunt, for the land you want to use, and then, in a Sane World, you would get your people lined up, like we are doing here, and then once they are lined up, you can take your offer to the owners, in that order. Those are the 3 Steps. Find the Land. Get the People. Buy the Land. 

You do not need to even bother to go to some realtors out of the newspaper and expect anything, but the properties they may need to unload on somebody. Get Real. 

On the other hand we must have our finances in order so that we will be ready, when we do get a chance to talk turkey, or they could become quite hardened off to the idea. 

Most Ranch Owners are going to want to know that their lands are going to be well taken care of, before they die, so they can rest in peace. They might want to put it into good hands. And that is where we come in. The Best Hands Around. 

There is a Natural Order of Priorities. Some People are in a big hurry. 

But it might be best for us all, to learn to work very quietly towards our goals, within the existing orders, until the time is just right, and we are well enough prepared, to show up ready to sign the papers, and to follow through, with everything immediately. And that will require a certain amount of Integration. 

Big land owners don't like to be put off, or made to wait, so no one is to ever interfere, in the fragile relationships, we have begun to form with them.  

We do have an official spokesperson for these reasons. His name is T. He is the organizer of this Project. Have some respect, for the existing order. 

Our Purpose is to Save the Earth, not to divvy it up, and throw it away, on peoples needs, so we have different ways of doing things, which will protect the Integrity of the Land, and the needs of the People, in that order. Yes. The whole idea that the Most Extremely Needy People should always come first thing has been killing the Earth, because that is out of harmony, with the Natural Order of Priorities. And that is why we say that from now on, the Earth Will Come first. And the only reason we can think of why the Earth would need People, for any reason, would be to carry the seeds of life, to another planet or two. Since When? 1991, when this whole thing started.  

Saving Half of our Money is where a lot of the Monetary Resources are going to be coming from. 

We hold all people. to be self responsible, but for the Good People, who are without any money, we have Created something very special, and that would be the Zero Down Opportunity, as we have said, to put Nothing Down. 

But the other part of that plan, is that then they can put up an inexpensive Yurt, or a Tiny House, and move right on, which things can be built very quickly right there, on the Cabin Site, on the Homestead. 

But that Nothing Down Deal is only for One out of Three of the Prospects.

This is what we mean, by being a Class Harmonist Community. Sometimes we do make things work, for the poor, when we can, but that is only, within reason, and we only do that for fun, so that cannot be our main focus. The Earth doesn't need more Consumers. And we don't either, because that could clog up the Arteries of our Economy, so we are asking People not to come here, primarily as Consumers.  

The Plan has been designed, so that we can use the economic resources that enough of us must have, in order to be able to build our own Homes on some Land, but now we are going to put those Resources to work, for the greater Eco-Logical good, of the Community Building Process. The way this Scales Up, to Save the Earth, is that Thousands of other Communities get started doin this, all over the world, as a result of our example. And we will attract visitors, from all over the world, so the idea will spread, like a very slow burning wildfire.  

In return for our many efforts, we will all be well situated for life, and then some. This Change we are making, at our own expense, for the good of all, could be what will help some of us, get into the Next World, with some Honor. 

The People, who already have their own Homes, will be selling those Existing Homes, and other properties, to be able to buy into Eden, and to build a New Home, with the proceeds, of that old home, which is exactly what a lot of people normally do, when they buy a New Home. They Sell the Old Home. And that is where the money will often come from, to Buy-In to the Community, and to build a New Home. And so the money is already out there for this Project, in the form, of our Existing Homes and Properties. 

The New Organizers will have to have some Answers, like these, all lined up, and well thought through, because the New People might need to know how they are ever going to get something, like a place, where they can build a New Home, and some Land, and a place, where they can go right to work, as a Small Farmer. 

There are other communities in the tropics that might claim that they have been given a grant, which they can draw from, to provide food for people, who will come down, and join in the work, in the gardens, for free, which we think is a great deal. 

But we are just on a different cycle, which has learned some respect, for the needs, of the Individuals, and their Families, and so we have created a new kind of project, where they can do some things, for the Community, for sure, but with the opportunity, for some, to do some good things, more specifically, for their own Self, and for their own Families, because we see ourselves as being, in Transition.   

We work with the Water that is Given to us, by the Rains, and we might get by, while others fail, by maintaining a Higher Ground Water Table. 

Irrigation will have to be minimized. And any Irrigation would have to be Drip Irrigation. And many People will be practicing the art of Dry Farming, which use only Rainwater, and that might combine well, with No Till Farming. 

All Good People should be willing to Build their own Homes, just like the Birds, who build their own Nests, and we should all be happy to work, within the Seasonal Weather Conditions. 

People do not Deserve, to camp out, on our City Streets. No. In a Sane World, understanding that would not be a problem. But we do think something should be done, for the Homeless. And that is why we have Created this Model, of the EcoVillage Community, which does have room, for a few Homeless People.

We will all share, in the cost effectiveness, of that Passive Solar House. We will all share in the cost effectiveness, of that productive 2 Acre Farm Site. And this Plan will allow the People, to go right to work, on those Homes, and Lands, which can all be built, out of Natural Materials, like Cob, which can be very inexpensive. And Light Straw Clay can be used for Insulation. Our Hot Water can be Heated by the Sun, using Passive Solar Energy. 

The Plan will allow the People, to provide for their own Housing, and The Plan will allow the People, to provide for their own Food.

This Plan will support a Flourishing Economy. And that is why we have tried to set everybody up, with a Farm Site, so they can grow their own Food, independently, and a Homestead, to Build their own Homes on, so that the Productive People can get busy doing things. And that planned in Decentralization will add a little bit of chaos, into the mix. 

But most people might expect there to be nothing, but the one big planned economy, where everything is designed, by committee, which is the ideal, but that is the way most Communities fail. With this System, as long as we don't lose the Land, some of us may fail, but we are not all going to fail. And so our Highest Internal Priority is not Peace, and it is not Justice, and it is not Equity, but it is not to Lose the Land. 

We want most everyone to get a Farm Site. But that Farm Site really does have to be used. It cannot be left just sitting there, for more than one year. 

Everyone who Buys-In to the Project will get to build a house, on a 3 Acre Homestead, and they will have a place, on the Stewards Council. 

We want people to have the perfect place to live among good neighbors, who are all connected up, as land stewards, who have shared responsibilities, on the Stewards Council, as the Stakeholders, and as the Initial Decision Makers. 

The Land Stewards are going to be sharing, in the Decision Making Responsibilities, for the whole Community, to begin with, which is the way our Country started. 

This is a huge undertaking. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility, and this will change a lot of Lives, because a lifetime of success awaits, for those, who are willing to proceed with care, and take One Step at a Time.

Seniors Discount 

The Seniors Discount Buy-In will start at $28,800, and up, which is only for Seniors, who do not need a Farm Site, and that is for 3 Acres, which are well situated, and that is either at, or Below the True Market Value. 

The Full Buy-In starts at $36,000, and up, for Homesteaders, who will want to have the 2 acre Farm Site too, along with the 3 Acre Homesteads, which will then total up to 5 Acres. 

And that choice is highly recommended, because those last 2 Acres are the least expensive, and that is being done on purpose, in order to support the Small Farmers.  

If we have chosen to reward those in this way, who will make the commitment earlier on, by giving them a slight break, on an already sweet deal that is because the early support is worth something. 

There really is a significant risk involved in the early stages, and so way too many people might choose to remain seated on the sidelines until they feel secure enough to move forward. That could be a hindrance. 

This break on the price for the Early Adopters will stimulate the project coming together faster, as it rewards those, who will take a chance early on, in the support, of this Project.

This will support and stimulate the decision making process of people, who otherwise might choose to wait and see what the other people are going to do.

This very slow Linear Progression will reward all of those folks, who have had enough Faith in what it is that we are doing that they are willing to count themselves among the first to become members, of the Stewards Council, because we need at least 9 Members on the Council.  

We need more people to join the Stewards Council. And the way that you can do that is to put $1,500. on the table, just to support our work, and then you will be counted, among those, who are the Homesteading Stakeholders, who are at the core, of the Decision Making Process. 


Eden is meant to be a Multi-Generational Community. We are people of all ages. We are a Child Centered Community. Everything is planned here, to stimulate the next generations desire, to continue on with the work that we have begun just one small part of which is breeding and reseeding our way into the future which could spread throughout the Universe. 

But what if there isn't going to be any future? What if this really is the Dead End? It looks like it may be too late, to Save the Earth, from its own Corruption. And so this would be our End Game, to Live Together, and to Die Together.

When we Live with Honor, then we can Die in Honor. But how can we Die with Honor? This could be our way, of Celebrating Life, as a healthy part, of an Honorable End Game. 

This effort we are making to do something good is how we would like to Finish Out, what is left of our Lives. And we do want to Onboard some of the New Prospects, in this new way of thinking, so they can level up, with the rest of the Good Native People. 

We do have to at least try, to look at each person, or family groups ability, to provide for themselves, and for us, as we are all coming here, to support the Community, one way or the other, and we don't want to have a lot of false starts. And that is why we are only looking for mainly Capable and Competent People. 

Being Accountable means paying off everything we said we would pay, and finishing the job we said we would do, even if we lose money on it, which is first and foremost here in Eden, tht we pay off our debts, where all of our financial obligations must all be paid up in full, so that our Honor will be Clear, and then we can be Free. 

That Contribution Pledge is like a Sacred Oath. All the Buy-In money, and all the other Contributions, including all the Contribution Pledges, stays in Eden, for the most part, with very few exceptions.

This way, the Children of Eden will inherit the Homesteads, and the entire community, as all paid off, which will mean Free Land, and Free Homes, for a Free People, and that is going to be very easy to maintain, and then it will always be ready for us all to enjoy, when we come back around again, instead of always having to start from scratch again, every generation. 

The Raspberry Farm could become a lot like a Workers Run Collective, where some of the workers would share in the Profits, but not all, since not all Workers are ready and willing to commit. But that is not a Freebie. 

The Workers at the Village Store, in town, or the Village Farm, would have to put something into it, and so a Commitment of Time and Energy would be needed, like 5 Years on the job, without a raise. And then they would be eligible, for a Profit Sharing Bonus, of maybe $1,500. at the end of the year, every year that follows. And so by the end of 20 years, those Profit Sharing Bonuses could add up to $30,000. 

The Family Homestead will not be sold, but will be left, to Our Children, or to the Community. We are the new Change Makers. We are not here to Wipe the Butts, of the Average Joe Consumers. 

Everything we do here is for the Children of The Earth, and it might even be true that Eden is the Earth. 

We do good things, for good people, who love the Earth, in the interests, of a Unified Vision, of a Community that works. And we could even join up with others, to begin the Building, of a New Nation, which could begin using Crypto Currencies, to support our Internal Economy.

All good people will be welcomed here. Everyone is seen as having their own personal perspectives, most of which will be more Earth Centered, Child Centered, and Womens Centered. And so it helps here, if you are a Mother, or a Grandmother. 

Some of the Best Solutions are naturally more human scale and local, and it's about working within the natural relationships, like the people we know, who are doing good things, in the local community, and to work with what we have.

Social Justice needs to be seen, in terms of the Human Scale Communities, and brought back home again, where it belongs, on an individual basis, meaning that each person has to do their own part, by turning to their own Family First, when they need to borrow some money, not the Community, and it means using both Truth and Love, as our ruling principles. 

We need Good People. But some of the People  will need to know what kind of a part they might be able to play. They will need to know, where they will be able to live. They will need to know where they might get their Food and Water, and Power. They will need to know how they will have a Voice on Council. And they will need to know how they can pay it all forwards.  

Our Country was very smart to have promoted Free Trade, under the name of Globalism, after World War Two. 

Any friendly country that wanted to Trade, would be protected, on the open seas, but they would be expected to side with us, because we were protecting everyone, even the little guys, who were not really needed, but that was all part of our struggle, with Russia, Iran, and North Korea. 

And so a lot of countries, became dependent, upon outside foods, and other outside inputs, like fertilizers, which was a mistake. But we can no longer be expected, to be the Worlds Policeman, on the High Seas. And so Globalism may very soon be falling apart, only to be replaced, by Economic Re-Localization. 

And a lot of other countries, who are now dependent upon trade, are going to be feeling the pain, a lot worse than we are going to be, when a lot of that Trading comes to a halt. And then they will have to go back to growing their own food. We may be moving into an era, of De-Globalization and Re-Localization, whether we like it or not. 

We don't bail people out, at the expense of others, who are not willing to be made, into Scapegoats. And that means if someone has no spending money, we do not fix that by giving them more spending money, as that would be a lateral move, which accomplishes nothing. 

We don't want to have to pay, for the People, to work hard, and to play the game. We don't want to have to buy their votes. We expect every deal to be Reciprocated. 

We don't want to have to compensate those, who have been deceptive, and we don't want to have to support those, who have not taken our advice, to Save Half their Money, or those, who have not been doing their best, and have chosen to take a bad attitude instead.

And we don't carry the dead weight of those, who will take no responsibility, for their own circumstances, and who act like the world was supposed to adapt to their needs, when it is the other way around, out there in the Forest, where no one is going to build you a home, for a very good reason. Every Animal has to be able to fend for itself. 

And we don't tell the Average Joe Consumers whatever niceties they might want to hear, most of which has been Manufactured. 

Those niceties might not be in keeping, with the Truth Spirit of Eden, which is Beyond the Promise of Paradise. We like productive people, who can live within the Realities. And one of the Realities is not knowing what the Realities are. 

How will decisions be made? 

Decisions will have to be made, to begin with, by a Three Quarters Consensus, of all the Homesteaders, and some of the most committed among the others, who do come to most of the meetings. 

In that way others can be included, who have put something into the workings of the Council, which is mostly done simply by being there, and listening, because there is nothing worse than having to deal, with people who are not even knowledgeable about the recent developments, and have not done their homework.

The largely non participating people, who have not been paying attention, cannot expect to be kept informed, while they are trying to party somewhere else, as it is their own responsibility, to be there, most every time, because we do expect people, to Listen First, and Speak Up Later. 

That is what we mean, by a Three Quarters Consensus Process. But that is only for starters, before the numbers explode, at which time we will have to start thinking about switching over to Sociocracy. 

Let us know how you feel about this whole thing now, or you really will have very little to say about it later. The same thing is true about the meetings. If you don't show up, your voices will not be heard. 

Not being there is not an Honor, and yet the Consumers want to be treated, like our desire to serve them, and then Die, was some cause, for them to get special treatment, like a make up test, when they have simply come here, to impose their own needs upon us, out of a lack of money, and a real deep shortage of good ideas, of their own creation. 

We are a Class Harmonist Community. But the other side is that we hold people to be largely Self Responsible, for having the whole lack of money syndrome. We don't support Class Warfare, within the Community. 

If you had come here Broke, then you would have to have cooked up some very good ideas, like these, which were not just second hand ideas, or you would have to work very hard, for that to change.  

And everyone has to bring something to the meeting, instead of always expecting to get something, for nothing, just to get them to acquiesce, like there is any need for that, since that attitude, of self entitlement is fit only for a paying customer, like one of the Consumers, who might well be here, on a Pay-to-Stay Basis. 

Sustainable Micro-Economy?

In ordinary Capitalism, very often no consideration is ever given to the ordinary person, who is Buying-In, to the Community, but in Eden, we are going to be using Native Capitalism, where we really do enjoy considering whether the other people involved, are getting a good deal or not. Right. And sometimes getting rich is not a good deal. 

A Sincere Person would not be competing, with the Community, to get more money out of the Community, or to get a bigger share of the benefits, out of the Community, just as a Sincere Child or a New Person, would not be competing with the Parents. And the New Organizers really do have a right to hold out for complete Sincerity. 

But then again, we do try to practice Radical Inclusivity. And that means, if someone shows up, and joins in the work we are doing, then we will try to assume that they are meant to be here. 

We will have two main sectors, of the Micro-Economy that jobs will come from. The Public Sector, and the Private Sector. The Public Sector Jobs will be jobs created by the Community, like the Common Farm, and a wide variety of other things, like various Pay to Stay opportunities. But that will be just one part, of the Micro-Economy. 

The other half of the Economy will come, from the Private Sector, and that would be the natural jobs that we each may create, with each other, when we hire people, to help us, to Build our Homes, and in making things, for sale, and when we sell our produce to Village Foods, which will be our Store in Town, and when we pay people, for help out on our mini-farms, renting out Rooms, and Cabins, on our Homesteads, and self created work ideas that come from individual works of Art, Building Homes, and collective resourcefulness. 


We will build our own passive solar homes, out of Natural Materials, for the most part, although there may be some, who choose to have their homes designed and built for them, by competent builders within the community. But we would never be quick to hire someone from town, who is not a member of the Community, as that would obviate our plan, to keep all of our money Circulating Around, within the Valley.

We have to protect Our Precious Local Economy, and Our Precious Local EcoSystem. And that closed loop effect will create even more jobs and flowing money, for all to share, when you hire the people that you know, right there in Eden. And it is nice to know, where your food really comes from.

There will be those, who will take on every kind of work, so that all of it is done, by our own people, as much as possible, so the money stays here, in Eden, circulating around and around forever, and in this way we will be protected our Deep Roots, which will become more and more valuable as time goes on. 

Towards that end, we may have some different kinds of money in Eden like Eden Hours, and our own forms, of Crypto Currency. This is what will make Eden largely self financing. We don't need to depend upon grant money from anybody. And we won't need to get Loans, from the Venture Capitalists, to Buy the Land, or to Build our Houses. 

We already have the money, just like a Tree who doesn't need the money, because this whole project works with the ordinary money a lot of people already have, in sufficient levels, to build this community, and it will continue to just flow like a river, if we can manage our resources wisely. And so Firewood Cutting will be Restricted. How can we do that? We can say that each Homestead will only get to burn One Cord of Dry Wood per Year. Wet Wood is not Allowed. And so the Wood will all have to be put up, before it gets wet.  

What about the Land? 

Eden will be 2,320 acres backed right up against what is now the Yuki Wilderness Area, which is a 53,000 Acre block of land that extends right up into Mendocino National Forest, which is just a few miles away. 

Eden Valley is right up snug against that Protected Wilderness Area, which was all Unceded Yuki Indian Territory. 

And that will be a great resource base, for hiking and outdoors adventures of all kinds. Out of that 2,320 acres, the Ancient Valley Warm Water Lakes and Woodlands will all be protected forever. No Building in Ancient Valley. 

Eden will have a total population of about 300 to 500 full time people, which is quite a bit less than one person per 3 acres, which is our proposed conceptual limit, of a full time sustainable population, in this environment, although it may go up to 700 People, in the Summertime.  

That is because there will be a fairly large influx of Work Trades, and Pay to Stay People, coming to learn about Permaculture, Solar Energy, Restorative Agriculture, Natural Building, Small Farming, Eco-System Restoration, and any number of other things, we will have to offer. 

This not only allows us to make some new friends, and maybe just a little money, but it also ensures us, of a steady supply, of the new energy that will keep us alive and well, for thousands of years. 

We can also offer other things to support the Right Livelihood of the entire Community. But we need a lot of Trained People. In a perfect world, One Person from every Homestead would need to get Trained and Certified in Permaculture Design. 

Self Sustainable at any age 

You are never going to be seen, as being too old for anything in Eden. But those who, like some seniors don't really want to do any of the real hard work involved, in small farming may choose, to get in for quite a bit less, using the Senior Discount Contribution Pledge. 

What you get for that is a 3 acre Homestead and the right to build a house and a cabin on that so it is still more than enough for most people, who don't really need the 2 acre Farm-Site, which would ideally go with every homestead. Why would Seniors need a Cabin? It might be nice to have someone else around on the Homestead. 

And you can rent the Cabins out, to bring in a little cash flow energy, to cover maintenance and a few minor expenses, when you can no longer earn any money, as you grow old, and can no longer work. You can still grow a lot of food right there, on your homestead. 

Is there enough water? 

We will have creeks and springs and wells and there are two Warm Water Lakes, out in Ancient Valley that are about 15 and 35 acres. 

There will be a Community Water System bringing clean fresh untreated natural water to every Homestead in Eden, and that comes right down the Mountain, from a spring fed lake that sits high up on the Mountain. 

Water will be free in Eden. But that doesn't mean that we can afford to waste it, and so we will have to keep an eye on all of our water resources during the summertime months, when we may have to ask people not to use that much water so all plantings, and irrigation systems must be considered carefully. Drip Irrigation, or Dry Farming, would be the only Choices. 

Deeply rooted Vines and Trees will probably be able, to tap into the ground water table quite nicely, out on the Valley Floor, once they have gotten well enough established, and have become Deeply Rooted, and so they may not need that much, in the way of any further Drip Irrigation, after the first few years. 

Most plantings around the Homesteads will have to be Drought Tolerant, like the Good Native Plants, on the Homesteads. But only Food and Fiber, can be grown, on the Farm Sites, which must be used, but not just Trees. And so it is not like ordinary property. No Animals can be kept, overnight, on the Farm Sites. They would need to be kept, on the Homesteads. 

What is Next?

We need to begin to put some idea together, as to where we stand in terms of our tremendous collective economic and Eco-Logical Bargaining Power, to change the world, which begins, with Committed Membership.   

Eden is a Not for Profit Association. And we have our own Non-Profit Bank Account. 

One person has kicked in the first $1,500. into our Support Fund, so far. And that has been deposited, into our Non Profit Bank Account, and that is what puts you on the Stewards Council, and provides us all with a place, in the natural order of arrivals, and so they will have lower monthy payments, and so may save quite a lot of money, by doing that in the long run. 

There is a slight advantage there that others can claim as well, by being among the first 12 to kick in their first $1,500. towards their Pledge, which may save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

That is because, of the significance, of the order of arrivals, on the Stewards Council, which has a lot to do with how much our otherwise Equitable Contribution Pledges will be. 

It is time now, to become a real part of the Earths desire, to normalize relations now, and to resolve all conflicts now, with Life, and to put our roots back down into the Earth, and to put our Energy into Building Our Communities. 

Eden is not only a fine and wonderful part of nature, it is also a beautiful expression of Native Cooperation. We work as part of the Land, and in Collaboration, with the Native People of this Land, and we hope to Unify all Native Peoples, all over Turtle Island, and the Earth, which really can be Saved, and so it doesn't have to Die, if more people start doing, what needs to be done, like to pull the plug worldwide, on the use of Fossil Fuels, for Heating or Cooling our Homes. 

And so in that way we are going to be Building a Living Demonstration of a New Native Way of Living in Harmony with the Earth, and how this can be done, with nothing, but our own time, and our own monetary energy.  

We are actually making a whole new series of great big fat beginnings that will start right here in Eden to change the world, and to Save the Earth. 

We need to have Clear Boundaries

All Monthly Payments should be made, a few days in Advance. We do have a 10 day Grace Period. But after that, if someone is more than 10 days late, on a Monthly Payment, for their Homesteads, there will be a $50. Late Fee. 

This is just the beginnings. But this should be enough, to get the right people started, on their own way towards Building a better life in Eden, or starting their own Community, somewhere else in the world, using our simple Plan, which is how this Plan is meant to be used, to build a Thousand EcoVillage Communities, like ours, all over the world, to Save the Earth.   - T

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To Save the Earth

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